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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Mar 1948, p. 8

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opROYO WE 'WESLEY VILLE s.Mr GeorigeDinnier s>pentSuJe Ln ( i ai e 7 l -rx C.i PMI 1ilh Mr. an Mrs. rmenAuin.1 1NE ý I PrcyIHokinof Welconm Congratulaio' ta Mi Mr. . Rig, M, W11 ew dyCiIlr.adI ers oit. TflhEA-NNIJAL EASTIER DANCE NEWCASTLE COMMTJNITY HIALL on1 the eveinig or FRIDAY, APRIL 2nd BY THE BOARD 0F 3MANAGEMIENT Spot Dances - . Novelty Numbers Leap Year Dances ROY FORRESTER'S SEVEN-PIECE BAND ADMISSION - 50c. PER PERSON a j n~jq -HEAR l%E DREW INTARIO TOURIST PARK REPORT 113. 10 [D, MARCH 2êth CFR 860, ýid .pm heId. oV,*,,O7ingtat h e 1ba d r o a th11e Ya ! g VV~J IPeople's entertainment. which was Ja c e held ou %Wedneday evening hass been'potpond utilApril the 7h e. The fnin ceing of the arîn Foru was held at the e of 'Mr. îMs.ICrril ichls Mr. Ed- brated their-,1ý ga Nchoîls s.howed pictures, follow- on undy. d b an oyster supper. dspent a The weecly mnieeting of thle Yong" lis J Dik-Pele' non shedon Wednes- mme of Mrs m.g~id~ iios-ih~r cum1ing W an rsH.ryBooigweMr *ROOFING d ASPHALT SHifNGLES $ý8.00 Square 90 lb. ROCK SURFACE $3.75 Roli HEAVY 55 Ibs. $3.00 Rol MELII 4.5 lbs. $2.45 Roll FOR IMMIEDIATE DELIVERY Sunbeam Automatie Mixniasters Rangettes and Washers GARD>EN WHEEL BARROWVS ELECTRIC RAZORS Remiington Foursome, Schick Super and P4ckard WTINDOW BRACKETS With Glass Shelves Single $1.25 Double $1.98 VACUUJM CLEANERS Complete with Attachmients GENERAL ELECt(TRIC and EASY Coleman & Philp Electrie Phonle 8 RN v an active ýation ,of ýfore in its peace-timae history has thie nadian Navy hiad so much to offer a an. There are neir sbips iîti, modemn ýt . . , ide facilities for sorsand I. ,. and valuable skills Io Ilear. mnan's job serving wiviàt te Royal Cana- y.. a satisfying andi secure profeýssioni. cR Pl;S ES orts, sailing the ber onie- ne cf dvty for aainNovy. TRADE radio-feu marine ar AN ACTIVE MIE 1", It ib a bu;sy exciing life in the iNavy -- and a healthy one fao! Plenfy of sportls and physicol fraining helP y0u tfo develop a strong physi- que and keep you ini top cDndiion. PEýNSIOl' FOR THE FUTURE e-The R.C.N. Iooks affter ifs nmen. id You w"41 lie the 'feeling of financial k, secuity and thIe assurance of free i. 'medkican vd dentîal care. Rates of .gpny have been increased, and aiffer flyour service there is a generous pension, for the resf of your life, NAVAL DESEIîVE if yoi n' ela je the em en service, o cn tain; widi pay, in yourspetieie Gelt he féC5 fodoy fr. îh. Naval flemrifing Off ime, Royal Casudîan Novy, Ottawux IGHBORI-IOC .ah .Per Blooni and Mm. Allen Br.ooking and daugh-' ter, of Port Hope,ud MAC an11d M r rnBrook'ing of Bowmnanvi1le. On Mondadly evening a fIre lhroke OUt in tihe barnl of M"lr. Glarence Nicholîsw4iichwns ptt ut by the ef- forts of nieighibors. The Pire ra s ea1usdclby a sotcircuit in an elec- tr'icaýL ouieýt Ilth ighlte roads %,ere bad Sun- day- Sehool a hl at 10.30 with a goed attendance of Iy. ,Church folwdwith Dr. 0Lepreaching o-n Plalm Sunday. The young people, Mur1liel Austlin ruthand llowardl Payne were receied as members of the church by the session, ater uhich fol dthle Ccommniron evie NE WTON VILLE MUr Bet Bunt of JQL1een s lUnîver- sity, was home on the week-end. ~Mr. and Mrs. Bert Saleonare mloving into an apartinent in the home of Mr. and Mr-. J. T. Pea'n$. Miss AL'ry Buoe-.ley is withi her sis- ter, Mrs. Enrie ~cwn in Peter-] horo*ugh. Mr. and !Mrs. Fred Tufford and family spent Thursday with the for- m-er's ,sister, Ms.Camn-eran Allison, of Peterbonrough. Mr. and Ms Edgar Harcourt have talkei possessýion of the Stapfleton store> Mr. Harcoulrt's mother, Mrs. IMiller, whro has bepen visiting theni hans retuirned to-Wîinipeg. Mrs. John Lancaster bas retnurned from a th-ee montbs' iit witb her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mirs., Willard Lockheýrt, Niagara Falls, N. Y- Clarke School T-achers Mteet Lat "esday evening riour teacher, Mr. eil nderonwas hast at Élie înonthlymeeting iClrke teachers. Owngto floded condition af theý chh bas- 1:temnenitthe ~and t.Mrs. H. A. B3unt opened - their home for the gýathelrin1g. After the uins period, p)resýidedI over by Ms W. H. Jnsin thle asecef the President, Mr. Adro introduced the gupst spjeaker, Mr. WV. C. 