WINnter Playgrount-d-Mor,ýe than 2,500 persons braved the wind-swp ice ef P'enietatig Byt attnd Penetaîguishene's first wvinter carnival, mhich featured dogsiled races and scoot racing, the ne eorgian Bay Sport. lolding the risof his diogs is Ted Liglit, wýinne ofte o -~race for contestants uinder 16 years, andi iMy Nicholson. Hloney Hlarbor. a close second. "H,-e gave m-ie forty tiuaddo*l aýrî ivorth of b balinformation- and a very smnall raise in py"Thlat was the crack made by Eddie Stanky7- riglit after is recentdicson f 1948 contract termis %ith tise Broo-k- Dyo]ldger presidenit; and evidentiy it gat beneatli the skin of Mir. RicK- eye an astuite geni-tlemian notled for kis initimlate ciwedeo twro things -.-the initricacies of Ile game of base- bail, and just exactly hocv many goff vas des c ie i.hemuî e ,wutnettt OC strprisreu II iind a revival of interest in the base- bal players' union. The fans beýar end read plenty about menke Bob ller, Ted Wlim and other stars who draw anywhere fý rom- forty to -2ighty thonusand for a f ew monîlis __ to!. Bttthey know littîti or tnothing of iplayers forced to accep,, year af'ter year, just a fraction of whalt they woulýd be wrtli-and wa.te couild easily get-'froni sonmeotr luyet l unble to do a thiingabu it bca-ýuse Of fthe jug-hanldle d stylec cf Conitracîs 'that, in) spite ofaaj r- viments ta the contrary, Pive the manaigements abouit î80 per cent the best o t 1» Jhis vry izïtercsilg Sionyaof hîs Jfe<ae " Ruth eis aL-f hozu Mayar, .immy fl/alker mode ins buber byrmndu IeHie îsKing ha'w nuch luis condact and xampi mneant /fa the ry-ocdk ids of A-meric a. Thot's juitsthei kind of thïingJinf,«; lerrcond1em-vi' ta get off, and 710 enn witii. lis tangue in his cee he olo'sîdt. Prof 'ssioni splort îs, at bottoîn, a profit aigbsns n ohn elsre. Ee h ezrlpbi so! ÏMar Oire siush a!1n.i hooeyiisit end soe bi tsot caîid wî tîture starýs. I u a vrcre whegncw es~ts ort onithe same bsis-in? the nqi ttr of fe Publ;'iot-as iîeyvdo , for instne ment Stores, tînt zeîll e a dairk dahy ;ndeed for a lt f rouitcs Thie "tic tup" which exi,ýsîs, in faf too 1manyinstances, btwcnsot ~' writers suid sports pooes is de- Plorab)Ie, evn ngeousThe, writ- ers, often lpoorly-pad een y w - paper stanidards, are expcîed ,jta m1eet aind trae 11o terots of eq11a1ity, wt mcd m laking man ies th)e nioney th,]y do. The tmt to b eke ou those incame-s 1,y a seemingly liharm- ICess lcore of 1boosting oCr preos-agent- ing is,;wy thiere, 'and is genlerally acceptedl. As one welMcna!1wii Sports Editr no cled-usd 10put it lu \'hie staff in momn'ts of expaion.011 Icknow you al are, makilig a litle anr thie side ; and witth-ings as te are 1 dmttsuppose heres anythng wei- can do about il. But thelie's rao in Allthngs, and 1 doîî't ant any over-sepping of the baunds. That isý, T won't stand for anybody ýpulin-g a gun and Éscing anybody upC1 'Tserslîs of fthis pra.ctice are, it ine caseýs ont of