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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Mar 1948, p. 4

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rg Rates on request Subseniption $1.50 ir up-to-date Job Plant Our prices are to please, and our work is oif the best every Thursday morning at the Times office R. A. Forrester, Publisher Established January, 1937. ALL SHIOULD HELP diseussion toucbing upon religion Is veiy apt o leadtot a-nd tihis is somethiug a -, sali town, paper stdiously oid. ýSome pointeti thinga eulti he saiîd just the samie Vo Church, maintenance. ýur bas iV that ,lhe congregation of Park St, Church xiii ýometime Vo reniovate- and possihly eni'arge the Churcli ýbviousiy s previons generation bati au abiding faith lu ngs wben hey songbt to ereet the Park St. edifice as IV Suceeediag generations (eue owa iucinaded) have done 'han keep the church-la nrepaie. ýhe sanie thing cannot ho said of the average hoinme. On we see fol.k renovatiing bouses, redeeorating houses, sud houses. It al takes moueiiiy tee. Whiat wouid ho the se sanie people were asked te ]endi a bant i-iantV cou- ini of Ynion-ey for the purpose of beautifyin.g a cburch ? ere xouid be thbe fiathful fe-w wbo would respond wiii- i. Our owa opinion lu the miatter is that there la an for the whole commii-unlity. ail, a Christiau Churcli y heip keep a town sud neighhi,,orboed lanthe way cf life posed pensons believe shouit cninue. k a hantiful of people Vo finance the wixole venture is un- knd. Shouiti the way open up wvbereby -we cau offer rie Chuhtiiwe sheultI accept the elhallenge because xve al er fer it. A COMPLETE CHANGE é are ritiy concerneti to-day over tecnnite as- ýted by se nrïianty of the amaller natlions ýof Eu-zope. Our ýi as Canadians seemes wrapped up lu the rathier smugý iat xve can keep Commumisi ont of this ecouintry ;by kee- )Commuaï),iist. ever strike ns that xve not only shonld, but. mciust lok o tbe franie of mid sud heart that makes; forco un y-ars the littie Enrorpesu couatnies have enga.ged pnri- striai pursuits. The langer lands of the xest hýave been foýod. A broad oppo)rtunity of tratie andi bartIer grew rt, and evexybod)y shoulti have beeni hap)py. So.iiewhliere, ss bowever, the esîniinga e f ail participants become side- e undue advaatage of p)eopie who chose Vo oiar-d nonoy it readCy entry mbint the chanueis eof norimal trade. Thus inch taiked of "capitalist", Exponients cfI comiiiuiism-, ,t riti of the capitall"s, ecorae more caual distri- ritùh, and look for s cessation u'crf ur diffieulties. sim-fple as thinking folk are aware, Hluman niiature beiug- he xrong- type cf peopie at the heai cf affaira wi'Il rv essive a, theinr predecessors. ierading uider tlie loak of cmwnimxiii nioV ialte f- any of us auy ore than xvi he pianI(ýng cf our faithi sic taystem that b' has noV its anchor lu the great princýipies o better living1. Orly sa change cf heart xii performi apin-we raraiites xviii bp nrigour vities so cuimon at this time of year. wiii prompt many Vo start a fewv seetis Ioneclanig viii gaina serionsý cousider- ihtinsmihtconitempiate tpigfor le trees are avaîlable ani thje xvather nstry Suite a change -lu Hed~ -prcducirs Vo thec rap xvas hoilei the plaice of the has gofee odu ai bottie cf maple, ensive as the 'haif ,saünie years ao r, 'is couc.,erneti. No lwayvs Ldequ2ateiy adian.