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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Apr 1948, p. 6

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ou Good on' Nicknames? Von irobably know tat 'dip" Iîs a slang terni for a pickpocket; but are you certair. julst what a "toni- soils"does for a living. Bellow a twenty sulch narnes wÎth, under îneath eachl, thiree choices. check Off, or write dolwnl somewbere, your c hoice (if the correct ones; then compare xith the correct ases printed lupsidle down, a 'lthr ottom., 1. A SHIORErR is a: a1. Co6gad . Man W1ho Prps VWalls;C.c.-C Ofice-r. 2. PUDDLER a. Street Cleanier; b. Ferry Cap- tai n; c. Steel Wý,orker .TUR NKEYý a. Jail Official; b. Lock W,-orkeýr; 13ailiff. 4. VINTNER a, ,Distiller; 'b. vi W inMechanit; C. rewer. 5. CHIANDLER a. Shopk epeýr; b. Candlemaker;ý a. Pig Preder; b. Traveller; c. 7, PYROTECHINIST Fireworks Maqker; b. Denîtist; C. Wooel Decorator, 8. CROUPIER a. Doctor; b,. Vterinary; c. Gamb.. hg employee. 9. T UMB\1,L ER a. Glass Maker; b). Burglar; c. 10. ACTUAýRY a.,Income '1ax Spfecialist; îb. - urance Man; cTacher. IL. COWPUNCHIER a. Cowboy; b. Cattie Thief; r,. SIiaughiterer,.- 12. BONIFACE a. F- -c Surgeonl; b. linnkeepr c. Pr-inter. 1,3. DISEUR a, Reciter-; b. Dancer; C. sinlger. Actress; b. WNashwoman; c. TLER ~man; b. Necwsboy; c. a. Hyn Wrter;b. Essayist, c. Dance Camtposer. 1;. PRESTIGIDATOR a. Jglr b. Cartoonisi,; c. lMani- 1, W AINWRPIGHT a. Painiter; 'b. Wýood'carver; c. IL). TON'SORIALIST,. a.Mae Singer; b.Barber; c b. Tinsmitli; ýP~) si (Is) L ~91 ()S m )î () (q) g-,[ a I !(11) 01 ~)6 :)~ J9 'a (el) t (v) s)g BgCut Made In BiihNavy foi the fir-sit ime sý,ince 1939 the strenigthi of Býriainl's Navy, shaw,,ing, hea;vy cuts ;1n the nmrbers of battIe- sips, cruisers, destroyers and Sub- The ope-rational streiigtll oh the Navy li atlshp, w;fîceýt car- riers one, lighit fleet car- riers, four-, escort carriers, n10ne; cruisers, î6; desýtroyers, 34; frigtesi 2ý5; subml;larineS, 26, and mn swccp- ers, 1!2. fin 1939, Britain hIad nine baittle Slips, two haqttiecCruisers, four air- craft car-riers, 26 cruisers, 70 des- troyers, and 39 slmrns accord- iiig toIthe officiai "_Retuirn aof According ito Viscounit Hall, First Lordý of thle Admiralty, thle Britisli NMavy is giving higlicat priority to reseuarchl and dav\elopmencit work. The onitcomie of +t'is work will be vital in the task of keeping thle Brit- Sih fleet in the forefronit of the, Pavies; of the wrd AIphabetical Speech e pre-sent abbreviating ten- persistse, anc wiIl isoan be ai amoring a afriend 'Gireetiaigs, old boy. "Fie, 0ldfellow. "Finle aîd dandy. Fcouirse. Anld yo-u?" c. Wiork, alway.9 U',î be seeing yoau." top.ý' "So long old Site of Meting-Oni April 21ld, Prime Minister Mackenizie in and President Trumaun will metat the Colle-ge Williamn and Mary inWiiasrg Virginia, and will probably have an opportuito discnss the troulbled world iuain The niest will confer lionorary egee on thie twro pclitical chieftain's, alco on Viscount Alexandirer-, G ro-eea of Camtqda.Abe is thie Sir Christopher Wren bu-ildýingl before whiichi theotdo cer-emlonies will take Place. MXICAEL TF Melissa Finich wotld hxefainited from shock if Joe Stton ha'd told hier she was a pre:tty grlorexn smiled at her. is pa, j1ale, did thlat riýgLt alonig, which was f air eogi Buit lac did like hetr coo)king. Otlerwie he'd have gone away be- fore this; but today waý eintl li eat day as housekeeer for jake Sutton and hlis soni, joe. Melissýa hoped she Ad