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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Mar 1948, p. 5

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WEEKLY ýf AjIan j!A1,to be held o-,) Sta-! ret; Or urhamCounty),' 'dyMarch 23rat 12 oCïlc Teii-n Cah. Anyon'je wisIIing nae a swqlor equipmnent he weli l avised to attend thisl anie.' For- particularsI s. Anyone wanting biswrt iReid, JOliono1, Ontario.-ae ucntioneer. 1I%*a4yttMf//w69oo'o/ UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE? $87,500,000 wacs pctid frôm the Un- employment Insurance fund to unem- ployed Canadians'from September Ï, 1945, to October 31, 1947. $3 1,000,000 was contributed bo this furid] ýy the Goveriwuent of Caniada. 500 ÙGO individual unemployed wor ers and their dependants bene- \ f111 d from thèse payments. /In mnany cçises had payments n- eeen cailable the unemployed wou~ld ae sufered- want! ýWhat's t1h go-0od of Unem ent In uance anthere b aýny dîoubtl Vnemnploy ent Insurance helps the employer 4 providhg unemployed wit4 puich sing po ,er; and helps the wor er bý providing maintenance CHO ,anc s t4 ring unemployment. Empi yer in-mployee and the Gov- ernment ai have an interest-Unei- ployment Insurance is a large factor in a healthy National Eco-noniy. lYake full use of your loc-al office of the National Employment Service. ment of Labour HUOMPHREY IMITCHELL, Miister of L-about A. MacNAIMARA, Deputy Miisier &WHIITE s JELL-O Jelly Powdersý (Absortedl) 2 fo r 1c.C L ARIGE OatmealCoke per lb 32c. ES FIRM Cooking Apples Good Clor 6 quart 33c, STRAWBERRY JAM, .~48e ÊTRUIT JUICE, 48 o 1Sodas, pkg, ,28 oz tin .. ml YJi - - . - -. , A BAGS, 72 for .. (Seedless), 2 lbs,., Loato Sauce, tin-. 32e 20C 2le 42e 85c, 25e 45e 28e S7RAWERRIS~ "rideof Nia- Ootin........ ...........49c, NEIJ CONDENSED MILK, tin ...23e E CRUTST, mnakes 2 pies, pkg.....32e ÇUT FLAKES, plus Comie Book, 2 r.W ...... ...........25C plus istrue- 1 U- 1 Local News Mrs. Roy Tennarit, :Maryý,, Fran(!is s,11pen-,t a kwv day~s wîth relatives at Purpie Hill. Mr. aad Mrs. Victor Mialtl and faniily, of yeam were visi- tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jakemnan. Mrs. <eoilge Wilson was takenl to! the Bowmanville :Hospital on SUIIn Yi las t and underwent an operation fori appendicitis on Moncbýay rnornig Mrs. Oliver Gilïbs andl daughter Sharon, of Dunbnrton, spent a few days last week with her sistrMs iEd. Grahairi. Mrsý. Bruce err was rushed tol the Bowmanvi1lie iospital on Tues- day muorning hast to uindergo an cperation for acute appendicitis. The musical sup)ervision of Cavan To)wnisip schools blas ben ssimied 1lsy 'Mrs. Lorne Thompson of Black- stock. Mrs.Tomsn was formLilerly Miss Gladys' Cobbleick. Rev. A. E. Eustace dielivered a splenidl discourse to a good sized congegaionat the evening service in Park st. Ccl]n i last Suncbay. Mrs. A. A.Drnon sang the solo ithe church aihm Dr. and Ms A. ri. McXenzie, _Mr. and (Mrs. John -Ari-istronig an d Mr. and Mrs. 'W. E. Arston bve on Suncbay next for- a two weeks' tour! through Poîa They wil! also do sm fishing in the :Gulf ofMeio going after soimne large fiait, Reserve Friday night, M-arcit l2th, for te Orono otiutinSichool Conmmencement iExercises. The pro- grammîe will eonsist of the 'usual1 aadsongs, dancres, gymnastic. dispi1ays xithMr. A. E. 'el,~.. P-uincipalî of t1te Oshawa Collegiate, as guest speaker fer the evening. Farmers!i Tradestu)-en ! Attention. Do you ever haveý need of a rubber stampr for use con *Illheads or si i- ping tazs ? They are inexpenisive and most convenient. We are ;agents, forMaJ Stamps, T oronto, and give speedy service con al orders. l Tyrrell's Drug Store, An old Orono 'boy who lives near Haileyb r . Howard M(eGili, paid a v1it to Oromo for a few days loôk- ing up somye oi hies holb oy friendas, but -was very disappoînted to see su f ew arcovnd, Howard looked wel] and we were pleased t-o e