Ge rma1n s . In botb cascs thes-e itiviliains arc almost etiýr-,y ref-,c gee roithi ntv laillis, andýé anany bave beente oxyears. NeýTxt on tiue civillan isat tQniite Poles-26,500 of then-nt hn thte ItaP'ians with a total of 1~0 ,Che Auistriants are nrl,-y asstrong ixueriall - 5,Sm0, Amrieiiana ar,. sixth on tbe istwtba tota-,l of 13,600,closely folowed by 13,- 000 Fren-ch atoaî Then ther are 12,70 Chinese and aftr tbenî the Dutcb (1-1,50); Belgans (,- 400> ; Cztcbis (000 Swiss (, 800); and Nrein (8,600>. Muchý lower tiowýn tbe scale: com e Spanliartis (,40 ,;lDBnes,ý, (4,950),Greeks(,80,Swedee (8,000), and Rmnas(,0) ,The two siailest groupa are M, lulgars iand 19S8 tif)embourgers., There is, bowev r, one category,, ë,rth a mention un its own-the ,00wbo are a preu ~ ache wth te autbrit'es They ar classifieti as State esa, anti even if they we5e igh-ly udsralthey cotdd.amtbc &detei ortne simple ant im ue30, crictsof natura!- Izaton Were graned to 1,415 appli- cants, and Aoiy 150l werue refused;ý- and on :ne 30 anochr 23,070 p- pliaton, were outtnding. At this rate, nthrten yearýs wouild buni l p fthe proportion Caf, foreigners to 1 for every 64 Brit- So It Wili A comineîcial travelierenee tbq. shop of a grcer nlametd Mar-cbý anti saicl: 4"Marc, On the lst cf April thic price of tea is oogci up. A few ýdays later ýawhlse sales- -man carne in and sait: "MUarchi, oin thef lst of April thie priýce o'f sugar i going 11p). "I'rn solr 0ha ht"si uMan --cohil a ve 'beenCi vwritten - aiid tbiere ba bcaeven-morE 4"in- inýg wbatalstbe oc-ngt aa dions "Ibey're sore atSek; plaer" Tbe jstwonl't give theiira best for Dicit Irin ny moe"-be are mot a f oftbe pieces ofgosi -ou bear whiBspereti arouni býy ibe tefigsofWev e cspr. w * * ic *a tr sýed àabsasomlewhcIat ribald ver-se "King Dei nd King Soloimn ed Mnrerr rry leives - ith m 'any, ssay ldy Jfriends a"m an 'y, an wivesBut hen id age Cacaevr King Daid nwrote'The PsalMs. Atid tt juist abouit sizes upwht' hockey is playet nowadays, once a gym legs begn to go bau ombm -,ou can r-iingtin the curtain, Olti ageý ser'nsahaecaugb unp wt seveai ey iemersof flte ce- Flyin Erecbrnnail at once, and tbey ja a' staly alng wilh the 1 pace any mo M e nay bewrong of corebut 'a mir oiit'S as simpie as thaL "She was a gooti Md waggon but seuttione broke d-v" anti unleots 'aimir-adc shoulidhappcen wve fuel ',ou can couniit Canadiens ont of tun I abep of rebdinbg bas heen done. lo- s O as c * î'unm rem ,djdai acrackte lofe Will Ragers as oce pifled. Il 'wa. duîring the, first Warld Wamindoseev s Ang Ragrs sa n tedae d oighi (am (Ï e sdrape-Sp'inning act whes udde i amidde dIc ladi nI the audéene rase and sHantd, VWh ares't y0a in the /lrmy yubig uno'rdo Rogers raised hbis hand anduim*td ale embers o1,fithe audieC'ho li' il tues/ s, ice er ta r Pea ler far-m ?"she yic."Far ihe very'_ sanie rseasas, myvdeaIrldy"Bile the CZieg1fielhFi is.Physical dis- Ths ,tilkes us amabout tedzis idea "itt Ibas evolvetI f rom that dr ectin lt srneUrn, wiçhis sayinyg Aim as just abouit al the bnosthere are in conlnection witfh figuIre skating AnyvthIný'-g ese she