teu. comlparativelJy liarmless. But there comes that tt lme, Suppose a promnoter, to- wh0on, you are inýdebIted for various f vris puitt;ing on a bLoxinigbou which you know eyer should bfaveC bnmade. Perliaps iCs a boe down and punch drunk f iglite, m-atclied with an u-n-o i oy whto can really punch. Are you, the writer, going to say wliat oureaily tfiinký, or are, you goiuig to pass it off - witb wet e publ,ýic will prubaly >geî ils roney's orh5Sc, wht the We mntio,*bo.viig particidarly because righ-t zna'in énaly .sperts ~becauýse of recent r-ing ftlte-h 1'ight"am»is -decidï,dlyy sider ia clau. Nt ,.c, long. «go R a yRoba- son aindJmyDoiwrehdie ta battie 'I fi heWidyCiy ntila Cilcao sPOrts wiýriter lied the ts- li for-tiitnde ft a.oy !ti. olf prvasbout, liad aimost died af er a knockozét, That cede the mýatch, but njust as far as Chicizgo Uwacs con- crd.It took place, Instead, inl Ciezeiand, îwii thte resuit atDoyle was kasli. Onec' e i1ýp Wne ing jus whaltose C levelandi sports writers -ho Imuls L hve known Ailabout Doyle's condfition b leforehiand lyet miadle no effective effcfort ta stop th-e bat--thiouýglihf CTh ,1elselvecs whenl they, Iearned llie v-ss dead JOr,"or Ilthat atter-,thpom es- yes mamnes-or the folks wlia accete rent Cor a percentage for the space in Whcito stage tie match. Probably lhyaIlippdin-slong with -az lat of ~ ~ SIý fas o aesuetat the floral trbues t befunecraiwvereù bahnimmrous and-jIjî sigj"o can iwaystruýst 'Ilie sportnig crowd tal shci l ouIlfor allywrhycue tliey maytaklrdbiebuteye eati"The suiietece PisuIIiqoted s nlot, ;)y teay ar wn Thtligliîtpeak itewetn î,miperi, outAcancaguia, in rene,22,83)4 ldaoeses lve Not So Green Two ,)piles raI aples lyon tne gun.Onle colitii(nedalrg-ie andC rosy SeleýctionI. 'Tlie fit in the otheýr pile was greeni and sotail. ",Largýe on tp sd sal atthebo to?"inquired te nw iredliat as ie prepared 1 filhe barred "Certaniy Bo-" îe liedtef armý er vicously "onety isalwys tli best policy. P-ut thie 'tIle apples i the top I)and thlc arge ones atli The ired i(Aliaîî id J as lie wNas laid commencyng 10himself IUt Alis l ployeýr was as- green as bis greecneoý f ruit. "Is the barrel uî?»aslced the f armer. 1'Yp5 rplied thelie and,"Ffe and niailidQdown." "Good," sald the fari-ner. - NýoWv ttirn it. uplPdt dewaci and label W1k Europe Foresees Bumper Harvests A id winter lias temipe2red Eur- opeani misery and givren promise of 1bumrper. crop- ii 1repaymnît for last 3year's sfeig NCwhe2re lias these been thii;-. tenise hardship of last inter, the wvorst Europe experîeniced in t his Cenury. Abundi(ant rainfal accolmpaiiie-d abnormlally hIiitemertur tes. The mioisture raised prospect for bar- vests that ini sonne counitries maiiy equaI those of be-fore th-e war, A survey shows: GeranyDesiîethe food shlo- tage, GermanqIs experienced noth1ing like th-e sufferingl of last year. [n mid-ebr~ryof 1917, Berlini auth- orities rep ortel more than] 100 per- sons hiad died