Lssified Advertising by theSoet' rk So the geat ockey 'cndi tirurnd outto be -,cmore or less of" a dud after alil and the tye0' a who, is alwaysusspectinig thOwrs 'Il connlection xihsport waS poa disappoiintedattetmnesfth ,"revla os"XVhen ,the soyfio broke th',eea ,spiîîufWhsern regarding fixdgamles indbikl- ýings by the gambl)liing getry, but ike 80 nanyý snicb tings, theredoesnît weem to lhave- been mulich of anyýting beind cit. Hfowever, it b pîrobabLy ,j .ust as Wl to) have the air- cleared, 0 How to Handle Nursery Stock Thlere is a aîi range in tCe prce and quality of shrtlbs, \vicies, pat and other items hbcorne uie the gmeeraheatiig of nursery stock The real test is Mhether the stock SEiigrow quicky and ùtndiiy. fý thae rots are dry and the UDpper part of ct hulatshrivel brWe>- isli anti lacking butis, tenone oci 1be quite sure heC paid too mnrtch-, oo Matter Whao Oheactai prie.It wili, probably due or take three, or fu years to get r-ealIy, groinIg. He-althy stock, on1 the other hfanti, aili comie -1101,g qnickIy Wýith hrl a ctcespeciailviy, if andledca- fujiiy. Paas sh>-bs, ie9et. sbou,,ld b le kept cool aid nd mist nii ff the'y cannot b Ie plantet, I intheir pe-r- aiaent locan igh nayte sos be 5hediin", ta c eprrI planlted ina trnch Witb. the soif heapeti np wIaveuave the ots. Wbenreplqanting it is advisab ta sUti),py inty of a ateiad keepaat cs reti for the fîIro t ees Pat iog is becst ' nei0 hecoco ofthne eveniiing or un1dUI11dsatom sh-ade from bot sun is a1(ia1" Wvi th in y th1ingsý . Are They Suitabie Here? -111the maazine7,1,s ant ine-,%papers rs, sbrub's andevnveeabeta maiy rflot gr-on' aelin imanly 1parts of Caniada Theuse thngoavredee oped foir theSuheiSatso Englnd w tfit~cliaeis mle or the grow'ing asnlogr Ont 'ates onley, liime and wo suitabl, othe i ndton ae o jn t s tircodtnso not suit certainings hat hrîv abnatyhere. T garFaais the dsconrging ffor-ý;tsb odc these tender planthere eis ai viseti to stickttho 11se lessrb nti dvegetaebles tlîat arec, ecai r-ecomneýd for Caniadian cndi fions.MTIceulatte aenhevaretis ant typeslist i tseCandinsetýýi c~acge.ThLse, have ail bcevn teCsted u nder Cnda odtosat tlae-y are the onlly oisrcmedt by the Canladianauhoites toT[n0rCety epn ta btc'oostthe sale of of of he hniapd oswoarce b ghle -)vit thLrlieae takng part ite go ok frhm Cif thegrititiîde of la lto Barning iifySTalr olife may tofvaningý, anld did it -itbliz o~e vd peni, 5s pobbi oesnI't fnyhngabout i s ta edd the lac Haks; and iosingf bn Ideddolars and theng etting us sed ont onIbis ear into. the arai ies îigu , aittogn ne GMAilt p- per-roa )ere Wc sit-ino baýve mor eta lebot one mre sesoil o sopmceasi-hockeyleft i0 im5d ifethatis any cosolation. snelB m-lSee-nGne Tue in Toruto so eeho rhr, mied the aopu iartybisablit derleti Boinlg f'ýan o.