'Carson, Ex-Chief of Police of Pen Hops lthough a -welllnown àrtst, $WMrCarsort did not dwell an thîsý- subject but spokeý a)n crimooay su4ject he ba5s maýlde a ln and careful study. Citi- iimes andi rememiber the Police Offi- cer is the gýuardian cf lie and prap- erty, that he stands b)etween thern aýnd the uinderworld. Anlother remairl wrtb tbinking, over is "There is -ne lncb thn s juvenie deinquency, 'i, 1r-Ither parental clelnqueicy. Even parenrts. mrallrn1Y ean, nim1y Pving u ew-dense selfish they can- fit -well in society. iMr. Ca rI- fon. 1. P. S., tbanked the spseaker nesnlvfor is iinteresting ad- dress;. The ecornmiiittee served lunich. W.I. 1.Mýeetîing TT'e VWomen's; Institute hid a St. PtiksConcert in tLhe church base- mïent on Wedniesday , March l7th. It was a splIen'dýildocetmadle up of neadngsby rs. Percy Brown i o Nemraést u ad Doraty Stapleon sýolos by 1rsRedlknap .and Mr. Glen Al1in o(f Newcastle; duets by Misses Doa-othry Brown and EdIna DesrinuIt, also Bily and Gloriat Lane. The1 sýchono ohestra, csiedby Ms.F. Gilmer at the piano and MrC Mac Trw in on thel(2guitan,% ga'e severa selctins.A one-act play, "After the Chus-eh Supper' " wasmuch e- joyed.MedaesF. GiImer, Gea. Kimbiiaîl, J. Stark, Bert Sta1pleton,ý C. ronand C. M. Jonies were the able atesses.Ail whe took part in the pregr~mme avre Ver'y generous in rspnigta encores. Rev.. Bunt was the master of ceremanis and d a fine job1 fillingL, in the pauses witbi rish stories and jokes. After the prog-amne abuffet lunch of sand- wichs, akeand pie with coffee was ainsi (njoyed. The public schoalha, acc spon- or1n eriso ocia en ngsi the hall. Thes.e have been mnuchi en- joe.Mr. 'Wmr. ig on behaîf of the pope in the viciitý, extended1 ta them rid their teacher, Ivr. Neil ndroa wýord of appreciationi at les Frd-'s aterig.Mr. Ander- ion rPeled, telling 'of net only the nblesîe thy lAnd had but the fian- cial -uccess these parties have been for the ehool 2Conrtulat1fions o Mr. and 2Mrs Hr.Gib-son (nee 3'arion Bruce) an thle birth of tivins, a 'boy and a girl. TOCE) CNFSAE CIandy Specials forlEaster l McCo)rick's Crea1m FWiedEaster Eggs, per ba-- - --------------15-C - Smiles 'N Chuckies, Creamn Filled Egg inl Bunny Cart, each ---------- ...75e Peppermint Patties, I/zL.for-------....45c 1 lb.for---...---------- ------ ----85 Silies 'N Chiickles Chocolates, 1 lb- 90e, 2 lb. box for..------------------------------ $1.75 'i Moir's Chocolates -- -------- $1.06 and $1.50 MéCormick Gold Seýal Chocolates, 1ilb $1.00 i Fresh _Assorted Chocolate Bars-----e. 2hbars for-----.------------5e This year send ýCoutt's Better Easter Cards. See our large assortment, at 5c, 10c, 15e and 25e each Coming ! Next Week - CANADA'S GREATEST DRIJG SALE The Rexail One.Cent Sale ARCII 31, APRIL 1, 2, 2 and 4 Watchl for- circulars in the mail this week-end Charles B. iTyrrifeil D RUS - AGENT FOR JACKMAýN FLOWERS P-hone 68 Orono, ont. Cocoa Door Mats, size about 'Z" x 2't"....75c. Sandpaper, 20 sheets to pkgýc., assorted, pkg....15c. 01d(1 gishFloor Wax, i lb. tins........ Aero Wax, 1 lb. tin for.-....... ...9 Plastic Cook-ie Cutters, shapes of diamionds, heartl-s, clubs, each .................... 5c, Paring Knives, "Pal", hollow gro-und blades.,.. 9 Flashlights w\ýith red signal band, 2-celI, stand- ard size, case and bulb only ....-....... .$1.39! Iron Stands, briight finiish ....... .......... 25c, RefectngAutlo License iPasteners, 2 fori, .. 20c. Big Little Books, new stories and pietures, each 19e Glass Allies, 18 for ........ ............... 5c. GROCERY FEATURTlýES SPECI. Amber tins, Heinz it Cookies, lb. ee bricks ....... Tea, -Black. 1-2 lb. Grap)efruit Juice, .25e. .31c. 47e. 20 oz. for......... .........3c Ketchup, 13 oz. bottie......2 . mn to Old, lb.........c Swanky Swivgs (Fruit Juice Tumn- bler cheese) flaivors PDinieapple, Cream, Relish, Roka or PDimen- to, 4 ounice tumbler....... .. 25c. \Steele Brigg-s Seeds, dated 1948. ) U uyearly while theasrtin is comrpiete, pkg....... 5c and 10e SPECIAL - Heinz Assorted Soups 4. tins f or ............C. 5c. TO $' 1PTT11IÂR SIMF VR Private 'Ambulance orthcutt and Smith Funeral1 Directers zand Furniture Dealerg KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE Eqýuipiped Io take care of Che modeat funmeral at the most ~eaonale5chageas well as thie largest and moït exacting (2, 3, 4 ai-d 5 blooiï CIJT FLOWERS (On Specý Snap Daos......... jalOr ersonly) per d,)zen $. -per dozen $3-50 per dozen $3.5ü Uî%&. TRE aý-

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