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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Mar 1948, p. 6

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C= m'y Synopis CH1A PTE R XXXIl:î Vald ie z, dressed ïini ýs red-j ohecalîs on Straw Aldman and teilschutoat Y 10iL lotie a 'oe0t wer i trapilpin gs an1Mxilfitaga',în.ï Valdez. "breaethecots you wore?'e A leeble hn pi tedtward 0hC cold fireplaýce.VldzSo-on held tde cheap fietagariets and tde sash ]and ncerhefwicýjb hsd been cruidely f iasbicined from an tuk c- d cafico curtain. 1H1C droppeti the thingLs on tbc aýs4es and toicube a math f themu. 4'Bouight 'ern- froti a Mex va- quem ko, 1 .insbldthbç,y iDnthie beth "Bu1t I cati sec now, tlaey were not mnucli lke yours." "Wbt ade jyou try su1cli afocil inovg, antgo?' Valdez asked, "I-r-wllRnlss Bartde was saying you miigit1b), hired ouf fa bieefmencr," Straw Aidmnat ssid le sitantiy. "SO 1I;went Jtereto theie mneeting knowing tbey would mal- Corne yo-m -iftat waïs riglit." VaWlde'Iugh was shorta&d icy. 'I see. But don't you Seeo hr must ha a reason for that mai Bart y0le ea?" "Yýou inean he lied on puýrpose?" Younig Aldman foud "Not M. Bardle. You'rewrn there. 1H's e fieinan, "He-2 "1Eâ'h have a chance to prove that-pronto." The old mati tepedborward. 'Ibn Danl Neison, a frend of th,: selIf"," e said. ~oregot no, reason tin quarrel with Bartde,' un- les ),ou are hn cahioots with bcef- men, Bartle's Il tde boy daims he is, and muore, 1He brought us hWe to this valley, gave tup peuty of eredit for sols aud things to buitd yourý, way, MIr, Nelsonm" .gged. "But il this mani 1'Idby sny chance bc forý w-hat 1 saw onl Doný osss, and for watbap' iis tarin ast inigbti,, thenct thlat some oherGood nill have f0 stakce you Fe'r gay break-fasts anýd thnaf weh- -omned look ail day, Pattern 489C just. w1 yOu',ve bensear-cbing r, lady! Ever-useful ee-siabe d ever-soe deing Patteril 4890 comes cin IIsize-s 34, ý38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50. Size 36M Ites 31/4 yards 35-'incbi fabrie. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS >c) in, coins for this patternti f '11,2 73 Adelaide St.Wef orop.i,,,Prient piaiuly S IZ,, 'AME, ADDRESS, STYLE - 1948 folks to thkings--somebody u!ho wiil lo wnttobe rtepald wt He snk ponthebedand 1 u'h- the da§ YCUoufrst knwyou tere going te ou~terein DepWater jaury untlbtcnute7=ounsawme corin tatdorl if Mif and confience had flowed back itohiSI1eev n'iled a littie, boeflly Hpe ha w s s tifîid, asfarasther1-hedc a veng erwa cocrd-tnt thurýee in theickr ,cudsus p)ect t cateue o eahlre ositsde. of th safey of fo t'hem-_, be cause ie kneýw ta ic dsk Juanaashouldhav e een onband outaide as e had toid ber to Ae And if danger shauldWtbreaç, the cafliof amontit atwo "dfoat vigil, -spat a ad f toaco nt thie codstv adbagd ow tbe 5d. MNo ol like an oid foout" ie saud aloud. "What du tunderatiou -ver maeum-ti tat Pete11aS- Vuei or Toi Caln Woold t&y and kil! Rvss BrlSbouid have known I-rthaýt piny of snk g danged Vtie fire. Waýýs that a rdrpiigu u side At thIis hou? ande ýsnorted The soranger at the door %asl nmati n oneclomhe. Thugh un- knowvn to Sheriff Lande, he was Clarke WVeber, newly arrved set- tIer Iu Deep W ,aterVley The sherff opend ihe door -for lis îsior o etera li ýt t e oÀ! "I tougt ray yo'divecnie a ittie officiai nomto. "About hat," ire seriff asked, "Rewars" Weer' grin oas wise ans boasttil "I want to know wvhere 1 stand if Itdeliver to you a