:ee, in t'he to n ll A'à, be hevery poi duction "AS .,,ya1 The, MrVt. Ait. ecolth. sumiý'ed fron Newcastle bovools w,ýeek-endf. Afteax tibe oa '(ds impr)ovei back noth the buls will continlueon)Il Mrs. Stanley Ch-apman waýs in, Mon- treal o adyouf4- ast week al- 4ending the weddinig of jher nIiece,- 11lss arnencrumback to Mý. Jack Inting, also of Moteal. Mr. ,and(rl Jcibesmn b h-av-e been sppnirgte winter tell Florida, veturned h lonemeinWcns day ls,ï ad pntteIRsiterek enld wtbMï,. and Ms M. J. Tamb!yn.ý pirld Ira, Snodgrass aed son "nedDatdof Rcnser pen thierl pro partb th !wel, with her itr d~ ~~~~0U teMs' oa heheefor uthefu Nows thtteyo.i rcial nov'ed sl 1(g,-ie.n- tins vicinlity, the farmers As efaie looking forward to woring the winland in w -eek or two, thiat is,, if the n vt, eabr sfalvorable lfo r Ithe, ext Ig teiMr'. an4 Mrs. Claienice Allunspn atarl!Sonay 7last ln Oshanwa and vssîted socii- llth is ister Lam ,anlsowt Nia- Iabeil, whois coiniied in Ohw CeneralHospitl hvinlgunrge an opeation. Mr.û and MPrs. J. H-. Arnott n Ms W. . Ry rturedhomle on Fidayi Of Last week from Ottawal. Mr. Ar1 noittbas reurned baek to Ihis 1posie tio atOttwa.Mi. Arnott's ote of Duindalk, is vstigwith Mis. Ar nptand Mrs.Ioy Goodiceswere realized at the1 furniiture sale of thle estaýte of Jhe late Mrs. RP. IH. ron hed at ber !late residlence Con Saturdaaýýfternùoon last. Despite the wet weathler a go ateidnc wson b d11. "Mri% Jack Re idvw as the mauction eelr. KEMý-TONE ~ heMiracle WVall FiishA in linle Q.Attractive colors 1.31 - G A L. S. 75 SPIC andl SPAN, the no rinse, no wipe Cleaner WASJIING SODA, "Armi & Ilammier", 2 pkgs JAVEX, jt bleac-hes wiebti CHORE GIRL, hanidy mietal sponge, 2 for.,. OLD El\'GLISII WAX, keep lnlu shining, large tin for-..... ....... CHAMP, kilfis dirt, cuts grease, 2 pkgrs... BON AMI, best indow cleaner, bar or ti.n. OLJD DUTCH1 CLEANSER, 2" tins for... ýMOP HANDLES, good length, each.... QUALITY BROOMIS, 4 strand, each... DREFT, excellent for dishies, l1argce pkg. 24e 17e 14e 19C 55e 15e 13e 21c 23e $1.25 28e POST'S CORN TOASTIES or pg- QUAKER CORN FLAKES 2 gs2 cp BANANAS Yelloýw and Ripe lb. 16c ORANGES Junicy and Sw-ýeet dozt. 450 CARROTS Firm and 'Waýshed PEAS 20 ounee tinsý 2 for 230 Bee Hive Syrup 5, ti 69c AYLMEK- "Baby Limta Beans" in To)mato Sauce ti 190 211% r. WillltimGrady ~epte~ a Mrs. Je. Eagls sent a couple sriends àn Toronto last week. Mv1. Jim oLinton, Toroto, *s pe'-i the week-enld at Ihis parenItal home. r.chaq.cW d, of XKitchi 1e r spenit the Basýter hoiday at homc: MssLoraneilVcDnadof Ton- ot.is joiidayn with friends li MiUss Edith Sherwin and Mm Robe sherwin were lai Oshawa onle (a y MisViola Noden,. Toroýnto, spentI 'heEate we -dwith lber mta' 'Irs. Ndn Mjiss Ethiel Putherford, of P arly Sonspent the Easýter weekend at ber home heme. Mis BetyWiniters, of Toronto, is sp bigle-r Easter hoiida-'ys with re- laivs a rno. Mr we agan, of Tluy pn the Éaster holiiday SLh'Ms. Faganýl and young son. Mr. W..N. Buckley, of Toronto. uae un Easte'r visitor witb Mis. Cur- tis and Mrs. Delve Mr, and Mrs. Harod Awde and famlily spenlt Baster unaywIth mn and Mlrs. C. F.Awe j Mr. Johni Delve, of flamilton, spenit Enster undday i t h bis motber, 1Mrsý. R. A.Delve. Mv. andcieMns.J. C.iHaltn ,1of Ottwa -wreEaster guestsbof Mr a nd AMrs . W. B.Froste. Mr. avere -BydToronto, spent] theEaserweeký-end1(1witb bis, ar ents, -Mr. and Mrs.J.W.By M is Grce Hïudson(, To)ronto, spent the aster ee-edwitb lieCr par- ents, Mv.and Ms.Jac-k lHuds-on. Wr A. Smitb and MissBulicli of Toronrto, spentl the EasierîbldCay with Mr. and Mrsý. H. A. Saundprs. Mr. qand Mrsý. Hairr-y Bailey, -Waylle and Mr y v!sited 'tiefone parents inT oronto on Easýte-r Sminay. Mv. and Mvs. -F. WY. Froste, of Tamwýort, spent te Eqnster -w-eek- end witb 11Mr. anid d1rs. C. HI. Froste. Miss Jea-ne Fnrresýter retuvneid to Orülono ýWednesdahy ate sen ingpat of hier Baister holid'ays inl New York City. Mr. ilfed'. Froste has r'eturnl- ed to Peterbwoouliafter spendig. the holiday -with- lis wife and son Mv. and Mvs. W. Hl. Brown, of Guelph, were week-end visitrs -with 'Miss Sadie Brown and Mr. R. H. Mjrs. Joe Walkerwee Miss Ferai Web'er ad Mns. Walter Hornby, ofi r0shýawa' Mrs.