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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Mar 1948, p. 2

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Whoie LAfe Sems Spoled -- tA Canadianimerthaths wi Es ackuclambt in Europe Wand th Uitd Stats is "The Feel- of Rpeecio". In a sitig ianner ht sows how a sense ci g "unlvanted" in childhood cat affect the ent ilie of an- iduaiend Mht nmQdern psychiiatry can do toîreevethi COMndiin TPshe Gr h et"natd zhologiai' movies the îlly lead bak to some ident iii i,-ilood whiich be hecroot auseof the Ms.- oplIe vil, làhavenachnýnce iffernt tpe of psycis- ette,"TiseFeeling în.Pouced by 1theI il Boar! for thse 1Men- Diiio f tise Depari- tioalHeathand Wi B'eeug of Rejc'tion,' is Margarwet, the eider of nini anl average Cana- Ou-twardly ehe ap- quie nomal: in work ýife se isquie, bu Buit Margaret is flot wAell. Ch ku troubled by heada;ches, stomaëcis- tfredness, and the mms tborough Medfical exainatýion f ajls totrf Up any ïreasoný for thlem, Sa, in due course, shi,, s rfrr to oa psychi- Childhood Day1s Tepsych-iatris-t h a s Margaret fr11 himi about ber past life. Lea.d- ilng back fri the presen-t into heýr chidbod, ou eeor the sre Canadas Boy Scout mnembershi now staý1dndat an il-iebigli&of Je3,759. Tis is 5,28'2 more than Xast year. The juior Scouts, n a h Wolf Cubs, shiowed the biggestinil- crease ini Canada last year, num- bering 52,044 as against 47,800 thie yerbefore. ByScusincreasedé iinumberg from 38P 9077. 1 ,Adult Scout Leaders increase, licim 8,491 tc, 8,954. 0f Ca-nada's 2,319 active ScQu-t groups 1,403 are spOiosoed di;rct( Iy by churches. AffPiaition of C aniad i an Boy Scouit groupa is as.solows: An- gâican, 418; Bapist, 80; Canadian ego,41; Cojmmunity, 660; H1an- dicapped, 8; Hiebrew, 15; Latter Day saints, 30; Luthderan, 13; pres- byteriari, 112 Romani Ca t hclic, 198; Salvation Army, 68; Service Clubs, 145; United Churchi 398; nps for -Scoutî krom 580 to 647, c amps fro0i 21 ps ilu 19417 incrascd by per ýe t from 14,753 ',o icis mnus tat Imore i Canlada Jast year went fiod caipa lot cot nd net icludéed in oibery ztatistica. numrbered 263 have complounded to miake Mra ret wisî is s uty to ïace up thienomlc pei do'n of every-dIay ilfe. A onfor examlpie, atiou Is she hs planned ta spend tise ieveing at a movie, she -ý give-s la to, !-er youzngersite uwlirirefuýss-t-aiarethe ouswor when it itefle i er plans for enîemtainment. Again, at tise office, She consnts to \vork over- timne on aoisrgirls job at!îsou"gi She wated o leve e arly to go shoping Nei dy, ise shoppinig trip is a faîlure sinice aise lýeti the sýalesgirl overr-ýide her cisoice of drea. Thse simissions to otisler peopleie rise- teweariness andj re brn eadachie, wsc iee Tihe Model Childi Gigback îýstil furtiser, the psy- caiat "digs ouCiininsfrM her childhood whiciscratd in Margaret a crilppiing fear of failumeý, anl'd tisecsqentfear îof tryinýg anytbing new. Hier parents, tirouigh- a fear of hiýng tihe chid injure horslfcisck anyof lber normial 1activities, Again, since heýrpaet give miost of their ttnto to the youniger sister - M'argaret feels she is uinwaànted. To get lber par- enta atentinlise tries to show th(eni ber ntr!taletiis asthey are eXpressed in suLchl things as dan)cinig. But heis i toltat "nèce girls don't sh!-ow off."' Gradually Margaret ilearns ftat ise nly -way to ave beeIUf fùontise frihtenl- iing s naf ien wne at give hntoA il demands and t e frain from in ýactivity It akwi others mgtobject. She isecomes thse "model cbid". Result eof Psychiatry Toýwards the en-.d of ise film, we sc he ipositivetid,,(e qof, motdemr paychiîatry. Grot,i fiseapy la ap- plied to Margaret an Pida numrîber of aiiers suferinig f rom im fia adi- ca2ps. They are tanýght t face and examine tisiproblemrs. At tise end we e ber begninîg ta break away from ise chabit of blindedi encý-e tisai was su; th-oroughlyeta- 'Pied in ber c'dao n ha Cad been aftihe root of fier e toa troubles. " Tise ling f Rjeçioî bas alrzedy been sisbown in tise United States and, Europe. It rece(ived neu c-ognition l ast year aitishe Edini- burgisMoFim sa,dtisIterntio- al S-ie tf*,ic Film estiv-al and tise 'Cannes FilmFesiva in France, tise international ConferenEe of Higis1 Schi lTeýachens il, Nirwa, and 1 took a prize at, tise- Chilcago Filmu Festival a few montchs ago. IPlace, of a Word ThereI's aoi. eenebetweLn aipybringin-g iherri vp. OUR FALL PAIRS ATTRACT GREIAT