,ER xxix s only sacoon, jun ippesi a drnk ahe, é kepihmbeyea on ber time basi not hUe she basi beeni ppeaumne of Micis- sa bai ready mi- non-taîkative bar- Omit a yong lman pretty lnesome in far- aw-ay from tihe "-i u]otbing so imucb t down, puy cardas si talk \witb some z xas sucb a mn ne enteresi tise salo- niLýd biave ïimaginesi ti tlhe bpctrai'ulp usutual * * * of bavîngi wiýtb cards, senlor? ur stechancecof Idecz' smile ansvi noS. sit in far corne-r, n o? n , Ouaisturba s ý"." iksi back ait the bar, eldc acros gair1iï intie swt'-at lie *s abo-ut stili do not know. caves thec ri'Yer on jpolilnmeut neyer sled Valie, ost sceuits ccotsld "1 bve flot given up hope of Fin iing itise traAi e fioewhenm su 1 nyIsec fire in tise valley îbe' lo, . Ther re ýýshotsý. I ride ike Ah wind, But I1finsi onlya deauS op ms the stou resi ases of a dYing sm d, and a mucis biteryouflig V'alIez inocideci. "htte "Tise young houire speala to me, seluor-,,and he accuses cattiemnIin IbeL nortl cenS of tise valley. B y is eyes ansi tie setof bis jaw 1 linw e ili fîit tlise wholc worild' CI 1'temn t is the Cols story, senorýi; goosi for (asie la bad for the other, anid eaCc alîs the other 'dog. peut this 1kn 1-44atthle rider at1 tisecross wo4ssgthe boy thre was thse sameibe w1ho wats tI tfic drying shed aniset f ire bu it ani kilei.By tha sgn 1I Jiave reonzshe betrayS hsefo farn" "Ansi týhat rider iun ý th!dsa aniresi eeerciemak we Saw Ont on thle range?" Valdes asked. ",You sýee hinm mrn fromttime wh0o pursie him, He, too rides, w erbtnot lie e ther -Ifol- owdlas', ig isi ani Spanis'h clothes ï follow todiay, senor. To the brown bouse near tiburniesidr1Yngrsisesi of lsc Valsez' eea narrwed as he nosi- "Starting to figit back at the cattlem1en-undeCr rmy brai," ise Junia efenîdesi. "Death strikes twUce at him in one nright. L ,e knws that>ou are herefor 1tolsi him no. lie bakes advantpge of thse fact that his hait' aise is resi of thse sunset, ans i lebispronsiof your brand-which ho wW n seIo f rigbt- e bfen to leave these vaiiey farmers in peace. Quien aabïe?ý" Valsiez olle a cjgaett, playes an ace inattentively, weneven a seven-spot would bave taken tise trick ,in ltheir game. "NIo mail cao utse y radvb saisi mildlAy. Juanita to the pot sebs o "Te oung one ilno rd long on your bransi, senorse assuresi. 'Wben I look in the w-,indow Ofis homne, i sec that hlie bleess'too !muchli I make to go in- bouse ansi belp bim. But a girl corn3es, a gir- l Icbarlbu icaliMay anid wh as imicb grieýf !hat, bis brother Sani is theredesi "She tries ard bo Stop the bloond of the young me wbo 1is bter. î tblink mnaybe it is flot goosi that 1 bc at bouse twice when bAithA" happent, sabe2? ýo 1 go ani make camp lefor you. Ail else you kýnowv." "Al? alsiez Elfed bis brows. "Siseno.1Isbay i own wil places 111) upfor tIse aigh.i ýta fli witb this osie anitisat onle. I earn "Ntigthat points to0 the chneSome1one besides cwe bigbehiinsi ali lhat's bappenesi ine we got bee?" (To b otnei Houi Can I? By Aïnse Asbley Q.low can I1tret a vase ha bals an uneven bottom ands srathes the furnitre? A. Cnt- a pfiece of f elt from aan oid bat or boeuse flipper ansi paste it ontlise bottof bis te vase. A thick piece ef biotting& paper wiU serve bbc purpose if nce f elb is avail- Q.HwcaoI ke hecutof rolia ansibrea s sioothier ansi mrore I tender wben !bakig?