hlm. Howard ;s tite obldest son. of the lace James Mg iliPay us another visit, :Rserved seat tickets -niiy be pur- chased at the Tim-yes office after Thursday .onnfor Toeattend - ing the Figure Sk-ating carnival onl 'Frid.ay, Mareh 51th FINANCIAL STATEMNEINT OF MINSTREL SHOW The MLinstrel Shrow, held ini Orono towNn hall recenzly, was -for the pur- pose of building up the Oddfellows, an.d Rehekahs iC. P. and T. Ftind. Af- iiier al-,thpexepenses were pai au the balance divided between the play- ers and the ýiodg-es, each received the sum o0-116,0 olwlgis a statesuant of the re- cepta and expenses : Gross receipta----------- 77.00 'Gross exipenses-- ----450 Net .......- ---.. ---....M IPED CROSS SEEKS TO CUT CANADA'S DROWNING TOLL Thre great bulk of drwnngesual- ties in canada occur in the <age-group- I between 10 and 30 years and in arens isolated froen ,-crowded hathing beach- es, Dr. ar-ve(y Doney, ntonldi- retrof Rxýed Cross Swixnming andj Water Snfety, annoanced on Weýdnes-1 day last in a .statem'1ent pointing OJtl Vhse -eed for tîhe continationý and ex- pansion of the Red CrossPrga. 4"More titan 1,000 people are dr.own-1 Pl in Canaa enit year and the vasti CALLING, ALL GIRLS If pou are between the ages o! 12 to 26, rend on. MissMaiin i gardeners in Durham 'Countyp Wud you be inerested? The Dlepartuient of Agricultuewl furnish you wit'h te.ysxdfee kinds o! seeda, both vegetables aM flwr.The costý is only one do,ýllar You vvlll plz nt and care for you. fgarden, and keep a record Cock. lubs wiil be formed and two to three mi-eetings held with aloa lea- der. Yo-ur gairdenwod keep yu fam- OinVo the -reenit sniù, a!lae collct-ion th-at %vas been hlield on Satturday, -M asbeen canicelled foritefin 'ysuppiied lh egtbe biole tsummirer. hatsore learnl how to co and cunl .sectS and hOw to store veget ,illtëlruse. 01r0no0coinuation seohool Coin- mencement EKxrises wili bueidin the Town Hlall, O ono, on F-i.da1Y eveiiing, -Mareh 12th, commyencinig at K0O0 p.m. Mr. ýA. E. O'Neill, B.A.. Principal of Osaw ollegiate, wvli b le the guest speu er. There wi~l be the gvn of awards, in, danýces and gymnastics. Admission, 25c, This officq w be closed fr-oi Sun- ia, Mrch 7Ë , ut ilfiunday, ci 33st (both d, sinclusive). eR. A. F. Mý,cKENZIE IN STOCK FOR lAMMEDLATE DELIVERY Donna Conna Wallboard ORONO COAL & LUMIBER if A Third Aninual Orono Girl Gides FIGURE SKATING CAR NIVAL àORONO ARENA Friday, March t Solos, Pairs, Foursomes and Group Numbers Teresa WRIGHT Varch 5, 6 Robert MITCHUM 'PURSUED" iTECHNICOLOR CARTOON Mon., Tues., Mar. 8, 9 GEORGE FORMBY ON SEE THE EASTER PARADE and the Penguîins and DùtcW Gi"rls 1 MI in FEATURE ATTRACTION Diane Ilambly orono ý'S-ting Club professe al_ oërmerly wîtthhffe Capades and Ice Follies Don't m~iss seý,4Kg tih rogress the girls have ADMISSION:- -35C. and 50C. Free skating after the progra CA] là Monte led ! Reverend A. En Eutace INIWte SUN»AY,. MARCH 7th The CoanserÎpt. Letters of aMissiaonary. Orono insi Plumbing Heating S heet Long Rubber Boots for Men, womien and children,. Curtains iii Dotted Marquis- ette, lu white ankd coored dots. Priced......---50e t. 75e Plain Rayon 'Marquisette and Sunnaiweb Voile, color lig-ht and darl< ecru. Fr1- ced at per yard------ - - $m» Dr-aperi-sa of ail kFinds and colokrs. Prlced at per yard---..-....$1,25 to $2.75 NylOn RHose, î iii me-diu m an dark shadles;ais. Rayoni and Benxberg crepe, ail sizes. Shoes, Pumps, lin-swede and Leather, also Oxf ords a 1u Loafers. GRO-IPUP DOG/F00D 2 lh. pkg. for.. . . g NNEAPPLE IVARMALAU Large jar for -........ CREAM STYLE ýCORN- per tin ........ G AIN Chenille, ddble bý 24e SPECIAL M EAT S Noûw is the thue for Good home killed BEEF OR BABY BEEF Leavý-e your order for the Week-end BULK -MACARONI - 2 pounds for......25e INTERLAKE TOILET TISSUE 3 roils for.......29e il yoaur n ime, drs iVo teDepartmnit Bownianville.

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