OI~OOONT.,THURSDAY, APRP. 8th, 1948 5ub-scriptio-n $1.,ro Der Yéar ance To Boyd Valleau's 1-ieeOrchestray Newcastle Community Hall, oni FrjdayAp1 9t1 On- SaturduLý!:y veing,.Mar Ch 204h I, fýinis, nihcsancl relativesats reta lirehoecf Me. dMs laryJoNse, toe hapcae ruewilthemter2t du ReW. WV' Pttersec,uscar mua, baý)gaire venigwir labeu tiful p~nï on Sheme"by Eda Gues, lowed by au addreýss endÀ )v~y Mr'S. C. A. owan. Durýiig t01e paing cf thie adds a lovely cor- sage cf pick carations wus pinned 'on Me.jse ])y 7Mrsý. ChuplesSithi of Oshuwua. ad abutoaiewas pîre- seted e-Mr. Jose by Mr. L, Ciryd- in r. Mes. L. Stephienson uandM. IwrdCrydiarmian presýented thae bride end groom of 25 ;esrs with a 60,-piece set cf Lady LEaiLlorn e- mnity Paeflatwvara. 0fand M'rs. Jose miadeftiting: a'epies, helpedE along iry tireur thmee Befere ma-zkinýg iis 1reply, M.-oe woas called 1te tireoe tecei cirum, Me. Douglas Conuil, onlo. M.FruI cryemu ahrc spec. r. J. T. BonudMs lie ar ~llinsan"g ic hircpal ~ 17annel "Fer1You lne." ftr :zpceee-hBs fi-omMr. C. R.,,Cairvetir, I, .C. 0mby ,, Orônio, Reeve G-oge Wllon, Mr. Fred Benoe![n a Me. Tuink snOîshaýwa, Anc Crvy- eranfavop'ae(d ilh a pianýo sle. The national au he mdit e (ýdcx- ohgy vweesunrc efore refrechimenîs Health Unit Report Folcwig i arepoaf con camedicasesr-prted in, t Durn-ýam forutire \ve ndiug rD,148. Thins week as l a womuneailediceuses w rel in tira Tonciip cfClarke. F ing is the lsI cf diseuses ae number slitadi frm tiredif Parts of the Upited Couaties rue, tire w Tira sastia Cattie And Swine Coont This iss e sihe mouasCromRe pie fen tiraDecember ist, 1947 Survey, U ceucldwith thle assistancve cf th urlseol aciesUid fae Th u br C f s ee a Ilundi amb iid h trsscn tiues île dteclinei At 'December sI, 1947,the ubro shep undil -umbIýs on furmls ideim- adi uit "86,600 us comparedi li43, 700 on D)eeembe)r Ist; 1946. Herses totued 450P900 au compreIFS cKlh 477,000 a year earlier. liens and chickens shw theflestdegre luau- bers sicce 1937, beicg astimutedi ut 204 i,0 nu eemeas iainst 20,556 000 la December 1946. Both cwinle adcale ubesr- miain t a ihigh l ava iinn hw l- crue0veý c epevesy Ae. At Deebe cI, 194V7, hogs wr si m aie t2,8,00a gant2,6, 600 utDeemert, 194 W T eor 197ri cep lain 1tarlo Vwill grett- 1ly crlui the cumrc f sainIepr- duced du ingte cretyear, how- aver, as the nurn'iar cof sows 'brud, tte farroiýw frem Dcmbr leMuy I1947- 48, id placedi ut only 148,900as 1aonse 229,200lu the camnecsx- moîipai od of194647, a creuse cf 50 .Tlie mbrof -ïiik cows shows a gain cof 15,increaiug f cr 123780 t Deembr l ,191(6, tp 1256,100 at Decemnber lst, 1947. Fer tilis came compaiien al other catle rose from 1L,36,400Vo 1,590,- 70, an Dlease cf 35%; iand t'otl catefsim 2.774,200 te 2,847,100, a gan cf 2.6%. Ainericaun Mammalogisis Meet At Ontario Mluseu Tirae Ann1erican SIociely cfMam- 1gidîs will ha gue,seof the 1loyal O- tarlio Musaum cof Zooýlogy wreuthey iedit1ieir annual rm-eeting iTorcata on Apri l12, 13 aae id 14tIr. This, mars