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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Mar 1948, p. 4

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Subscription $1.50 -date Job Plant. Our prices are se., and our work is of the best 'hursday mornt-ing at the Times office R. A. Forrester, Publisher iEstablished January, 1937. Heigh, Si1ver 'ertable fairyland was occasionied by the ice stornm as The ice p',roved itsel'f a sortI of an civer Sunday visiltoer too, too iiucl,,i frost in the atmospdiere to di.sperse the silvery kbch ad fornxed upocn treess, telephone and teletgraph wires ther objects where ieat %was acking. Oid Sol wouId have ýt vork of the icy outloolc had he had his way. sibly t-he rapid r -enoval of icee wold hve 'added te) the fthe trees also, partîcularly youig,. trees -Weighted dx' ,tra load. It irat certainly would have contributed to the rid good nature of al responýsilble f or the -Lixiitlanice of e2 swstem-i. weli, me nivat admi-it that we have heen fairly ice sternis th;is winter. Ma1rch will scarceiy saddie us ~ab iiaiy at hs sta ge of the gamce. More than that, we ish Vto coitemid withi a -,hlole serie;Ps of icy days oýr week- te retain is a lively recollection oýf theýý tesardi shrubs. They looked beau-P sunlig-ht or byJ the ig- t ot the street, scliver 'Wvas imi stock in trade. We mad a biting eastwid We sold it again »* i *e Cake Tjpon- the Waters il when tire nriigeoit the Goodyear Tire and Canada decided te invite ernpoyees at ýNew Torento le te) forego the traditioýnai Christaras. dollars', and mure to Vie purcliase et indfividuel fruit cakes for, the w Goodyearites ini austerity bound Eng-ind,, an- inter- tf tlrankful replies was started. From a"l over the lamI"d cane m-essage-s of appreciationi tint -Woereast- 'ed a cake bajs explained te tihe donor pacity of "aesrafor Godye-ar" in ironme city is Exeter, he wr-ites. Andi Exeter,. conjures up. One eau picture rolws CI old wonld soai-ind hbouses. le traveii, on Goodye-ar 'tyres9'", aithougli rest of thre rujbber S'elling fraternity e1. Thre pas;t few years h;ave- been b lan regard te edibie pred-uce end ciothing. t mirho dcriveid the greaten pleasare troms as> cake dleal. Tire beissed-ress etf giving the -irreoexpenioneotreceiving, Here of peopIe par--tici'pated in otir n tact, etters~ as Viose docrbo ouid warrant * e * e s Ilnto ileaveni se who patroniz tire ironie town iibrary o publie services rendfered. by tire staff en pointod eut hewever, tint a readixrg e on thre goudflýor soïnrewhere W-0uld ýpie partleulariy,. After ail, it istire eider infort in quiet reading, and sucb readingl ho rirediuni of tire good lend-ing library. one aiymbitious achenre calied eifer a neat townvr hall where ani ideal vacant plot lies rniouries. Tire ideaq is sýa-id te have 'been hats" efthtie nilitia, aitirougfir itstie ian peepIe are paying- taxes ton tlire up- )me coynsideratien -could lie given te tire Virose SRefolfek, Étire tiare for idequate r7ea-dingl. Tin-t is ect-up Ji) tVhe presenit day myode of living. ding la any casec, and horo again w,& enai we look arounmd upon tire prevailing jani- pleasures wiiimedeign te eau livn" sis -whe do lead quiet, unitrnnrnreledlis amiû ref.resh our spirits 3witb eavision of at it*nds upward without tire neceSsity et 0 W * Take Care of Your D'Pog ardy kind is present laiiiie rrake-up et any person tely set eut te pooison a deg. Ln the south mard ef ewr et Bowm-yaniviile recenitly, egtdoga wedene ýs depicable eranner, while only two -weeks age, a a ýeil-loved pet tirrougr tire administration of po:- tiere are tee ,Tlansy dogs, runn-ing at anj tink of «tirer ways et redncint-irfe