ATTENTION,.Du ing te Atu nmonýthiS last yeïa a eature of teepages was aseris rîking action pictures tknat vrosEuFa.irs ld througholiut theroine At theAnalCveto of th Agrcultral ocieies f Onario, held at the King, Edw ard Helc, Toronto'(, on Februaryi , l2th and lth, adipa cf heorgialphtorahsfronli whlich those pictures wr nia de cusda great cdea-il of favorablecme nt., It xvas even saýid thtsomn of those attendinrecgieitesi- or fr iendis init1he photog-raphs that the d,'zispl-a rmes were lms stipedbeor te onento ne.Aoei enjs nesaiconer of the exhi'b'it.In fthe p)ast fý eq er mr n moe ows n vlLge re coniîng to rcgnîj3ze th-e immeiInse valuie t o a coinu ityo a good Eau ir, and 1( it is 1oped that pbiiyof this sort il atas an ncouagenie-t to ail who'1heicarry on theJ-Cgoodxok cm intise open indow of tie roam wbere, ltbsiouaewiflyzeal, spring hou cleaning. Ac gleam cme ma nueyea. Me tisougbt, "P'Ulgive iim that pile of mazga;zýines Ted bfas i tisegarage ways Promisîng te tuke away, but nc-eer dioes. i'm ire fbv themaround." Tise ragmain lokd o nhpe- fuoiy s be loaded tise boucls and magzazieson bis rickety atuck. "Ayolda clotises, MJa'am?" he askt e A. - aId rubber or ironil "No, dets ail . . . wait a min Ute." She dartedSA tise garage, druerse reyou îMay Lasl ae LIFE'S LIKE THAT She gave bhha iwd apaic- Iarly war kis amwen he cme home tisra vening. "T*m almost dead," o'pen acanafsoup orsoi in easy tO preCpare, Bs. ise1jn Ireem bered isow Mie yeu were, so Imad you ibtis meai !,e aJupied cakek." Thus se tr d(Ito pv h ayto A ~llm wbat ahd oe "tbeats m wyyou ha-veto jkil yonself, trying tco d vriig ane ay,"Ted asee. "h house aways loksal righlt to m witho t u vigto tear itapan evr '0ate. 'Ihanka ý,trth ae dneHoney. Gues,11 work'on tise car for aiie "Tisaireminds me," sCe iner rlnpted I'astily, "Aragmlan came b today ,d 1 let ,-îimîtaketoepo b ottles aïý, ý iindimagaz iine s ot its garage. "AdIlet is-F ak tiosedity 1I pants oui tisee oo,"st aise ued on. "Yeu mean yos. gave tAse pwns away t" Ted shouted. "Those panta ha-d fifiy dollars iii thse ok" "TedS! Tiey didn'. By Fred Neher "WhY rdon't you get on a quiz program, Popu o ro ail the answers wlien noni quesýtions yu? doneF" "Gave -vway youI'r bir-taygft, that'aai. 'Y beensaviug Ailyear tA bay tont wrist watch you wanted Itogh1 had found a safehidng plc uthose pat, .Pehap w ca àgt t ack Did you notice a Mame on thse ruck?"' Nanc ShOok her headdetspair- in gl Thr was.'t any name, but thre as a phone numb.Ier. I noticed th ai because it was tSe samre nmeha u ouse. Ma"in 1152." "T ~'sa otofhelp. WeCan't DenIer',' shccried ;Hr t is," aieeuteater a few mnts serch."TnyRoale 1346ICl,ark cStreet," 3346 Clarïk Str-eetwaasiby litte hose whose bak yard gave a plproof of itsoveL cua ion. An ancien'.- bent olé ~,ya- I sweed ise knoek.Ssesisook h ler head -l epos o ýtier requ(est ý0 spIea-k inM, Roale undertandEn~lih" Adark-ýeeçl boy camiefrorntise back of tise ho1 ."o at buly sometinIg, Miste or have yo s got s'meissn Youmnta psoil?" asked. "NawI liv nexidoor, buLtI l Toeny I'dtakecare of tjiinas tili 1he came back. "When W11] e becbWk? "Ntfor n ouple of days, mnister. 1 His boy, vWisa'L in tise air corps, was i1 ail busted .up in, an airplane crash. "nyand bis wife wanted to go see hiibut 'hey didn't have thse rmoney. Then todaýy a rich lady gave Toniy fifty bu'- nd they lit out as sGOon asý he cam,-ehomre. Tha7t's what I caîl "I' gid M. Rzale ad is wifeI Fier ?"iî -,!ýffo ,' a eï3 n- eta,~eog Sothscomforts a!nd quici iv caissu QckPaintJo progress may Be found inmodem- contrasted iîf poceure 'ýyears ao Once 'poinctm-and flot so manIy easaoat ta uomblsre- asired as many as 13 co-ats; of ~pait andl thei job took f romn 12 days tca six wveeks -t0 complete. To-da'-vs cars' get, tfree coDatsof lhar-dylacquier or en e n iess Othliailnhor Hee~Speecly Relef4 for TenerAchingh thed0at southink yu aut goa stea Vor soesmayfee asift V.i CutI, right lt the fiesh. Von feej over wIji ipaiwair orte;y'd aiv aoytiDig to1g1 t l ief. Twýo o he plctosof Moon's Emerali 4"t "anili i: fI ew m'inu .tes the pain t hig to ear,. Ak or a ote to ai t geaiS drustges'il over Cýaada. GOT A HIEAD CL? I r A few dlrops of Vicks'Va-ira-ual lu e'acii iiostri1 wvork f ast righit zwhere trduble f s! Va-iro-nal opens up cold - cangestedi breathing passages - anld relieves sneezy, Sitfly head cold dtrea.làow di- rectionsmipackage. 1

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