hafirS i lme, Sinice ils for-- ation in-,190tinýt tire Society irhas amet lui and.Mary dsinusic amn- alogists fraom aIl ovar _Northir Amer- jeu w vill baesautnd anycue iner- eedlwilduife is invited te tad toec roramecfpapers, illustrated with ove sadicidas, te be given in tire Mluseum tieatre. PAru ine- terectedlan t'ire promnotion of tire in- te rests cf ma-umsnagy, tire Society whae imemieraip id', bwjrias puiMlsiredi quarlerly for ever twenty years "Tire journal cf Mammnalogy", a 'vaiable contriution te Science. Il lifacnevto projeets. Thre prcng- horned antelope, only 1big aimlpe- ciiary te0 N orirAmn)erb, icstire So- shing For Smrelt At Newcastle Beach sea scn 1a Ncw- ev, kesexýcept LaIke Superie, nd à e ver. thie ps iel eved that theCre the water0is too e cry you hear cold for them. ifui, cf the glor.- Iii 190G ml r ruh into ar i tesesl-crysfal Lake-,, nea LaIke Mchg, omOrone hnaveJ to pre'vide fodfor lnlce amn ,i clame h omec But icsýtead of doi.ng the' ml job h' ies. These fýîih tey -w.ere intendedi for, thne sieit to 12 inichesj. took the place over and it was the beenntbe in slmn and net the Scme1t, M.o-wa puaI few yeaetecauy Before muuyn years he at amn-eR It pn outgrown the confines of Crystail Suadker piets pre ae n preaid into fLakeMchgn ut now the dip! Fifteen yearils later the smelt han muIQltpd C1and thee llrst sameIt clipping Bote *o geHa aPrfi i ze f1II Bute Sorag Hs 6wGlnAli WnsFist Piurono riyaro Finania1 llit ùrono Agid District ý As inu0other ip:, ces l Olarie, Orone is wepniniga bte shotae.Stores lu ý1curbuins secio hveto Ihung 1up)igns on t1heir cashregiter Ne buttýer t amu",u th1is is q qLeacemnt Iugte Whncl ~stores ýýare snpUplied by cor loa manri 'aly takes a stck-1. 'Jus t !Lut oeue -person 1see buttr bingcarîedinto sthe storesý thbeuthle rush ilenou. Tis tkiud Cf news'tryaisfas,which reslîtýsl tha those iiu the kuw irst akre sure te seuetheir uter If butter, is xpuot ou haud our local hosýewivesý have te be Content with substitules, suchasj amnis , murm-al- udes or spreading cheese. Tbe.se suh- dilates are alriglit by themselvec, bunt if yo.u prele a camion cndwich aud fligure 0ou usicg cheese or jams iu paecf butter, iithu tis cnc(oc- tien does net uppear ceaptiig Mary reusons ar'e given for the teperiod before tecw are puit ont au the grauss. Th-,i-,s seers a veriy ,gýood reoascu, as, we geeafykow ithat th osgiveess in l beore Ibeýiug placcLd an psur.Then ag -nu- chrr(-eionis tatthe dairyme are seln hede d(airy c ýows in thle UntdStateswee rcsar h bt we lknew tht tey canly ex-1 perct a certainuuba each yea'-r andi th1 is ýu n bau 0o1goufor a long-( limpe. It is hcped lithtwe the grassa baglus to sprout alnd the catie are uturuaed 1basa, we will againý ha-veIl thre butter we can use. Good Prices Realized For Seed At Quinte Seed Fair The wu op f the Quinte SeadO Fuir vwa.