j' ALND THE HUNrREss"e ATURDAY - MARCU 26, 2 7 is back at white or .. in Tarz;mn's LAUREL and H~ MATI] MONDAY "SONG Monday, Tuesday RDIY SHORT CARTOON NEE SPECIAL 2 P. M. MARCIT 29 0F THE SOUTW'e EMPtOYERS IUSI OBTAIN NEW UNEMPLOYMENT INSUROtCE HOOKS Ail Unemployment Insurance Books now in use expire on. March 3lst, 1948. New books will be issued by the National Emsplo-yminnt Office to employers, but only whn ld books are comipleted and turried îný ta t'he Office. Employers are urged ta exchange Un- einploymnent Insurance Books promptly atC March 3 lot. Penal:ýties are provided fer failuvre to comply, UNEMPLOYME]NT INSURAINCE COMMISSION iOi, r. G. BISSON, P. J.TALLON, U.LC.-3 Matri-i ce Myles ad {he mis- Mr. anid rs Jack Ptts, of Hay- den, visitadl withMr and Ms e bert Myles lrst Sunîday-. The ewcatleM le Quartette won third place ini the Ray -Perkins Radio~ programme last Sunday. MAr. and Mrs. Milton Tamblyn have, returned home fromn a 13, day cruise and vac to i Nassau. Bahamas Is- L n1d, B. W. 1. Mr,. B. ýF. D-umimond, of V'irginiia- tnis vis;iting Jher parenjt, Mr. and 3's . A. Paterson cf Cuc Street Quite a fiumber attend-ed the mor-1 iug picture in the twnh-,Il on MUon- t~ y evenig, the greater portion of he audien1ce beinig chiliren. -,r. and Mo1ïs. 'Clarenee Mullen 3!nJ family, of Toronto, w\ere visitors ~'tSnly at thieho f Mr. and Mlrs.Mlton Green. M.J. Dagleson isidla Ohw a few days last week nnd atne the funeral of his cousin, the late Mr.W. mithson. Mrs. Jamies Dickson sp)ent la st iek-nda Hamlilton whlere she waIs guas ut a trousseau sea held forMis Geraldie Beck. Mr. and MrAIs. Wm. M Itcel and c Mlf.m and Ms. lBurns KittmIer visitedi with relatives and friends at Lakeside, aýnd ï)Ililton. MIr. and Mr&s. R. A., Forrester and soni Johni spent the w eek-end Ïin Toi- enito, visitiag wiMr, C. D. Bouch anad family. 11fr. and Mrs. J. G. Paterson, 'Mr,. Allan Paterscon andc family andMi 1Harry P1atersoni, Toronto, m-ere wveek- end visitors with their parent SIS andilm YMs.J AiPaterson On11Wednesday afternoon W. J. RLiddell visited his garden wad dug, up his parsîaipewic stood tirhe cold weather of winter. Ail the, frost is out c-f the garden. aind the prap were of a good sample. Mlr, and Mrs. R. O. Caldwell have returnad home to Peterboro afer at: tending the iîesanid burial of their grsýndmnother, Mys. W. J. -Walter. AIj- se ar% Watar Cadeton has returned1 hiome to Ajax, and MIr. Ray Caneton Vo Woodstock, Ontario. Dr. and M4rs, A. F. MecKeazie, Mif. an(] Mrs. _W. E. amsr n2d Mn., ami lrs. J. E. Armistrongrtre hinomen eaura vPhnirg aar spendin.g a pleasýanlt tWO weeks o- joui-i in Ploridaà and tihe Guif of Mx Till first anniversary of the .form- ijng of ~ ieather Reheklah Lodge in Orow-,as lbae on Tuesday avening last when hundreds froni far and near from other Rebakah badges weein attendance. Th.e first part of the prgamewas heid in the town hall, with refreshments beinig served in Park St. UnitedCurh The 4vening BHranch of the W. A. of Salint Sa'viour's Chureh hpld a Card party onc Mondéay evening cflast week lai the Sons of Englna al.Ladies' Ist prize 'was won by Ms George Mitchell, consolation, Mrs. W. E. Davey. The Gent's lst prize was won by OAr. Bob. Keanle andcosltn 11fr. oe IlAl. An aJoyable everng wvas spent 'h ail and lunch was cor- yod. A orniýer Oronio boy, in thprsI of Adge Doncaster, of 0hwpass- ed a-wa y la Oshawa fopti on Tues- day as.T'he late Mnr. Doncaster -Was bora in Orono. He was nit- ed l in arriage to Maud Miller, fer-1 mierly cof Kendal and i ol.ie -was a cnrco and -,,as in part-ner!shIp wvith his father. fIe hulIt the bouse! reetyoccupied by the late Ormie Gamyrsby, also thea home occupied by Kr. J. E. flicisards,. leie surv vedr by biîswfe and two daugliters, one i'ving in D'etr oit an-d the other la Osh-. aw,7a. Thse cortege wili leave Oshawa at 2.00 o'lck'hursdeay, for itr ment in -Orono, Cemetery. 