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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Apr 1948, p. 1

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ORPONO. ONT.. THUI4SDAY, AI Subscription SI150 per Yea ..omedy, Wresh As, a Daisy" Town Hall Tomnorrow* Night Tax Burden Seen By iigh School Area Plan d lias beeu itative 'e~ -ounicil to e *The Couni- ~him instrulc- study larg-eri are now oper- ,ie. At pres- y such ar'eas Voodyard bas su coliurg ýsenitatieof hiad th r, tht hebards (1 off th-e 'had al- xati they asire te 2e Off su l iaad us thati be psil on to mr ,vider scope Hydro Power NOW Back To Normal Ontaio's bro-wneut ended oui Wed- nesday, Maurch 31st, when all' restric- tioýns on hydre onsmt were lifted. This applies te a"l classes off Ig-hting, inicluding dIisplay-, signs, biliheýards and store windows. Abandoumient off power cuts wabs annoixnced by Chairman R. H. Saun- ders 6ff the provinceial commIIission. applias te Seuthera Ontario. Power cuts in nertbern Ontarie were remox- ed ai week ag-o sud nortIhern munici- palities are on a vobiintary conserva- tien bss Mr. Saunders said the restrictions can ha liffted because ofif imprevýed water conditions whichi have lad Ite a subostantieýl increaseû in the ayounýt off power avaIilabla e thile Southierni The ste tenit ffrom Mýr. Sauinders %warnts that generating- resources "agre net unirteud sheuld the sus-I peoof thiese restrietions esit lu abuemma-l increase in the iuse off electrical eniergy, or should th epwe rasouirces h sbsanill rdue ffremi- an-y cause whatsoever, it mnay be necessa-ry eithier te reimpese the restrictions, or allocate power oii a quoqta basis" In Oronc we were net called uponi te experýience tlhe dsadvantages off ha-ving power eut duriiing the d-ay or uight. The citiz-ens -were aslad t r-educe the use off hydro as ucha possible, and mwe feel sure that this 3-Act Comedy PIay lO Be Pîesented la Orono The highl,y uoos3hc oey 'Fresh As a ýDai*sy", wii be presýentedI in the Town H:fall, O-rono, on. Friday evenIing-, April 211d, ýat 8 o'clocek. It is gi-yen by the Young 'People off Bow- manville and seponsoredj by Or Wo'- mian,'sAssociation. Do't miss it, you wiil owe yourseif a laiff. Musie betweeu acts. Adission: Aduits 35e., Childreu, Clarke Township lias Clear Sheet lunlicalth Report Thie flown report ffrom the 'Nerthuintherland andLDurhamin ealthl Report for the weelk enidng Mardi 27th, g-ives the Township off Clarke a dlean shieet -for any comm-iunicable diseases. Out off 94 cas;es raportadl throughout thle United Counties net eue was reported lu ithe Tow,ýnship, -Red ffVeasls : Bowmianville 15, Ca- van 2,Cooug . olhornieIL, -Cam- ahie L ns i 1Hadimand Townaship -, Mpnvers Townshbip 6, Munrny Tovwn-shdp 12, Newcast!e 2. Percy Towniship 1. Seymiour Township 1, 'Mumps : Brig'liton- 2, Brighton Townv]slip 1, ýCoborgl 25, 'Coîborne 5, Cramnahe Township 6, Dnfrling-teu Tovns-bip 1, Ilaldim-and Townviship 1,- Hamiiiilton iTowaiship 1, H-astings , Murra Tpwship3, Port Hop-e 1. Scarlet Fever: MAanvers Towvship Septic Sore Thret:-,Newcas'tle 1. Totalnmbroff cases, 9,1. Port Sydney I c m John Francis red vay:rosud- ee:eaFsh1 h, and was ilu- flimi Rv Bfran the Vicele AIlfred ij rune H.arne Lydia NMc' a ffew year .d hy onle 1Attenteil st. c A very lrecen nierning w-eshipa ~atSunlday whex. bace livered ani 1.s Risen". The ch tien off .O.Sar ciai music, while 1 rnd (jcontributed a The 'Easter them the evening- service M.g rendered bay tl 4. Jues as t'he so The bea-tiful E graccdl the front0 theL gtoffAlM'. G leving mem-ory off Mitcella nd ~-1\1s. Calebation off H annmounce'd for next Account- Book And STax Guide Availab vy weree 'vThis. bok mas mad1e ni fort pose off malking it very es fammers througheut the Domi Canada to keap their trý,n, thireughIout the yaar. Theme are ne strings attaecl a cecount book le free' for the Ry usýing- it, the fariner ia ceivable way obligatashms more than if he had neyer usda cop'y at ail. Fîrs;t