ý*s ar a quei mbant tî conin't go for Gen faling aout sHoaveveru be eclet p td fortuneand got owhen he inglii Tunneysem e to ikta h hel th Otar-io SScieîy for Cîpe Citrninults dive Ff orfnts wbich is omth1iug that deerve boin poihave -anly sense tey shndsnICI] any snicb ideaswih in u 5year 1m1ark mths' buies i ing; Jind ICin ic aiway ail over th'e map What aith Su-,lmany f atalities, amacin voviSchme' ý"ii wo)nld bea ter Juot who is b sicâl t lamefo ail t fis afalties ci somthingýes tht scmg n for ka ltof dis- wcrUstte or noting abotwatap pVnS To a figer, jnst as lon! a capy caocoleOuthein thave a lo wonid hI inciindctosay th1atvek sis brieking fur a kn1ckionU, È take rea rv for î rferee to sto that sort of couac everyfe'nt fan etee indti Jo recený,tyer "Th Ma.fyArt. of Self Defenîce"- racke, and i hy e to o away v ll te -hlesmely meso e-o to an itter tearsz. Tiare a-vas a tiwe whnw ne tofatroursefste by savingý adnird tst footwok and Skiif ni boxiî. ut we knoW better thai'a that now. Liklilety nneont ý every hiunred fightansif'sthie prot(spect i l]Iof h "I" icb gets ns; the canvas lime afîer ime cviliprob- abiy remn 0iti our mmory aâfier 5Sr sg f Spring is the ana omkn p of t10 Kentulcky Dry thýi!an ay other sotseetAif the Ca-luml-et F Varm' ,s "itation" is anyting îemasgojod asiq s cliimed, Sv]c" IfCh starts--"Ctio"Wl f~ ~~L fi-,t~e e o ot the poýst, andý it'ointbe srrsn osee th"em ge onin front, àtai i~rny the scconId timel a f;Mly11. ias vo t Deb nalits lienthy istry"e gret" avas the ame of tile littie lady WhO tnrnd Ahtrck aud that was aavay back ihi1915. Thewilb Tavor' "Jcopt"but we imagine ail~ ~~ c heslkl oget ont of,,tis feW minte;s of hatyexercise. Cancer Of temotif treated 01Ai Milanbe cured in about 80 Per cen of cases Ail About Notning winssii nimp ortant case... HTe as-ked: "Auad on June ll yoj sa youcaIedonMr. Mrpy.Now ~rJ obect tothat qein y lord, ntrptd teophg Thet ensed a hor's fier1ce aruetbet-wedîconsland ici theendthe.iuge lloed th'e qu1es- counel,"yo caledoil Mrs. Mur- phy.Now at dlid she say?"ý iiNthng se a,3 ou t, a-s CHOICE FRUIT TREES AND SMALL FRUITS Ornamnentai Trees, Shrubm Gladu &Cana Larcge &Comploessok f.3 acorLcA gentor0-r it for 'ec P.H.PRUJDIOMMEi &31SONS, Vmm», BEA5ISVILLE, Ontario, QIS GSS, TIRES, ano Barn Paint, Roof Coatings. etc. Dea-l-j rswanted,1(. Write W,ýarco 4lreaae 6&0,11Lm . A, An od etsiihe hiCk Zhather-y wile agens ,b Some disîltrit. Lies cmm i alnpaid. increaevourca . rt o o. ,73Adel Ide St, W., Toronto., AN C",Rf0evry nvnt'-i' ofinen Muskat ad ,ever a ndu godrdemand Forik topl gnes snd glprpt retuo bpyu raw frs t AlanJame , lnday. Onti l3PleVN FOR INCOB Excoionlo portniy r n'itiou acsn Streof, Montria- umd nr1 an ea -y.c, i.L rge Ty e Wiite end flor i le Ct0t D.ltan erni Guide nd atanre nda booh your