from iexpjosuýre anid malnutrition, -No such conditions are reported Ibis year. France-Onre of the best harveats sinice before the war is eçetd Spring whet past danger of frost dajmage. Britain-LIondon's nmean tt.ipera- turc, representative of al Britaini, haliaben lthe Iighiest s:ince 1943, Fields arc ren Italy-Thie 1weather mani says win±ter may lie just about cirer. Floecrs are bomn in the northl- ern; provinces and winiter wliest le six inclies higli, Frit trees blos- som hin orcliards outside Ramne. Scandinavia-Sweden had! 40 per cenlt 'mare silo%\, buti temnperatures tliree to fi-ve degrees above norm-Ial. Mligratary birds are reurin 1 Denmriark, wbr crocuises are blooming. Russia-Somie aea crporýt the warmlest wýeather in 50 years. May Re-fuel Planes In Air Over Ocean Four wveeks of tests over the At- Ianti have led somneBitish air exetIo e( eetth-e çefuellIing of plnsin thir to0 beccome regtilar routine. Av,ýiion miistr-,Iy off icials are calutiously opt1iistic Mulihdépends o thec final rensults of fthe trialis, vhich 'will continue at least throuigh Apritwhnwethrconditions iare usualy atthei-worst. The reueligservice provides tankIer aicraft wich mee-C-t atrende- vous ,vith fegtaarigLiberaitor plne]sd paîs3to them ith1i ,000 gallons1 o or re 1ýýOf ful neeýded to com11p1 let c the long non stop cr-ossinig betweenLondon adMotel Tt i5 argued fthaat refuelling in flighit has thecseadntgs Itealsan aircraft ita take off f rom hotr uwa<bzasei nieed not carry its fil oid orf fuel. leI in!CreaSss the possible payloaid qa iincrea-,ses the ýrange of an- aiîcraft. Theinrese pyladis th e main coummercial rgmet.It iscauat ed thiat a paissengerairftcod save the weiglht sud spatce needed ta ca-rry. 2,000 glosof -fuel and sa add itY paseerrryingcap acity by 16,000 pounds, or- 50 persanJs, Classified Advertisin GILS, GREASES, TIRES, Insecticdes, Nletri. , Pece Co'itî- ,.fos ahd Baru iPaïi 1t,1RIoof Catne.eceal- crswate. rie Wre Gc e 01 Lii Exceer npotuity for aler, ielien Bt S"INESS ,ýýOl'PORTI!N TE AN OFR10eey netr-i 0fivn týinsanid fouinfraio etfrsL Ramsay lýCO, gitre atnJAtrny, i Bank, Stre Il 1aw RAW FURS Mut rat n,] eovr are ,, gooddemnd rawfus o AanJaes, idsy n.I ttbufdupa er poItave bus!Iinesl furniture î ndihousei , pan re a'] ur lIbra comiein rtScbri ing yo e in aubrtalainome.Itoucon perae ona i chlie or,-ïpart th bsisan] e supfor a co ,lt sliait free. T1rritries sbaie Le, ltri, tour iseotel andaltie r uet SenId for 1prices il. Mnaeen uide an.1 rcails bgue and b"ol your order ni-w LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM EXETER--. - ONTARIO 12/2c HURONDALE CHICKS 121/»c Ai1t1eir bltad! leste-d. bandes. and .o Solt!]ani ake y bige pdigre,]fouit, altion Stock SaseX Y.New H im tcl x Newklamp. ,Barred tRocks, NwHmeg roxdi%,puleis 25e LiitiSssex 'Nlxý eci l4c. puhIIt, '7c Large type Legiorneý lioex!d1211e, cllets- 26 c AÉI hieai'y b clerris 4c. M ed' um11breed 2c $1 0tuer 1O o C09balance