T1e eckercbiefs omby salo- btaý ckin 1805-R,)to cmemrt h death orf LordNesn For The recir ove of r> J s 2 tableg ï- mn. u muit, on ep per cok a~d tiruntl tickoed Thenadd nionjuic antgop e 2n sb nd spriokl with lemn jces Plc gs afo oufae and~~~~~~f ai ofc îseo;op ue fln-inuay. 4'Uon't you bate to grow old?" he was asked. ~'Heck no," was the reply. "If I wasn't oid I'd be dead." v U. S, oero SORIZONTAL VERTICAL 12 Rgsee »e 1Atiempteüd Co n d x t 18 Elued 8 Sleeping 20 Fel reoi furnîture 21 Snall 1)ï.a'yc h 9 Like 23 Dutch c ty 10 Seern 24 Row, ser-in " , l Acerain Niil Sa cfr ie, Swi itzelasfrn. Al of hel lis are the pro is eine tocptre ordmarkeis forCaadanfus ilEE N -TOwNifTOpICSe,$ 1 -y' A E>Jc< Wans MusiclFstival in T rno bayitone on-: wia- tý-r ýi StrEst nt This lisýn o Sikejcils5a redyat op s piwr, slesbo are. Millan 1fyTonoto'as ner Mbeard heardbim sog-wilg hat do youl kpidsmsay tonthat? Ya, J know o ever beado f S1cýir Ernestut, tuié .V.is gyu anta e l ughou lten tea Spie Joes, 1ridYa Ta ciobt Ocause y â tablow gas ckt ey! Rooey "ile r iicOy0, hexpecngao e a toveUgh Vyg iltci Pu frocalthe bp, Wbviasur plrse! Thni siluy R ooy urnsou tabas iprjidie-lger. JuI ie ny- Anls'teliqa-,oohe y the prntin' o had a recoding wae iik'Èed very oarOnYand napply, gr oy usl and company. îifyou woul 11k 92 Laoghs s O coih 26 Compounid 27- Dr-ink to 32 Princes 33 lie is gover- nor af - .4 Rom-an raad sUr36Sr 37 Beîhsi 42 sur)C <b 43 Etrusan iti 44 0ï top qai 45 Itrito 48 'tcourtesy ftit 49 period 52 Exist M< Right huýe cao ctch tem mo Sundy afer- nouns t p.mn, dun lthe aNB1 C net- aihad e Iabberiigs and ý'be- gornetSnaymrs h n cory daleti 'm iss nnouneùSt evhîb wllo n M obtb a i neda yoti cbai'bmnyhne Th elieasnlous guys ge Sg look coop b rad-tars e the manufatuerSbvet.cag thestle-Th r u i oto purchse a"Scop". ow Jask ou inailGfires brthrsbuea 'willa ld ike m cul e i igeas knour ar u1dl wbetb e ii bl paper drives in theiir îwnta o cis funds ta buy eqipnt. This bene lits in twa waysi It belps the bouse- wif e get rid of ail thoad new's- papers and pts a nlUle of the coin àI thýelc-al treasury. WepiaEss tis alonjg for t it may be -worth to4' you. Can You Ip Us? Mondiyufyu Junior Farmguys and gals will be gettinig rayta .put in hiot-beds. Weunestn lthat evenl city people cpu andths We wvoufld ilke to know h-ow te-, ruake a good htbe.Would some- one pass aogIisIfrai t Us? We thank Y«uànadvan c fr sny advice received. PiAse, Clive 'Emn A Chance Maybe ics Our cosy newsPpae "ns", but we bave a habit of keep- ngin touch -with 'he, y0)ag peopleW w"e Iknow, an in knmowing what ibey are doing and what tbey Ink thue futuIre hlolds for Iemin whar t they- 'et do ng O ne pal f ours ,is st dy .'eg-'a be -an1engineer. lietelîs- 3se. that the olders IvribyteIl himthre is nochnce :IIý ir his ed Antr yin riend is eompIflet- ing ant art course and jwill soon be starîing otta try t10 nakea nam fo Ismsefto say ncithiing of a fe wuks lHe imeetswât h e foeiks (snd we meran evrything np Io