cf il yc4 havýe sc ngfor si Times. "'eV. A.hedaqaligdte vdies eepesn.Two qujîts wr Lfl ~fheigrop. he W. A. wilI holdo another cocialeein nWi ns -)sr-%Ldlby thle ldis fth omn iPy .nFia fencFeb, 1l3h.1 Vfi- Jayso wt Thchageof thie - meeing wth Me. YomansndMies. E ,voery helpingo(iita- edrs h Tetheîme of thleprgmm a ohe Jod's pae r. Lt ýdeait with ec'ach ecnOF tie prayersearteyand hmewere sngwhiceh fttd nith me ý-theme. 71r s. Yu ans, Mrs. Loery rnd Mrs. P. Ailin offered in- tere.srer pryer. Ms. m.1An- nanred te eriptare aknfrom St Jon1,verses 17 -2 4. Mes. en. U1P Sackleen redeneda very lvl Oat d, acompaid by11s. Locwery.I Reýv. Eustace gave a v.ecry interesting rs and nspni addriess on Pae" - bririnig oritvivicly tmat piyer isz such an impotan1t pe lt ofcf ie I veygood iP Char h f oi pra Utn W r resyVohCrî that_1rn Ar thuîi-aFeinjsqured11his legPlst eek e. nd rs. orn Gison c -potod prngs, snotW*ednea w11 c M. ams. WlimTld spn andaywthMs.n M Mrs. Williamni ol f Prtý cf Port Ho'pe. MVr. RssDarke, cf Trno pn he week-end ihis unele, Mr. Cy-1 oor c Ms. George- Tuifod o nody eveningwih agodated ir Mrs.thur H-ale. her prntlir. a nd 1 Ms. E dga iÏ I Ea row (ie0ugh.te ta thleIl( -Mr. and Mes. I-Ioward Ellitt nd sit Bý(udd, cf Port Granluy, spent Satur- day Venrg ihMr..Willia ro e Cod Liver .98c, i ýeach ITION POWE le T aif y, f resh from the oveni eanuts, 1-4 lb for .ýý,.-.. .12e due to a reduction in the amount of :le, to issue the followimg notice to customers of the Commission in the y 18, 1948, and contirwirig GROCERY FEATUTRES ýato Juice Cocktail, containing To- ýýOt, Celery and Be-et Juices, 20 oz. yooseberry M4 oz jar 3h., 28 ...32ce kilowatthours in the month of 0g This reduction shah l ot apply t whose power supply was interrul Commission in October, 1947 to tl 10%M or more of normal delivery." 15c. -e Toilet Tissues, SPECIAL, 3 roils for.. 26e Olives, large 9 oz. jar ., . ..........39e A,- Peanut Butter, large 1 lb, jar, inteed to please or money refunded ..-- 39e of Fancy Quality, 7 Inuts, 2 oz pkg is a temporary emergency arising fromn sub-normal rain kcst Autumn which lias forced two- of the Quebec power panies .to drastically reduce their deliveries of power to oz. tin.... .48e per- r full d s and Funi Sunda~ xvith an ion Girls ýN LY ,D9C beloN» *...........15 ... 1 $200 .90r. and $1.50 fer........59C. Sweater:c $1,25 Oâ'NTARIO SYSTEM ern ( and direct Ino System. * 29e. rs 25c