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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Apr 1948, p. 4

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The Orono Weekly Times eitising Rates on request Sbcito 15 iry our up-to-date Job Plant. Our prices are sure to please, and oùr work is of the best Âshed every T-hursday mo-_rning;at the Times office R. A. Forrester, Publisher Established January, 1937. Holding F.ast Wîith the pasing of the Easter seasoni a lot of us will tend to e intio a irut insofar as our o,tlook upon m.uny things is cn Ad This is indeed unfortunate whenc we recHalal for whicdi seaaon stands. Bonr lie the assurance and promise of -new life an-d new Op- eity. Even as we accept Erster and Spring as fittig occasions ;he donning of niew appareil, so ought mwe to cultivate a desire nober and btter things genuely. 0Of course, a change of _hearýt À bie acconiplishied tany time and by almos-t any personi. Eaista'r Spring thougli, offer thaý-t lift and lit thiat are far too preclojus loveebie o ha abandoned because a ime day or xeek bas gone hiie of these timies we are géong to be seized by the worthiiness, of iism, charity and good-wiL We are going to deai a death blow yui'sm, suspicion and initoierance. We are going Vo crythe er spîit along with us even though the clna date tells us the had ended last -week or last year. . e * * The P aper Salvage Wve are told that another collection of paper salvage MUi be p Ioclly in our village on Saturday, April 3rd. This annou1nceý- b sfiould pr-ove encouraginig tu a lot of citzens, as there is a. s a stac1; of miateriazl on hand after the long wter nths. Per- some suggestions -woudie hin order ithg ardto tuepeaa ofpaper undies. Seonmany fine miagý,azi1ies and perludicals are found amoouigLthe arded inaterial of a lt of homes, and thee wouid doubtiess be moudehiluwk cmpinsýtitutions and homies. Would-it ntoV efora be a service o t1ie Sýouits aýnd theïri entors if mve our- es m-ada semae discriination 'when puitting up our p)apar1s for eti&a ? The fact thcat a paper or journal is "oAd" does noV ai- s detract from its value as readig, and as food for thoght. ether or.- not we care to go Vo any trubeetusst.l i!keep in d the urgent necessity of savîng pper, and givig used paper he proper peple hat it may be co'vertd into uew With ewprn going up in cost it strikes homne more forcibly r, ever, this cal! for support Vo the Mpaer id»ustyThere is ra ithi of raw utein Canada and the USAyet if labor can diverted into oter channes by the use of made over paper we 1have wrought that niuch ta the good. One of thes dayns we wiii e tiiue off and Oiit a plant where oud paper is processed into new. eexpmerîe would no doubt beý( of 1)road int erest. W,,* would then ness a lot of wihywo)rds thown ack intothe cauldron *of'a ond chance. Like the feiIow armied with a new dean shee, 'we idci hkely scratch our head and write "Put out those used paprs". e * 4** Freedomn of the Press Whaeei' ase May be said with rgad o the Canaie'n and tisli way of ife, there is stiui admêitdiy withl usý the pronounced edomet ofthe press. situations crop up fromri ime Vo icne which ifor aun linest airing of opiion. 