l'Fi JNION ; purcýhased ai on has been cwt hiekenl- et Ie owen and now st B ove n, ,.,as helc week -,for uI-cir pnro' cToir.onto. W, M Sof Mr. m r r. Iowa-trd AIrý bert (ow diving Lt TIl Replace yoùir present Gene Output Generator *No more runi down or overchari Easier starting. *Eliminates costly gener-ator failt *Amffle capacity for Sealed Beaïn ileater, etC. COIMPLETE CHANi, Inchliding -Installation Everv Job Gi gpre he ,h 1 ,v t . th re e KIts l-ligh Lights9 )VER, $25.00 3 ST, 3LOIN] NIONDAI igh Pressure ,erk Type with y open end ý/8 te 1 ineh. adie Screw Con sumers UtRY 18t, 4 1saviug be made in Our every- -. We have been givenl as the onsumption for October, 1947. teý every consumer m-ast reduce -oi usng If tis 'J".not doe 'keri ~ i -ct offs ae are happen- 'e x*st sae e triïity, which Ray MILLAND SBurke, just ericed .. - $300 S15ec hcpkg. . 15e lbs of f resh îToniato Sauce, in 28e pk-gs for ....23 economy sze ..... 5 8 e iourishing for chl-..... à new and different 27c easy to usqe ah..Y7 hsh, itfs f reshi stock, 1 - 1 - 1 - l. - 20e enella Olves, 6 oz 37C Sun new, 2 ti-ns. 33c tie J4 and bMue, .2. c grey and ad..$4.50 for, your oaco attianceat ti Rev.rend À. EEuu4taec Miste ND STEAK- nd....ý -...50C. AIN STEAK- ind....ý .. .52c- c. eaeh. J. DANE S 55e 55eS ck lub Se wo etntVOfeJS priJte, J plain Hlemnied PillowC 40 -iuches iwide,o W teFlette, 36 inches yard. -... ......... Ail co"ýlors of Bouquet for soekha aniid swe We have a ficee dis Dlraperies andi Cuttaini I PM~ -IROLLE,ýD PO'- 5for .. 29e Local I CAIN - r 19 Av held, rayer. f ES"- er, custom s,parlate, Unïtl 9 I l A