- industry bas 1948 Mie a , t Yo urMlunicpaller ovisi'ons of the Tourist Camrp Regula. )46, 'effective April lst, 19)48, eacb operator is required to secure s license be obtained iupon application to the lerk. For a copy of the Reguiations 1Direciror, Developriient Brarîch, a a I ory Ell P,,'rriv L oit4ieiraugier, ua Patricia, ut Rose Memlorial lHos- pital, Lindsay, on -March il, 1918. 11u Civic e piaPet e'b0crOltg-h, on Tuesday, March l6th, Vo !Mrs. Earle -MeErwen (niee Florene Pul-ey), a baby son "Gary Gordon". Mr,. qnd Mirs. Andrexv A. Fulnn (nee MHildred Richards) are happy Vo announce the hirth of a daughter, coleen EIizebheth Ma'y, at the Bom- i nanlviiîe IHospitai, on11 Monda, March 22nd, 1948. Mothber and ýbaby doing nicely. CARD.OF 'PHANKS The family of the laVe Mrs, Wmni J. -Walter extend their heartfeit 'h anlks and appreci.atioin Vo their many re-, latives, frienils and, neighbors for the iran-y kindnesses, flore i tributes, cards of sympathy and the untiring1 care a7nd kiindnes's of Dr. McKlenizie extende'd Vo us during, the illn*ess Pnd passing of our dear mother, t is wý,ith sincere appreciation ta 1 thank my mnany friends and neigh.3- boaurs fore their kind inquiries arud the h1oat of cards and letters receivedï by me duriing my reeent stay in St. Joseph's Ho-tel, Peterbhoro, i wshto thanktfhe Xendal W A. and W\. I. for the beautiful flowerýs and baskect of fruit anýd aiso those friends who cam-e to visit me., W1yým.ercer. GAMLY-In Bowmaniville, on Sat- uraMarcb, 290th, 1948, Ornma A.1 Gaibof Orono, aged 84 years. Funeral seýrvi1ce was held in Parýk StetUnited Chuirch, Orono, on Tuesday, March 23rd, at 200 -p.m. Interment was made ia rono10 Cemetery. JI CAMERON LESKARD, ONT. Electrie and Acetylene Welinlg Cyclinder Bloeks and Heaîs- Welded Specializiig fit ALUMNUMAND ZINC BASE METAL phonre Oroio 'A ring 5 rr CA'ITOL PR T uHO% P E Fr., Sat., Mari 26-27 "'RELENTLESS" With Robert yolng asud Mafirgue-rite Capmau (linehiclr Mon., Tues., Mar. 29-30 'FUN AND FANCY FREE' DisLiey's LatestFetr "ALWAYS TOGCETHER"ý' With Robes t lJn:ton ~,and Joyce Reyniols BARARAANN SCOTT lu"Dancing Blades", Wed., Thurs., Mar. 31 - April 1 "The secret Life 0f Walter Mitty", F R EE SERVIC E iDead, Crippled ilorses f1 and Cattie Picked up ime pteyFee of WVe pay for Telephone Call MARGWILL FUR FARMA 15.110. LvCi'Yoie welconrie. Adrnis -10c. andi 25e. The second meeting of tVhe 0C Continuation Se-hool Literary Sai wîll be heid lu the Town Hall Wetinesday, Mrb24th, ut 8.00 A. progrýamme of 01song-,s, alts, am play, 'Sse Sue" xiii be pnese by Garcle Cornish's group. Procî donated Vo the Parîk Boardl for j irnprovem-ents. Adinission 25e I 5c. b-9-c "FRESH AS A DAISY" A 38-set play xviii ho presented inl hie To-wn Hall, Oronc~o,-an Fiday evnnApril 2ud. Tltis play is sponszoreti by the W.Aýý Park St. Unitedl Churebi, aud xii lIx put on by tihe Young Peo-Pie o, Tinity Church, Bowrmanville. Admission 35c. and 25c. Basket Social sud Dance lu Nexýv- tonivîlie11ail1 on Marcli 81st, underý the auspices of Newtonvilie Girls'l Sûftbail teanji. Admission' 35c. Ladies! ,vith baskets frvee. ýGood orchestra.! ANNOUNÇEMENT no10w for' your spring cleni aili 1iEthian