maiwrt onyiîI Several ten thousand over in tutu ex and fifteec thcu.swidd oraiTexa- way. Eatywbat wul1Iget?" Lande's temp rwas tesry. Wa inhl at~ o -,vit' to' no thae or? Or maybe youre fiue- il]g-to try to deg ver flugent wbeýre be'swort mos-unlss verybody piays for the one elie? %Yes. h t iis good business "So do I-t o gtyour Matun ri Wvho is lie?" "P'd ratier nWtsay rgbt now."e dcep lu his tbroat, dmrted hindît,é Weer C1e usedte nmaiaway froml fic outer door andtit ,e d the ky inthe iock. Lanidecluc ,dhe man yth scruf f ethe neWcksud the seat of tire pant s. 1ehaf pushed. and hall icedth sunedWeber- across teflo, hved bili irIGt the cage and banged asud locked the d0oor, 'Rekonyoubeterchange your mmd,"Land snaped."Tili you do, you'ýre under airreýl Maybe you din' fgure t hat concealiug the wbereabouts of anly wantedl mati is as g"'Ood as wo)rking in caý Until Land)d bloIoutî,Ct the light and reurnedto bd e was unideci(ddwhat f(Io, B1ce couild see goddollC 1",a rs siding thog is gedyfngr, n ise' thouglf pained bjrn, "Sherif-" i ial aldi h "Yeah?" giowled Lande. MI-0-itwas El CabaHlero Roajo I was taiking about," Weber stain- Silen-ce. Then the sbeiff's bois- terus luhrsbook the flimlsy buIfiing, 1He samdthe wall bc- Unselfish Girl Wants to Marry alive. 1I fee L kea ov>o-àdit 1,1ï, 18, b t Ir just acorý-ene-ad -le is 20G, on and w-ev d-,caýt- Po siton, andu lad, Ino nutst get 0overi.I haegvnme nahappy home anýd a b hgischoolC eduication, iuand1v a el) care of them isince I graduated. nerl tvoyersago. hvetC broters ud asister Tbey ail ar f or our pa-renýts' support.> 1 do't wisho to force myseif, of couirse. or shah i give uup the ho RIGTHT TO LIFE * ' I d't agrece that yu bia * o tin t ou arens us] dprv * ou, of therightto lv ie 's idon' be1e~ ethey inltendhat *eithçýr Thie lneglect, o' hi *other cldren (ýi must 11131i1 t *tmand cause diein imany hours È' *of anxieýàty on you-Ir acont 'ý o ofteý a îfaniily cil several *k childrtcn, one shoul11ders the e'nir yo lifted a finger egairtist thafý red i-be adedC bmbr1bedt et ,you t alive-s altfless -becfore you cou),id sn.ýeeze! You ijust better tbak e for 3okn you up. L'S avîu Yom urhl, you poor dumb wesed." "Bt I 1did se*i, Wbrin- sitsfedA"Ididbave a gun on Whm, too. P'in a gooçl sIot bLut-" "T kow f1e'S a belter on Lande s hn is fee, t5f0 ficfoor ".tic zhot yoUur Iro aay, ui That wby youir paw i>s bnae "Ya ," Wee 1-r -adifted. "I came upon 0ml utaffWe b Mha fiised firng a tobaucdryiug shed. And 1Ialso believe be, b-tung a YouWg fllow on Don AAos Cross." Tl'le aeifsaf iecizivejy on th edge of iris be, pot snswering Then Wveber couild bear the sap ing o1l leet ,efiinfo tigbot~ (To Be Contued) * burden lof the p)arents, Vwhiile the *e otheris lîghitly go thecir self ish -,-ay-s, ieav ing lhe devoted chlild td; >j carry on aJoniý. For you ,to fcee * that you muiist borego ariae *Vhije y-ouir brothe-rs and sister est- *joy tlieir owrn and go scot-lree, is *alwou.You hlad tbetteýr get tl!cem *ail together and have an under- *staning beore tser disegad o- * teir parenits'stuio becornes a * prmlanienit attiude. JUST INFATUATION NOW * Teeis nio reason th tat you *hod'tencourage this nice lad, * and becorne friends -with hirn. 0f *course you are only infattuated at *u temommetMfr youscarcely know *in bi, ndacquaintance may show * thaf you two (Dare nof opail *af ail. Tbat's a chance. toci, TO "Mý-RS. F. S.": udesîn howaniu you aire to adopjt a ch1ild, and 1'mi in favor Of it - laer