C O1 rir rm IenmC Hurj-on-dale Chick 'Hatchery London Ontario SýTAjNT %witb rov.nh;Liit eag Irains. We have seotinauly gars b fiocIç Improvenueint vwork anl,] breeding for il 1ceSed egg ptod'î- lio an stndad arge tpequitýIy. Tiis ]rret ie wondsIrfui lye ow ilit our "Y liermrai tlomt of tieir iro-] dluet ion. itiis the lkind af reeIng tat mn-Ie aS I,u'cIltoyou l (iebuver,bras 1 gbaverlage 1produetion Ill gghàbs eecn ired ,uni %, lou -oles, taor ,orou1e ileif il thL. chic"1'y gelt frolm uttis eo. GoodA chiclis rostno mret<tan or]fnar y eritiekï Il Il 1) n o oe ta boy our ehek aTI e, il mlore aUfed hem liait Idosearlnr cVe Ali saiyreuoextra pr 0,1.Ou chicýS IbaveSIvaysitad tbe r. pulatioo for Stedyiain o ots of large egl. Titis yea yo wii dfililely wathelite bsltc avalaite 1 ilrtainIhegreutcýtee pssibleprfl on your ivemn.we eucibi prampI dllvery on day .1,1, wo-J tite vee01li slaiedchiks.aIea nder pulietS vcweks to iayig. eodfor1114 Caaloue.Tweddie Order Yýour Baby Chicks Now Our reetIsare WtlHLgtr.Hampireý Ctlri.1ei trin, Hamox 1Rock. Suesex ix Hiamp, ,Rock xt Le;horn. AIl iîsare guar- aniteeti antiare,,bred from lblootqlst,]itil I>r1dducing stock., Send for pi,,ceilt or phione nlowV. poole, atier.Poole ,iOn. pbong287 ROCK COCKERELS 3c For aare ïn Avr, ý,oi- Barjred oc ' re fasI eathrnganïibreti for lva lan, LAKEVIEW CHICKS FOR 1948 fieom a re11 a iyras anti tueedirhE plant, over n'ou00u breeders2'.inspecte,], bander! and Iûa,] teste,] Many cuatomers have lia,] eans ec, Coninoona aj ucese wiitt Lah.keview Cbiclue Tbtsyear il may be eern more importatnt to bo Y Ilite b eetI Mc.and Es.Norait MDolard ai Paltl.Ontaio, lbave lia,]15 consaecu- tive loreai rotinu u cees witlu Lake- visi Chclr. Wy can' t you t£co? Stant your ctcseariy. Titere w Illibe a a'age t0f eggs next Fali anti onces'are bo,] 0 lie ani oobr anagemenl GuLide wlthbig esniy ardïer dicmnt. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM WEIN BROS. -EXETER, ONT.J LACK AUSTRALORPS R. . P. Si re,]. Hgatcbin Egs. day olti D ONLEY POULTRY FR ROUTE 6, LONDON, ONT. INVESTIGATE Before you place Fouir chick order, Today asnoerbfrIlpytabyaaiy Gan fortts itika avebeen i techoices cfpar tieoiar poitrymn jfor :1 Fear. .Senti for orires calge anti pries list today'. The saluer Fou tar1I Fou1 r ehieke, lte marspro- fi t> ls ity ,vi mals 1ýfor you. W a have Barre,] Rea. Nw Hapitrs Lgt SuIssex. W b ts, Legitor, L sl aN 1 amunP.. B 1Rck r . Hsp.,an,]rN. Ha0.x 1.1oc-ilapproi. Ichites froml puiarm es', lrsdea.Write i t a Gain- foýrtit's BaItey , Box YW, Trenton. On -1 bri. rodceS cf gnd bay creasînce U11 Du7.1 cîiea.See nfoc,] an,] fuel, orff taagondj Start l achltfoo',l-itrmaiea Boy ctick 00wif yu wat th rntrket ltIgtLite extra cens pcrd rl.Ba Hactr,1:10 John N'., nilto nt BABY CHICK BUYERcS Bssr htyou ord]lefite-,suainuber of chileatira easn.W' arecertain th'atý p'rofits iii ho matis hy pfdce , hagel starte] onlitarigýtirack. 