Jones, Phion-e Cl-arke 721, New- tonville P. 0. e-10-p. GEORGE YORK orono - Onitario A gent for Lhe Empire Wallpa-percs and thie Water Proof Wallpapers (0rigiyiaI Wi Rose). See my portfoiio 0of lovely ,aIIpaper-, Even- ings, You wull be satistfied. NOTIE 1No, v.terrnaury work xiii be under- takeni fromr Mareh IRth Vo April 2nid.1 iConmmncinig April -'nd! no work willi 13be LIII foanyonie iiiarrears. Termls, fronii thuat date xii be strictly cash. DR. WY . W.SHEPiWýIN,' V *S. b-9-. FOR SALE BY TENDER Sealed tenderswl be received by the undersigned until the 8lst of MI'arch, 1948, for the property on the east rideo, f Main St.,L Omr, foerm- erly occupied by the late Fera Chap- man. This property bas a white frame house with 8 rooms and nice garden. Inspection by appoitet Possession nxay be-, ad Mylt 1948, Cash or ter.1î Hlighest or any tender noV neces- sarily accepted. Dated Marech th, 1048. L.- STANLEY CilAPMýAN Before Sellluig LIVE POULTRY Try nie My Prices A1re Higher M. FLATT Bethauy R. R. 1 Te. 7 r 13 Reere Charges SALE REGISTEARS I have been authorized Vo oil bY public aucto for My. Iarry Raby,. at Lot 22, 0on. 2, Hope Township, 4 mile's xvest c)f Port Hope om No. 2 Highway, on Thursday, l-funch 25th, hefollowlung:- Ton Cows, 8 2-year-old Steers and.i -eifers; ten .yepr-old1 Steers arid 2ais;2Sojws en 14! Shoats; 200p bus. Qats aud 300 bus. Fail Vi hat, andi a completf ist of farm maehhiea'y Ternis Cas'h. Noý iReserve-Jaýck Reli, Auctioneer. The undersigneti bas receivet1in-u struetaons ri the Exeenutors of th-e Estrfte of the Late Mrs, R. Hl. Brol, Vo, sel! hy pulie cauction at fier laVe residence, Maîn Street, 0rono, oppo- site the pjark, on Saturday, Mareh 27th, ber householt furniture, etc. Ternis Cashi. - Jack Pbeid, AuCtion- eer. I have .been instructed tVo selilby public auction for Mr. J,. E. Melreer, Lots 23 sud 24, Con. ?, Clareke Town- shi p, mile east ýof NewcastVle, on Friday, April 2ud, bis e-ntire stock ofl four horses, two e, 4 year-oid, 10' cailves and va caif; 1 sow andi 9 shoaýts; 50) layinglienjs, 3 geese, 2 garnders, 2 ducks, 1 drake and a um11ber of turlreyrs; !00 busbels of oats andi a quantifty of hay; a fuli Huie 'Of farm nxachiaejy, and a qu'an- tity of funniiture, Ternis Cash,- -Jack Reid, Auctioneer. 1 have been authorried te sout by puiblie aucticu at East 1',' of Lot 11, Coun. 6> avesTwp., aVB&-di Schocî,, ou StraApil lOth, the property ýof 3Mn.IE. Wrightbis en- tire live socfan impinlements, etc, coasstig of 3 borses, 25 heati o eut tie, polrhay, oats andi ret--Io- Ver, hanness, and ail bis imp-lJeenets.] TernisCash, No, Roserve, R.LJM One baby aarr c-nb. Aplto 101.01o, Ontairo. 1 RONO ge antioee S. Glenr. Car Pak and JWANTED Agent Vo sell rnew inmproved plastic floor finish. Full or part thnýe. Higlh- est commission. Apply to Box 300, Oriono Times. tf. FOR SALE Seed Grain - Beaver Outs -and AMaxj tOats, and Barb-,off Barley (mixed'),l Erban Oats and Barb-off Barley (mixed). Apply E.. J. Broewn, Phonel 6r 1(i, orono. c-1-p FOR SALE Battery Radio in good condition,I 1wo teo hoose fromi, also Al.'addini 4anti~p and Chest of DrawTers. Stoker,i Pendal. FOR SALE A fèw bags of Irilh Cobbler Pc- atees, gr-xvn ýfrem entifieo'i seed'. Sa-til Keane, Phonle 51-3, O-rýo. FOR SALE 1Quebee Ileater, No, 14, ia goýodi conrditioni, Apply to the Orono Gifti FOR s A LEF Eight Leister and one Dorseic Horn! choiîce breediuig ewes, due to l-am-yb April S5t?,. 