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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Feb 1948, p. 2

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4 rater 's suig hlm nfor, sum o-r Cf i dol la rs, -, th'v ig in tle st popul- >M. * * couýirse,; hmby wilas doings sy Ma4e, ai lthe one how S cousIt e oi nost widýeiy- -the world on1 whbo YDO KA and I OR-V 0 ANNIE ai! baving ftheir Lut nabody whio knlows regardinig auch tings de' tLFI ABNERbeog ill the front raliks - iii- enelral feling is that ft ail. -malre in, Ai CieansOn leans af r-colored âh "IAT. Anti Steel Trap Camapaign of the Association For the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animais Very few peopjC le ave ee-r thought about the,- cruelty inalvevd in, trapping ifur-bearin'g aiai, an whien it i, first broughit t their ate t1inthy are ýdeeply sokd cti a fact tat te vast majorit of animais caught in suee! taps do flot die at once, biit are held by a wýjauided or broken pýaMw unttil death cornes, sometim:es days later. The cetdeths wb uan!lil can hJopeý for i1 death hy drowning, if the trap is set u!ade-r water, adee thiis ji iIot a quick death-, sinice the amasfor whlicf hîhis isdsigned vanI exist fUý comp'faratively long peziods uinder water Othecrwise deýath cmsfrom rezn, hc alsa) is slow, a- these anim-ais are equnipped by nature to live ilu very,ý coId climates or by starvation, tbirst or gnrnor by the hband of the trappe lr hamaiy not Visit bis traPs often. 'Grey Owl" wrates in <"Piigrîiý i te Wiid" (page 49) that feqent u irds wii ick ou, the, eyes bfr the an-imi-ai is dead. lu the etne the trapped-( ani- mnal suffers teterror of a iId ( creature Captured, ard the agonis- inýg pressure orithe woun.-ded- pawi. 1,3 ît anly wonider that such aiiiiýs Sometimls Oesca-pe by chiewing or twisiting off thieir own pa-,w, and tiat an i hve be cauight by their one remining foot? Works Againut Crueity 'The majority are appalied wbenct first tbey leaýrn, of the crueityi invoived li, and tbe A.P.F.A., Th Association for the Protection of FrBaigAiis, is an tlorganiizatian foundced ta wiork against thiv crueity. The Associa- tio, thongh nat yet as large as it must become ta be truy effeve is growing, and bas now been mn ex- istenece for tirtee-r years. It is a humanle society wibaims ta pratect thle wlfur-bearing aniniais of Ca1nad1a fromn a ingering deaýtb lai a steel trap,. The Association is eadorsed by tbe leaing Humane societies acrass Canada. In addi- tion ta Se parent b'ody ln Torýonito there i1 a Mel esabisbd branh of the Associ- tion in Vancouver. We are wilinig to aýttack this enormorprWobiemfrm any and ail anigles. Tbe Amrericani Humnane Society offered mnouey prizes for Mlost of them cost more, and those- of thibi -yp are more difficuit to t'ransport, whiiffe stil! others take lon]ger ta set, up thian the aid cruel trp. We have not give p hope boeeof finiding some-itbing aýs cbleap and as effective, anid 1mare humnane; a type of trap wbicb wonijd 1<111l înstanitly ,would seem ta mri"o ils tri becthe ietsmthn hat wouild do away -withi the terror ane] agany niow suffered. Do-n'ts for Trappers If yoiý are a trapper li yaur Spare iew suggest that you, foilow thecse four DJ-ON'TS dlrawvn upSpecificaliy for Ct(e-spar--tiie miitted i your counlty and yýou ma1ke a practice Of k1I-1ng predlators andc fuir-bea,.rer(s in thi£: manne-jr, IDONt lm mrysnm ustheha-i, bame1i-made suare, Write ns113for particulars Qof-,a bumlane uar,. 1 DON'T use,,snares of steel pincb fraps vwhere the 'box type vvilld. 3.DON'T ineglect ta visit every t-rap ,at ieast onice intet-ô- boturs. 4. NEVER uinder an Y Co- crio be git-y of usin ga To altrppe veýndors and pur-chasers of fur, and ta the puýblic at large we-. y,"Eve-ry b seiet roductüx ion ofthtings We use or enjoy, deserves, -at the very ieasf, huaecansidleration." The fur trade is dh ide -st estab- lisliedinducilstry il, bis count.ry: ai b-istorianis dim n1that Canlada w4 brit upnttbu tat -i»s no reason wby its a'ppa-tliing crueCIY itysould 1be Permitted taIonitinuoe. or SwdnFnand and evcen Ger- manly, blave ail ;bal"lied1 the stcee trap. Wh.'Jy isNrhAmie-rca sei backcward ilu this amCe articularf Servicemien Supplied With Tools of Trade mi1ssion suppiied servicen wltb1vý toals of trade when itbeyrune A drvrgot ;a cattie-üdag(it pedigre-e). An ecntertainer got a pairf ol ,D-~ A inister gat a c-assock andSu; A racinig commcnitator and a. stipeniary steward -put in for bin A museumi scientist askedj for a -0lrifle tQ shloot crocodles. Lisuirance igeii,,s and time-pay- ment coilctors blave asked for hicycres. A ventriioquist asked for beads and bodies of dls A waites- sought a sai ,ver. Sixty thauisand me i have beeni supidwith their frade needa for -150 occu1pations, Sam -IheCIped be hr i c, tie rig, cliixbed in imi-self, liftedth reins andckd gently to his horse. LBet there ain't -a grow-uip i I port butht don't remnemrber that pîny"lie cbucIed."Ho manly yotnnlg-unirs (d0 voul igýger you taugh-t ewiuic to, -Miqs Letty?5" "0h, dozens, Sain, i giess. Alid you ikniow, 1 don't tink there w;as aseew'ho didn't like mulsie, deep Mhe tw-o rode si]iný,tuyfr a wue Occasionailly Sam poCiïlted O-ut 0 clnump -)f flowers, or a familiar trec, liftîing its shy, green -bnlds ta thec spring Su. "I lîke liw~s, e cunfidcd pres- etiy. "Anyvtinîg thiat gr-ows. 1Ilike eartbi. Sceeus lzke just feeling soi! strengthen me. -i carmake a~ thing grow-." Shie sm,-il(,d. 'Before the new foiks move iiu the oid place, whIy doni't voui go and get somie sIips f rom Luicy's roses" Whthianks, Miss Lctty. l'1l do thjat." " lie said, lookýIng aheazd. "seemns tlke thiere's ai party at the "An importanlt part of ipny diet cever since iny first boutle lias been Crownr Brand Corni Syrup. 'Now, that may bc ail riglit for a-L ittie character like inyself, but let nie tell yout, ilhese growvn-ups sure arc Ilucky what withf Momt serving themi Crown Brand Corsa Syrup w,,ith so matty of their dishes. And. she uses it in lier baking, too, as a swveetener. 1 cari hardly wait until I'iu oid enaig h ta have some hot waffles - or pncaks snithered wt deliciotis Crown Brand, If it's as good as it is in iny cercal- iL - iUiR4IkU Aiso Manufacftrers of Cat2ada Cors Sfarch c..

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