live colleetci outls are holdi 't at ttie curb Lic Up lIater oin ini preseï jat it cni h ciati uck cils. To-,can )ZIpers will bh iimanel s rig bose-lime to, kn aO'V whIlnt it re ik ýe n , Wai ter Piln lgry,ý to kn-mow thie hap- Eni DorretI; CIarke, th and îwbe It ltiteMaln Vers, iNorman eanriundrsainog. 1 AlnWoois, and Hoý adian Appezil foi, Cil- isteiz. O ini t theý --p.ineels --Ches 1OYS uno homu-owe U C"ûntrion t any' FOUndàPresented too s 1rongîy 'NihLions Ring lihra-y5tot-hs -- y, *erury 9t, he1948 Seed List )U's CIlub miet at the N s.Every lion enter ___ t and -cone sixty to0, An up-to-date lis, anrd grests weïe en- pa red by the Se lin, wlioïnier of thLins CropImrvw Show, gave hbs rendi- fow ealbefrd dan Rver"and fo)llo.w- Thl,,,, ntin core. ofOon, drses of seed grov Fcan, OF01o have s'ed fo Found, was nroma cr'op ýforl> 1 a lions ring inappre- rto erîiaeh ume.Lion Danell e ca rd to -r he cairiv: 1 and at the prades andobet uen grveatdeMalof hispes i]ni-apeaJis Yn ogig ailiy. im "Poin mi Jet