1V if -were not for the news- pers, our peoplae ould not be kept sqtisfnctoriiy informied as Vo ail ,V gmes ou.MWefeel that Canadian papers au1 journai re'aily do air jobý, both froinsthe standpolut of lews and edfitorls, Iu Englaud weae the sceýnetliet aae visitors fr'om Vhe inent. It is there that alim-ost anyboclywh feels the urge ua uint Vie proverbial "soap box" and air his views. Tins freadoin speech is mot the only that impressesvsio, but the addfi- nal fact that suchoratory lias the priotection c,,f thiear of the v. WVe may blunder Miog. we may show slacknessla Our (daig h cmmunsm", we miay invite unki n citcin by our erplack apparent force, yet our ultimata slvation will probahly le achiev- through this very saine pursuiit of Jemocrmacy whih hs led 1Us Foy Shus far. O)ur great hopie is bounrd up lu truist tlint the demio- tie way wli continue and ViU çfnally ha superseded hy soniething gar and botter. So t is t'ht thae press will, we baliava, go fowa %wihthe icy of honesty, good-wii und trutiless which bas mwon it thle ýetion of)- our people through Vhe yaaýrs. To abando,-n thasa aiims uid be te step beckward into Vie darkness of suàspicion and lrèar- yn, The readi*nea-s to defend freadom of Vhe press and speech hOuld upparmost ib Our minds, A Tribute to a Grieat Sportsmian (lRy Gaoý. 1 epriOshia-wan es) Ona of the best known and inost popuisr figur'es lu Southarui A Eastarn Ontario sporting circlas for tie past half-cantury, pars- out of the pictura this week-end, quiatily aftar a lingering i1lness, ýt Lis 1hoomïingi voice and baaming sie wiii be often recaiied for: w,ýas a familiar"ega" whPeae two teama were locked lu orting com-ýbat, whether iV was laies' softbal, soap-box derby, t-wee hockey kids or senior basabaliers. Wa refer, to Ormna "Ormie" âmsby, "The silvar Fox" of Orono. Weaways figurad "Orm1e" 011hà have beau a Kantuecky Colonel or aM Imma, a Georgia Senator e had aidleettibuts of a auccesful polkcin but lis interest-s a i spext. He ioved kids, worked lardC for them. ie go.V a great ek out of w,,-ï,tching two eama lu i action, we h hokey, basabaîl, gby orwa-hv-yu !His personal lntereas-ts were ninoutdloor orts. Back a fewý years ago ha wýas a golf enthusiast. H1e leaarnd y lova of the otdoors from inis father and eer-huntiiLng and trout BAE bel( SuI the vi( Ai del et1 ni' the ;OW Te) 194 hm fat ne] RA pi ma wi soi Ur tei ai mit Boel anc aci iarl Ch:I dem plur Tiri DEATIHS EETT - AV, bis residanca, 2 ucen StreeatT it, on TuesdIay,ý airch 3h,1948, WIilamBirrett,l ,ovad Ihu-sband of Vile laVeAni itaged 72 yeeras. Realuf"I at! Mris Flunerai Clapai. 8r- :e l VI CipelonTbrdy ri sat 2.30, temm)-.eiti yMarc I' 1, 148, Ellen Couvier., lo0vad %ife of William Georg Ouv ie r,7iged 65 years. Restiug VIt1e MorsFunerrl Clapel,Bo ýanvilIe, utifl Thumsdey mmi su-ce,ýiI t Vie resýidencýe, Main St.-. 'ýoo for ser'vice on Fida(-,y, April d,(i et330p. . interment Oro emetemy.Cara WiSION -- At Vlia residne ows iponSunlday, Merch 28t1,' 48S, Sewnrdi C. Dowsou, Ibelcved usbaud of Ci;,laaR. 1Lytle and dear ather of Al1vin, aged,0 yearSý. Fu- erai service wns ld et VIe Mer- is Funerni CliapaI, Boimnlvilia, n Tùasdny, Marcî 30tl, et 2.00 m.inemetwas mn)d e ln Bois- INEY -At Osawa Cnerai lies- ý-q8, Nina Marluoni Blewett, belove vîfa of Neil M. Raiuey.Fuea rvice was (heidlu Park tra nlited Chli * [1on Tuesd(ay ftr uMaIrch 30th, e-t 30p.m. Tu- rmen wasmdeÎl Or-eue Came- - Tu ioviug emory of St iîght E' gin eer lSaibert N. Hiall d ilscmae -Who iost tlïair vos n Active Service Apr il 31-d11 -Everrememered y bis wf lyn and ildren Aune Maria and Ir.