sud fo-remest, it prov'i miers wlth a simple bookkeepi Item. _A ffew imites each W enable hlmn to kaep accurate These records wiil show hirci ly wbiere lie stands-, wna tp bis farm iis mknwhere lie in- or los n -ney. These, records in the ffarmi -heok are num-bered te cer exacýtlyv with t1he T-i tax fo Ai ext ye, wbanth maeseu bis tex retumu- for1 lenee'd(do is transfer te'o bis ccont ockdirectly te th lie eimiiiuates 'thbnead-for ai Iiimi)eift bbc cmat off expert lbeli boffh Most off those lit ish for ffleas- -l' OPer-1 ure here iiu Canada say for trout, ývned by lias-s, 'lunge, etc,, have had eue off the ,ted bý, natives tell them "you should havel HIe tookj been here yesterdiay, I neyer saw fish-i xy life, î.ng se g-ood. One chap ca.ught, a 5 IL. uhotreut, 6 pouind bass or 50 pouud Lgo. 'lunge," aud etc. Well that's the rugehter way the fishýii s ilu the Gulf of ýMex- E. and 100 at Clearwater, Florida, only wýe I'oronto. shouild have geone there three ear, years, age beffore what they eauI the! "Ired tide" thlat killedi millions off fish and off course ruined the ishiug. Ilowever, that dees no't stop tieimi :,rhfrom t,,2king yenfihlg teuded at 8.15S a.m. and tbey hring you hback Chrhat 5 pm They ffumuis the fsing t En--achie and hait, which consists off a Easter clothes ulne, a -window weighit and a t. "He large filhook attaehied to it. Out off direc- si-,ty people three cauii7glit onie fisb gsp-er ch freineit inchies long te fifteeni Dru-m- inches lu iengtH, and on tep off that oi.neariy everyonýie wa-s seasick fnom the irst heuir 0eut and the boat ca1ptainl narked could net A persuadednom bewd te ms be- bring uis in beffoe 5 p.m, amen Ilrs itougli everyoe uas aFs cared andl sia person w-alking tbrougrh ai lut . eir t] Miller bas sý,marteued ii lie got dewn there. P te the bmInt te see uis oi t lie s' feeling we The c 0 ilreiati Mce-nse-mv consnmý ý ýi asks wxnc'ew îgut. LI ou will lie able b Tgh tei rws onee ïagain e isl e-t kiunds of merchlandise. ission expreçssed its ap- for co-operationt in power nby muniip.alities and duing htle pasit 1meulths. continuedcooeainn ahýead, se tha"fie- 1-ma-ybemanand foir tuiew -eu TMissDoetyEse iitdwt Mm'. and Mr.E. Couroux dfuioig thle Alec Little and RoMiie Alexander were at their respective homes for the week-end. tMizss 'S. lNasenvisdedwith Mn. and MVrs. F. Stoker over the wveek- end. MVr. Wmi. Darlington Visète d Mm and Ms J. Gee at Ajax ontSUn- day. Miss Mildred Falis, - of Petemb- oug'h was at homiefor teWeek-end and visited Mrad Mrs. B. Alexni- oo i ii t1- Tôodfamiy wthonhveiltemr Tond we e mbersu. -They express- Steirrget f leaing th)eacer- mieyý hoped 't iit - ne ccs1i Il te visit theni iii their n]ew om uan omuvla MauýIy ohn iaacldu ot y af-e wods. Everyoniespk 7il off Ita ffamiiy nnd ah were sonry -cpm everv succssmdGod'T les Them, is fbc ia question in theý mninds of farmers -whe find it nLeces- s-ary te purchiase seed, a-a to just what thýe dif'erences b)etwen-eg- teeCertiffed and g-eneral seedF ef commercesys . E. Goodin, S(-l'~e- tayoff the Sead Mrktn s u h- icity Cmmittep off the (ntri OCp Impovmen Asocaton. 1nordier te alIswer ti usio relM". rien off the varions grades for, ce- cal]s RegistercdGrdeSeed :Th-is ýis sedwith -a pedigree. D crns ha bigbet stadardoff varital purity off aniy spead oliaiabe. Ail crops f orl restered seed Mustha insead prier te,) harvesting anid furthaer,-Il seed munt haseald, baffeaseilln, b)y ln insp(ecter cf the Plant Prodîucts Division off 'bbc Dominlion Depatmient, offAgicutue.Reg-itered seed may be fasifadas No. 1, No. 2 or Ne. 3, acerdig te purity and genmination. 'CriidGrade Seed: Standards off purity and ffreedom fromn weed reed s aira lowam ha for re-gistered sed.( Fieldi inspectoffolowed byinsec tion OFf te resedpreduet, s - quAd. er WW Cewldmay he lassi- Genrr Sedsoff-Cmmerce: The la neguo mutsfor pniyoffarty N el ma rquired. Thlis is opedgred sedcîasi'iedas No,. ,NeorN o.oacodigtepjurit ffree f-nom weedsedspiaytos rurminationl1is mequimeci. mmv e ecredbysedin- amla te th pI t Prduet Divisi, 86 Coller ~ree, Trono 251 Bese-re ~4-ieet.O+tnra.