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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Apr 1948, p. 2

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,C11APT El-,X XI:Wcber find Valdez at Aldmnan's. Hle captures uafaandtiholds iberto litre Vaidez ilifo a trap. Chiapter XX uaiatrembîcd xiti fifry Af- fer aIi ber efforts a t sccrecy Somleonle at lasî n of ber con- nef-Ctionj with the scarlet-miasked rider! ,She was tbinikinig swivffly. Somne- how shie would bave 10 onrvinceý im h le was in error. "lEl Cabalera Rojo?" she repea.t- ed plinfïiively. "Senor miakes tise 1 sak.I nwno sucis eso. "Hummiiiph 1" "Yucan't cone that kind of talk over nme! Youi'rc bis lookout0man and 1 kniow if 1" juanitalagcd "But, senior," she, proCtestedl, '"1kn]ow of thatouaw as docs cvcryonie f rom here f0 tise border. Hie rides alonie, that one. He would not suffer Illef0 ick blis boots, scssor. Unitie mc, Let uis cal lisis big istake finiish-ed."' Weber 1broughit ber miount oe e side bier. "Tise big iuistake-," ise ýaid f iglitt\y, MiIl be finlishied wbien El CabaflercRojo lis dead." ~Juare wrong, senor !" pleaded Jnaýta. "B3y nmy tothcr's isonour I "Youi lie, curse yon " Clark Wb er ,Çarled. 1Me stood aver bler, a tense- inger on tise trigger of tise gun Ilhat wvas trained on Juanita's forelcad. "You wcrc attise Altimnan hioutise eothier 1nigit. Th isebcae here 1to nighft, and vou wý%ere standing guard for hiimi. If you lie againz, Fil kill u" To Juianita dce uea deatiswa insigniificantcomlpare w tbtie safcfy of Michae Valdez. Yct sise muist live, a[ least long eougs f warnl tdez of xxhttis man1befor lierknwo gnessed. alufr limle. I arn tiese trvait of LCais- allero Rojo. If la greafer bonortisan eveun1iy father drcamied for me.ý" Withl a bias laiglis Weber pickýed iup bis prisonrer, duimpect her acronss thec saddle of bier mnont, climIsed aboard imiself antI rode, careLýiss noin bis kowede isaIlewa dealing only wIiffi a -oulng boy. Sliortly Ja ifa oticed fisat ber captor was dropping tbrings as lisey rode on1-antI instant ly thbe ra for tIlaf was plainl! El Cabalilera Rojo coultI lot islp seig-n 1fo-i Iow.v A Slnd from tisesa(1die-skh3-t of bier m1ountif ber handkýercielf. A hare andIhond t rail f0 dea-thi! WVhena atlasIthieyrece a sinai group of bu)tildinigs ofwic a farrn- bouse and b 1arnl stood "ont in tis1drk vess as fisc largest, Clr Wbe siiffed bis prison-er of0 is shoullder amd gropeI)Ld wifh br lp a f lîgbf of crecakinig sfep's. Tisat fhey wr in fise ba wasIplaiiin firom fisc ixe ido)r s 0of tobacco andI horses. Julanita as f lunig iupon t ils s floon of ise hay loîf. TliselWbe lit a latrn ic-ke be up andI roped beir f0 aa c-ns tiat braced A paiff of Clark Webe's breafis againisîisr1e lanteml uplnged the lit- teýred place initodaks. "Yusec?" bie gofe "Aill1 hav f d nw s ait in tisedak Or miaybe until dan-hn .r tr.a1ýai canfie seeni." "Senior," JIanifta saidcokyyn are sat n very luIcky. But you ýwn thse t 'I'ges li e Ïrepeated, andghd rautcouIsly. "Feet f irst luî. 0u1nednt aste your bieath !tryingt(;>scare me." Hlis f et creaked en the pLankiis. juanifa cold heur him moving dowin below. ThDen, witb a,,)slanof thf baru door, she was alonte. Instantly lise began to tug and jerk and saw at the bonds,]but Aliber struggles broubt erebleednig wrists antI tired, wrchledrnces ",Iadr /;e de Dios!" sbe preyed. "Hlpme elp, Michael!" Outside( the barn, Clark Weber's enthu, si asi' kept bim comrfortable foDr an bour. Theni, witis the tbermiom- eter droppinig andI the ram which bad begun isbocrtly>after be had air- rived hlere wîth biis prisolier now, trinig tcisleet, ieshivereul andl klokd wtb envy at dtheos "If 1 could on1YLy eep wafch f rom iniside the bouse" be rumbîed, Sudn e started. WbMa afoo be b1ad beeni! If thlere wvas a lighit nritis e nrtVindiiowý, tbe kitchena wnoif would dispel thloom dar-k as far as this b)arnI door. He couild w;ait iniside, cýroucbed netiar thie wvindow. Thlere xotild be no dnge of mîissîng bis quariry> for llteman wouild biave f0 go into fiis door, since thcee was buit onieuetrance ta the uofI vhrctisaprioer was wit- ing. H1e Iburricd inuto thee bouse, avoiding Ellen andI Chet Maxon, Mwho0were seated