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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Mar 1948, p. 8

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OReNO englag-ed ,n iiis for the1 ycentre. GIDDEN JAP-A-LA4C Paints and Var;iishes Rubber Set Brushes Oil and Turpentine_ SPRED Waishable WtrMxPaint Covers 3vith onle coat over Wallpaper, Plaster, Waliboard, Brick and Wood. BROOIMS '75c, to $1.95 STERN PUM-NPS ;4.5O and $6.95 1- tct Father Kelly, bel< COBOURG, LONG ILLNESS EIHBORI-OOD NEWS wved p)astor of st. rin ~¶cjaes 3furchi, Coourg, passed away aster 'a lonig ilblness. Picked up immediately Free 0f Chiarge We pay for Telephone Cali MARGWILL FUR FARM 1 R. R. 1L TYRONE lTelephov.e: Bowmanville 2679. KENDAI WVe are pleased toce e Mrs. E va-n Quanitrili out and' arounld again after a had attack of the "flu.ý Mr. Aylward and Mr. Alec. Little visited thieir mteMc N. Little duigthe week-en-d. IlVrs. Fred Fali, "has ret.urned hom1-e aýfter sedn the winver in Battie-i cireek, ýMchig'an, vstigber 4ster. We are sorr . to hear too of thle dofathrof, Ruzussell White and ouir sympathies go out te the bereavedl We are pleased to he-ar that Mlrs. n. Mercer is porsig aifc ily after hler operaItion ia St. ,eph's lHospital, ptroogarfd expected home on rds9'e 1hope econthnues to ijimplro-,r a nd that she I soac'a te fully recovered. sh SINGER SEWING.' MACHIE WE REPAIR ÂLL 1màk eo Sewing Machines Eleetrie Machines for Sale or Rent. phone 1015w, Port Hfope or write SINGER SEWING MACHINE CQ. 47 Walton Street PORT HOPE A repre-sentative wiIl eal , at Oronto and surrounding- Territory Every Fridlay t.Is co~~ , .- s - We are srry to hear of the psh nf Mrs. IHngh lo-y, of Oshawa, afPevr ai week'.s illnesýs broughf or, by a 1faîl. our hieartfelt sympiraties,- are ex- tended to 2Mrs. 'Cocil Telo, lier dighrand to ail the family.* The funeral takes' place in Oslhawa on9 1 W 0d.ed nd. Th)e meeting ocf theo W. A. wasý hield in the Sunday Sehlool rooilo Wednesday, FebrýuarY 25th, willth te prosident, 'Mrs. ROY iMercer in thei dhair. The meeti-ng openod with th hyma '"iMy FUaith LOoksý up to Thee ,1 fllwdby prayor. The roll eail was rcoddto by inaming your faIvor- ite hyIt' a dlec,-ided to carr'y on with plans for painting the outside of tho church and roimdelling f tho kitchon. After closi-ug the meeting with thle MzphBonedietion patchle, w.ere giving out for nmaking itfoý sursfor a quilt and t'lieRehin lHood cookcery 'hok wa-s o ae 25a. each, this being a boaut'ifalyil lus;trated ibook with lots of file vo- cpes in ii. 1Th le Fnrrm Foru1m -wais !heli the hlome ofMr L. Di. Bell, withi Missý TTilda 1ellbe1ngthle carighos- 'es, for ithe eveninig. B'utry's snow pllow hadl proviously lere the roacl of snwbt still theo travelling made us th4nk Iýwe wreiin a smabo'nton 'a cho'py sa: owcer, we arrived 'lu- tac. aVing a god river and lther were u n s Musf ea sicues1. Th rav d i, w h ich t a sp r o M r. p .V in V'ýrner of thie yoar 1851ý to our vear, of 194s, when he Was asltounded at 'li rnchierywhýich did so o ccf tu frer'work to-dsy. Tho ,milký- mig machine, and tlhe faln) traicter cf' ppyn~d Wteeleiy Mr. ip toc. AMav- 1be if us -cold lo]ok int e h er2~ \vo would he even more astouudod. Thie stilject for discu-sion ws"Ina KIRBY Dan't forg-et the W. A.q tigon Wednesday aftern(on, M..arîch lOth. iMrs. YOUman19is, Ms Madili and Mr's. Wmi. Allia Lad. qultings recent- 'y. ~Everyone had a good time at tbe card an'd cinole pairty at thie sedhool. The sy'mipathy of Liec commulLnitv is extenided to Stan.iley Cba-_pmanm and to IMrs. -Walsh onmitle u uden death cf thleir sister Fern, *ofr 0rono, Wm., Rutherford Si%.,B*il Ruther- for-d and'Bill Wannaii joui-neyed to Lindcany last Tueiday nîgzht -wit'h the other hockey fians an 1 playesr. Mr. cmlMnd .R. KP, tt so uad smn Bill, and MssJ. -n Heiwig, 01 Foýest Hill', spent Sundaiy with Mr. and IVrs. wm. Wanni n. 