-on Domnn Pubic. Buldn,odXVinnipepg. i, te o Andau er" ff n.dand Mts0 llerb Buqrgess udewf ei noematindat) Mauy people suspct they haivé cacr ad are affraîd te colnsuit doctor because they dei met kno that ci ocem cao nlow be cnroldif detected ald treta mdate ly b Radiumi, X-Pay or surgery. Madame ýCurie wrote: "Notlhing lu i tiffe is te be fearead; it 15 nlyto be And se, te stimuate moea inerast lu otniing the ffacts about cancer, the advantages Off early LtreatIiIn m,1d the nead fer cancer dressing and traspotatonprejeets for ncedy pa- tients, the 'Ontarie Brancb off the Canadiano cancer Society hoIds i ts miembersiip) drive this month. Ojciaoff the campaign is te ob - tain 150,000 dola-or-o e m ebe- ships te aid in the Society' s educýa- tiens? anud service Mamelbers vill receive nuthentie iter-ature about' trhe disease ffrom the Cancer Society wb,ýich is. end-rsed hy the- Canadîan MVedical Associationt. 'l1hraugh -alI cta obtined and passed aIengî a Petsen may bensrmetinlu savng the oif f a levech one, a ffriend, or aven hiseif. Fr-cm th is y 's mebersýhîp dnivetlhe OuItardei Brancbh ,opes te be, ablle te extend its services te nld pro-vision off nnmsiog 1hom1e accom-1110 dation for terminal cas;es or treat- mieuit casas w conic F-nomla dis- taInce teo cIiichie, duling tha teatmient peýriod. Ouae dollar or miore,( sent tethe Cncer SuciENP.Box 45,Tononte 1, mor ýte sneanjest lo- cal Cancer nuitwiu! go toward thisý ife-saving wonk,1 Sc6ts'Savag friv O A. saivage Thl-e Florida hamer of Comm-erce Iprsns",ataetade lia'; done a mi-avrellous Jobi. About ffrm ntbo sosh thle firs"t aueston anly native a4ssYOu Ili brief, hefImlic-n isý "v-l](i you iike to -live here?" In1comle Ta-x Cuide bas been' Yoù ;%ould tinilk every l'tv neOFf in a:1spirit of fir plaýy to' theim werýe iitei e ettebsies. frmr d giveto hl ai ,T4h dany we arrived in leri trit fo 'ic ei ette was a1 nlice slcky niiiety in the sh]ade has notiig to o e ad panld hotter tha blzes and- (1event gi y irn ta tri thnuwlh they h ave mosquitees ns.-111largel- h ~rso h o u1 bardrock rotrChalriey h lad j can .. u n the crust ito telius thlat theY didnl't tonl evenue "Q "Qtir tari have ' rmyfliles i nteme r, blt temintyoff our p1)o s' 1 thepy have them now M. 0f Co"ursýze,.wenwehlp hlm we help Clalyfeelsý pretty sweet on Foia~~temr" s it cre i remts.My feel- UThis ýem ybokfor boc ing- is the opposite. 1 went down fi or, farme'rs mayhe)ohad b thiere feeling as gocd 1'asý new anid application te the,-Tax Di camle 1back vhi a good dose of rheiu- partm'l)ent ff tonalRre mais, t least tha1t's wha:t sy doc- lae~Bi¶ig,0tw tois y it is. 0f course he may be ______________ mista'ken ? "d to in eervodybut 1 We vsted te Founitaîn off YolËl'h arn wonider-ing if itbakf ait St. Aug-ustine, Flor]idfa and ý I eiî ev hemtim took ai gooddrn out offý it. Týis 0Of counirse Fiolidaý is very!- spring wasdscerd by Ponice de one wondlers wliat thie MPin Leon, a pnrtuer of f iristophier Col-¾er ofCo]mmer-ce wold Sal 1lwbus. and FPonce de Leon ued t o dCadatwok iho taelargcecsk of this wv'ater bacli ist brs. We wxold pDrob te thie IKýing .off Spain, OF orethemr ouit ha hr king eventully died in spýite (oFfthe ias fne qualit y off t'Ilewater nd its rsdetOe youtth ivigPep). In flat it see-m- and M Heather Rebekah Lodp2e Celebrates First Ani Tue" Uny Macb 23Md, mvas a ned- lawBm Wlhekah "Ledge, markingslu did t pyni îfInt auvc ry off bbcl dge, 'f ronibicse ' stpouron1 ThaexyepUiol Ci-on progeslubs baumade il-aoulathfo tîcci 10 pose off etc. H the cmii wben bI Vol appointedi m-yitteea bv aomlfe senoc r1opotunil) birnie.Ile wïithte conciernued, h!ave oua C vince of t an( tor 1-.. ing in a c idutle. MNDAL [tch is 'spendîngll a ffewT Thoipson, SEaster va Malton,1 Mn a % r.and -ýv M1 avoured m- 1 iii i t tàdl ý 'l JE

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