\i KENMAL o)n theceebtonof Iher 8r ir nd illy were recet vstrsw Mis. A. G. Dalntnand Bill. Mr. Wes. FaIls has mnxred non to the fMwhich ïhe prhsdfrom Mrý1. nid Mr.Mno aton a'nd1 cy Patton, ofOrn,were re- itors itr. and Ms. Mc er and vMrsý . 5.atton. Mu. jack In of -a li es a great :0sto ve il ga"solinle savw whieh ýrk of outting thle wood hs. Jack is at present he neig.frbor-hood with 'C. R. Carveth show,ýýed pictures e Ntoa Filmi Board in the ty Sehool roomn on Tburdsay, i4th. These soe herrinig g, on Graind Manon Island, and -lho-wed what destruction the c bomb can do and if used with ni 'whait a benefit it can 'be Vo n id. This pietur-e certainly ûue food for thoughtù. The pic- (f the growth and activities of rassihopper was most enlighten- DOD wo wok at ing youu )Ir- l"owd Dead, Crippfled Ilorses and Catie Picked up immediately Fret- of Charge We pay for Telephoae Cali MARGWILL FUR FARM R. R. 1, TYRONE Telephone: Bowinanville 2679. b1H nivw, fatie III was 88 years inig his 21sV born leap -ye, were present. The young puesent at tLh "eening missý W. W. Pattai Newcastle wo w itb hem ia ed )y gaenme 'J Veýr SStock N 1E WIU 0N Vi1LLE heu irels ates here operation last audy.c sa wa. W\ýe are g idn report that MIr. WeP hope to have [:Cecil Saltnisuc ipoe af- pIùoughed soon a'-"it ter bisý operatioii on Frid y last in ]amile or so witha any Osha,ýwa Hospital. Mrs. Chas.Wr k Mr, Bert Stapleton, one of sour ge-in-srarare spen i01 merchants, has sddbis business wit _Mu. and Mrs. C t o Mu. Edgaar llarcourt, of Por19 iope. Ma s Kennedy, Ra, Mr. Harcourt, iwith his wife and twcs ciliduen, wvill take possession on the! haVe retturned froml .115th. 1wh friünds 4ýn 'Calif Mrs. Adam Panag is 111 àahme amin-et Hey are iving in der the doctor's care. 'Her son Pete, The childrn of oui and heu two daugliters, are with her. Wle imovies at biendai Another son BHI left for South Amýier- thiough a rt col ica on.the lst: inst to take a pusition they braved thle wei in <engnerig in a mine. H1e wii be to the village. absent three years. __________ (Ton laVe for îast wmeek Bur-ley,, helped in thc hpmn. The purpose Mr. and IMrs. S. R,. Jones attended Stapleton gave a re the funeual of ý2Mrs. A. W. George at Miss Mary ýBurley h, Port Hope on Frid.ay. story period. Ross Miss Bertha T'hompson who spent C. Burley held aP the week-end ith lier cousin, AMrs. Alcohol alks Vo Annie IRoy, Orono, returned homne on Stark closed UNth Tuesday.i lection amounted to -Mr. Robert NesWitt had the iS Th 'e Febýrua-ry mlee fortune Vo fail and has noV been able1 men'.; Institute -mas to be out yet. We ail wishi him alj on age with the ist speedy recovery. IMus. S, Jhnston oce 'On iFrday eveiag the school held lin te president'a a another sodia! eening in tMe co __of ratitude wias .....box 20e K 12 inches, box'35e ze Tissues, box 17c .~box 29e )ut was ce iy as',h r forty Tyr Greceting C .c and 10c L7 Prt u nope, Tais was much enjoyeu. Lunich anid a social hour buought the vain o a close. Ms .Sak Mu.W. H. Joues and Mrs. MelcývillQ u_ Samis wvas the courmittea in charge. 1The Mission Baud was helid on Fu- dlay afteruooui in the public se'hool wit'b Doreen Mill,ii in dhe chiair end Gloria Lane secretary. l'le followv- îng bint'lesswa s rails'ae tdc: E d. Row.ýe anid Ross Bro'wn, -press sacre- traies, aýre Vo clip accosint of meetings, and bgin] a s-crap bock. Her al ds next mnonth, Billy Slaecve,Lindia. 'm - - Russel E)1io0t t, Africa. Mrs;. R an a nomil rr'ilaIimeet:l SA sing7 Thie roll cail, provided man laisPresent iehostess- tive. Bias Bijcling fFn an good assortiment of colors, 6 ya.rds for...........20c Shoulder Padls for dresses, suits, coats, etc, priced at........... ....... 23e and 299e Mercer Crochet Cotton, colors shaded Pinks and Blues, Mauve, Red, Green, Orange, etc., per spool........... ........ .......... 12e Kalacloth Paper Wash Cloths, stay sweet and elean, 2 pkgs. for ......... ............ 25e Curlers, Solo Spring, IRubber Tipped and Plas- tic, each....... _.. .......... .......... 5c Vestees to freshen up that Easter Suit....... $1.001 Vests, White Cotton, made of combed yarxi ..69e China Cotton IBatts, size 72" by 90", each .,. 71'lc jecku 3 cakes.. . tag..... Salad, con- Private -Flour, 24 .....$124 o~I ~it i ~E *lb. 29c. gs .... 50c, $1.00 and $2.00 I ~ wenit 32e 25e 38e ýlrations. Frades 4805C 'SOM