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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Feb 1948, p. 7

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lea Item CI]uret-Ci sole M ( et sil Pf WC fhave thaât knndil] 0our town.I know of ~oue case wblere id, gte n jI mr i j4h la 'qsiuj1pmc1r. and R<bey hvn' îee ear the churcb sie;butbohr e hudhv seen 1 fie shlow they put on, gettinig tbat girl ma,-lrdedl. Now' a numbe-l)r of p-eople in this town wben ýlthey read1 fis are goinig teask therniSelves,' is hus',lhe i akgot i- l WC LA Dessert For Ten By Franices Lee Barton- W OULD you like to know about a dessert that ser-veas 8to lu peopie, lookq very Iluxurieu]s, and can be mnatie up the day before and. storeti ln Bui treraotrh _____ Buttrscoc Party Loaf Io your answer. It's a tuscious bient o!butter-cotelh pecapes, combin- ed vit! slicea of plaini cake auti thlled to pere,,ctioni. For a large party it's Ideai - or for anborne 4lnner We' simple enough lut 10 et 4the recipe lui hait -- andi dellght yior lamiy wirth a truiy part.y-type Butterscotcbi Party Lof 2 packages prepared butterscotcb pld4ing; 22.% ýcups mllt; ictip erearn whifped; 2/, cup brokeu pecan meats; 8 to 10 $lices cake. Place puc4ng powvder luE suce- part. Âdd millt gradual1y, rtirring ecnsta-,ntIy. Cook anti stir over mediuux heat until mixture corneS ta a bell andtisl thicireneti. Cool. Feld tacramandi nuts, Uine sidles of 8x 4 x3-inich li pau with waxed paper. Trim .shces et cake and et ia hait diagorialiy. Arange cakýe triangFles agaiînat mides and en(%s et pan, reservinlg 2 plecces. Turn puddin)g rixture InUto rnoid andt op wth rnann cake. Chili ove-rniýght ln refrigerator. Un Moiti. Garnish with marasr-hino che-rries and pecan hLaves. Makes 8 ta 10 servings. thle police ý 1ces would Ibave to be deutbled ami hnteild \~? tBe- caluse that is the euny place beea large number of eur bîre r taugh- lt ailytin g ab ouit wha :t is ri f and wblat i s wonand it wà open y bur eevs \very %ide iit you acte- ally knecw how m1anly childrecn 1really dontiko\v tbe diffeceIetee rîgbt a110dwr bo dn't cae notugb abiout the( future we-('farce ef teircbilrente send thiern te cbu'rcb lte bc tautr th[le be'tter way of if e, or whe ou't other t e tcich thin thieielves are a menaIce te sncety. And we have ibtt lind here tee. A lot of people around here aren't ging tue hie me very ruch 'fe t isad ;I de't care eue Uile O On the eme ot "Do NWe Need Reiinwe elthe're -is ne the auwr bdluiye. If netchy do we av aWorld Day Cf PraIyer, wbly diçlý yb~sus pamî bsr-wen a lïitie 1r1nt1 etf.a mn asasasin overthe worl. It takes manytwiss, wtr-tsicidifferences Ibt Wîthiere it Ohe Saline. CGaudhi was probably thic mo1st sainrtly'ranwe have haý:d in, O o Ue nT fih deha mos had in biim w ýas exemplifiet! iin thepwe hm held er an erratie Massofig nor-ant pe ople. ICs vcry uieythat wýc will ever suec again a mian it swcbpoerof eietiot.niad gooducs -epcalover se mxany people. Peple, young mut! od, wo do Met attend (Ichurcb Ifen Iok dewn p tsewho (1e),Thiey caîl them ii ble- totini-so-and ises'ý etc. Tbey criticize these who go t! et oten try ,,totmalte them a-'ppear like hiypocriteýs. Thiis is dcfinitei'y the 1ro-ng attitud(e te take. Yngpeople today it tbinik of the cbnrch, and tj ry te belcp t -alon-g. I's truc thatthe cureh needs ah thesupr it caon get. The cbuIrch nces usbut Wnnery as puce as we nced the chuarch. Rcmcmbel)r thiat A Manýiiy People (10Ido nt go te chutrch wi argue that theyý are as good", if net Ibtter tha1 a lot et thiose bewho goý. This is a very silly at childisil argumený-rt. Whe-itber yeni are better than those wbe doe go, bas notbing t aIlte ')do ib it. Geing te ýchur1cl is for your engoot ant! yours ohy. Yes, gang, wcdoe eed religion. WC neet! it more today than we ever nee!it. Gos te eburcli every Sunl- daY. Net lbecauise >yeur ueighbcr dees, (but becanoc e N wanu te, be- cuse yenti cc, llie neet! et the 1upIift t gives yeui. And remtemiber if HUc needetd it, wc mýIlneet! it. Rligion i s a part of our î cey dylieand! if wve practice gond cristianship and kep thre church close te us WC SAl be a" lot bte for it. Iron ilings spread on a mag- nctizd PMlarplane propeilr, re- veas biden faws. tU. S. Legisactoru king of ,3 Out o! ( prefix) 4 FEcimation (Pl.