'TlIV . A. held a socil oveing on Wedinesday nighit, ~Februvriy 25th.A real gond progamme of congsrec"ý- tations, piano col;o, -"et., wqe ejoyed S very m u h also a go d lunch a t r ward. core frmcommi oldhv e igg, col ave the use ,nciovsucha weed sprayors. (P, type of hvymae your coiim'uity ? bo made avaiilahie dividual prhs 1 cd tha-t a maýn coul lays thata Tit would realie farm]Iing iii this Cd were l o f devint subject in the foi its use you ame the patient at~ ýo al concerlied. rs as one of the . $1.35 bulb . $1.75 Aselerted Thermomet Thermameteri Arye not oully a comfort, bui years. TYRI nehial ATER BOTTLES in winter months for added varmthan isable as a s'ek roomrn eed. We lîst te SP ECI AL 'VALUjE S *They can't Ieak- because they are re unconditionafly guaranteed for 5 s at each..............$------- 3.041 and $3.5,0 IALS - THIS WEEK ONLY ilar 35e., for ---------------.......... .. . 25c ,for...........................- - -- --12e 8Ozsa., 18c. and 16 ozs, 28c. yrup, 8 oz sise. ISPECIAL......3 p (l Pt tries B3. Tyrreil - AGENT FOR JACKMAN L0WERS 68:: OrnOt die cud the soven l1tte UIeM seenie, te accnpickso niuch- wit]i so litti' fusth se t Ieiug that overy Lit- tle did a li iýttl.e. Mrhu Thoinp son gave aý report of the Fan Foru Rally held iu Port Hope on Tuesduy afiernon, Finhrary24A. Be men- tioned one speaker who said lie a]- ays u-,atcýhed how,,the lazy andid thn, alie felt that the lazy mu:t -~-eullalwaysldthe ou)ickesýt w y 't do al job. Ma bti, dshssm tin.We learn-ed that thef Nov. Scti Gveumnthas t ý aken the lewd iu making macinery availaibi for use by frrmors' and in holping farm-fers tbbuy exponsive au ur The next Farm Forumi meeting wil 'ho held in the hiome cf Mr. a'nd -Mrs Evan Quntrîli oun odyng rarch 8thi. I - cross viters Thero la a man in Canada who has tiseý soven total strangers ia MaJybe yon winco at Ho doesni't. Without it, bof dead. rs ago hoe wassoiuy ii a crash. H1e rce hedinjuries, sda l and lorsacf booi d a) s 1him ha hlie 4n' v"! nem If . . . se"en had nelý;t stepped in. nýte Caniadian mon and1 cho had each gon a blood te the Canadian led who thocy are. As ho looks into a stranger's faco, ho ilently asks: "We-re yen one of tiemi? if se, I thaL'nk you from my heart." Simlaly tsemother who gave biris to tw.ins and would have died except for. blood transfusionis... thýe babIy so anaemic at birtislho could ho koept alive onily by doniated blood ..thse maýimed. .the sicýk ...thse (ld ail those who ewe terleste blood 1transfusion-s sa:"T.hankýs, unknown friend." Vrie blond for ~nda optl The ie ,d (Cross BlýoQd ïTra7nsfusion Servicep as, a soon as possible, te extend whle !,ýblood anid plasma freoteal ptintseding tl ho)spitals aujross Canada. Already,ý twe o icsBiihColumbia aýnd Abraprvd Lhis life- savin-g service. Last yeaýr, Aiberta and British Columbia disribuo 21,044 bottles of wholo blood and 2,,64 botties o)f'plasmar, resi.ting in t ho savin,,,of manY livos. But it, takos money as Weil as blood to save thlese lives. Romember this, as t-ise Canaidian Ried Cross appeals t e now fer funds. Give generoujsly. A life may depend upen your donation.à Easter Candy 1 Plastic Easter Candes rom29c. up Easter C ards -ý... ........ 3 for 10e. to eaeh 10e, Hand Painted Cake Plates (nw.......... --98c. Turkish Towels, solic color and white with stripes, priicedl each ........ ...... 29c. to 55c. Youithi' Pullover Sweaters, sizes 26 to- 32, each $1.25 Fancy Paper Nut C'aps and Party Hats, each. . 5c. Birthday Candies, 3 dozen box, 2 bo-xes....15c, Plastic Candie Holdiers, 5 for........5- Ladies' Feit Slippers, cosy style, pair .....63c. H1ot Water Botties, guaranteed against defect, assorted colors, each . .............75c. GROCERY FEATURES Aylm-er Peas and Carrots, 20 oz t11ins, choice quality: SPECIAL, 2 tins.........35c. Vita B. Breakfast Cereal, 3 lbs. for......... 29c. Minpeereat, 92 lb tin for.............. 42e Nestles Sweetenedl Condensedt Milk, tin ....... 22e Seedfless Raisins, 1 lb. for... ........... 23c Keta Salmon, Fancy Quality. SPECLAL, 1-4 11) in f or .... ......... «.............19c Plum Jamu, 24 oz tins. SPECIAL....... ... 35c. Heinz Relish, Assorted. SPECIAL.... ý...... 15e Campbell's Tomato Soup. SPECIAL, 3 tins..> 29e Qualker Oats, Quick Cooking. Special, Large 48 ounce pkg. f or .............. .. ..... 25e Grape Nut Flakes with free Comnic Book, 2 pkgs 25e Purinia Dog Chow, larýge 5 lb bag......60e URONO 5c. TO $1.0O STORE YOUR POPUIIlAPSU01PPING CENTRE 1iîpueit Privat, Ambulance orthcutt and "Smith Funeral Directorq and Furniture Dealer. KINDNESS Equîppii-d te til SERVICE At the muout Thie work of mereg ends.. ".%OR

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