ý A, Place a saucepan cof boiling water in tise even wben b)akig. Thseses will keep tise crus( Help The Red Cross Lesson T A Il0F REVENOF How. Much Freedom Fur 14-Year Old? TUE FAT1I.ER . . l14ipaol J aught<er i ,e-xicisedabtbe *social l a H ~s me to set him and her smotheron tdm .......... gbht cours. s f1ot t-iatial £0 tenaesbav- dates, but sug- ...........gests lhe nmay be * mne th 1 bus wife hinks it a0l * right uor the girl to go tY the *afternonshw u thmonly oe i * wek An. veningtdate-s ithi *ont aduit suervsion are out. * "urdagbter is ýobedient. andne *~ ~ ~~C wltrie. "eenjoy ber funi * cofidect, nd w do lot ish *tO di;ve bler îito decep)tion ý * trough measures that are too *harsb. *be allowed tA have show dates. *or skating dames, with theby. *Will you please iVL ne ;a CIns *to fôllow , ý;in b" rpeigpro%- *Parents Problein * It is essesntial 'ta cov ome- ,thlig about social tusîonmsef e the ten-agercs in each o u- Sity to ise aâble1 to chart a safe * ouïr efor parents ýand thei * OuiglgssLinsome ama'ûîLl5wn, Sandi h. dIfferent sections of thi& *diver8iied country, girlsostrt *havin',7 date, as younIrg as 13. In *others, ntutlthey are toand *three years older. Arnd it is quite *as important to Ive y0oufgsters Ati proper freedoan as it is t *curtail ipt at thec correct point, *sa maisy faMiles bave knownn *each other- for at Ieast aý genera- *tion, eýarly dlating is safer tb)an in *large cities wbere knowledge of *- Ible boys a girl wants t date i *ap',t tobeimînted. ilu both in- *stances, however, iîf prnthave andYïou Ae Cali a pieurso change teirper- sounaiity LbY changing their wiig B'efore a ch1angýe Cali be a wVriter miust linder-staipd atl the~ trits of characcer whieh a bid c to prsonal happnss. The cgraphoiogist can iret be writer tg the facts sown i te harsdwriting, pointinig üot al tbesc elements as tbuy are swn én de script Q;Q that ithese traits ofchr acter are clearly understooýd. Thec knowledge of veakness of Soule personial trait afid ~osseîef- fot to elili2aïe it fr-om thewrit irg _will e-ventuially give îhe lriter- con]fidec in il!overcomling teact- ua weakniess of char-acter-.Thr areboweersorne'eeensi thr 'ms e agnue desýi1e to maea cblange in peýrsonalýity for mu-ist be t[augh'lt how to ma,-,ke dhanges from the cold habitui mietbiod of wrýi-tting to a, new andc nme benefcial ldd of script. Thrltere munst b- conistentt effort On tise part of thïe writcer to Puake this cbange and dis requires constan vgiance over wriin hiabits. This m1ay mean thie praicti- inlg ot tor dwritîna os- penmanlbP eacb day for inlany days to getIthe Wbhat bsth'e effect of chianginig thie writîng to do wthpersonal habits andi bebaviour? in purviua; articles ! bav'e poinitesiont, "As you 1think, so will you ite"Tbe effect theu is th-at you changeyou A. whirI skirt Ilike Sisber'Sfo lit ,0M é o lMake FaHte«ru 41,15 as asimnulatesi jsxspr wtspiffesi sleeveýý, roundcol, onow'Ib angeli sunfrock la for summelrnc Pattern 4820: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. sizeý 6, frock, lYs ydls. 35-in. fabrice*; j yd. contrast. Suinfrock, 2'/4 y&s,35-hl. fabric. Send TWENTY-FWVE CENTS (25c) in coins(ms cannrot be acceptesi) for this pattern tao roosn 421, 7,3 