ýsite sae cfwnugex hýiits cf saed g ra in.l The auiction teclk place ut, the close cf the show luin ebr oun aura A -few lots cf[ar ombalybraorght $4.00 per bushel. This lot was bought by president John Rickàrd acd pwas sold, b.y hic, cousin, Garnet Rickard, whdo operates hiM'seadd ceaing plant, ut Shw~ect of ~wuvl Galore seld ut $2.20 and Burbof? ut $a5.Rgisterd seed cats sold up l$IN0; BaacduPt $LU8; Erbon ut $2.00; Ajax ait $2,00 and cartier ut $ -1-.80. Dwansgolden 1chuf wýheat was snapped up ut $2100 und comn- mlercial Joucalm barley cleared ut $ 2. 50), Rgiiered red claver bronghit 130 per bushiel and ether offerigs v:ere sold by ,iuctionee-r Gor don Han- cock ut good prics, FreEuter<aimnent With WoderfuI ictrsAt OrODO ilu the Orone Towu RIl, IonFiay A'pril 2.3ýrd, thie Oreo Fish and Ilunt Club have cgaged the Curling Cou- serv7Ution Club ýte shIow nu10\ing pic- turescf oudor ifa b nad.This Clbha1s!the fOest wiId life pictures ln Aric(a. As a gestur'e cfape cpinsonteothe fuemers and property owners inu this district for alwn anyoue te Osh or hunt on their prop- perty, thissowigof wo(Jilder'ful pic-1 tures will ha free e 0auyone that wihcte comne, ý0Ono And District Far 1Behind In Red Cross Driv Mr. And Mrs. Harry Jose Celebrate Silver Weddingi Report Ending Dec. 31, 19, SFormied OId BOYS, Assoc. Ou alrdy vaýning, April rd ubet lfy emee- f D"Compuuy Armeurias at Oreno te orm n nld Be oy s' Assoc"("ia t in. The'y imet ïarouud !eigirt om!e(]A uren euhuismrlwats sircwni tireL idi c frm n n association. Thaefolowrig offiers weraeldec- ed: iPresidenit - .Clar-k, cfBomn VUS -Treas. -- W. T it, of Bowmau Afler tire elect'ian cfoficers, pic-ý turas Wer-e shawa by Sergeaint Ma- jor. Watconi, cf tira R. C, R',of the Midiandi Rgietwirile ila' ýtiingý,ý bu. autr ndi Western 1Canlada, aise, lu Englundi. Col. Lyal CrOfficer ("Imma',nýd- inig cf lira iMilnc aian, a present, nd tld bthe oy Ragfiment)t ucIiha el p l strgt fomay emýergenicy. T'ire balance of Vire eveninig was; spein teàling of their experOieus bringng avery sucýcesclulavigc KENDAL Peie aridlirt beughlay, <>f Tirorne ou allen peare were writing tody"Gwau- djolyn Chaitterton thien renderedi a, lovey sole,"eudale cf tireBale" witi ra encore of "Mýy Bes-,t te Yop". Tire wirole grcup 'tlian sang a chorusý "Ilm Lokiug Ovar a Four Leuf Gb- ver". Joyce Sultan pluyeid a piano cdc "PolicirDance" wlthranlammcocf "Improptu". A sitwas tranlvery clevarly aatd "Tab[le 'Service. Tire g-roup then sang "Let the recI cof tire ) orî , o y"I., wbth hlarmeu y and "Tre ill-- ld ili" Tlire initerasting part cf Itira meet- ing tiran madeisauppeurauce with t-,ire pluy, "Sisýter Sue"', tira ciraracsire- iuig June Nacilson, Juin Polld, Ba-r- bar RlprJean WloJyeSt toc, Rtoss PattOn aud R aye Wect,. Tirhe tigwac brougit ta closel by tie inging cf "God Save tira KougIl meeutinlgcf Park St. Churiri presidiault, Mrc. Deiva, Presid l wans the a Ester Offeris iugp uu-d tirhervc pn oign f two serH prayer bly Ms.Delve. Tii readiiagwa tke b M tire Ile ra e iaig nl 'Chisýt. Mlcrenad a latter fram lt Casta Axiluryiliviting Il .W. M. S. ltirýeir Bulýter mee kindi invitation wuc as eccýetad A shiortar ime aas-ive ax orug f Misionary'irc Me.M. ill staples gave cf a na iseayboOk r-ow Is RTiare". 