Synopis PAPTER XXX:rain arer an mnentioned as a crook àu ii's -orsodne~enfers the on just after Juanita St ichaelO id ont aul about RUSS BartIe. CHAP1TER XXXI oQ you'1re Train Creh*J? been looking for you for a-- time. Yoiu wl' haknow- me, so Illjuet og your mom- My name's Micael aldez. 1I ba rememberig that name won't youCarter" antsiay ftat1do, t-ne, er drawuld unny." Valdezvoict uas ciy "Maybe some othere baluve bf nem ietan yusmnlk Garvini, Flash Cnro, ad a le of thers I've been loo0(king too.l' e mention of those nameu's 111 lectiul itb the linme\Vaidez cd Train Carter's mmr :y. Hie froze whlere lie stood. Nve got enough aginst you. er, to make if a pleasureC to kl whiere you tn,"Vlezci ly, "Bt one atas o e to Garvn ksnd of imnrsted yn shen 3 u boased pleitY y -ab Out you sped i[th a gun1.. ar-L'u gîn to give you !a ce to shlow iiust ]iow goodyO ie c iidin the saloonsod chless, achnstil'--in h as to any reasonu for guni-play. okad on iha idOF m0- 10 holdr e~sNO se nsîcaves! A \w"r- 'seasy to imonl, quiýck to eguîilîng sciloped bleauty, .Alphabet tanfe, l0 holingther Il attoton MIS handicapped. Tise-twc MnnWho inSacy, neroi iumatd in bid foie bu. oin th-e fae, nd e ws abluterr ea*-h wou i nobackdlit befr t roi taken oe e l hers Carterhaddone-admige te "our lyhobr, Carter onq un datuorehtt i. Tue crod sbueledb uod now. 'Tnio grpg vrywthn man. Ad hmke ri trattg, an withutton auco hhinked an eye. "\Vbpere'l' u tk i,1obe Carvitelhed L' rilyo pf tenntt bere yu sa'ue oc "DrlI wayadt-edetî ant racu," \ adz said sIicam~ "Baut when you do ý--ýr i ihi bether- ittiger ou'Iete pl. Double Takze -Nn-nnhod ao tefromCrcw Polanld, iaýs bilitie ad fi ryn ofoc--Li u a piture of bis big doIL. aoacrpnidb iciter rie nie Y1-k On tHc liner atryenrut t Mon'treal, Cana dat j bis father. Srniday School sonIYour flandIwriting By Rev R 8arc1ay Wa-:rr Worth 0f Chirisian Character Ephesians 5: sol2. Golden Text - .1 pre-ss twr h mark for the u-prize of thae highl-j ing of Go Y JessChist.-- PhU;- ippials '3:14. No one has ever equallei the apostie Paul as a teacher Y ofhrst- iandotrne But 1he ws 0 er theorist. He feit tht tuthiiith head anfi heart oughit to isserinà bef'ittinig conduct. I1 hi-q ttr hýe presenited the truthsz oceo ing jesus zChrist andteng av practicailehrttos vt egd te hehiaviouir. Paàul draisCthene vr eiîe !y btwcn tho h ae hrts disobdiene. "B noty hrfr someti1snes drnesLut o r ye light 1iii the od:wl as childW renl ofi igt" &eo onW ley's favorite, tet1as o h;5 passge:"Awke bogthýat sleep- esýt, anud arise from t ea,ad Chirist sh'ailgive thee 'ligh!t".Too often th'e coroiplainit is heýard, ýTh proessed Chrontons are DO Wf ferenjt from tes" hreta is tucthe BoblerstasdArdofChis- iani living fhas he'enîlost. The rea Christiansa rin fromthe ad E has n elloshi îitlth uf ruLitfu,11works oUrkos u carefu1lly.lie searches for Godfs wullMndidoes thatwhch isyaccept- able to H iHe rdesttime. Ephlesus ýdid flot cot1in.uetïo he Paul's ehortyton, "Beeflot dn the gradeu ad g 1oryCf that great city has faded. ShaH we as2 nation suffer similar fate? As an atraie"obb rn withwn" au re,"Befile with the Spiria speaing to your- scves b pqalms and hynes and spiritual songýs, singing and mkn meoyi.1 ur hart to týhe L,,ord liere is n scpsmfomralt buvt an ýinnr djsten fttng to en1count1er rent it o.L that spirit we are sure to inth prize of the high caling f o The smallet knwn ilo erig ant îin the w orld i"ste aerama- suringabuontiryecnofn ragef ildgnation. A/W tree wore stars on the left Of their vest. "Gethi enV' ShirffLad thundered-and fIre!i The two deputies snapped unp theCi 1 guns and wh]acked ".ead! i McalValdez' direction, A1-;mst befo're lie ktlevýwlwhat-,as haiqp p en1,- ing, two shots had ,îenrd is,leg. Yaw lamnpefi aginsit Lthe pain, Valdez brouýght up hi own gune agairn. le had to spoi thse aimn Of these aWnen. Had toé E qudckiy fired shots did ut hi ai then Valdiez liaifsta-ggered, hialf raný to the- corridor bak f the baârroom, darfing