taken at 1=as a part of the placeJe's nma hadleft oMe six years ag,,o ýweih adps beyond. Shle knlew thlat Joe ived withi the mnemolry of hiis nia; acted a thiougli she were in thie netoonii. Melissa ihad neye1r lost theid ea of beig an intuder. do or. '"Imleavn todiny," eis repeated Joe stoped, andShe ul .ree is gèrant finglerscech Melissa wvent bacli to the pumplý1 anid sn.Shie 1ga11ungt bcre tiat hiswaslie hat day. Thr-ee yý-aars ago sh liad started in- tos liouseteSutton-jae Sut- tan anid that son of lis, fe sac h ad noting aganst Jalke because Jakc lad the sense ta baoo at lier as if cile wias a mlman beling.But tat )0- lie was a born' woanliatýàer if ever cli sa on TIn- ieconlsidred- wiingte damp to)wel over the plates-l-taT ociliad los li&mtua Shie watchecd jake ccomseilor Pa packet of carrot secds. Jkedidn't gilnce atlber as le uae dlu tesecd pil. "Reckon as lowJoe a' that Bloc- mom Appeneller gonna be hitdhcd Cami-e f aiake anucdquietly. Joe wo-uld't mrarry any girl-, nat aven Blossam lwili lier lancywa, Meissa ithogiti. And, as for ber- self, ci lad stooüd abouit ah sfie Pe01ld. IfJas had'nticeblerfQ thfrce lonpg yersliesr as' o tchange overni. Her suitcse was packed and the sMt down on ht ta close àt tgwlieThn sIc w0ndered Am Joe was doiug, mScud see hi m iruh Un se - dow plain as day, ýlia lad ta admPit tbat hie bookcd mighty ike 2 mats ns leleidthat tractor rus b So Jake tinh 9sm~Pl zeller w,,as frJ. &h Ih1 wcauîd h iave 1iikcd tb na6 Jo. utks* had no e for- paintedÀ-uip lips and ch*kd-peyes.*1 ei Thiat biloc d(rcss on lier suited lier blue aye. Melisa stood straigl up in, front of thec dresser glass. lier hiand halted idwyta bier face powdér box. cSIic wva, lookinig aLt J o's ima;,.an old photo cencased in a- framle of gild(IC( d.Fo the first timie, thoutgh shlia ud seen that pict- ure eer day, Melissa couild sce why Joe remined aloo from ils; how cufldanly girl camne 'upl)ta o's ma ? On1 lier way dow,v caIrîyn the suIitcase, she watedtacry for sah- biing aased thatÀsicninig feeling 9f departrie As she camle onili)ta te afturnoon sunsine she could sec Jake ooigai lier fucrom thecicn yard. "o "jake shoiued. "An' yu gain', to saydby to Meissa ?" Anid th he s11 -aw jbe stop 1the trac- tor aind turu-i to stare- at hier. Mosart uanoter lump inlier tliroa as Joe stocd near her, lie a great pinetrc. Shie yas wfi11]y sma;1 shýje ',as a specli of dut1tha1-t had 1blo\n lhere by the wýind alid low wa'-s beîing blown away. "Ifhydon't you !ok a at Ile","lha said,, very lzazsd bisvic carne frma dsac.She loked , p nd wasnt crtan,"ha salid, "but liow I knzc t's the -way yosa kept house. Ma /had/ alblue dra'ss h/a that. Youi're Ha to hestae f rom her. .Withouî nowngit, sh 1wakecd .4 is sida, bck 4toCeheuse. The suin wats 11htot an1thefialds, a whitebutr f ly floafied1tawaLrd thle cabba'ge palci, and Joe's amf ait good arunld !heI %Wait. lYhat AE odutzn glood] citizen respects himself . and respects thie rights of others. Ile avoids bigo,ýtry and intolerance. ie puts the w-velfare of liis country and bis commuity before bis own advanitage. Bc s oert in is îthining iand inoderate in bis actions. le is moderate inbis use of Iuxuries. When an occasion calis for lhe enjoymnent of whisky, the good citizenknos as The Ilutse of Seagram has so frequenfly pointed out, that he lias a personal res-ponsihuilityf to himself, to his faitily and Io bis country, lt i, -to 5*dink moderately" ... or flot at al! of CGA * -w L-0 ý-11- -ý ý M-16S

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