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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Feb 1948, p. 6

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The Qua1it Tea 5S0N -CO0L LEZ lc RoJo bef are be )thec wrang parties." e wvas wn."Fromr ouf Ilhat ouýtlaw," he -if in, "Ie don-îf put smýitil hles sure the-re xxviii * huiandhi miily.- ,gt, 'Mie terrible of wbat El Cabal- ne in Deep) Water fthe bine roan for le bad Ibas cen ixe to sat- 11's shulerwet a oiec of the oetbers to,1 directin the fleeingi Thcien e ake is ri a complete cirdle, ýscrtiLniziiIg every somle cUrCUS cboth-es way, straniger?"lhe ilYo ihppen t lixe souitb - away dionte. rider bad puizzied for king it was got-, a fo there- aP, stk t'his t!he ýcatieiuanl, ýightenued again. ;Sh oil, strange-r. Vaidez Sbook bis Ibead. "Sorry,' he said. "But C'e got smeting rigt importnttaatted fa in Gosa %ree, and CI'mlte now in getfing theeMabe Illbeback tAis way, and if 1 dol VU bceridig wifb you genits. Adios.'" Haskell wv-atcbed Val dez with- "Wel"-be id Cattiemian b1ooked ovjer ait Lke Wlae-itsride.*' As Michiael rode awy rom the-m slnwlvY, 1bis 'mid wa sy.That other Ca1ballero Ro i-e ust be pretty reCkles5 and impullsive. Or else fixat nId cattieman was a liar. Stil; no m!nan Could buck a Crowd ofranlihmen l ike tbant and b rand- edcoward, "My twînCcertainly sceems to be- lieve that the cafflemen are respon- sible for w'abf happenled ast nigbt," 'Vaidez mused. <"As for iiiysef-l'Il remain nieutrai. At least unitil I becar from ait. he y Cb1ipS- wdl g'b in wîtb the ttb. Wbametev it is." He pnshied on1, geirim of fajce and eterminied ta get ta tixe bottom11 of things for lie knew tbatbeiAd ta bring jus;tice to fe man or men, Joee tbecy werr, whoo bad be responisible for that 'hidceous cruci- fixion. He csolemnly sworei to uni- m-cask flhat man, n natter at, what risk<s or dan-ger-S. For tbe uirge for ju1stice undi icaiVle lik-e ablot ir:on-. Wvhaf wýaS more, blis instinict told bimn tbaf w ixenhefouid the iman b-açk of 'the trouble here, hie would also bc facing the mati heacbiniseif b1Ad looked for 5Glogfieman whOho a'! nbe eig boss" f0 Garvin a(jCnry fixe nAan whVfo atbeat hiad been esosîi for El Cab- allero Rjo's on rageCdy. (To eCotnud Mlodern Etiquette By Roýberta- Let iaiyin arestaurant, is ;ifail rgb for guests tq add f0, b-er tip uponi deainfie tale A, This would be çxrm bu i liftling to the hosfess and give the imupression that ber guests Cou- il jettera at 't as he's ai- a boX Cif in bisj v av i C ICkeeps in the cupboard-it's quick-acting--.It's always there whien you want it!Now, with the NwFleiýchmfio1s's 1oyal Fast Rising Dry Yeast, you can bake muore delicious breads j ~and rolis lI extra-fast fime. No dashijig to the store at te last loi minure-yon cati keep a rmosth's supply standingbhy, ~use it as you need it. h td lie as potenit the day you uise it as utie day you bought it, IF YOU BAKIE AT HiOME -gi lfdtans Royal Fast -Rising Dry Yeast today. A:y our grocer's. PEND Es in on Y our 1Handwriting The chiara;cter and personaýl qali- ties of fiie worid's people mybe compared wih the likenelsS of the eartb's surface withi ,tslhigh moun taini tops, low dpesinand level plateauix. Juýýst as there are hiix ontns 50 thre are great n thtof their fellow mnii, ih th gri7cma -,si ofthie eartbh's p eole beng average like the !level of a plateau. just as wve haveïgreat heigbs & umaninteci!ig-,ence, W, have thi ppoiteform1s of low- cr mlen1taiity withit S stxfinsin- cerity, deceit and ctinig, iin my pie opotnt osee the emental lieighits tIL) ichthe average pr son] can ris, E "ven anlaverage per- Son can rise boý. et'le petty tinjgs Of life ai2 becone great menitally7 and itletal foreach of rus bas, talent ini one waýy or anlothier MA, ifwe ar ecosistentand aMi tions ini the 1ue of ouf rtalïents, %we Caal eremarkabi canges ,for thie gond of ilas- ell as for per- sonai hiappiniess.Wtbso m aa- tractions of pleasure and relaxa- tion, lhe avmeage people are likely to let otbus spplythe talent while they are content to remiiin ontheý a erage leveé of endeavor. The- world's people, a we finid !temr thougbhanmdwritig analyis, PM more ambition, sPneeUPyhopefu- ness aind charity, withàh less spit'e, rev-,enge, inaýince.rity and greed(. This e'ls examnple o.f %wrîting is part of a letter received foma readler wbhOse sincerit-y of proe ambition, lhopeftilnless and e1charity is Ciearly illstaedi every n OF lier ,wrîtiiig. The cdean cut sýcripjt withi every lonp anldElue easiy visi- ble tels nmeof Uhe wirs esre to be frank ivitb ail ber assoaciae and ambiýîtions il, al that shle d0es. Suich fine Aruýne ihewr-iting are indicative of sp)iritual wealthi witbn Conitentmen2t anýd peace (oif mmld that cornes fromn a natuire ic eninys and ppreciates the esim4ple tinjgs thiat bring personalbpi ness. The wîde spaces btenthe connectig strokes of cash lefter are xcelentexamles f agener- nus and unselfish lnature. T'he beigbt of sai bp lttes aboep t w-ritÏing lne arevryh-igiix ai,i Hkie the writer's immdi, endeyoýý rt)reaCi aoethe 1ower levels tô achieve great atai'ets iTe script is neaf an4 nrderly, of gond form iaile consnistency, to ndcae h hbits of the wri. Thlis w)riîtnglhas alil the traits nEChtracler t1laf rîses tlO te mou fainou1,s heiglits, above theý averaýge leesof buman endeavmr sed envrelope fta Box B , mn 2, Ade!aide St. etTrn. Sooner Than Later Whiat is a budiget? Weil, àitSlPaimethnd of wryn b'efore you spenld, instÉead of affr- ward. The St. Regis Rote] 0 EVeri ltoom Wi±b fut Bth. sower adi Tee op ige.*.0 n u

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