1 12-tooth l Deer-ing Culti- vator in good cnio.Oütto Coa- tham, Phone Orono 15 r il. ce-10-p FO1CR SALIE Pum-lp àackýs, Water Sysýtmis, Cowj owS lis. Ag-ent for )1-rfection -Miikers, otaco and Fleury-Bisseli Far, Mý.achiner-y, Agrico F'ertilizeras <Granular Branid) now availaýble. Phonie Carl1 Todd, Phone 15-20,1 Clarke. c9p FOR SALE Quan1tit y of1 Mýixeii HaIy (Alfailfa and Tim.ot'hy,). R oa d openi to barn for 'trucks. Archri ie loy, P ortypool0! Phon01e Bethany 20 r 41. Ca1O-p. ORONO Furniture iHospital Reupholstering Repairing Refinishing Antiques Bought and Soid Se'e our hue of Drapery KchnUnits made te oerder C-F. Duncan Phono 79-16 - OIRONO %xT EXPT Radio Servive!. iThe. comùbini-on of expexience, com- plot, daàta on ail makes, and modern test 0quipuient will onsure PROMPT,.ItEASONABLE A-ND R. L. MYLES Poo79r -ORN FreEstimates will be Given Cheerfu1lly on Rock Wool Homne Insulation! By Blowepr System, Four luche. thick, Insulation Contractera, 57 Bloor 'St. West, Toronto Di.stricesettivefor Durham ,Couuty GEORGE WADDELL Phono 23 r 22 - BTAN The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY P1hone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hlope, Ont silo Monuments, Gravemarkers,1 Barnister BOWMANI Mi Office.688 W. F. BARRXISTER, ason, B.A. Solicitor F,', ONT, Office 825 Residen.ce 469 BOWIMANVILLE, ONT. VETERINARY DR. W. W. SHERWIN VETERINART SURGEON Office Main St. Oromo Phono 63 r 7, Orono INSURANCE J. C. GAMIEY INSURANCE Fi,Casualty, Automobil and Liability ORONO - ONTARIO, ORONO'S INSURANCE MAN Manufacturera Life Insurance CM Dominion of Cauada General Hartford Fire insurance Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Wawanesa Mutual Insurauce i. representod n thia district hy DANE FOUND ORNQ ?-Cpplonec8 r If it's Insuranco, gira ý.nz ti trial LEROY HAMILTON INSIJRANCE IN ALL, 1T S BR1CANXCME S Fire, Automobile, Liability, Life eHospitalization, Plate Glass, hBurglary, Casulalty Represeuting the, Leafluag CANADL4N, BRITISH and Office, Main S.- ORQNQ. Phonos. Office c32 Vrl"), Rom. igrla Phono e suad .I Wi u esuit yn Estiate frelygiven. ne oý bligation4 INFO'-RMATIO-"N WoFuld you Uho te kuow more %bOW4 tbi elwig (a) ýHoW te will t e ur familyau thiouaand dollas that yen havem't jVe aaved? (b) How te - guarantee tmr.s1I*7 cheque tel your family every Mmni for 10-15 or 20 yearas fheld Yeu be taloen ont ef the. pclture ? (c) How te have a salary cheque *svery mentit fer yoursoif as long s» TOnU live, cemmkencing ut age 55-St or 65. (d) Hoipw te garantee that youT son or dlaughter wiiLl have the monoyý for an education beYoend higlh sc10017 Lotý us havý'e a chat zbout àt some- time. hono FRED LYCETT GRONO 18 r 1 AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSOIN Auctioneer and Valuator Conuct Autio Sasqof ail ise. and at reasoniaWe rate. CommunÉicate W;tlzh 1dmat Poet Ferry, GOntarlo, îor 500 bis Cienk. A. E. -Morton, at Oronie, for date. JACK REID Oronro's Lîised Auion,-eer and. Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consult me for ternis and dates Phonle 5 r 18 - reoi~ lil - . 1

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