does, from no on, isbounita be, l)in te nature of ýan might:n't b'e so lucky. For- whule sh e at-altbiough somre ofl tho)sedis- grunfed rivais donA't appear to tiikl so - f ron al reports she didn't get a". the worôst of it in finding better 'Ce-oniios hnsme of fber com- Thn why-juýst for thec purpose of presrvin ber"anateur ttv~e-_ sboul Canaa gie her friee educa- tinwejust by ma ing oemo tion pcture she 1ou01iprobalbly col- leeu eouhto taeier ithrough every unvriy Liin te lanti? Why -- just to pro-vide a grand ox-oficedraw for soirne snobbisb Skating Clubs- that wouildn't give bier a tubi;f sie',d finishti secoi--shoutltiMiss Scott r eifrain f rmfoliowing SonjaHeis leai aticolectngsone -ceai douIgh for bref ryoafxe? THOen axell l4ulletem I iîn a superb ' elM7v itch h i.if - eohg edaotd . O. O. Prssa,t fsju Lotidonontarjo RING THE BELL taIes.Catalogu-e FreeSbimcs Itbap Linwod0 Ot e.rels. le. Seventzesu yearg istcbingcics for stsidcutmr.Lîearv i anr- Cneal et fuI!ifrmtonrranks dwsds BTG, Hasy. eavy Ereed Cockerels. E3sorasci ï Fo')eisltis sud 2Sîrd. 1.0 er 100.,ie non-oeXC(dciices &suid pullets a ai3r!gain pria-es Wrfit todlay for prieligtat sud f rase 1Calendar. Big Rock ar ,Mille Rcss BRE1F vsud1 prk are Stijl i bgjýinlapries. iMors aive, ail Ind2ications.Pint towarqds eontiniui dprain:m picson alilty;pes of mleat, Tiseaie-tJOUItryma l'Oa wlseiy Lu- ves-is il a f .1e cf fst growiag ebieka tisaI -wlllni mureito brailers or rmasters ýlu a f Sw.sbort wees stands ta make au extremely issutisome rpoi-cttthis yenr. No mtteýr whesther pou are raising ceblekens forftise cegs t'jey wiliProu I.o a sIl ahbroilerEs ar 1,iasters "on tiso dreset"l ulîpmarics. pOu a-su111ma1es more mcaney if pour eik ar a-r uick nsatlur1yg, hesvpy iu; aGn- 'heIsees u t1imiýe raqua-eS for 7pourch!cIes ta reasb-ieSze, lmasterýs cir ta0tart iay- InaE thes sarlier YOU wili begin toa ualisa 1-turn an-Ilpour ioweStment. Ail TOI)NoteS 1 bickrsa 're from G_'Ovînrent Approved Pol- iorum 155150 bresSer.,a,,sud l are51mt- irlg. 't'hiapsa-aouGO be a RoOSFev a cealp caýh luinsaoascomely o or.yur pïoulta-y. Fïres caitalogue. Top, Noicis Ciick Sae s, Guelovis, Onîsalo. Rock C)ckerels FiOR Febanery sudA iarcs. ar BarreS Rocks- aYr aat featiea-ng sud ba-ed fac lvea a bilt nlfs rwi. HnaPoulta-y Pasal,-Jersyvilie. Ont. FacmHateery.Il cnstS no moe t bu tisa be53t. Satisýfactiongucatsd.Write tfor peseid . lsnsim Eatbec, BlenýSl0? from a ai.Iaiiying and re oetin plrant ave o,000 ibredetMrsnsasd, aM eda S.lo testS. iaul atmesbav hati 'sc1 c tisa peurs - fcontiniuoLnssucesu wlthLaies viow Chieku,,. Wsycant you toc? Stact pour ebillos early. Theirs wil be a shlatge o'f sage uxtFalamd nces are!bound ta be biiser Send for, large illustcated ctalg1 and poultr'y Manegemnent Guidje itis big snob' Order éiscoimts. Laciw Poultry Farni We in Bros. EeeOnt. BLACK MATRALORPS I1 O P S 1 ed. FHatuhing LBa"ggu, dy d DOLB OULTRY FARMý GET st-Scik ndS ave on feed. WsD bava tbemfocr mm at r !ister dýelvery. But got pýour order inson It's posailo [fswer chicles mauy ho batchodt issps- anme poultrykeepperaainay ho Iisaýppointpd, Oclrder ow. as