maw aiE 141PST TEA: I e o ~f, 0F REVEI JA C KS5ON -CC th at bis awîti red- of heeTh i was blank eteà b: dark a clOudias of themytio still nusj't fia!d. .1' mo-vLd on ta doubi sed-ove tsjd the renisof Ct, stekdon aga biml-.self againlst madest bouse. lie rieerdin FeSawagil Fier face, *sainecu turned ta the b as ,he settuckc An aIder nman side, 2a mail wei thathe, to, was Valdez glidýed arc thie entran ce, Fiý door and stood oýn thie yellow larupliý -a rearc pI ani glitterinig qsu The gr riedc aId ýmar gape'd 911ost. Fromt liaI- groan, alf- witli b ope and iw El Caballecro Rý closcd "the door 't "'Iblere is notiý sad uietly. ýY"o ,d to)waird tle gi-, -"staïd over tb-î Ac tliey liesit- dlez ikdta t ove-r thecscatrlet looýked edawn atlý oni th-e fr-eckled i again," V adecZ irns."Steali, not,50good."e Si, You tried attla-b do nierve, o-u Synopsis CHAPTER XXXI: Ia a gun duel lai tlie GoId Crce*lk salcoarale kilîs Train, naking tbthird ;i(jcri- miniai ta. meet îjustice. CHAPTER XXXII Fiu was reeliîng as fie turnled ito the alley back of the bildin-g, rnov- illg as qiiylý and bastily ais lie couic towardj tIc street whlere be badti h is muant, Fie stniied, lurched agaînst theý claphoa-),rd wall, but recovere-d hirnse!f, Wbe icï .got to, the strett a swift glance toid l'im that most af Che rnen wh d ben lailthe saloon were beaïdib&g arted across thc strect. ed !cg slowed hlmn up, h is brin w as rCeling. egoesl" anar's ,-oicu ter hlm!" Vald .' wits weere stilI sufficicatly forrn:1-ota perill, and fris gun spat the heads of the infur- people. lpa answer, bul- be air arouaid is a- Then lie was on thie Hie fournd ElI Ciela, but it was ngony for lins to pull hirnself into the saddle. Finally le ie adei4, thioagis, and settlled daýwaï,stay ;ing himlscelf by tlie leather wýith quivering finger1s. if le could mnake thc tratillie had a fair Chance ta losc-is pu- suers, wliamenanow were tking taj thcir mut.Otierwisc A bot stbc of pain ilabisIleg ad hi wvince. El Cie!co was pocii-dii)g on, thoa,-gl.i as ifawe it al]I was up ta hlim naw, and then Valde heardtdc atons of tebrai late under bis hors's bioofs. Fie uirge-d is mount on1, puittiig Das mach istaceas pssible býetw-een hinisclf and the -ownis speediiy as ile could. Feidnjtiot nw lbow far lie lad xiddjen at full gallop we a blacks clouid shut down over is senses. Oine band tiglitcned on the reins while tlie otlicr gripped the pommiel of bis saddlc. The lng shadiows of approacbing duisk headdthe end of a bad day for Michael 'Val- 4ez. But there w-as s0 tilýi rnli bisbar for exultation. Tliat samre day bad Seen tde finish of anc maire of i tbe mcaagaiast whom lie had talkentIch venigeance trait. Onjyly a n ore a-le"i boss!" But Oven bis dulled brasn tld hlm 1that 'naw thre as -mojLre for liii ta do. For on blis way ta fiad the mian lie meant ta get, thiîee was a problcmi of wrang ta others ta b settled la thïs vle.Andi El, Cabaleira Rja -,as not caYiman 'ta sliris sucli a dauty evea 1for persan- al gratification. Yet some ntic insistently said ta hlm thtlat tl-te two trails of Cv:iI crassed, andYi thot in runniing ta cartb tCmmx re- spoasie for the tragcdy liere, lie would fiad tA man Mwblad cau si hrisowa. 