Grarspas) take IP as!You nmay be 2riSht, but tht sn>'t the pint Gie he lener pat. Onl tfebak not a btOn lthe ba.Hwd you11 know whatjlj the r future f They m-ay some day be in Ihýepoi A Truc Story Coming Ulp Ille other day, iwe heardth stor of a young feow tuat mae us f eCel as i'ýf 1w'e Cou 11 ld nee r -àeefý wai. In fact w-e fel ashansed. WA, 1car, caIl him 1Sm-ilinlg Joe o)r sonie- thning, I-e livesq a long way awav'y 1asd Aul neyer read mie stor- wo117uldnI't recognlize it if he édiid,W iWant ta teIl bis ,stary bcuew feel ià will give ail youn11g people-, inpiration and faitb, les atu Mtoy and we know you'l I kn pt Wathfor c in a week or so. 11, '-2- meantime, don,ý'tcah sprig-fver Its aly awekaay F-renedpalm wine ièoftn ued aýs aïyessbstitute forbea-akg ! iLbra >~ell nw, it'vglad Iam tnce moreCgoIl]t,! ad do-Imy ownl shoppng. Te boy hav good inl- tenios ut fndthley aepoor sbopers-nd slndid for-getters Gesiogmea bonefr-om thle loc- rn~et inthe ouse f0 fed 1acat 50 ~t'xi gbrffrom ltile lock'er. \Viat bh(brotght e was a big Yestrdayne wre at a Iow ebb agan.Bob Iknew, wouid be Yi p4n b ore fiishig bi stnckr 'Wifl ,ou plase bi ose some hamburg fr "om Ithe loCke-and( doo' toret ohejwse terewill homcand f 'corse Iy ýTrst ques- Vvrac edbis ea-"Darit . . J torut-ndes tboYîth-(s-.(, ere wa a qi tion I badt Opget too h beefin he Ineker piogit s alaysthelibttie sing that areforgoten. .. fotbpste shor polîb and stap. iToday sbelaces wrein EnTIAud " age anld prtyÀecus o te u ber oýf things av nmym now hatthe nowhasgone and theweahetis not socoid, J ean doin uwndrivn yow sh- pigaI1d myi ownï-,forgetting. Someoxv r uterh(1à one is oselani i tere s Cwy vonsim ts unfortie chirs Partner and i ereuhiseig soen. Tmone chirs were quito job. tboght rplacoglte ld uph>5ltery yw-hrnew wouldbe easy Bo getigtheoldsitiff I was bi jo io tsef. henpart- up shecpriogs. Ibere was aisoa litte rpair job oeddon tOe bac Aors00eChair ,, . .aod you krowv natique chaisrsehveno be treated ~vi trspect. Jo ail ittook the tonofeusa, nay0and a haute todo ooe cairPeierte n Whiske Put a co-ýtcrou fe or aotke soniii A-e S J i ,-!it is owing omuch lie a dog as a sbeep be- foresberio tie, m Igiad I to astfora fw dysLooks lîke a goodrstie tostayhome and work fingers egage intis compara- thieltivial taskOur inds are are oCcICope- ihtouhso7h ieWat non hear one bit But wouldn't help anyon,_ 1o guess w'll juist cry nw tor car ou n o r spring seedinîýîrgus tbat dd' vneit Tak-e Your Choice camp frm a nig t townpaused by terasdet ok aadd animal. "àt bas ;no sotrps, so pwhist?" 0adwe >'ha etis h etion," scdthe eà of1 ~LyD B~ pINKHAM'S VCMP-LE P!'LLE IP 'you ne,.ed itt, fredh inl for txtr 'F YOt efNe Royal fast Rising overy that keeps Lways *'o n the spot' )M-aymi a good suýxpply ,Royal Fast IÀsing Dry Yeast At your grocer'sa Tiie SL Regîs libid r'OECNTO * 5i1ver~ %vtoom Wi lub BaI4,s showev and Telechono Sinsie, $3,50aenduav- Dù,mble 5D4.50 Eas * ý)q Go iFod onn nd DaselnB Sl;erlborne up, Carton VleI A. 4115