As, WCeinened the elrmikI fet a littie lc, nervos dewn iinside.A guy cao get burt at thlisbuiesI thouglit. Iaginliavuinlg îfour stee raels mùoer your neck, epcal wili 200 pouinds on top of thcm or worsc sýtilI, if sme gabeeot ;suddenliy '.- lest balance anld plated blis sae iii fthc middle of your breail basket. Oh hlorrors, wbat havIýe I le't mysif in for? The man kn tces soppedt mce witi,"encani'twerbas inhere soni." Weihow arn 1 oigte ke-(p my panits lnp " 1askecd. 1\1m h mad chlangýe,"h e fflied. "ButI ca'tit'stwe t miles away. ",Well we'll ltyen off thlis time", but rmieember -ilic h uue-n braces." "Oh-1geshi, 'm se xieore Susie, listen te thlat swellmsic, and look at ail those peCole." Abeve the roar of steel onwod 1 couIdl har thie f-uat sourîd of an organ. Yie, 1itegbt, it th-atlierd Of gaf(îllingmadmren eve-r !broke loose a prsort would be mneet "I tinkl I'd better go around alone first," I1 said te Suisie. "Sort of gt nmy bear1inlgsi. We can have the rieat ,skat.", laafew ninusi h1ad tfie lbang of it and was gliding aound the rink,- wei anyway 1IMws on My feet again. Neaing tlle soutli cornere 1 could se ISsie wtcfin,.g for menc. As I came aroud in fron of lie I w»a. Witli thiat some he rse shIoved is Skate btwveein my legs. --!y feet went up in% the atir, I ianged out and grabbed a fat, girl, in front of mne. 'The guy behind gmabed my bracs. 1 coid feci thcm trectcIing - stretcli- ing. Then thre was a snap like aý Pmn report.SMack ad someting 1r -1IM I Plaid taffeta i ar, cssstyleý ai-coat 'lTle hood is detachabie 1 v I Ritchlie adds selfbutn and 2 U ka n7rro, Viebet Minýutes laterc, a nurse was bend- iîng over me wth smelclin-g saits Or cometing. As i cameto, theslaugh- ter. and apLj))au1se was stili au1dible. "U L ýtli~rough" here" Çlncame, man'1ls voice."Lt me talk to that Lookng p, beelda xell dressed mlan oýf abou i55. Ill te imaniag- er- he , eannoun111ced. "Jsaw 11tt act and ceuld tuse you in my new "Oh1 how sily esulper","cried a fajiint oice, Lt was Susie. "Y)ouii vere wodruPar-ry. A-nything for ia lagh itat's youl." "Th2,-t's vai: at hiim fr," iay them intheIsue." "But -" i sta'-t o .rgue, thL was ne-5 "A undeda oweek, while thet ssil on% , ]" sid i th mi."o. 1 c. see 3w nexer tiluud a good hefat girl landed ail n y yo1i know what. Jeepers i havýe ote tnke a thlis pu1inciet, nîgh1t after ngh? 1usie1he(pd tme îffIthe floor. t1 limlped to a cai ad started tov) take off myskats. I'v hd ecug or one seýssion," 1.anucd "OhteI e ou re","said the weI dressed milanl, sig i a through the1,2crowd. "Say son) that deal is off. Onie of miy insctrict01rs jus't tld ime you can't skate vith tW0 pople holding you up11. IHesaw youi go out on thie floor toight. i thouight that act xvas for- the benefrit ofIthe olookers." "I tried to teli yuu it was noact pru' I replied. On Ilhe way hlomle, 1I ru1bbed'ay sore spots whic seeed to muitiply eývry ive inutei",s. "Wel lneyer mmlid"," consoýledSuis- ie." There was no teeOese there toniht Who got an offer like you dlid - evenl if it onilv lastedl for- fouir taby-Care Advice Waitinig for yuifrtbayt arriv? Liue other mothers-t-be you're probabiy a bit overwhielme-cd a the prospect for caringfora tinly, fhlpess rmlite.No wne beling the ýguiardian of another per.. sona's heaal., happiniess andgnea welbigis quite a job! It's mu-ý-chi easier if you kniow thec facta. How to iinterpret the baby's cry- ing, for intace îTe trend is away firom the lt-himn-cry-it-out Mdea.Baby'scryiog is a definitesig- nal thiat somethliing needs te be done. TIe- may want tonbe turned over, te have bis diaper changed& te be gvna drink, or rmaybe just to hiave somne compan,11ionship, If lie continuially cries near mneal- timte, chances are hs schedule needs te b lrevisedl. f he continuies te cry after ail bis neceds are tenided to, consider the possýibility of iii.. ness. Rear a helthy, happy baby with the heip of our Reader Service bookiet ne.203. Coves diet, bath inig, cloting, eomn, toilet, traiing, "accidents, ilnes. rm birth tL-2o one year. Sendr THIRTY CENTS (in coin~s) to Reader service, RDoomi 421, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. Print NAME, ADDRESS, BOOK-. LET TI"-'q, and- NO. 203. Youngsters WilI Agre. Homneworlk "Monstrous'" To George Becrnard Saaskng chlrnto do hom-ework Iî;sîsimpiy mionstrouis. "The schoolmnes poghtateà- warned by the society for theý Pre- vetiun aof Cruelty to hidrnob- seve he laYwNright uI~ S U.S.ernator HORIZONTAL 1 y Pictured U S. Senator 10 Noted Il Forward 13 lie was for- merly -- of his state (ab.) 14 Releauss 16 Tear 18 Cattie 20 rnse (Scot.) 21 Noton 22 Lie 24 Exst 25 Sou 28 Lance 32 Seci4 33 New Hamp- sb'1ire cîty 341 Cubie meter 35 Heating devices 33 dward (ab. 3Dutch (ab.) 38Msclwork I 41 Kitchenl utensils 49 Obese F0 Ventiiatig 5 2 C ont end 53 Thik 55 patobed 5>7 Wounid ar 58 Anmal trail V=RI4 1Den 4 Presses for pa ymernt 6 Body part 8 Recipient DYMeasure of lengilh 10 Ted] 12 Expire 13 Leave 15 HaIf-emn 17 parent 19 Dsoiin 2lM1 enu 23Scrnp1 24 Rqetc 15 Essence(a. 11) v V rcviois Puz1le IZ2574.Nvl PI~Os'sM NE Z , Ts - .Jfr wkfi C) 1 E i Ë11lý ý5 A T TS V-r WILLIAM :C) Mý T E E P. MÉKINILIEY 9u m E IL- 26 Bhv 27Z Fish eggs 29)Even contr 30 Ltmr scraps 31 Legal pint 38 Fromr 39 Cushionr 40 Indians 41 Brea)kwa-ter 42 Either 43 Tilts 44 Cnt 46 Above )47Tree 48 Tellurpium (symbol> 50 Man's naine 51 Earth (comb forrm) 54 North Carolinla <ab,) 56 Symbol for cobalit Te,,li,1i A semdpuiddin1g is simlple t aksaIsfying ,toe"t. Jif yoîî aenta qulart mnoid use ýa lpui coffeecCani or baking powýder -tins anid cover w ýith waxed paper bMd in place by ruibber bandý. F-or a fir-st try, tae Fruit Puddinig or .emdCarrot1Br 1an udin will rewvard your eUffor-ts. Steamed Fruit Pudding 2 tablespoons suigar iegg, wel-bea)Ctenl !'/4 cuLps sifted fleur 1 teaspoon ilsoda ' teaspoon sait 'cup Ail-Bran ' cul) boîling water /2cup seedle-ss raisins / cupF)curr-ants Biend butter anid sugar thor- 0evghi y ; add egg an-,d beat weii. Stir in molasses. 'Sift flour wvith soda and sait; m3ix with Ail-Brani. Add te first mixture alterniately ýwithi biing water. Stir i raïsilns and crtrantits. Pour batter inito greased i-quart moki, cover tightly and steam about 1'/2 bours, erewitb Bard Sauce or'other puinc(i-g sauice. Yield: 6 Servinigs. Steamned Carrot Bran Pudding 2 eggs 1 clip sugar 1 Cup) grated raw cart Synthetic Blood Artificial blood plasma mî iade fromi the aýctionI of bacteýria on s3ugar islnow ,beiing made in EnIg- land, This plasmia, knewnvi as Dcx-' tron,ý is atf present iundcergoinig eXýý haustive tests at the Lister Isi tu,In London, 'anid the finialr- suIts ililn' be known ,for at least six te nlinle months. it is be- lieved, lbowever, ithat i- it ay prove1 toq be safr thCan ntrlbodfor tranlsfusioni. Besides bieing checap and easy te, make, the new synithetic soIlutioný will have the advantage of 'Simple storage: it cani be keýpt !-l powdeIcr form unlltil wnewhlen 1it needs Only tO be quickiy mnixed and beated. In the'- depression of 1920 rubbeýý- prices dropped f rom 55 cenitsapon 1 cup 1milII z abeso n elted shortening i cup AliBran 1 cup finedrybeascumbs 1 teaspeon Csa mu I teaspeen nutmeg wAtaspoon duvet, CiIcupseeIeCss raisinls ~'cup) clopped candied citroni :j spchopped candied orange Peel. Beat cggs uniliight; add sugar and bjeat uintil fluffy. Add carrots, m-ilk, hrenn Al-Bran and bread c:rumjbs which halive been mixed ilih sait and spices. Add risins, Citron asud orange Peel. Mix wvell. Fi greascd 1-uar mid or 1- pouind coffee can three-quarters full, cover tightly an! mtain about 3 heurs. Serve bot wth liard sauce Or any desired puding sauce. Yiel: 8 servns, Note: Pudding may be steamied igreased custard cups for about one 1heur. CHRONICLES 0F GINGER FARMS Bp Gw,,endoine P. Clarke I1ee knew it te f ai!l! NGt go mutch as a sinifie (do I ever get -when 1 stay arouind hlome bt et mle go to the city anld itL's aniiothler story. Som-rc imle lat wek weIwaii,1us tavellinig arond Ain oe crowddstree-as 1 picke(d up a very a ctive littie germr, brongght it homne ime and it had mie by thie thiroat ail day Menday and Tuusday, leavýiing Partner te mnag as beat he could in the cap- acity elouekepr