Adielidei( St. Wecst, Wronto. Pint rhplanySUE, NAME, AD- DRESS, STYLE NUMBER.' * he !hAiyoiviir.g theiryoung * daughi,,>lters' scbool frienssto the * ouse and go corne to know *tbem, early daing can be or *safely allowed. * Speakng bu adly, 1 me nu re-ason wby a riL hke tissone * er fatlier descr-ibes should flot *be permittes to go skating for * - aftrnoon itb nice bo)ys, or *even l'O a imatinceewthi. I . * greýe wîtb tise girl's mother thant * rvening d]ateýs sholsi be limites, *ansi mont of them 'be hasi at *home. Tyhen gwrlshave lWn asd tv ist their parents and rspct tiMen, thecy repo!dto ds>pieand zwou scorn tf0 mzsi ,se rhtfreedo u Wsy have,. f -'o0!/are a p -ze preu perhaps Aune H iirst con be heilp fui. Write her ut Box 4 Roows 421, 73 RPmalngns10l81 tnat oringein goou tnumýgs, UiSla pubisheth ipeace' that brineth j g'ood tidings of goosi that pub-is'h- etsalvatiion; that saitbis unto Zien,1 Tby osiReineth-Isiab52:7, Paul j1 ver-y dtfinutely preacbed jesus' Christ ansi Him Crûcifid Book reviéws ordiscourss onpd- léitialphilosophies wereflot bis !Îne. Ice presentesi 0he"Word of faitb" t the people, The. people, in turnf , mtrst bleeansi confeSs.ý Svaonis flot of works bu)t uf( faitbi, This beliecf is flot ouily anîî inelculassent to0 the trutha oýf theý Gospel butl a per-sonl appro0ýp- riation o f its bneitst is a belief "unto igteomues" Then it is tbe priige of tie Chistianansi bis eýxpress duty to confe-ss Christ before mien. A professesi Chrîstiar slpeuitte winter in- the lirniber camup. On bis zebotrninthe spring a friensI jaslsesl hmHow sU,ýd yen get adosg? EdUICte fellows razz Yeu at ails" "Oh, no" he replies bappily, "No one ever founsi àw 1 was aChrsàan.Uow differentr4 la this seèntinef frm thse words in our ean Whosoever beliiv- etis on lMin sha"I!not lbe ashiamie." Buat before men believetbl'ey must hear, Andi owshil tiy n 1ear wibhout a pre-acher? Ans ioohpw Sisal th-ey preacis, except tely b sent?"'Tisere is a sense in whicb ail Christians ;must conïfess Christ. But there are aise, those wiso are specifially and dIviney cal esit give ali ertbue to proclaiming the Gond Newos, Paul wason of thee. le was tbIrilljed titfisbis miessage-. He was,- often w veary in body Ibue ee r weaied of th-e MNessage. Fo'r bhewaS proclai-mirig "'the 1unsearchable riches of Crs, Tho0ugh Paul h;acý a bette-r grasp off a Gio! sent ma nu rueve was irisil f17C,ris bS !a l 1 . e sbared tise GGosdesatittes too, wcïe EINJOYE 1 B MORtE familles th~an" my other brand of coffée inIbto world ... that's MaxiweIi nbuse. Beecauise of ils extra flavor î's alwaya "Good to the Last Drop! The i. lgis B111@I 9bower ué ffrhbC- Ituhe rna--. nZS 0 G"d trù .n 41 é 8 iàeLf 1Va'lsiez In Gold (Creeý ita de, ctuevasý fluc ïlot wanlt alî tbe door U But beenwatdv Many women ar be ctûtewelk. adiing baek. Often tise kidneý,ysauo te biamne, for your lddneys, alcng with tise liver, milt lLlter eut lus- purities from thse bloodistreýam. Se if you feel tiredsýi-, -out, headi- ci-wbstisenagging pain of ianr achmng back-loek te ýbu hyoairkIdd- neysan sd iver. Tbat"S why LCana- dians have bee ik retymg 035DxL Cisa-e'u ,tKidney-Liver PilA for cexo baif a century. Give your system a cba-noe to work prope ly. Wry Dr. Cl&qe' "Dr. Chase"i your assurance. Or. Chase's KIDEY-IVU M1LS