L-cz, -,n ne and 'on anssiz .ýth jh flOls tracts are a ini P-layvels lea ; ORONO 5 defeated Orono on ~ the seore of 6 Vo s in three straight ame being on by T? C.~. Lt weeunable to put th1-e puehhid the Lindsay goalie. The gaine was fast anàd rngged in spots. ~Vhnre penalities. Coornbs ar)d Dysar.t, *eac iwibh two gegals, paCedl the'ines Sturrcek was outstnding fcor Lthe Or-oni lieam-, a1s~o scaringwooas First ero 1-Oronio, Rundfle (J. Wet) --- -3.50f 2-ULndlsay, Dysa)-t (RobJrnson> --Lindsay, Ioomhs (Parker).1.27 5-LndaDysart ------ -----.27 -OrnSturrock (onso)11.56 7--iSturrock <Siblo<ek).......----12.40 S-Orono, Johinstop . (, West) 16.50 Third Perid 9-lL.ndayMePhee (Par7ker).... 3.32 i0-LinfIsay, ýRcbinson (Bri>.5.43 11t-4rono, Siblck (J.U WesV)- 17.34 s. Roy coulhs pent a few d'ays visiting withi relatdives in Torontc. Mrs, Lloyd Burley and Dîie, oi NewVonville, S'ýerit a e days wV her father, Mn.Roy Nielolis. Chnrmh folowed witdiDr. Oke precbng n"The Son cf îMan Icanel tù save sinners", wt Or.CarroIj Nichol!s providing the umunie. >Mr. 'iks, of Go ile, spent Sudywith mr, anld *Ms. Richard' Best and] returne.d to Corbyville wt ber oni Monday. Mr. an1d lrs Arcie Ford have r- cently purchasedI the housýe inwhitîh 'hey 'are lvnfroin Mr. Vilo Thoradyke. Messrs. tVictor a& nodThor- (yke attendd te fmmm ri ncep sal,ýe atMiloo on WednsisdaY caf- ternoon!. Mr.ad MsBoiilsadLue or PortHp, p4 Sidyafterrroon, wiVh r i. and M Ars. Edga Baàow clough. The FFor-nmwas rheld at 101.! Clar-enice Nichols vwith anittnan of twelve,an a very god iscussion" folilowedf. Tho Won e' Cs T Lit[u t e held al euchre pty ait the home ol Mr. andi Mrs. Chaf-rles Beihto onWednresdfay afternIocnI. Miss Bric Best wo the h'ig pr. The YugPoopIe's Union held- thleir wee'kIy imeeting at the shori house witch D Ander7so-n, the i-1 sionary Cosivenor, and ber assistanti Miss Mlurel Austin, pToviddmg thel progrmme.1 M.and ri . C. [Paynie visited in Port Hiope ori Sunday with Mr% andi Mis. Fe Inch, Mrs. A. J. Christie ard Mvrs. Arth!,ur Bishop cf Niagara PatIls, wio %vas visiting wiLh Mm and* Mrs. W. A. M,âeadoins. .Sundlay Solhool wvas bli at 1.00 wvith n attendfance ofthirt.y-fve. Mr. Clarence NichIoils, trie Tmea ovnospoke oýn temperanse. Thfe Catch&m CIass, udrDi.%O01S, b-egan wvýith two pupils, Misses Amurel Autinir andciRuth Paynre. He.ref's a 1ate -%inter war-ning toi e,0', e e e e e Listen to 74 40 2 e e,-,,, h the ice L-l .uary, of 'I I e, e e e e e e nýe i