by the glowig fire in tie iving rom.l te itchen, he hadi scarcely taken off biis bat ewben El-' len Mtood in tish oowy "MWere have you been dil day, Cak"shec quelied. "Did you Why, yur okd! Then she bhad bier firî-t full glimnpse of bhis face, and if f igbfiuieed er. "Wa' wrong 7",sje demianded. litin, e said sotv She studied hm."Yona u iea Maf tdat' justeaten tie canar," se observed. "btSso pleýasant ? iler -brother, Nwho bacdcorne f0 the doo-r and sfood besidehegned "Mýayelice's founid a goltI inie,' Chet saîd, and laugbed, Weber wanfed f0(boa aut wbatlbe actul- aly adfoud but could not. lle iight lbave f0 share isga;i i b did. So al be said,engaiay was: "nx eenaiouftonisme usinmess thaf fliunedouf pretty wel'l." (To Be Contnued) De:orati ýng YMur tHcme By Kay Peterson Parker Here ýiscexpe)rt madvicc on!1cvery- fbig from cboosinig tise clor of a lampIsohadem euaig space anW light cnrlin your oos WVifhtheaid of this book,yo wil libe critical of huie ald 'bc able f0 judglLe dsinwith te asurnc oprofeionl;you will no bowv to treafthe w ,alis and flooers, bhV ow 0iflîetyselect aud ar- range ,crugs and 11draperies. You tïwiL, know how tri arrange furnifure and, bow tfobLenid decorafive accessoiïes inito itb( genieral schemic, Decoirating You'r FHome a!IoitS you f0 -,give youir homie tfsc narmfth and qualîfy ltafmake if particularly yours, wle ',aI tise same t1ie ln- inig if a professionai senise of ihne and color. Tise aulthor bias Iilustrafed thse book, ith delighfful waîer color. These, comibinied with tbieClearly writtcn tcxt, give you> a book bt inspiafioal ad practical. Decorating Your Home - By ICay Peteýrson Parker' - Tho Ayeniori PreSs - Price $1.171 TheQulyTe T E w. ANN£ PwIj Your Handwriing, and You S&iex üt One UnassUming, Other Aggressive B, Mrn Ar1Io1t: ?lhank ý ou for the anialysis of mly handwritinig wh!ich d escr il) -d imy roaiyto the letter, I will adit that ev"ery trait of char er you liave lisýted is true. L would like you now10, to give me the analyses of two friends whosebandwriting 1I havec ocd f. writer, showing the question mark in the script, has a very c(-iotional nature and respo)ýnds r eadily to sympathy, and afi- 'tion.1 Thlis emotional. feeliîk. is not long lasiting for t: are sigrýs of readi- necss to forget quickly, r-ev_ ling t' t the writer is wvillinig to forgive alld 'forget and o verh. k the fanits of otheris. TheWr hias a mod0(est unassuming natuire, generous anid broadinided. Inlterest in the welfare( and educa- t. i of children is definitely shiowni, ;indicating ýability t, ounder;stanid thiem and tu, get the ms )t out ot This younlg lad1y sho-ws a great deal of fr'iend(liniess towards others but bias an] exclusive naitire, that is, she çhiooses friends with jgeat care, sbiowjing a preferencýe f ora few associates ratlher thani a large circle of friends. The second exampile of writinig, with the wrd"because" writteniý n the script, does flot show as deep afcinas that of the first wiier for there is more balanice tO the emiotionis. The writer takes, a practi- Cal view of tinigs and is niot likýely to be swayed by sentiment, The emlotionis are deep and shlede not forget thie righIts and wrongs of others readily but wîll hiold hier feielinigs lonig after shie shou1ld hlave forgottenl abouit themi. Th'lere iîs etaagnein the writinIg, indicatinig disre-gard for ismiall a"ld petty thiings. Shie is likely ito enijoy thie best aid inot f couint thie cost. Thle wrîter hias ratheri an agýgressi ve na;tuire anti goes after the thiing slshe wanIts in lii e. There is a tendencjcy to la fori-h future, to reach ont to gain, to possesýs aii tu attain heur ambition. The writer shiows a great deal of cbaneabiityin hier w' îti1ng and bas dlifficuilty ýin miaking definite deci- sionIs, She is ilined b bo le impujil- sive. ùfiten regrettiing thîs iplie nless whien thiere is tinlie for- refiec- tioni. 'Thlere is seitiveniess iin the scriptwtha ishow for inidependtenlce and self relianice. Talkativeniess is also indicated withi incliniations to be frank In ail that sie sy Assysse ishi G aMore com;pte analysis Please Senid sl adee Ston1:pcd evlp f ,roomî 421, 73 Alde!oiie St. Wpesi, 7T;oosto. There u nýo Charge for this Service. Tho i -. 