rtîng o poi son). Proper autiroiies -and -han citizene p iay the neýcessetry Lve tire rig-ht te tirir cýaniiine cempan- eping tire do gý mitimabeunds ila tiirs lot of dissatiataction andhet-bnug îr aii dlovers mou-ld 'ave due regard z's property, ami ther people's ceai- rstepa -clat - Weekly Times Free Serv'ice! DEAD HORS---ES and CATTLE Removed Promptly and Wvithout1 Charge Telephone and Reverse Charges, te our account Cobourg 48J Toronto Ad. 3636 CORDON YOUNG Ltd. TORONTO CAPITOL PORT HOPE1 Wed., Thurs,_Mar. 3-4 ",Cali Northside 777' Wijth James S teNvart and Hellen Walker "The Years Between"9 Wi MfichaeÏ Redgirave audt Valerie Hobson LAST S,;HOW AT 8 O'CLOCK Fn. & Sat.LNjarch95-6 With TA Doýe&&oIt Mon. to Wed., Mar. 8-1(1 "THE BACIIELOR AND I TIEBBReOE Toronto, Adelaide 3636 DEATHS CH1A'RV1A'N - At Bowmianville Ilos- piaon Friday, February 27th,1 1948, Aberta Berr Chaprnai, lie-i loved daugliter of thie late Mr. and( Mrs. Isaac T. Cliapiiani, aged 53; years. Funeral service waýs iheld at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- iianville, ci) Monday, unchlta 2.20 pm.intermiert was nmade in Orcoio ernetery.,, JI-M CAMERON LESKARD, ONT. Electric and Aýcety1ene Welding 1Cylinder Blocks andHed Welded Specializing in ALUMINU'M AND 1ZI1NC BASE METAL Ail Work Guaranteed Phone Orono 1 ring 5 se yeav h' ve passýed de# athr .nlce yolý ,yre all'ed aý%way.,. hsad dw ydï 4 r we,-,ihurS a days osf pain, ou'lr tro le rugi ,are past, dini oul- r w hearts, we Ycou haýe' found rosi'ýt at last. -Sadily missed ami always re- ebrehy your wife and dlaughi- -S-ALE RE GIS TE-RS I have been authorized by Charles Wilson te sali by public puctien at! Lot 18, 'Conicession 7, FHopqe Town'ship,l at 1.00 p.m. on Wediesday ' Mardli 17ti, 1948, his entire stock of five hors es, iiine mnilk cows, eleven fatý Irattie, ten pigs, seed ami gra-in, ami îa îfull lineofo famnai naciinery. Tenais cash, 'Ne aeservé. - J-ack, Reid, Auc- tionteer FURNITURE SALE 1 have been authorîzed to seoîl1 yi public aution on :Saturday, MIarchý 13,1 1P,48, at 1.00 at Lts4 sud 5, RopJe Township, 1 mile nrta f Pr Hope, thre furniture of Mrs. Saulc Archer. Ternis cash. No eseve -Jack Reid, Auctioneor. Thre Neýwcastle Al-Stars wiii play' -ire Orone Junior Ilohkey Team et tie local rink on.,IXesday evenîng, Maclir 9th. This nost likely wil ho tire lat hockey game- of the yeax. The muaagement ar-e looking for a FOR SALE BY TENDER Sealeci tenders mill lho recoivod iry Vthe unerine p te neonmthre th day etf Mardih, 1948, for the proporty on the soutir ide of Con-, cessi*.on ý,Street, Orone, e' t present Oc-' cupied by ýMr. W. A. Reid. Tins prop- erty consists et a lot eI' about four-i tenths et an acre, having ýa frontage et about 100 foot hy a 4,epth etf about 165 f eet on wbdMch is ýa trame hiouse loevered with I nsmI iceontahinngl six roomrs nar bath, aise garage for truek, aiseo barn.Inpcto at any genApril ut 1948, if des'ired. Terms caszh. Hiïghecat or any tender ndt nocessurily accepted. Dated Febrnry l9thi, 194. Orono, Ot Soliciter for W. A. Reid. M Cobourg 48J Miss Beve,-iýey Paye ishes/ bhn er imianiy fr -"!a, eïgh- beL oi- their kinnw i v ti ler dixgher recent in maýn1,n ville hospital; also r c s i fts IN MEMORIA-M GAY - In loving 1rneý1xory OS-"Our dearmotherwh-pa aày on March tt --4saly nmisse4 by he« s Ciarlie rddaughter-in ý..Haiel, daughter Elva andsni-l ali MD aid ami theg*dh IlARTYN -1.n loving mnemory of a dear husliand a. a i eWilliama John Martyn, vvho passed away on! Mlareh 5th, 1945.1 O n e Y o k a h r W ' d u e fh ~e la tt eýr part of April. ,,ply o,'R J. Han- cock, phëne 4,a6- LOST Anyone knowi& of jts whLieeabouts, kindly notify Geh4 nOrn GEORGE YR Orono - Ontario Agent foLr the Empire waIuppeTsý annd tire Water Proof Wall p«prs (Originni White oae). Se. t My ,pcrtfalio od loveiy walÎpaýp-rs;.Ee- ins ou will le s.atislfied. EGGS WANTED WC p;i"ýk 'up eggs at yoir 4oor once a week. No shdippirg charges,,Gocd pricesi paid. - Normani Clemiens, Bowmanviile, Poo23, C-6-p. P(.k-jI4R ,WÂNT- BÉlore se - g iour >1'e penit!lry' try us, Ou?