"Thle fre<li irv of ,hulc cte c,ýould be conmtd in a sjingle, gasttack fonsplne amIouflag.ý;- ed Ias commerluicial rir.A Sc- rtagent couild sugecnanr wýay stations, hospitais or placeý?s whee eleadecrs of anaimeet -enreeCase thieinsbegaad escape be]fore thie attackisetc ted, eOvin buliidihlm mencont- uemniled to, death., " Long bfoethose expoq)sud t the gaýs are ki b it, thuy iar, miade to siffer- fromin ts horri_-;ble eýffecte . . , gradutally, they go blindt as the optic nerves becomle inhIibit.- eýd. Convullsion anid crampe osw orsof aggressive mienital iline- sýes develop as the- gas eiieae thie vital ceils in frontal parts of hebraini. With the invenition of Tabun iiand ,Sarin, milan . catif e ýrenider imad thiose wolion ýe in- tenids to destro," Threat of Mass Destruc-tion Te a genecration which bas twice" ioent w sasa wniter i11 Thle 'inabcial o--inhe irnn Scienitists have revealed some of the other thnge tbey now ha Ve for imass dlestruc io-and the chf heat of thie new 'gasesist fhe rban popullatiorn. nacu baaneemiy sabotecouildnowý týolle to youir town bly anly bus or, trin cajtter his little p Ckge'f gas or disrase and be oïffhefore You k1,1-n there was a waîr on. Andu Éceember, in tie arnîory of the tieeny are killer dliseassitat mied- IaScience cat do ittle or anon abou-andgases lilce Tabuin -and, 0f1crse, th Ile atomicbob Civilians te bc ExYpendaýI1e Whle-atnof Washi1ngton lias juetrepotedOn anal onttv etudy of the chances of civilan sunt -ival" in anlother war.l ilu previons wýýars, theciilau survival expectancy pas at >Lt ~9,For wars alter this, the re- port sas;te srtiv-al epcaîy tÀ'if te civilian wollie80 dad 6% seiouslyinreeaivl ,lllllrt I1% report add.s, the rel'atîîinsip be wensoldiers and(iilas!ilb reversed. Iliu te past, the litairy" ftrteciviurlinwl the ex pendable. peace; nlonie the cneto a aýs aninstrumen11(it of nionlo LI-FE'S LIKE TUÂT Wins $11iOO00Santa Anita 1Handicap-R. . R an, o,-vner ofý Sports - And OneThing or Another 8y, FRANK MANN HARRI-S ("A sixhW it ltc") A cl thi Stak tb Ut widesreadà anicdent wicn atu wl hppn ed 1v soeyer goiP certaincîty a4sd hie ware ohme ubjo Lu? au-rs atheos eisusfa- for lîa vrciy af thisoe. it's the cencet a plaseRas mtth ode tong amoic nsr eC-S"Wau YueHanar -~~~ ,ihtecac fpCking Up a li.ttie additional evne ymV n Thefac i h Wever, tha - 1ios easy urin thewintrmonthùiï- selv, te dso pfrte openC'ing o toseason oewih intoshae. y tht tmesomile fro ith .sti ou11dihave plad Wih ewêxep1o hse S priing tnamîng essions oststheoners bail tanus re by e meas noted bov ere Joe Wlse n a c i-ond ththprtal o- h ISSUE il - 1948 QILS, GREASES, TIRES istid E ,itecr- oeContro1ioruf-euý Ond P>aro Paint ýcCt, o o ý , c o~5 V; V7d Wi te,'V % ïrc a ee & 11Lim i DUDSMPROE Ol. ICOMEI iio leand, Pr oducT- 17Aixadr EANCS EXTRA MOU1 UNà1les raiu inm rme hling ls flt tuCI3rndin gnod ordei. An d o e.leo hc acey ws ag9(esin soe ii ii-. Lieaicmm BUINSS15'PCllUIics111 000eanS fou ifobmain sent tres. £ Ji Ban,0Street, Oîtsw 4acfrst. Aan Je, L ds, Ont Fbur odchei San wtchervyistce Send f o ric teItab ernnt uid an joui aeiewPoutryFar OljPrkers De Woke LnOe 7 gove r- fa'ei ornt , O 7tanl MUTOCR SAL ES mot bandeu aS cilorumi Pl- e. -Norat for ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t, zwcyar poiCàfomegsgaheodo our wn orm. Weselct or vgoranSmoa iFor SALE hitnytRit. 2, Phoîp1i-on. Ont SCALES, Coppene. o en ýtlta oeNw 16 ,wl okyu re. Ichtr 2,400 egg apacty. seS three esn,01.0 Sta O Tnky adlt: 2 n.tevlybaiU' BUILD A RADIO!I 005e ne httrisor eetiiî We case suppir ail p rts oriutae ntut uoo pstald foic csh orposainoe. Incldodfree dealî of the rados oo as, buîi, beinnnT wth eaîl tbe se, tin - RiE FiSERe CRAGELATaltiin 12v UnS rean at, wn sdy ature8 bld rioOt fo ibs stairwe wunemplen-y et10 te HI-PO demnde ie ree s nainraMyl hovr loy o btoey rfui1 Ao withoota Amngte neato.Piuce rSus ordo326 Q Se ,,a}yte inSîro e kno CagesT ne ~toa--Bret 13 Bonze T'Fi i<ey,LAR4adr Sown endors rr M50 eîs 00sesn Feo uil hbatetd 1W braSnew.speciai ton -_______ P' 9048 thon 20ý47 as t tailici eSpie ee ur cro- onsaog Send fer turr mnae oro ovi r 148 Co roulfîh Lakeview Tnrkey Ranch ~ei rs ExeterOntaro TRYITIEvn GUN, mmnîie . epertî recpa 7ln. ne- uni-o.Dr, blig iiclose lbn ak e Oo-Pspli8.0 fin w' nomodal, tues Romaco -Elîmuna n r. 0 rae bttce' rr n ry1 50.Moka offer. A hovers, I Ami roo rot. T~ 'atarloe, j uSes 2 j P.t07V. Steadr NE] str. Pemerttawont, on, *000 wOSe5 Torvel graduatos fliostrated ea.ts.- ex Cou tESSING S5? & 74 close te bouse, LaeiwPou Wetne Bras.i ilAk A1V, t'rily1ke. etrJ. ,FARM m JPS FOR MEN ONLY "aa ii brsetog ou mrobtain ire,Cuchod supebhphoto Ggraphe ,0f t nsdola par set. Pieaao stat'e ropean Photo Services, Udelaide St. E., Toronto, -IAI îObuines-n Vlaena îibwy.CeplGyie pw Awc C.. *0 that ibis a wiIl b I on the le o eo sizo 7" z 5"xz o3's uit 4.5 tis, bnqes, cubs, shipptng pitl'l, - Toi-enýte. C,..D. or en BLUESTNE, 4 CocuStreet, F1 HRYLOG0Sk. V'ASTAPLNS TOn romon N 'lUW r anS sue ion doz, juet nit et Queon.1S., Tôronto,. ONE OLLFILM FREEý Specioleffer Sning Mach wli ever tw i, im ot s Cwhodrieedan nte or~~~~r toe. '-iteals te A0n: Barbier, Ajaf> mer, anS vTIe- -, p nSd O.AC. 22 poails anîber .4~od 10. erbet bi rop anS an ----- ATCH----- eTINcJGf~ telev hee6 u e ctes hel cigarette Tobacco ALSO AVAILAS lu lm % POUND m