onderyoi EoEdoR OntaRIo J2n2c 1URONDA kE CHCS 1 7 is1eeed !c'd b dke y blvdignese lod ton stck. 01ex t Nw p, Iol-Iý P Ox d 3 Cc, pulet KIO . :ýL cS usse Mî h Hur~ndal bChick tc1ier Ord ter Yo irilnd Nr ,,,Cirks Now Our ree- arf Whte Lghon l'a ve-ir a tteed ad are anrd from hloý o tsld bigl WI ROK OCEXETERONT INVESTIGATE fr5 nne hfor i pysle by oaliy ain ferfhs1Ciainkubave b-1n-flac clioqce oI pan onn r ,es catalogue saiS price s lt lOaThe cair fu taknt rour claileka. £th more pro- lits t vili mtnqi fo>r 011. MIe lha veC Bana Bcs. NcrBmapiaraLigiat those, iatcLei,-rneFL-Sussex r N. fiamip..B Rock aK N. HBiip. - anSdN . gamo a B Roc-ciiapprove'ilchiclte f romi puslorn lstd rsSra rite te. an taie PrucrsOfgodbaby cacîssince BABY CHICK BUYERS Be sue that ron 'order ias h, i nainber o profits %vilIhabmade !,y prolceowb tdSon;the igiat tat toko oir can ua oeoet prvd fa .deu bii rduci on.Wrtefor Cur cata,- logue cnd pristlîsI. Benton olfyFas ONA FA rud yaiour-gsso n yuiis ou can uaî acpoln usi- oss viaies caita, êlt- loerlbour 00sf tisaIs cny ofia'r fan nailfy at wfi a hr pior f fnis cash, inll fouIin vesItme1nt on aprftalebsl.Wietiaer yo 'are ralisinif pouitry for Te ggs Userlay 1nfer imeat purpoýýssfovouidboy oi cod ulity cit.Webv ie foliwg pu-red hrste hooe ;fronli lkMioes Anos.Brw ehirs bi, Lghs Gint.Aloioss r',ds 4lis da'y old, two sud fince a1at 0MOands otiaar pilIl8 Wesks T3t's FA v clwtunst bew, bifs, BI OC AIfpI. R iCleC-o1IIC-KSnt SAVE fed anS eeUpwile o ma 0>,ý'f olrave afre1,,111tase wet00 hct i 1tcor 1ete de svry.Si alPia. wdi Now l fha iie. luodnf rpr uconba t hi'ks.i PuIlefe12e. M-cieS Ic,,Ccesî e Ai --teen andesoblndfetS or ul Con laî , Ilnt. iIý * neiseneritho amak dilehemurai o en o fir a sne, us pulrhaisnveec hats0uitempîr ast. lalu a trc ft. the fui poitry risens hieve heen hurIi g T Le Cs hos ee'r ffil, ySean te li ýrofint F nea ine mets heni a eotI uves1 aan 11, pay ie iied. hfiut ga n ehiets Woni50 we f0 CaogetTwedasý. Ail idctospitf oe apisu. sud cees iibanpufym. o e rdc.'ii 4e iasrea f0diifou boon uo ro p Seilvery o. day oid t eliand Vteewye 0 St~~~~~Bed ar c hits l j3Qqie 21et ng Wrt tous foi nfrato.We are gdtoanoýwer youee. in.,earmp A2tis U'17. Thlc HenderFGn HARLE-Y DAVIDSON iare four orldain fo 359.W ec t ure lcey incuba fors, altnes (D0 chicIhe>. We expet tIers iibumore meney ltrkeys in 39ý48 than 137ash i lii Ieedone avii e caspennef ummr wian he tic cron cmas slng. Sed forturkecy age milent ýguidle n once isý i and ,bohli gno LAKEIEWTURKEy pRA*CH EXETERONTAR~IO Defreu CosserCornamodal. 8S tubes3. for u its eitiaer stonage hler r c dry oIls. Ne cosf, aven 130 aleoffer A fie sd i10 agît o 3. 3Aead Mankef Gandears rite for apur freea cat Ontanbo.n Beceil. rn rai aet st bacosa. he m cd 9,1 r , M p r o 3. 