'Mrs. Dumo , Cirr-isthl ardship Sacre-tury, gave a New- Mis. Hs'ýrdy andi con Rag;, of Tee- enta, spent tishe weeký--end witih Mer. anci Mes. T. Hlditeh, Vire laitter re-ý lurn)iiug la Toronto -with themi for an- other week. Me. ccd lie. Wm.Boyd, whu are ta'king up reýsideuce ou their farm-n homre tins meuth.calldi on Mie. ani 3fies. MaLrcus SoIer a-nd Ms.S. Pal- tocl 0u11 na Me. Wm.Iaeer' i scteumicig tire grepeuasin ire 1ueîghborlhood pra- pracrvte puig tobacco M1r. and lMr. o'hn ley aud fam- ily, of Clueke lUcionl, callaed 0'onMrs% A., G. Darlingten auud Bill on S day. Cancer Signais 1. Aycru~?~ cae eo cele, r c 1amoe or xvat. 2. Auy sea hat willil ethiel, pa-ý ticulariy abouit tlirenouti or uipc. 3'. Any unasual diccha'a eorirlai ing- from any body cpenling y meun eau- rer n' immediate ha a] r. needi' n, aspacial- provi Irans ~rsisls long- ~oîna Fcllewinig is the inuncial rpr for, Oronehyo System for tire yeur bii cetail, cho iug te asesnd lia- biltie, rceitsand expen-ditUre-s: Dislribu'liOn s-ystemo v erL.- baud................$-7,57410 SrtucligN quipeet, re- iscelianeous construction expense .................610 Tota liplnt.......$4330 Bank and Cash balane .. 3,79.28 Securitis and iuvastments 5,00AO0 -AccouaIs r-ecei --b-- 16.94 Equiity lin H.E.P.C. systerus 2.,30. 02 Total assats............----5 ,599 . 322 Fer, equity lun 11.1i P.C. sysý- lems $2,53.0 Foirlercsic......983 Otherresave......... 1,00 Totl esave........$ ,5)S0 140 Uniadio ADm'ÀeUr nJw! Mr Gen.Alun, of Newc-astle, ti Lon Cuba aturthoUew naMon- day venng, ebrary Ot1,11,nd pre- 1ened iît aGla dstený ie 17 -je-w el Wriýst w -thvws he onle picd !te ,enteriRay Plurdys Amateur Show in the nerfutue, Gln.did nothvelon'g t w his dcrteperfurm in tecnet asý h'e ws ale o apeuIr on na, Api r.In Lfhis ceaesLjt, asini th u elue la fecsli e sanlg (OldMar antIs bnld perf'ormeid, Glinn. wuc ugin cîamèdasthe first prizewnn. This hs certiny bicgiire a great deail cf h,îor te' Newcastle, te have cine cf ils singera-wiu iiu a contest of tRis naiture, with contestants compet- ingII from i111parpts cf the Province of OC.S. Literary Society Held Second Meetng The Second LoeayMen f thýe TieaySociety 11,s(he in la ono Towu h ll Ion March 24,un thie Gwnolyn Chat1ter-ton eine Ja, R2s, Taylor, then rendte iI ule cf the uImeeting whichwr adxoplevdý. The editor, BurvIanra Roiph, red heOu GiCiS hci as very nmuchi liabuitesreserveso surjplus .---$25 Earnings fic servic........--- 1mi1s éelia ne où Total aaruiings -- -----. Dictribulîin syd teml, eperal- tien aud miteac MaUter lmi ilenauiiýce. .. ses --- - alire1t lighRlepeale and -mintenac Billic and clkctin n rl Pesop ai dcc of mor d Graiýn ceir Not Be Used For v cf usinîg West 1ern grain miay have been f, seai i acle l lia 0 hueive-st, resulling dui n undii mus1 irefdis- lln auJpear yieldis. - Jon 1 MaLa. heie i 1atlie nosc Vo rus c. iTu ~ No- 'Il Total undi i41 cou, i