> 5 NoxieUS planit ttis 6 River in 2 es Tuscany 2! ed 7Pl di ta be 8 1s seateti - 9 Tiny3 10OBene ilî Golf1 meuntis 3 12 Lof ly 31 17 Mountain 3 fabrie lake M> Prohibits 4ý 'l'e 23 Reparation 4 n6 57 eC Christ tremnens (abl.> Mid Geese fly over the bands of I clark gr-een, and na-,vy bluei this tailored suit ( ess fromi Lawreï-nce Sptrber. The pocket hipline is ever se signtly padded above the strapigh n A krt "Poop" ia net a siang terM for bî1liards, buit is anl Ançrican ver- siiln of the gamen. Wv\itlh owinches deep wbdchevýer waïýy yeu, look -amd ne sign e',f a tbhaw do you t0hink it will maýIke Spring sceem a lâit i narer -if w.,e t'Illk about boiscleaniing?1 i bec se becauise housclenin - r maybhe t should Say redcrtn-S se dfinitely on1 myv mmlid that I ýII(I it bard te conl- cetaeon anytbing else. Aftcr ail, when ur e bal:s w c ten yarste get aý certatin job donc it ean' t bc for- geotten as if it were a atter on imprtace.T'le Job that i refer te is Qour vn-om(estripped I th paper off last w&rmme ) and more especiailvy arn i thinking Of Oh, thiat floo, ! It had becen paintedA, varnislied and enamelîcif time ain(! atgin- Lu ouir dayiý and before it, ht luas been at onice my hope and rny des- pair. DEkspair, becaliuenothing woid stay onl it. Move a chair and on ugly strecatacross the floor was tbe-- result. Lift a chair ant! a chunk etl ()' Paint camle away with it. MY hope was thlat soree happy day we cout! get a sanding machine, take off al the old paint and _get down te thce natural weedo(. ttwe ku'ew it would ile quite a job and wc were afrai(! if wc tacIled it ocrse1ives it might net be a su-ccess. Wbile were Ltlll udcddtwo youuIg felîews Started up inbuiness digjuIt tha, very ivor, so e Ic macl the phnge. Ls Moniday the nIn rivedwith al* thrir eqluîpmenlt, ',11( the furbean YheyI were here ahnest a 4ay and! a hait aud I! I tbinkthy just about sut- tocated. But the floor is a great suîcceis. The uaodes iwat ig known as ~ko bt -pîine".and! Cme(s e P eclavke up quite light în coour, ýwich is what 1wate After Esandiug, the f loor was givea a cout cif ,-Oed filler, then crack filIue r a4f inally dcear varnisi. 1Later it wilI be weli wamed. Whntbiefloor xvasdocIwt twork at paoigadnow vthat, toos15almost f inishecd - y i n riendwh Iomi 1mentioned 1last we-ek came down oand!hi<ped mile again.I Nc-xt mweek there will beuth paprîn te do, anid tht Iintend to do myseif.ý It weulIId be nice te turn theoe job o0ver te_ the decorators but un- fortunately thiat iýs more than we caim afflord. Witb drapes and slip'-covers te thbink about we blave to dra'w the Ene somewhere. Myeit wen'It be a1 first class job bu, at least the rou wViIl be freshi, dean anid bib- after a lapse of ten years wteîany atteniý'on at 1ai1 we can Ibardly b accu1sed ofetrvgne Painting lteing a aice quiet jo %we wereabe by nens etf the radio, te, keep abre"ast CEfthe nwswithout waisting tîme. We were everjoyed atBrbr An's suaccess in the Olynipics, especially since se -many osalshad threatzened te speil thin]gs ýfor be. isuppose I sbotld sayBaaa Ann Scott, or Miss Scltt -bt that i'lte way I thiu]k ef bier. T me shie is abaaAn-az lovable, natural ninet-een year oit! girl V-110cot be any m.othcr's dagheran f whom any mother, mi.9igibe prount!, quite apaýrt f romy ber kl as a skater. Her vivaclous cbarm -md com-plete nt Urîe iu- spoilet by success bas surely won wth ne one a, sure àehc bat!. But the ' net have mutcli goot! news. N( te notice amy aw;ay, but at:ý will 'De there.1 ally reach that -a bulyer's illa I was down t< dlock in] a store- part 'beautly p.I quiet in the beau iin of 1l.à.aIrd t. Lait, kbuing tis part i pritrss-irewcoirne r .5lnc Shnru9 gel! besi ders"fusn s1a- fuily slow--thley sa.y it's thre xam0 everywhfe rc " i was imprcssed. fit w-as the firsi time 1 bat! noticed auny visible evl- Jdenice th-ýÉat ayoiee ý waîuni-g short eti fuinds. STUF AND THINGS "That's for makir other wiomen ini n YOUR GROCER 1S t, MIS TSrrNGTEAj 9O A WOPUUL I3ere's your ch * to enjoy a tea at its dc ttQflTea f~.

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