lM-MEDIAýTE DELIVERY )Donna Couina Wallboard onLinjk. .\j,. . J: AL & LUMBER y, Toronto, la withî Mr. ara Allia, of is. J.Eagle- miaster a var*uawýe trný experts. And while you'eE enjroy if, yoU'Il be abý'le ta rest of your life. 'h- the gi young enoa on pJentioni Ded ne previau--s cial training. Andci ay fro;m ahe sta;rt. z? A à % m &A_'à WE REPAIR ALL makïes of Se-wing Machin'res (Free Estimates.,) Electr-i(e Machines for S'ale orRe't Phione c 5,PotHp or write SIGER SEWING MACHINE CO 47 IWalton Street PORT HOPE A rereexai î II cail at Orono àand surrouinding Every flday HEAR 'Qheen's Park Report 1No008S byi PREMIER GEORGE DREW AND F-ORESTS TOMORROW" * FRIDAT, MARCH l2th CFRB s60 8.00 pn.. SRED &WIIIESTORESI "Arrow Brand" GOOD PEAS 4 TINS, 49c. "Zanite" CURRANTS LB.-, 25c. Baby Cereal Food 8 OZ. PKO., 24c. BuIk RolledO(-ats Coase r Fine P'zICKLES Hein àk&Ben TINS, 25, Wa Nut Crunich In handly ic-boýx glass, continer JAR, 47e. Apple Juice C1hoiceQali 418 OZ., 2 Toilet Tissue 6 FOR,. 55C. Libb's "ome adeStyle" PICKLES Famiy sie botie,57e. PA N YAN 1 CAMZAY SOAtP 3 BAS,~25c, Con-'lgratuclat'ions to Miss GcWeil hef To ront!o C onse r vato ry eaia ions, in Harrno)ny. Mi% and Mr-s. oro Major ana Peýnny Joyce, of Bowmn anville, were o Sunday visitors- at thbe homïe of theý former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Miloen Tm nlf ast Thursday mri or an trip to New York andNasa in the Ba- hama . Mr.Gerge Wilson bas etunned homte from the BwavleHsia on Satur-day las after udergoing an opreratin for appendicitis and is &cig nicely. Mr. andi Mes. M. E". Sherwïin and faiyond M.iss 'Beitha Cain spent Sundicay with Mnr. and M1(l Lloyd Jolnston o,,f Oshlawa. Mr. and Ms. -Wilfred Bowmnan and faîy f Maple Grove, and Miss Myrtie Taniblyn, of Tor-onto-, weîe vi sitons at thie homie of Mr, and MS. JC. Tamblyn. Mir. JT. JEîown, of Nwaslieft last week-end for Chicago in coin- pany wvith a group of Ganadin faim- ers wvho have been aforded the tnp b)y the Puria Go, manufatewrs and Iilers of livestock fecls. Messrs. JT. J. iMellor, H. Davey, E. R. Woodyar-d and Hartwell Lowery were in Toronto on Wednesdvy last atte-ndcing a netn of the different i1municipalities oef Ontario roacerning erosion along the lake shioresý. Thre eetigas held utltine olMdNorma a s a b ,a ckgýro11nd for what 1 ani ab1out t o say.I an very glad that greater efotsae beig m-ade to makeh "Park" l ire valleybggrartcl t- ter. n In my ubeVo'io h hasn't been aniy 0other single 'venture -put forth b1Y the people Off imy homne toVn ta hsgive(l n so mch palicity for the communiity and( health mnd hapines t thsewho vai1 thein selveýs of its nstïe than the park. It ik afar- cry from the t, imes thaitCIr inoChariilie Mill110,, Joh1nAr t 'm](1,and yeslf, n man- thrs to'ok our szwims im Tucker' on, in the or(sF the laie SmCtel "mor powr Luyourebo. CAD0F THIANKS Mrs. Georoge Wilson wishes to thank lier maîny fiends and neiigh- bQIrs for t1heir km îns nsedn floers cndis ailvisiting lierwhl in thie Bowniville Hlospital, also to Dr. A. F. 'MeKenzie and nuirses of ilie hospital st-aff for their kind atten- tmon. GEORGE YORK Oronao - Ontayriê Agent foiý the Empire WDllpapers nd thec Water Proof Wan llp a pers (Oigna hite ,Rose). S e my po-rtfolio of ilovely walaers, Eveni- i1gsý. You will be sa"tisf-îed. song.- Dick POWELL T IN OtiR HQMETOWN WIIATWEALLWMIT N~WSPAER -YOU CATI I4ELP BYCALLIN6 IT 1W,., *Ceninuotîs epom and poy. *Technical trades training. *Fuit opportunity for cad- varÊement. e Progreesive pay increases. - Sprs and rcreational fatilities. 0 30 dauys vacation a year with fuli puy. - Medical, denetal and d )l- ing lse"vice provided. *Reirement income assured. CENTRAL AIR COMMAND, R.C.A.F. STATION, TRENTON, ONTARIOI Ple se mail me without obligation fuil prlikcrs regard- ) ing ,e,,listment requirements andl openigs now avcgUable in.tho R.A.F. <sse PRINT m9BLE TO f 1 ,ndi.s.,e6-i., w the, ilhsetR OU 2ARE P.hy.Iiýy lit 3U ARE ...17 -~d 30~ £aow hi a f ew Curtain Material ini Spoitted and IPlait n Marquisette, in eolored and White- Dots. priced yard -------.50c te 75c Stnipe Rayon, 38"S' Sunuiïweb ) Voile, Biscuit, Dotted Sifk Creile, shade, yard..........---- -$1,00 FoerdJry Ryn arustluEcru, or white cg priced per yard.......----$L.0 cedi yard.----- Made up Curtains, FrilildMAil Wool Flannel iand Plain, ith White or tuirquoise and ,v Colored Dt,46x¼$1.50 greeni, 54" wd 36 x 21------- $3 95 Plaiin, 38 x 2¼..........$3--.----AmiWool sweaten 9;it auîne Rayon -Marquisette, f3 x ?1,4 gai',styl-e, long- yards, in white and ecru $5.95 aleev'es, icd ROGERS' GOLDEN SYRUF - 2 1h.tin for.......1C I c WILD H( Mon., Tues. March 15, A GRE. ,T BANA per 52 for . . 'Y FOOD 3 for .... Alise 's for..... IE PAPER 14c FAST RISING 15e BARLEY 10e :i~j~diI SPREAD 24e D BREAD FLOUR .$1.39 11.0 2.30 7.00 'A Orono DEEP WELL and SIIALLOW WELL p'um P S and WATER BOWLS Now available R. E. LOGAN Phione180 MANSTREET ORONO Spun Rayon, 38", .'- 15C .15C 29e 33e