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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Feb 1948, p. 5

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E~ADS r~ox r' aol. dkiv- e pxovided i"f "Th ,i ,bhýa chxudirgfiesvarlety zible ip io in- froi for a repeaed 'nnsa motis. lad- sos7 '~ ~Ç r~'oeaue d 1mroto r + rnl± <(il A in e11-L o s p e n cle d ,' tJdrthe auspices of the Ne-wcstle Board of Manàgemnent NEWCASTLE COMMýIUNITýY HAULL Frlday,. February 21 RUSS OREIGHTON'S .5-piece D,-ance Band ADMISSION - 50e,ý Per Person T , NT 0F Respective Functions of The Hydrýo-EIectric Power Commission of Ontario and the Munic !ipal Hydro Commissions, wtth Particular -Reference to the Present Emfergency. I vlew of the aipparent public rmisunderstariding etf the respective tunctions of The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of the Province and the, Municipçil Hydre Commissions in the municipalilies, tbis statement is mode to clarity the situation. The function of the Provincial Commiîssion is to generate or buy electrlc power and te seil electricr power te Municipal Commissions and directly te rural consumners and te certain industries. The funiction of eacti Municipal Commission is te seHIote il consumners within the municipality the electriv power purchased from 1the Provincial Commission. ln practice, the Provincial Commission and the Municipal Commissions endea-voujr te co-operate witb eacb othier in the public interest. By reason of lack of rainfali last sw'nmer and autumn and by lack ef thaws during the present wîier, there has been a substantial depletion of the sterage etfwater necessary to m'aintain a higbi level of contineus gZenera- ion. The resulling loss of production ot electri.c power lias taken place in Ontario and etsewhîere where power bas been purchased both i>nder conitract and in excess of centract commnitmntffs by the Poica Commission.ý This Ioss et production et o eleetrie energy bas become Se serius that certain et those Who haqd conîracts te suppl'y tb. Provincial Comm-ission witb electric power have been compellecinot enly te witl.hdraw the eleetric powjer they had beensupin in excess et contract cemmilments, but as well have been compelled te reduce delivery bel.ow conr- trac requirements by a further reduction et 81000,000 klwtthusper week. Aislngago as December 151h, the Provincial Commnissionrnotified the. Municipal Comi5ssions andidcad teil direct cons1ýumeÏ's that, in addition te cuis already being applied le direcn suesi was eVident tha,, Wnless addiinal voluntary savings could b. pbtained, th. Comimission wGuld be obliged teo rder the mncplte te reduce thjeir teads trom tiime 'te ime by as much as 15 per cent Or more. This ntii atin s gve0fr 111-_ex- press purpose et oblainin greater con rvalion ý power ani te enable each Mý'unicipal eïmmission te plan in advance th. mnost equitable allocation Po pwe ithin the. m nicipaity. The Provinc*ilCommission received %otlficien thaït lb most recent cet o prebsei nder co.ntrad would be effective on Monday, February 16th In order te rake an equitable r ci, ofetpower deliver-y tlà- o Municipal Commissions, it was necessary t& t e Provincial Cmmissien te eompi for eace Municipalý Commission tb.e amount et redueion it would be calied on teuI ob ttqtkinig ie oceounttheb. amount et 0ýconsýevat1ion already effected by each Municipal Comm' sien sirce Qd ber, 1947. T enê el.Prvn lComs1nt comiplet. the necessary computations and otity the majyof y t Mnici Comissoetthe ram,ýUnt et redue- ien, each would have te absenb by Wed esd y, Februaàry ,1th, it wa> necessary Ihat ai substcmani educlio;n b. placed in efïeet as et Menlday, February 6th, o that therý would bne risk et an ac?tuQ power st(oppgiide. liveries by the Provincial Commission. To ace mplisb thi , th. Prbvincial Commission requested te Muicpa Commissions of Teronto, Ottawa, Ha ilton, Lon on, Wind1 or a Peterborough le reduze. their takings of eleetrie power by specifqc amounts during spe ified imes, nd aise sted thes. Municipal Cmisos1,in 1h. meain- time, treet h.reqes confldentîally nd net to gi il te 1h. press prier te tb. noificaion le almuicpio Monday. This was dmon. te avoid aemrents appeàfing wbicb might hacve tb. efeet of crealting quitýeerr-oneous impressions ot the amount ot reduciion necessary in cach particular muniicipality throughout the Prvne.ý SIn relation te the reduction et power, each Municipal Commiîssion was tc.d witlh .ntirely diFferent cniea ions as le how avaikable power would b. allocated within ach uiciaitFer this reasoïi, il wes netteaibl for the Provincial Commission by a general statement te indicate t ibe consurners iii anýy particUla rÈ mU nicip- i GïýÎi y the allocation et avaiuable power thal would bè made by lb. Municipal Commi ssions. The Proviïncial Commission is deliverin Ite .Muinicipal Commisions and te ils direct conïumers ailth .ec trie power il is able te generate or buy, Il is the tunction etf each tMunicipalCoDmmiion te todeterm ine net enl.v t'Se acîaioýn & etpwr ame ilscen- sumners, but aise whal pub«ic explanation may be QdesiraL-e i ation tcgreio, (Continued E lmer Grant i Roy BL Mr.ani-, Albert Peare ýMrs. tHarry -àary !D., ~Mrs. sani, Po -------------- The ays u raffic -- -------- - --------- -------- --- ........ .... --------------- ------------- --------- 1- -- . ......... ............. ------- -------

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