-iprc4sarfigirnM. Fiatt, R. .ý ~ehnphono ORONO Fernioure Hospital Reupholstering Repalring Refinishing Antiqes Beught and Sold See our line iof Drapery Matoiai Kitcheni Units made to order C- F. Duncant Phone 79,-16 RN 40 Radio Service! The. comibnstiqon Of experienice, cern- piste data on al] nakes, and noderD test equipiient nil eiwure PROMPT,. REASONABLE AND EXPERT REPAIES R. L. MYLES Phono 79 r4 -ORONO Free Estim-atesvwlll be Given Clïeerfully on Rock Wool Home Insulation By BlOWe-r System,. Four luches thlick, GILPIN -ÇzC0. Insulation Contractors, 57 Bloor St. West, Teronto District Representative for Dunrham founty - I RONO r.v, Niclai at .il j.m.ï . 21 !g . A dS e . l o 4 'L a d ie s wihbaskets firee. a-5-e. CARD PARTY The ýHeather ScilClbwill bld a card party and ýro1kinole in the O-rin-ge Raillon the evening of Sat- urday, Mareh 6th, Lunch serve-d. Everyone weleome.Amsin2e FOR SALEy One eltig ht fi h re, indfirect 1 lit , ue s ' hw b , nmogul base.î Frely us'4 iit store. A bal- gain at ý1.5A. V Tyrreil.'s Dru'- Store, Oro6o. FOXý SLE A fewbutshtl4" f pA les. Ar)-! ply Raymrid C~?h p onMe 51 r 6, FOR SALE OaaC I o ertov,5 Uchick; eaapacity; used 1 n e yeý- Apply teo Don Grahai_ n, p bne 35 r 8 J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automobil and Liability ORONOONTARIO ORONO'S INSURANCE M4AN Manufaeuiers Life Insaurauco C.4ý Dominion of Canada Gonaeral Hlartford Fire Ïinsuraeý* Wiatenlroomutual Fire Insurance Wawallesa Mta nuae is represente n ris& istrict by DANFI FOUNJI OR.ONO Phone a r x if i'. insurnice, givo Dane a triai LEROY HAMILTON INSURANCE EN ALL ITS BRANCHES Fire, Automobile, Liabiity, Lîf e, Hospitalization', Plate Glass, Bugrlary, Casual-ty RBeprosontiing the Leadng CANADIAN, BRITTSH tud AMERCANCOMPANIES Office, Main St. - ORONO Phiones: office 322r lé; Re&. 1 r If Phono me and 1 wilil eau to suit yen. Estixuates früely givon, neo obligation INFORMATIO)N Would yen like te lknowmore bou the- foilowlng ? (a) R o WH Ilte oui ârfamil7 thousand dllare that je eu %P'FMgt saved ? (b>h) ew te guarantee amslMI eleque to jour family e*verY M=I%, fer 10-15 or 20 years should *eu bs taken eut of the Peltuire ?7 (,C) BOW te have -a salary cheque every montît for yeuirself as l@oig a, yulire, comamencing at age 55-6q, or 65. (d) UOW te gUarantee that your son, or daughiter wilR have tRie menej fer aîn edlucation beyond high school? Let us have a chat about t some- time. Pho-ne FRED LYCETT AUCTIONEERS TED) J ACKbýSON Auctioneer and Valuator C ,d.t uetion Sales ef ail ah»e and at reasonable ratez Commiciiiate with hlm at Ped perry, Ontario, or uee o mCerk, A- E. Menoton, at Orono, for date. JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valu-ator W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY BOWMlANVILLE, ONT. DR. W. W. SHIERWIN VETERNARY SURGEON Office Main St. Orea. Phone 63 r 7, Orono on request every aribeani. ATTENTION FARMERS WE ARE PAYING THE HIGHEST PREVAILING CE FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS HORSES - - - CATTLE - a - HOGS Telephone Colleet fer1 Immediate Service- GORDON YOUNG LIMITED HEAR ~uen'~RekportNio. 7" PREMIER ýe Of' DREW "THE 0ÉPARTMENT 0F LABOUR LOOKS ANEAD" 1 a 1 ,ýq pý,'NT EX PFýý

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