~~~ en MsM.Chttrtn 1 mîly woui1ld e1e Voexpreýs t ir iele thuk aj"appric aci t kid ren~a'id niîo or dsutter a , rlow ,ot ,gi n stterton's î1lnejso * Ils rs VI eehLdefor flow- and id rmebnsoftI irecî org1auizntions. fu y a e o ed -of 1igli1-cias nVlng st rensonab e ta, c'Ill thie caspZ office At Oronlo. CAPITOLI POurýRT -«HOùtPE I Wed., Tus This Week DANNY KAYE la the Tachaic-lor Comedy 1H;t "TESECRET LIFE 0F" F.& Sajt. This Week 'BLACK GOLD' The Stoýry (4fa wonderful "4LITTLE MISS BRO)ADWAY" Mon - d.N ext Week "CAPTAIN FROM CASTILE" Spcttacular Rmni Adraentura, Sarn Tyronie Power' FREE E VICE Dead, Crippled Ilorse and Cattle Charge- We pay forTlehneCl MARGWILL FUR FARM ApplJI)y Vo 'Ar! Phono O ronio 3 ~and 4 d1 May lat. FOR SALE One Register-,u1 ork Ire A Qllg, 5 'ing Pigs and lan be Soa. Aplto Leslie Cocmiibes, B'mn ville, Phloe 2581 a 1< FOR SALE ebitWalnut Settee, A i Chai', andI Platfornilu rU o~ee in yur hoie o "~aV isC. F Duncain, Phonie 179- a-tO-p. IIELP WANTED Girorwomani, for general housel [ work in counIItry homle. Apply toi 'rs. Kennath HUs, Phorie 5 r rono. FOR 8ALE- Cert-ýier Saed Gats; also Vnu1o young h bo,erss rsing 5 and 6years, Vo KanlnetiliHis," Pbone 0Oro1no 5) r,3. FOR SALE Rangette (uew),$8.0 MCay RasIgevight at- Api tie Everptt Gain, Or(no. Orono - Ontario Agitfor, VIe Empire 3Walippears ndVaWataýr Proof Wa111papers (Origil qlWhite Rosa). 5ee m y kportfolio of, lnvely wý,a1lpapers. Even- iiga. You iilha satîsffied, B3efore Seiling LIVE POUL'TRY Try m My Pricas Are H-ighaer M. FLATT Bethany R. R. i Tel. 7r 1 RUsecharges IM llCAMAERON LESKARD, ONT- Elactrica and Acetylene waiding l CcidrBlocks and H7eads Welded Speialîzing ln ALUM%,INIJM ýlAN~D T4NC BA-ÀSE METAL Aâl WorkGuaaned 1 Phono Orono 'tring 5 Order your COAL Early For A Sure Supply 0f The Famous Readîng Anthracite SALE REGISTERS 1 lhave beau lus ructed Vo sali by public auction ife r Mm. J.E. Mercer, Lots 23 and 24', Cou. 2, C1,%rke Tomr- ship, '/ imile aasV of Newcastle, ou, Fr.iday, April 2nd, his atr stock oDf four heorsas, two cows, 4 y a-ol,1 cýa1vas and v ecaif; 1 Sow anrd 9 siroats; 50 laying bins, 3 geese, 2 ganldars, 2' ducks, 1 dakeancdn numnbar Of tray 100 buslýels cof ots and a quiinatity of 1lny; a fuli linae 'of farn nrachinery, and a quaii- tity of furniituma. Tarmaý Cash,- Jack Raid, Auctioneer. 1 hava beauauhoizd osali by puLblic, auction at Eat 1z' of Lot 11, Coni , 6,Manvars TpaV IBllydrrff1 Scilooi, on1:Saturday, April lOtir, Vire1 poprty of Mr, E. WriglVt, lis an-: ire live stock1, farm 'Iimpianren ts, tto, consisting of S liorses, 25 haae fct Via,'y,-hey,' enta and i cd do- re, arness, and a-il bis liuenytS. Termis Cashl. Ne. Raserve. R. j. Payne, Acoer I liave beeiau atlrerizecd Vo sali by public auctuioii et Lot 26, Concession 2, HopeTonhi, mile -wast cf Morrisl ou, No. 2 1iiaon -Mon- day, APril 541t, the prop(am1ty of Mr. L. D. bebiee, bis aitir.e farirsok D~rectory GeV yumFuliriimsli Equîl) now for youm s ~clening. Ethan Joues, Phone 721,1 tonvilla P. O. COMENG EVENTS Resasr;'e iFriday, April 1641l the Orono 0ddfallows' ýC. P. 1T. Basket Sca.Particuolars Int A 3-act play will ha presented ,il Vie Town Hall1, Or(oo nFia evainglÏ, April 2uid. This play la sponisored by- t \W. A. of Park St. United Chu ),d wii puton b-y tha( Young i,- plp ýof Tr1inity ChurcI, Bowmianiville. Adm-ission 35e.