'Monktoin Poultry Fan e a ovenotetl pproetif ar ilOr citils re iealtty, igoroe. ave fat de- voptn .and'ltencsay tedn o hit egaproductio. Wrte fer our cala lgaani once 'liaI. MoniktoinPoultry l'armes, ioitn ntario ise,. Witit Big Rock F iik o a o1rodlulesMRE G, Switb lesa e,.MORE equlillmlent Btter hned lRig Rock Farm" chieke ýsWIIll a 13'aicai inesùpFour erg keepin os aon.Wr-ite focr pnce liet ani AN EARy Stant fis a'ï gh atrÉI for poft ables Chieken seaý'sonu. e sors you," atr ai witb Top )Noîcit hiek. den nouefor do- iveýrycon lits date yoru wiaýh andti its aval,] risl 0fdelysti delivenios. tue nly stroig Itea'lthy peslce]ciilefotTop Nolci All our liréeoda-aeloenmn ppoeipul- laroo ese] niof00, roic Ion ality. ant i rder1, Heavy rdoeso',fMea -at Bos tlitse ch1icla bùosl Four itacao f l- iaer p>rofi ts, TiteF anom fsteather- iast an,] ro ducs ealy. For fteenFers Top Naclias- lisen tramIina rcpeat Odoafroml-- -tifd cUtnnmers y'an aiter Fa. y- lnq eilysait riglit. Start witlh-ïop NoîcitCcs.Es Catalageus Top ,NoletChicir Saler, elh )n',fri(. - ARMY FOLDINQ TAE8f- Goor! Uer! Condtiont. OffeeA as , P.Ice. f viWENG AND CLEA1NINO ina? Wrie t usfor informatjin. WOr are Dys Woks Liite,]79,ïTng BEt111Uaitly Dak, ô. bpstuise,] baey. 12 to;4lbp. for $11,75. Thote Hendersonl Api-rits o ,CneoPlcntr. HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTO RCYCLES Prsand ltrt i. t &Son BROAD-BREASTED BRONZE' TURKEY POULTS [b-serve Foýur ode, for 194b \W t1urne,] dOmn rder for50,00 Poulie ills ason Pouits Ilhict d itbrand ni-a specia t;o- exr sc iitl eer wihl lI more mn l ' in turle Ys i n 100ttan 19ý47 si ilki ee,]One cr00cae. op enifor (tunkey rmanage arer for 194d lir il -l LAKEVIEW TULTRKEY RANCH EXETEJR ONTARLOI iTT ! fY-OIlRTEL, Rad li o Set For sale DefioreslCose oos ailitbs for osU,tb lseiler storage battery or dri colis New mciover$8 Ml ffer A f ine andtiemtenr. guI Box IIM 71 Adelaida WToronloü Sese ,,tiat are depentiabide for Gade over. M1arket Garisers. ritý e frr if rascat. alogue Tntori, ti ompany Wtr, FOUR GOOD BUYS large truck. s reeentLy oveýrbau!ct wtit c vicenas foGr -v erliý n,]cai qmliulge Sieray wrr la tend a mone1,y naler. V -AII A RM. ihydre. close fa ritlaFe. faoo, buldings. eush.-A bs.rgaiuis",000 10-CE FARM ant i brick iosgougi buIiIdt ig .itytiro. bush. on hgwyPries 14, à U00 60AR PARM. clotr itayhroni tiliveslie,], boa! bouse. goo hoiuses. Prîce FARES, ail aises.pries,] to siIf rttsted rusi.Ont. BUILDING 28' ' 42' ALUMîX4UM. NVE ioe,], paiting. Erecteti In h,0man; iourimmediate deiivsery." i- nireJohnA. NsteSales Cri.o- ari StreeT. Toto. PIN-UPS FOR MEN ONLY uf Fo re 91 Tsars cf age you oma, citaIt aUr ounretouclieti suoerb Photo-grapite nf gorgeous ove tars anti Founoprfesins modeJla ai cite dolartuer sest. Pics state ag, EUROPEAN PHOTO SERVICES 51 ADELAIDE ST. E., TORONTO MONEY MAKING buissit village neýar Noý, 7 hilbway , comnp1lets watc. on owr SaIRI Ziiii. Hanse anti Garage onq priperty. Âlso 109 ters iarm 4.pply Haro!, Mreat.Lyn. CHERRY LOOS Bougit for casit Wrteit, 1104:M. itergua, COTTON TOWELS Blýeiet. ram ficutr anti sugar me]t S.54 hrds$10 2toen- s4.08; 5 doz . $10.00. a,],]'15c aitip,)inF,*charge, By-Prod ue,,11,,Ontania St-* Toronro. RIGI S TERrD Alasdit, Max. Cartier asud Beaver Oats; CERlTIFIED 1]acon. anti Beavetr Oase andi M,>nîcalotBanlsyýv: (19- MERC'.L No1ý. 1 aniHo. 