Ate you have bad yu operaion, you wcouknow how lmis your health improves and wbe yougt a larger hounse you'il ibave filicextra romu ýi wbiCb the agenicy demanids-for thie baby;ý. Thisdea wi!l quei youir lamily'speen it is iikeýly that when 3op doý adopjt a baby, youlr hbusband wil take moreboines in the bouse and aT.lso in heUPlig to tra"in the cbiild. Rernemiber, tbougb, that sl1npprtitig and educatinlg a child costs mlore sifgrowsode;so lie is wise f0 plnto inicrease bisinoewer be cati. Menbltake as active a part asyoui cai in yonr cbutrcb cii ties and, commluity affairs. I1no you dIo your part of the w o o the farrn, but outside itrsswil help balance that, and mnake 1if nmrepleasurable for you. Then you won,'lit tget so dpes~ A wornani's healtts d'endîms large- 'y cio owhap sheý is, how satis- lied with the jife shec leads It is m-iy oiinta hnyudoadp a baby you wiifiidnd or srn a-dequate, andyorpitsinr- ed. So- laier on, wbcun you, corne bonirom the hfosital, yuwl lind( out wheter te ida is ais pracicabl elenas you hope. (oraddrecss vwas n1ot enciosedý. If you'd like f0 ndif to ime, Du'tsuritto inljustice-if you jcati do srehigaot i. No oe ill respcCt ouif youl d'freýspct youriSeif. Perh1 ap)S Anme ir st cati Show yolss bow. Write to lber-af B'ox A, rorn 421, 73 Adelaide St. Wesýt, To- roito Fouir Years Hence Wome1n's siîtswîll be up) abore Cheir-nees agin by 1952, accord- ing f0 a costume ex Cper-t. Th ne oo" had olyý fouir yeas f ru. 'By t]hatfi ever-ybody will ce wearing long s1kîrts." siresid "Thlen islâjashionlable tfiing \wiil be f0 wear them short. 'She tinklls a lot of maileswl honlpe for long skirts again wl hey lind ouf bW many girlshave knohby kuees. Insch heiarts there Il l'musýie, 'Psirni-s, hrn adspiritual on a're thevhiis fexession for the rnus ' ic 'ihi.Some are poor singers ald -yet hajve the siný"ging lives 't0-day! H1Ce walks mwith nie and talkswihme allong Iliffe's narrow" waY. He ives, 11e lives, saiatin t ir- Pa rt ! You, ask e owInol e ,(W jiv JfW 17eC s? The st Revis lotel *SÉme zbowçr ad hn- Oùuhhbl. 14.80 ais Tel f«A 4<;?r NERVOUS S .without reason? Wlieni women are dist urbed by nloises at igt .. . become 80 sofi- gety tbey perspire wben falking to syposoften herald 'a time B3ut actually there's little to dread or fear! For plenty of sle-ep, fresb air, wbolesome fond and Dr. Chase's Nerve Food wilI elp f0 builId up vitality andc tonle up the system-so you cati keep serene througb the most tryîng periods of ife. Yes, Dr. Chase's lNerlVeý Food bias hielped tbousands of Aw(men to face the future withi confidence. So if you'rc fe-eling nervous, fid- gety Or run-do4wn -àifyou don't rest well at it, and Qften fee moody or irritabl'--takce Dr. Cbase's Nerve Food for awlie Kepyourself li goo&fcondition- try titis tixue-proven tonic iwhichi l'ias lielIped so snany. The name "'Dr. Cliaseý" is youz- assuranîce. 9 s e BUT-why tie it down to mie? How about the way you use Crowni Brand for wonderful baking? For a sweetener? Anid why not mention hiow delicious if is w'ýith pa-nco4kes, cereals and hot waffle5? You ccin't kid nie, mom. Crow,,n Brand Corni Syrup is good for 0il of uVA For years doctors hbavercomne the'use of Crown Brand Corn Syrup lî 0!- ~G as a saLisfactory carbohydrate acting [ROWN BRA~ as a iik mdfe for botle-fed ipfanîs, AIsoManfaduersof Canada Corn ';tarch THE CANADA S-TARCII COMPANY LIMTED -MON-TREA -TORO00.1 À[ NNE 1mIRST w

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