- and 25c. Sunnylea Lodge, Newcetlfe, bas i vacaincy for lady. Comfortable rüooai,1 niourîingr food. Ra.;tesrasnba Write Box 116), Nwate -lp FOR SALE,' CrirOts, goo d"for f 0'éd or ed Lorne Rbis ~gd hn 54 r 1", Oronlo. V -2-p. WANTED floo finsh.FUlI,or p)ar time.Hi- est commnission. Apply te ox3, Oirno Times.Vf FOR SALE Saed Grin) - Beaver Onts audf Ajexl Onts an ~Bab-of Bnley(mixed) rbnOnts nld Banrb-off BarIey (ixd.Appiy E. 'J. rBi'rw, Pi-ona- ceice bfreein ewes, dul o e o lnnrb Ap-1-c1ril th.ing12-tootiDaring lti vlolu odcniin toCn thaus, FPhone oro-no 15 r 11. C-l0-p FOTf, SAL-1E Quallity Cf lWixed Hay (Aif alfa anda Timotly). Road open to beru fo trucks, Arce iIoôy, Pontyplooh Phone e hauy20 r41 c-tO-p. ORONO Furnitre Hospital Repairling Refillishinig Antiques Bough't and Sl See our fine ojf Drapery Mlater!al Kitchen Un-its made te order SC. F. Duncan Phone 79-16 - ORONO 'NT EXr Radio Service! plete data on al i akes, and mioderm test equipwnint will en5Uirt PROMPT, REASONÂBLE AND EXPERT REIPAIRSC- Cali R, L. MYLES Phocno 79 r 4 - ORONG Free Estima,,tes wvill be Given ChIeerfully 0on Rock Wool Home Insulation By Blower Syatem, Four inches tàîrcki G &LPeN.&'Go Insulation Gontractors, 57 BLoor 'S". West, 'TOronte District Representaive for GEORGE WADDEL Phono 23 r 2 EHN The RTTRGRANITE COMPANY hoo501 - P.O.Bo62 AF. ri] Barrist BOWl'I ,cKENqZIE, M.D. [AN and SURGEON ffice Hours: p.m.; 6,30 te 8.00 P.M, ausd Wadnesdays by ointimenit only 'nl - ORONO son; B.A. ~ieitor office 688 Home c-553, W. F.- WARD BARRISTER SOLIC7ITOR NOTA-RY JPhoes : BOWMANVILLE, ONT. VETERINARY DR. WV. W. SIERWIN VTRNARY SURGEON Phono 63 r 7, Oronoa ANSUIRANCE JC. GA7MEY INSURANCE and Liabîlity ORONO'S INSURANCEIMAN MNanufacurerS Life Insuranc* C DomInlIon of Canaa ciGeneral lartford Pire Illiuranee WatelooMutal ireInrae Wawansa MtualInsurance is re£presanted Il this eistriCt by ORONOPhone, 9 r i if it'as urznce, give Dane a tiaL LEROY IHAMILTON INSIJRANCE UN ALL ITS BRANCHES Fire, Automobile, Liability, Life, 1Hospitalization, plate. Glass, Buirglary, Casualty the Leadlng CANADAN, BRIT ISHWand AMERCANCOMPANIES Office, Mlain St. - ORONO Phones: Office U2 r 10;ReD. 1i r 19 ýPhOne m e alnd l wll l i w11 t suif yOIL. E1iae freely givent, neoblgto INFORMATION the floig <)How Vo wiUl te your family em heqe to y0ur famiàly evry moth for 10-15 or 20 yearus hould you b. taken eout e0f the peitue? c) How te have a salry chqUe every month for yourself as long au you live, crnmenclng at age 55-6e or 65. (4el) lHcw to guarantee that youmr son or dnughter will have the mOniey for aun education bLeyond higlihcool? Le t us hae a chat about it Snie- time.Phono FRED LYCETT T ED J JA CKýSON E.Mortonk , atrono, for date. JACK REID Auctioneer and Valuator SpeiaizehiFarrn and

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