0 3 dte REGIST32ED la, i. Crtersu :oryOcî, Cabrle,Babf and OAC. 2 Ba1e2 COMRCA No. 1 O.-A.C. m8 h ili Onfanlo 9 UAR-M 10ceaÏicadaias,30 ce hardood ushgood buihldns. WIUS o I),wlrt Mcnarran.On WATCH THEM GROW nI a new vTranspare,, nt iciî outyBo CALS.Chop/sP'.N,e M1, Sw-N St.. Tonionto.e 1.0per bnre. A cromvle. fRý . .(I - toa, lnt. onvured eporIs mdl. xelntcni on .1$5,00 eab Satifcnle rntc SCOPES SALES CO, 326 QUEEN ST. OTTAWA, ONT. sLilcetro.îcbl, iin, sw1 oerg3ai d, roelit. -PUMPS, ETC. Mcouc Iululio, lni' deen wll Btrs cicneor *ci>oe 'ýPoavenedoniy $114 $0Do - forfac caaIeu > Buy dretfirnifartirr doribfr cnet sais. lBT ie Dcctfor loeing htIda u bu 0) Oiefts, pipes, et c,. aw rite Box and loveir 5 nolm d cobiaicton hua,. 7 acrs xcllntelsy loani. aodatirater 'SUppy yrivaihs miaif ass ena egu.SOcFebPuRyTOuf oor Life. Bst Toe , 0ec el ,7 ilý S t e tC af a mO t thApnil, 1948. for, tha obo gie ine Trucks F.Br. Port ýrtiaur: Oasi11D Scraeflu TutrcmledI Pumpli; w100 Br. 4ClidrstearleMoq r B-ooe calty 1,00 fet: yWeigiat 13,80 1h.: T; wo aviasai lbrak'ea; Chain drive; 2U foot scto ou. one 19193 AmIerican La ianes151f Sev ,ce obandfrom ias Sira Cliief BrtArhn Th liaton any tede f esan,,iSy City Clans, I ISSUE 13 - 1948 rfOR SALA WATERLOO Trsig Mcie Ss 3-5 Wutefloo Bugle Tractor 20-40, B. ~. L3~d.. say. 15 Amherut 9Ave., Toronto. DOBERMAN Puppies, prise stock. i ~ snoutia nid. reai treasunes. unsnnpssqed for marS.. pet s. çr show. Flfty t~oi1ars Up, f0 klis ownorý-S ony, D. arls 9 awhone Wr ino. Bull &Son, Cntrai ureeris, St.CathenUes. pet cnt uctJo. hipipeIl nware 0.5 aathon- Aency,1 4t errd Es. Fr out. ealrswri t cr motctîona. CERT EFiD BeonOtGae1 30pr bu. aga.fre. Thse ots on te hihee Wii u14 clntnC.7 uOtCn. fattio. Vryi tiF radd.1eglterdGi. ore BrfeyIrd ~ncraton 8.9z 0i0c b. ob nuedRad Toento Postoa-d c1.0, 1OOD e îuton-Evary uforar0 teu maie PinÇr- \urts-bui ry71o' Reed. furu Dug Streà15 TEin jOii-CANAD S LAifISHO O Rll idrsng louefea We or tr.a MARVFil IIARDRESSI'it 353 Boc loor t. W. Toont Branch es: 4 ing Soi , Iramlton FETBue rSTloaUGie &C,,,nn notma Toroto Boket0finoratononr muc, -ok tra. agdd7,7-ks nfi-hstr .3 N. i T. l .wl JS T Il O G . ,a l l s r . 1vMt e S f FILMS DEVELO(),I Col Idrin ftcddrl OupePrfo 1sJc PER OLL avf D8tGel exours Allrit mae c Famine xii Athens mas -reported tO h fave caused 1000deatha iq n 1942. HE MORRHOIDS 2 Specal Remedies by the Makers of Mecca Oint'nmm Meeca -Pile Remedy No. 1i8l for protrudiunj Blei le esansd Le sold in Tube. with pin.. or. inrna aUPPIlication. Price 75c, Mecca pili, Remeýdy No. 2 is for xtrniI-higPue.SId au J ai" and bs f r e .e na s nly. P rs 5 9c, )rdar by number froua your3Druoeggist, DE 1, e: col h& Sports - And One Thing or1 Another By iFRANK MANN HARRIS ("A, Sixbit Critic") issified Advertisïng ; 1 d, ý-1 1 1 ý Issu,"" 13 - lgtB