ont cof tiresaoo inrtO therear ouya. (Te BeCotned Short "D" Stemns, Flqt-Topped "R's»3 anays s his morig ani Il as ry pleîasafi tili, so muvcli that n1ow- i od ike to have you aalse tny handwritig furher." Althiough modesty is in cidieoce hi yur srp, there_ is a great ea of independenece und self -raiance, snoni in ah thle Capital lettars of yourý w'ring. This is indicative of a natuare iitha rcie el-ufcecde- endl(ing pon pero faitaits of chairacter and vwil oerto sce tinigs Those short "d" stens tel! me jea you1 euýt across to take advantajïge of ail the shortcuts and toignore s-. abshdcustomls, and So, represent posbefor indepenIdeince of action. Ths oe fot mn th dat ou nsaýcriïc- persoal inegrit, bu it docs Meanj that you w'ill sac'rifice ctmsor gîvn nd. Sunmming uýp itis tirait, yo -0ketobeundpedet f con- f&iyto stalîshe e s because youdo notpo thin by are neay as ipratas the accompllishmecnt of a particullar efottha lies ati hand4. The letter "r" has a consistent 'fia top",astrng sidcaionthat'yow bate abity to gather informratin andotht you draw conclusons oî caer carefucnsîderaion of althe HausrLe, then, is a trait w i l nsefudin fwufilsig vocateionlpoi- tionsrequring onfienceandsce tiveneane. Aithong you ha e a f rieny na- oudo no cmeto hveaargecircde of peoplek wlt-hinyour ïassociation. Thsdoes not mean c,,th at yo-u are noit socabe, n heco ntrary ouca mîgl ith tÈhe best of the'., but it, does imeao that you prfertobiýe x- inkdict and you showiotoxoe ot. Is reeas a practca nature, ')ne thiat goes nete othe fcore extreme cof etaaanenrt e pohr of sgiese. YVour Mriing show s a (eire to) reach out and to poswse f gain ýand to ati.You wish-)to laoand tacquire nwlde.,nc ou h1ave deiieydecicidf i ona desýirefor accoplihmetvoit w11! lpursue it nvil t teoacity-, hnging on until fthere isnclu isitoeevdnce f reults G2 eaderand ay eev nis rnd 'ng ane Mar i fwiigwt MightLen Sarius younlg lroanl - "Do0ý you dely Le a-bei's thereus Aud em hear leve tbé tkeeIngcmtey HeId respondl --s (It i easyfor look oflovîi er -the eySofTa ttrC- wsb o îiýýf thought anishait, as we as she. Then:I, ithn wriolieteae hinishe she te reson. ia cao give nona-naturall . H 14 s o f0 a nïIîwv love, adthaàt ati. 0 W'hat Now? A And t% netmiing êsh hersbh * as maried! * What now, for bier? Sie has * haai:d aliltie naranid sc tries * to apl~' thei Se pick<s upagi Lfie social ife sheIaýdbfoes"ic * et hlmi; Ic',; islnatmtn u * ce goes througnh tha mnotions * bravely. she fuls her leisuirehur *,viti acivities tht ccupy k: mmd v *for týIe oen.Buýt thrnghl * everythin,-g secesanýd cdoes the *finds lier her eamn -:IinIg fýr hm *e lermm oerfot-ig ith en- Whai Newt * nt so ikl sFshe faciinlu *fi the an she HOGU lewa *--Qendôwud hm lt iiqualitiesý *lie neyevr psese.She saw hlmn *as; ieý.r iel'w nlerealy proved *hiiriself a cad. S'Ie 's mtr * eougb ta rversec ber tliining now, *to be crifical isted o of teing, 0 soce c leâarly 2instead Loftrog *perfect. Andi tie ison, ber ide 1 I'have neye eived thaton *Cani love only once. Aglirl is in * pear-S .LThe ffa-zir e de, ad sîe ahe:"Didn't ifhr," th'ýe cioc goiing to strike elve b t ilop ARE "HNERVES" A SIGN YOU'RE GRGWING OLD?1 ididle life, ber ýnres get ba-d, and she accepte tis asasiof age. But hylet yusl eoeedgy, ruo-don o r oneVous yocu cry I:,hout cause-- ai any lie alifeè For nearly ffyyasws weom-en hfave beenmetn ti situation ihaappiij-ý y eti plent>' of rest, fresh à a' irwolesomeý foorld iby tkng~s~Cha-se'5s Nèe e1ood t iklcth ap'For the ViËtamlin E'ýiir(Ip a$ other needed minerais iinfth-iim-es tonic lhelp bid pyog- vial andi aid in ng i te ntfre sysem-o yu n faceth utr with confidence. Gîve Dr. C0 s' ereFo chiance týo heip bai sh nervnUs fear-s addOub S. àLt hepc you rest better, and feel better. The name "D.Cae syurasrne.1 s SQ ~ SQ WELL Cl Ao D1c - BI~Arte 9Pkrej - '.>eLOré eyo,,r THEI CANADA STARCU CO.,, LTD., Montreal, Toronto* AiseMaCfrSC er efCanada iCor Saic £ J A CKXSO0N -CO0L -E