aaba-,20Jh . CHITCKS fr vorpreuiaeo f tise poultry- maln. Everp poulta-y producer kostisat I RKET POUIïtA. Broad LBreastdBoz lBreederg amdi 1T7ccsry under Gov reula tions. Write forI i-nmatin Ivan Mullen. Seed tht ae deendbisfor Gro ae. Siarleet GadeersFWite for aur fre 1at Wbether you ned aaspars, a't e rie or a yiew ceL eartr by are cavail- afrlion e.. lutch vpulley wltb al aur eleatric drives nnd fi 1w standwitla1 our electri- Paine. esyur imgdaIer çor write MOtRAQUE. _____ Four Good Buys larg trocls rcsiilyerhaaisd ',I',!'P.C.V. L ie ! fr eerIind 0f halnage. Stsady worlc ani a ncney males.. 200-ACREPAR, lhydero.cose tl vlMage. 100-ACRE FrARI.t anmi ri buse. gcoçi bUild.ings. ydobush. an bigb1way. Pries GC-ACRE CRK lose to big1way,. barï5iad drieahd, sn.boueglandhouse.Priee izss, prlced tasII, if, lotceest-d Wie J.C. ON.Real Estate BraSer, BUILDING 28' 42' A11lMINUSi NEERneedspatngErcd in, 30 man.u"' mmdasdljey n ire John A.' Neats Sales Co., 21 Jparvi& Pl-NUPS FOR MiEN ONVLY If you sce ciersofag ou lmlay obtain gogos lo-estars nd "yung iprofessional moesat one dolr rset. PlIease state European Photo Serices, 51 Adelaide3 St. E., Tornto liaso Sae s$4,Feaes10.Pr apan- Onti. bujildingsCor jaare Crperfsoe ure Tahacco sud gansa-ai farmlng ca-opsg. BiaIs wisat h,11oppa hv Sd if atly equjpýejnt, H'. J.,MSaus hn6,R.N.4, st. MOaEY MRN usns nVillage Znear Na.7 bglovay coplte Watoa- power SIw Silîl, Hua1s cooo1d Garïage on orapscty. Als 100 acre fara-m. &ppl]y HsalJHrsasîl. Lpa ARMY FLIGTBE cOooSue tadto.Ofeo t rc ar beiow a-ast, as 2 0 0.SuIt able for batcbnquetsý, club)S. aS131pang aud Lte- 10seulpua-poses. Ta doICa-$6.00 (CI". F0. T oi-auto. C.. D. or 3en! Sionïey Ordea. ASvýiaerail or transport wbeniýr o1lrdona. "E. FBLUESiTONE, 41 Cerîl Bireet. 'na-auto. Adleiaido 72 R3E A HAIRDRESSER 105CAIiADfI AS OEAPII SI-HOOL &mercs'sgreaesi yste (lustrated Ba 851 210or St %W/ lorontO Brachs 4 RngSIt Hamiilto, ta GreensiIxor. 11'Trconta. for LanelI ontestel mail usineas g bgn on shos. Sn'citrs tsthhihed1190 14 Ring West. raronta ooket I lfroaln, r"euvst ELIJM 4~O11NCRetos f'rl0t". wondkr,. S'TAMýPS of aI:jl iads bougbt. lpsy iii Cestt er 10 ù for used Elizab4etis. Bacne Brantford, Ont. raal prodLctaI. Dsrie literature 'lFRER IllytsC onpany. 145 QuesuWest HELI'WANTED - ASIE.WME.Ila $21,ta 50 wekl. AdrssingCards. Seri 19e taca ver siin.McMlTLAN ICOMPANT. 0031 abnt PreCt. ChicaRga 15, MEI"[STEIRO ýNURSES OO ENERAL DUTY-Living conltiaau sdsalacy gao.Hsplýtaliaatn plan .Apply snrnedet VleSieioo er Itins Hfospýtial. IweetsburF, Quet. L#arng iateirest-O8s- i Dgfriend4sahe 1-I1- neyer lientout any - more-always etoo thought-but il was .p her hiddneys-lhe fil- laur of lier blood- t'hat neýeded attention. SI1. used Dodd'à Kidney PiIls ai once. The inipreved atioq efbrkidneys helped to elear away bioi imnputties and exce.-a acids. Fatigue, baCitaChe, headache, laIcof et egy tdi,- nsppeared. Dodd's Kidnecy Pflla contant essentiel &"s ?And moedicinel ingredientz tb;t att directly upon the k-idney;a-rnd hepreatore thir normalacin 4 Do d d's Kid ney Pills kI Minorecis - Cigarette Tobacco t