1-ie frccd im, Ifta rest Afo GE SL E .gold lhairinfpted ebrighly d-eco)r- lie WCatedunti flixC tbicýkersia sj iight the mcO"n y as Sinîterand bus Own touglits la "big, boEss»lY lg seaf, theli aAcman farm-a tch-J of darkness ther e ieskrtcl le sîed, paused a a giant trehe in and lattened, the side of the .eaçcbng the wia- t'un rad pretty~. tlisearu, las face waas wbi te ýd under bis clla stood at the bl- a fer Mche >und tis hou 1se to thce tresoldWith ght fuîit upan fim ý'riin iii vet er ornaments. suîl trrOr. Th-e iken seeiag a Spillouwcane a y, miuté at once itli fear. 1ja steped ia and biad hlm. uHZ ta fea,"lie [ad teId mar oe, please." atly obeyed, Val- lie bc-d, andfrn baadkerdliif he dhe pindhcd sn saud itb gentie rsg mybrandis the wrong ones,' àt mseYou have ontinued) GIamoxrous Past Thie ptiotbsaln a lm arous istayas Pan eyecatcleýr as wcLasi a t ecS a ryFgaýrmnt for.lo ,warmnth. Goad CQuca Bess, wba waw-s thc fasîion pIae of beriign, lîa' bunrdà fpet asmanyof tlei maein Frane. Teswere labat w;oollcns and sUks, lc-rmeiat embriderd.The Elizabethian- pocts often. sanig t1ic praise of triceti coat. The !unesff Robert Ierc adSirJb Sticking refering ta théi cballenfggarment Ave livet dowa tîrhiougl- i t~es A tairning point of ptiotmk ing camie %witb te advent of the Sew- inig machiine. Prieror tthat timeth inýgeriie of thce st drcssed woomn.i was ipadae afinesle aid percale, witbh fani-rti tickls anti -, I t Don't Be Possessiv--, Yoe'IlI Lose Frienda One of the xnostcommun fmasr C youlng peopleishirititfo prendu. E t S fondation fes, F. 7 c~.~ "f cure, i jaloulsy; 1in our e .~.. ea...... t s~ rate frs iILi f ection fr other apart, causes blitte msndrtad dng between goodciena ht Mby 1urge teeungers 0odayta Watcb or thistrait in tbcrneies, and overcome it early. Bos esen' titpriuayNx Ime- Yeu mee a nice boy wbom yau thik yu'egaing ta enjoy ko ingl eem>rthat "beýfo,re you L car n eao rie ad otCer irl frienids to.Andiit is noýtteb-,Le expeýCted that ilie w11 iaelect bem just bcause you're bs soialpi- Don't try tnabsù!)PO ai s timae. Don't hwyo'edisappoir!teýd thýat lie doeWsni inuediately ai for a second dam, - T'akh t asy, Your friendshP. fLls og SHARE SOUR FRIENDS * Au'd 4onit forheen sae *try to no11poliae hrIntroduce ýG hl your group, a apeI ýcnmt *that he'll1 date oor oe o f c. yor girl freds too. Be gener,- * O,- o.Bosadmre 2ýgoodsprs *rasiand teyknCw it *tbley s-c it. MmWlen yurbest gr ind * meets a aew girl, she ill WOfl ýïmt *ý tocultivate lier, ite sound eutlietr. *opinlionus 2and-bertastes. She wi * want ta- meet.lber fail, ou SWiIl sec less oýf youir friend- for a, *litle while. Don'- compla1ýin about *tYou lbe frienidly w ihe gif * to, ctert'inlie;rina your hostie. *Your gor!fiend Moul appreciate; *it, and wil like you morefor îi USE TEEN YEARS WELL * Don't fear cornpettin. F le cid- * ship, is foundIed on msitad- * ainandc aýs long a yude- and You S.Aýe Upward Witing Indicates Optimism Dear '7Mr-. rott Alîcae give me the capryiof My handwritigacrdn toora- writing is upward and thisteIl, that you are an optimst, a person who eliglis ini making a Comeback aiter bcing defeate. Those "lasso" downtroes o th letter"y show tMa you havea very pritn nature and, al- thougl ià nay take you a long tise te get whcrc you are going, yot, have tbe solA SUtick a iMunil ou are satiMed that you bave won your poin. H is a very good spga tfiat you wllnetmt defeat an ýd, even thougli you knosi Yeu bave failedyou viii not adméeitia Persnal faiure but noml consder Yu like LplentlyofartyiaI tbat you do and you are at yGur best wlien there is contantchage 0-f scnr You noiprut whicli kepyou con zthe v.Ot dfoor work witli oporn tie t mecetne' nd îvaried en-dîitns oudbc mosC tisuiableforyu type of pesonaiity. You7are anidealist and oul risk your p Isnl welbigin ordcer ta live up to y-o'ur ideals. Ibis ma-1,y cause yau ta sup-port a cause for wici ou b!ave sypat but wblicb miay not1be based 0on '4775 Angel-wihgs gay scalleps frOif r fil ilis for yo'ur drigsspring' arydresslMkcatea47 This pten easy to uise, sjim- pietosw is tested for fît. Includea. -onplete ijllustr-atdintuios Pattera 4775 cornes in sizes 2, , 6,8 1.Sz 6 takes 2 2 yds. 35-m.; panties,1iyd. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25c) luins(tanscannot lie a-cepted) fr ' i p tten a oom-' 421, 73 Adeýaide St:reet, VWec, Toronto. 