miyscif around wheth le phionean anld te message I renceews dta Bob hlad been lhurt ,andwas i iesoý- pia.It wasni't longbfreIw as down dithee.Ilie had been loadinglegs on his truck.They Lere extra big legsand isoig eue ef tbem the chin broke and thec log diropped f rom thehe ighit of die tru1ck down? oni te Bob')I)s foot. Thlree bonles are brok'en but thcy Can't, be set nlor thic foutt inito a cast yebcausýeof Brob) haS lbeen gi\ven fair arn]in1g that he i hav te wýear a cast for at iattwomot.Hoeeit îl be a wainbg cals s he hopes te bc able e , get arounld to a cer-tain e tent. 0f cusei will be a great in- ceveieceanid -abig epnebut it cold certainily have been a ý whole lot wore. lTe iman whio %as withl Bob sid l(l id't knlow why lhe Yestrda i ~okhlmdown his radio after inquitirinýg wh1aùt the lies- pital rmIes -were regarding its iuse. "Oh, es, lic cao hvehis radîie but onlly on certain Cond (it ionls," the !nurse told mle. 'And whlat are ,thley ?" I1 iniquired. "It nmustbe kept low a, ýnd no mo1dem music 1"lghed. Bob I knexvwould comply withthe first order but neot ithe otler. After ail whiat's the good tf a r-adio iif yen an'mismtent "A Four-eafd CIov er"? Peirsaliy I cao listen te that WVith both thle boys aaypartiler andI ad a nlice litie chore teoOur- sevsthis morning. Lt waos ftie day cf the f irst sprinig aini. Anid what a mini! At our place il, rained iniside as ei as eu-t. The kitchen reuof de- cided it wýas higl itimie it was me- roof cd, patched, ci o seething, anit puit Onaonstratioeprove its peinit. Agenitie 1ain do-esn'tË affect it but withi a deluige ike vwü had te. daY it sceema there 's a ieak *n everiy squjare micli ef oem. W'ýe liad %wash tubs, dish.pans, p)reserving ketties, boiler, wah asinsan pails on thie kitchen flber and up) in the attic. We niiopped floor and tab)c le iturn e- ptied panis and liuntcd new onecs as f resh laks developed - and that sceemed te be about every ffive n Ute * * Iset dinner on la Card table in 1 for .rigkt thereà when you need iltlI lV'S bore at List! New' Fleischmann,'s Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeasi, the modemn bakiing discovery thàt keeps fresh înn the cupboa£d for weeks - always 'onî the spotme for extra-quick baking, extra deicious resuits. IF YOUrlBAKE AT HOME--lay ;n a good mipply of New Pleischmann's. Royal Fast Rlisln g Q ry Yçast ,-seI as you nQed ik, At your grocer's. iL, the liv;ing-room - thie c"iing-roost' waý-s too close to thie kitchen for cm fort. WVe were both tired and mayPrbt nlot in) thle best Of1humo-1r Ïbut when wcX liienled to, the news 2an-d heard Of 1thle flood d (ama,-ge i other areas WEO couildn't eveni be.gin to f ee sorry for ouse Ves We avenj't eengot wat- er in ouceLI -llar. At ti'e' same tim'11 itwsagreat relief - wei hE beraiin sto)ppe& I fsaid to Partner 'as Nwe "Thlislis t he iewe rsetv buy\-'ea shou01ld be, arnund anid inspect any ro-perty theiy ight be tiinig of buin. Amst aypoet iob al rghton a nice brighit day in prig bt arainly day has awa of rceelinig itings that ani agent doesn't tink to miention., After alil yon old htllIar-dly -expect im to Icpoint ontlt disadvantages in whIlat he isý trying,- to seýLi.Tliat is whia t h ne "-,ner finds olnt after liv-ing 0o1 z place for ab)out sî-ý, ix onitbs. D)o yOn know wýýhat? There is a red, red roh, (in opinig around(1 on our frontlan he to pinciipal sour es11 sailt arenatuiral adartificial1 briniesý and rock sait. For Eczemia- S kin T rouble S 3Make pm) üir mind todamts at mou -,aro going to gi ,e your. sldn a real hacete ge. weIl. Go otealNm gond drug store ami get a" origin' a]l1b0 le O o)floes Emerald 01-lt asts menm yda S -11becauSe 1* b hiigbîmCOn- ce.trated3. Ti'e Very first allplication will give mon relief-the ltchlng of Eczemna Is quickly stopp d-cruptions drm np and scale off ln a v er"f' dams. Thle same i. truc fet liching TueeS. anci Feet. Barbcres ltch. Sait Blheunr.x Skip troules. Reýmember that Sloonle's Emerald 011i Sa elean, ïperfuil, penetratlng Antîisep)tie O0" ibat doe ont stia or leave a, greasm reS$ý idue. Gomplete Satisfaction or mouey baek.ý