- Workanof Bowmranvile, has- accepted the postion oif oregan-Is-t and choir leader ofI Palk Shreet Unvit- Rem'.and Mrs.Samuel DeNceof! Seele's Bay' visited Vith tefori- nrsinother, Mrls. R. A. 'Doive, or. Mr. and Mrs. liarry IHoopev, of Petiboro, were Eastev guests witb' ýMv. ans,' irMs. D. loprand Mr.'N&and l1fis. Cy Y.Awde. Mi. and Mrs. E«.3J. amm, M. and M urs.ILH J.Souch visied it b Mvf. and Mis. W. E. Souci, of Oh- awlast ek Dr. and Mvs. J. H1. Leslie, of Peter-1 'brulspent the Eaýster we-n wltthJe lauttvs parents, MC and Mr.W. J. Piddell. A nme of theMie Brethre-n -111( t'heiv 'wives attendied tbe Mýason1ie ban-,Yquet and dance in Port îHope o Mdonday evening pst. Bis Betty Annie EBoure who ha been attendsng Ladies ýColee Gepis visiting' with ber 1'iparets! for thle Eastuev aain 3%fr and lis. Ronald Lawton andi d1augh'iter Yareni, of Gobourg, weve ýISunday -visito-rs with Aïr, and s Joe W\'alker and Dougl1as. A fvamTed copy of "Our Chir" from "Poemis" by Elizabeth ýFlietch-w, 1as pres-ended to Park St. Cbrc Coi' 'by MUrs, C1uas. Wood aad VColin THEAR FOMN 6.30p.m.tii12p.. MnTues., Wed. -i ~pou LEON ERROLi SHORT TECIINICOLOR CARTOON Im., Tues., April 5, 6' Deann9lla Tom D URaBiIN DREl ýïFI "I'LL BE YOURS" I TEUNICLORCARTOON Wed-c., Thurs., April 7, 8 "1THE RED flOUSE", Philip Iilary REED BR-OOKE PARK SLý UNITED CHURCIE UN YAPRIL -4th Comimunkion Service and Re- c7eptio(n of Memabers. 2.30 pm.-&inudaY SehOol.- 7.00 pn. Absenlce. 1 ARMSTRO.NI NEW SPIGCOATS oIllen Curtain Material by the yard, in Doî)tt, Marquisette, wýith colors or plain wýhii p)r c edEl-------------- --------- 70c. anid lain Marquisette, ai1-l wite, pricedi- Rayon Mrusetecru colOr, yaird 5 Sunniweb, Voile,, oyster shadte,yad. Cottonl Nets, priced -- ------------------ - RZayon Nets, priced.....---.--......... Draperys and Fl'owerced Chinltz -Made 1np Curtains, ïfrille'd 2and plais pricedl from ------------ -- --- 3.5 0 t o Hfouse Dresses in Print, different slylc ail colors, i14 to 44, priced $3.25 to Men'sNe Sport Shirts, solid culot: size smllmedumlarg-e, priced Children's Berets, colors White, Navy Brown. priced..................--------- Wonse's Cotton, Lisle Ilose, size's 9 t 10l½, priced...........----...... Zippers, in 6ich 9 inch and 22 iuche5 al l oIrs, price-d 30,c. and Wallpaper foir every room nwin stoc S-hortie, col- uoise, Navy,I werBille, Latest Styles in Spriug H fats, Straw audFelis, for Ladie.s and Misses. Blouses, ilu White Shecers, Figured Satin, uewest st.y- les. priced from $4.95 to $6.50 ýNEW SPRING DRESSES Orono Ti DE EP WJELL and SHALLOW WELL PUMPS and WATER BOWIJ Now ulng 'Loik WE ARE PAYlNG rEHGIEI RV IIGPIE FOR, DEAD OR CIPPLEDFARM AYNIMALIS HORSES - - a CATTL-E - a - R-OGS Telephone Collct for m dieSrve GORDON lYOU'-'ING LIMI [Eîl D Toronto, Adeble 3636 - Cobourg 48J THE ANNUITA EASTER DANCE iNEWC-ASTLE COM ltUNITY HALL cin thé'even ;g of FRIDAY, ATIL 2nld BY TUE BOARD 0F -,ýNAGE-MENýT Spoat Danices -Nywety Njumbers Leap Year Dances ROY FORRESTER'S SEVEN-PIECE BAND AMISSION -.365c. PERI, RO PriREMIER GO EOEW "ONTARIO PLANS OR TH EFUT MIE QUEjEN',ýS PR TN.I CFRB 860, nt 8.00 p.m.