2 CartierMaxs. Begkver, VAiska, VicIalit,, Banneý,r anti Vie tory nas; IGlue.Bi-boýf fanti OA.C. 2l B3avley: COMMERCIAL No. . A. C. 181 Peasj._CANNFS Mil! Lt, Exoter, Onîtrlo. TO CLEARý, six eft tPound tutely aneben licitaià', $06070 Irounid,61005. erbent ADJUSTABLE isathepr 2rntgeble 2-39 caIbre sh eil, excellent wrkaehp.5.50 Marrî'hon Agency. 110 erad Oe.Tor~ FAR 10 aces ici da1lom0 acres itardwood bslit, goor! uilings. Cil r wvitlioul stock anteintiplements. James, Stewart bMagnetawvan. OuI. TIE 1300K< for svery homýe, ight hutire,] boshotiepa. Twa dollars. pool, pa,. WATCH THEM GROW Manufaetr itgR.No. 1 Wodt, kOnt SCALES. Choppera. ý,Power Meat Saws-New. Use], epire TeScale Shor, C 61 ray St.A, FIoYonto.s HARD yerLtam Rebrycn. 1 i.0te tnr,,PeirSrwer HI-POWERED RIFLES SCOPES SALES CO 32G QUEEN ST. OTTAWA, ONT. BOWMAS . toban efectve remdy for sinu trubl. fu. woýln glands, brcncltbtis. %weali sys. woliei t troat. At9r5s29 BLACESIrJIH Sitpx2'x 2', lot 40 x 120 goot loctio, prce 11,10 0. Roi,] Bras. AUtltMinY eletorfor lcligiitden or buyetiobils.piPes. êtc. New. Wite B ox 617.,epee, na0 o busit(l. A my r on ýErb. 2t.R, Z, S trat- ford.C nt, ; FAMOUS R aln gîs gownfroua rsgistered Ci -d. owütclandheavy gieltio s t a uee.Sacks frce. l. ýru.'e Po ley .11 BEA AIRDRESG LEARNHairiresin aite Roberteon su. bnfor atin t o srqst regadin clï atses nueRod or SCW-to.iic Lraml-,41IOICASt. 74XNSRMOTFo Nurtisad ito Srna tor.e. ta35 Rîgru, Olt14wa. osîpaieti 31 M lie f0nt.Tet RFI1'A TCoiiS-Evr fere ýr cf titumt Panok r euiTia .sitoul,] try Jixons 1te edy M nr 's Dr g to e .s 10 El in t ritu r . B10E A HTE'IDRNESVSR (INrat. pporrîn-,iiy Le r dtIn Pdasa ign90d proespin, go r ages rito,,ads ttessu re l graduaes. Mil ofG u3ia.s fres Writ e. o 252 Br ica i orSst W.,T oroo riLerae7, oles ý,14 Kungi SY t., ailton, to m 14Ridau tret.ottaws. i MOUTHS ATER whm EterNaUgance&fCapnw e Tousta. b-Dok et iffraiThion se 5~Ljl obrBlr hit.wonderful ed o heoe es iRd ion; Rocitetr salieroduclen.10DesCriti itrlr .iu nitcfQeit St. *Torono W8E8.11Our1ooe o UlytRSESz and saiand cegooti Hospititin lae Aopiyesp-rintne rome oi.a Pr lnslopti SweetPasbusrg. Qe.wn niotitiyandbLcaonivîlT raer oer1 fa ouoca.inty. enustaiicommissin a 42cmonellisngtnist>-a. ý0r MOTHSFORWATER wheu PU PETC. MeDougail at ni leepi, asss teîtorgasoline pomered, oniýy $1.0cm 1ligiting systeme. 1,1 0 volt. ny158 et fr irs atalogus 1Fieý ro atr sitilooaladae (Moroal 0),Que.,orDep,~ 4 nisra S5ports -And One Thing or Another .By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("'A SÎxbit Critic")