0 1 int0. .p!aîly S I Z E, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. *serve-cfriends you illhl tes * FriÎendsbip, Iîkelohatab * arned. It takýes tine, andofe *dernands the sacrifce of one's *persýonal laurs u it pay"s in *deeper tics and widerpplrt * anan mre girls and boys. As *o Qupend imore jfyouMs Pii *ple-asing othfers, you bind tlienta yu àoIs i oalty and g-d od i, The 6 word gets arou<d andi. its good e news to evryody. Yomu, niof * aul, wUilb'eneft. Play f air, and be ge-er-us Tha aplesparticlarly ta your friondsa Anne lHist 1s your fintoo, aînd she WiIl h'elp you troogh msndr stndns.Wite hr t Bol Lessoni Barcla~ Warren The Kin-gd-ýom 0Of God i Lu'ke 4:6-;Mak426-29, Luise Golden TeKt-TlAiy KiadornC)omcfl Tby îllbe donc m-aear't, as'itis was not seekin Votes but onhs is ntngHisnistr , lc n thon saýid, "This day-" is this script- fi Il bsr-eeto legs u hwas net sa ou lb sus. He rcad, "The 'Sp!rit of tIc Lard Îis apon' Mýe, bec use Hebath -anoiïlted Me ta preacli the Cgospel ta ýthe poor".' Mxr rcords, "hecoýîmmn peopleý h1eard hbim gîadly". That Fie was sen tota eal the brokenbeard 15 evidcnllced b sciacts as Fils re- storin'g ta the do of Nainý her, soand Hiis wo-rdîs ta the sc<of the PaISY, "iman, thy suns are for given tbe" Fie dcliý-verd fthosc v'-110 e.deon pos-0seszsed, Fie gave sittetebinfie set, at, liberty ',thase that we'ýre bruised.Fi initd be Cpople ta- eter Ri .kndmof grac. htms sinifiat tt lxii Fil' re24le. ïfrorn t saiab be stopped jus efcoret'Lisestaternent tOat be bad core tIoclaini "'lc day ci vengeance Ao ur God" WaIrings ofivine r, th and ins- pllcding ,doolliw'r ore frequentý is as mysteriaus asail growtb.(Ce missionary prcacbcd for seven yMars witbout seei'ýa ça cnv ertii, But-te leaenofthe wordwas wrking Kingdorn. Tb Jews 1hoped tatjesuls vwouid OVrtbow the Roman power and take tCe tliroje of D»ad. But jesus poia-tcd out b nwrns of t h igdOm. It doesnet c,-con- sist in ctto ies his a spiritua kigdom. I -t is rgtouns and peace and jay in 0 t Fiol Gb est. W,ýe enter ft by beiag bora,, of tlie Spirit. Rugîut liing liwsPeace ainsI joy aýreconeue of thc change and accompany riglit lv- Contain rnlilk." ruplil: "utr hee c ca -anid tocw inïg. it is a way of hpiea Therec is aýlso a future aspec tid reaization of-- the c Ki j- d 01-5 iii w-,ch God's wD11 is done. He A G;OOD TIE is Fhad b-y allil wen you se;(rve Max.~ we7"ýlI buse Coffee, Tt' blenTded by experis and Radiant Roasied for extra j o-"odto the Lasi Drop!", The Si. Regîsotol pDebl. S4.5e ma IROOMS BEAIJTIFULL Y FURNISHED $1.50Oup IHOTEL METROPOLE i Us BACKACHE CAUSED BY BOTH Kidneys and Liver? When your back, aches so you hate to straigliteni up-and short shar-p twvinges stah vou at vvenï ulc'n ovpe-vaur oac.fl*.*ac UJ,'jl'o 'j im-rveK&*Crem edy treats tiwa conditions at~ on-ce- contains special renieclial ingredients for both kidncys- and liver, Sa if you feelt tred, hcadach-wl%,th "" palaf nI joints anxd aching b-ack--loo)k ta bath kidacys and Ih-ver! TIhen look ta Dr. Cbase'm 1,Ridney-liver Pilla- for a reliable product uscd by Cana, dians for over haîf a cenitury, Thie nai-me "Dr. Chiase" isý your- assurzance. 7 0n'o need to keep Mt in the ice box! Keeps in +the cupboard for weeks! Always righit there wen ou nced it It's Ný,ew Fleischînîa nn's -Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast-the moderr b"aking discovery that gives you delicious bread s and rois iii quick baking time. -No dashing offý to the store at the last minute-j ust keep a suppiy of New Fleischmnann's Royal Fast Rising Dry- Yeast handy in the cupboard. Use it as you PnL IF YOU BAKE AT HOME-get Fleischmann11's1 Royal Fast ising Dry Yeast today. At'your grocer's. e w 'I 'i i j4b'