11r. Vernon S-aunders and soi, Allen speat Suajday visiting -with Mr. ai Mrs. Arthur ISaurders. Mr. and MIrs. WV. E. Davy spenl Wednesday cf last wekin Trno They spent t.he efterneooar!d i ein aýt the Sortsmnan Show being beld at the Coliseum-, C.NJE. groualds. DRIVING !F SUSPENDED TO MEA N LO S 1N AUCTO0 myotor vehiýcle while thse license is ehihr suspençled or cancted, iilI forfait the mnachine to the Conun- der- an amependatt o tise High'-waiy Trafflc Actin itroduced lautise legisia- tare on Monday last The samne strinigent pic wl aipsd i a pesnwc riv!ing perit is n dan sszpens;iI n orhns ibeen cancelled, fple fr üor obtains a qýew permit before the as"anson is Lifted or tha ppa mit has -fiilly een restored Vo hlmn. Tàer .a, a nision 'for fine ï-i~ r-cm $25 t Ys ji ya- la UYd- 't Ft'!ovo'wmg is a Est of the coinuni- a"ble diseases for the United Coun- ties ria' Northumb,-er1aand iDurham fouWr t ýhe ekckendi-g 'arh20th, L948,, of the diffeueit mun ici pal ibles Chikenox.Cla.rke Township 1,1 Ealinýgton Toi7nship 2. Germoýn Meais1es, C.avan T!ownshýip ), ,South i1ona.ghan Townviship 2. Red i\1eass, Alnwicýk Twn 3, Bowimanville il, Cavan Township 4, !Cdrooug 3, Cramnahe Towns;'hip 2, Ual- Eimand Tro-w-nshlip 2, HadIlton Town-ý ship 3, Manver-s T(iwnshiip 2, Mlur ray T'oNvnship 2, NÉ.w<as+l1e 9, Port Hocpe 1, South Mý.naghan 19. Mumps, Brig7fiton Tovn.ship 4 Brighfton Village 1,.'Cam1nipbelfo111'd 1, Clark Townhîp , Coburg18,Col- borne 1I, Crîmahe Township 7, Da-,i- lington Town iship 1, Haldimandi Township 4, Hamilton Townviship 1,' HTastings; 1, Hope Tcownship 1. Percy Township 12,.'Port Hope 1, SoUthJ M1onaghan 2, Milbrook 1. Scarlet iFever, Manvers Township L, tMuray Township 2, Newcastle 1. Whooping Coujgh, Mu1irn-ay Town- ship 1, malking a total of 161 comn-! municable d.iseases fo,-, the week. Ordler, your COAL Ealrly For -A Sure Supply 0f The Famous Reading Anthracite UINITED CHURCIE SUNDAY, 14APCil28th 11.0 am. Il Orono Tinshopi DEEP WELL and SRALLOW WELL PUMPS and WATER BOWLS Now available R. E. L0Glé - IN STREET RED &WdiTESTOR FOR AN EASTER TREAT TIIAT'LL PLEASE TUE WHOLE FAM1LY PlBUY A - PCKLED COTTAGE ROLL -SMOKED RAM PARSNIPS, firm and white, 2 Ibs, ........... ORANGES, juicy, Texan, dozen for........ . GRAPEFRUIT, large size, 6 for ........... CABBAGE, large green heads, lb...... DREFT, large economy size, pkg.... ....... SWEET MNIXED PICKLES,."Devon", jar.. MEDIUJM CHEESE, tasty, lb ........ ...... 29c. 7c. 69c. 27c. 49C. LEMON SPREAD, makies grand filler for tars, pies, etc, bottie ..............25c. DALTON'S SWEETENED COCOANUT, 4 oz. pkg. for ............... ... .......-ýý22c. ROBIN IIOOD OATS, mwth cup and saucer, pkg 29c PURITY ALL PIJRPOSE FLOUR, 24 lb bag $1.35 RED ROSE TEA BAGS, 60 bags ....--....'. 79c. CARNATION TMILK, 2 aItins.......... 15c. FORK & BEANS SPECIAL, 29C. ORPN Graves' So)lîd Pack Apples 67c. Apricots tin 38ce AR MSTRONW'S For Dresses and BiQ1uses, col- ors of White, Pqik, Tur-- quoise, Powdecr Blne, to $2.5 Whiite Sakkn rcd 1 Plaid G-ighami, 13és t Qua- sty, per'yalrd------------ HAIND BAGS Iii Plastic, shiny and duil fin- iscolors Nivy, Brown,ý Red, Grey and Black, priced i t------ -- ---$........ t... $7.0 LADIES' COATS Ln Long and Shortie, f il sýwinigBackl Satini and Crepe LiningF, latest styles. ColIors S Turquoise, Oatmeal Gry Fsha, Pawder Blue, Navy Wine, Dark Grev and Black, pie-- ------ S o 49.,0 U Nyloniose, in ail sizes, shades Uil rk and. meditmir riee ~ fro-------- $1.6 te 1.9o MnsSuits, in Twýeedf, Wool Worsted, in ail of bro'wn and b n from ------------ ~s, cosors Priced to $55.011 Long Ruhber Boots for mien. wo- men and chiidren. Plastie Rincoats for misses and women, alsoý chikiren. Raicoats ami Capes with oods, Hiats, laFetsard Stra, dfern colons, pie rm3.5t 69 LADIES' I la Flowered Jert Crepes, Checke yen in two pis Shirt aad Gil colons Brown wiced. You canflorït agford 'ta Grocery Rarl