1Regîs Pilo Sheweî a m aelîea * ninele, 5.50 TEnd U Ste plather Unf ai r To Wrfe's Sonls W E 1HEAR a grea t deai abo"ut stepmlothler-s being uinfair 'to tie cldren -ilof fthe mlen they , inarry, Bu( everyno anIthen a ]et- fer comIes f0 mie from a widow w- 1 -wbo has imar- ,~< rIeaga.iin, apd -' ~ wbo ýfiinIds hier hubndujusf and even cruel to bler younlilg sonis. It is a predlicamlent indeed, and foýr everynnie concernied. Thie mani uiidoubteýdly -cromised ',0 raise thec boys as bis own, and prbbyin- tcnided if0 shiow lo dfernebe- fime ifdoen'fwork oltuf taway. "e1, to f ecrfia a is steeos. hogh the(ir motheri raies bem carefuîly. hbecatit if indu11 leCe. H(, thlinka theyv neesi a mn'sdicipin, atIprocceda tri apply) 1,if. Shie eelie lt unn1eces- saLrily strict. Aidtise hueb1 is * The bushand antid wi fe 1l\ve * each other. They blave no-)other * dîfficuilfies Iban those raîsed y *the presence of these wosoniis. *t If oud eem that txvo ;itelli- * genilt,-a ff ect ion)11aifepe'ole cCot11d *0l corne Il soe 1comr om11i se, i f e acbi allows for thle emof tiouns THE HUSBAND'S PART * Perbaps if a cFisis arrives, at dite iefec s sbe imusftake e *sons andI leave, lber Ihusisand wý%iI *reailize Ihe musf emiploy cex t rat- *ordiniar-y slf - conitrol and turu * ver the wbole training of the 1) boystli 10 the ir mther. if lbe * realizes ithatloferi-%:sce be mus * lose bier, Il;- will gîve in. To-ý 'I makýe ifcasier for- bIime-lt, lie * migbit rememlber tliat thecse boys, * have certain admirable qulalfies * whic lise (can itpprcçiate, ajtd en- *co-ur-age, andI ha can wif their * loalfy by some show ýof affection. *It is a grave situlation indeed, a7i antIe thiat lias separated maniy *i acouple vwbo blad ho(ped Ifor *sucbl a differeult life tgtsr TO "E.KY"-If you miake yu bushand undcerstandibàtaf c-ithier Le and our oys efaongbeffer or. you cannot stay wif lim, 1I thlik be wvill m-take a g1c(ree ffort. If oudbe tragie if you had f0leave. Try f0 appeal tof0 is seulse orfjus- lice, as wl as blis affection for you,. andtilte lnced te holi te home togeftiser for the sake of tiseý othfler children as wcIl. (Ask your buisand if bce'd like te write- me hqow ble feels abouit thie boys.) Wbenl a Yrnofler',s heart is tom ;between bler children andI becr lhusbandi, slie bas a grave chloice f0 make. Peýrbiaps Annle H1irst . Cani hclp. Write bher at Box Aý, Room 4ý21, 73ý Adelaide Street WVest, Toronito, Stair Mats Rubber stair mnats whicb ae- becomel faded tan be given a e le-ase0on smalparrancby appi - cation of a coat of clear lacquer, or- by polisbling witIl floor wax, As some types of ruibber res'pondi belter fo onec treatlment tisan an-other, it is suiggefcdth-at botJiis metiodsbe lt-led tion ua singîe mIat befor7e de- cidinig wbich on-te is bef fer for tise particildar imats ivlvd Wonderfulnes New Fleischimanni's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast is here-ready to give you -perfect risings, deliciaus breads in super-speedy time. No need to keep ie in îlhe icebox-New Fîeischmann's Royal Fast, Rising Dry' Yeast stays fresh in your cuphoard for weeks. Always there-ready fart- workc when you need it. Just dissolve according to directions. Theni use as fresh yeast. IE YOU BAKE AT 'HOME-order a month's sup4ply of New Fleischimann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast from your gfocer. Once youttry -it-you'll always use it. Bv Rv RIdarlayWarir God 's M"e ssag e Io APepeI- Golden Text: "A new beart A-- will give youi, ;and a new spirm t, î putwxfh yowu ad I wifl a away the Stonly heart ouf or yor flesîsand 1 wull gve you au Pae; of nueh" Ezekiel 6 2 jeua as tao Ls of us do t ssy it pas Commun for the people of Israe tut blaue their troubles un toewohad gone before fbem, antI tink th; ey were be-ing punisbcd. for their forefafher's sins,. fot for theuir n. T,e faLtrs have catea sour gae andtI tec children's teefh are set on edge" was the 1way one Bilclwr;tcr put it. This is a charact istif huma atr."If thie str' smeni at the c 1- of ie -fir t great war bad only been w viser," we say; andi fiý, of that , nd.- Bu e ae rrors f00; for wbî epossessa inherited tenden- csdeveloped by enirlollmec.nt, we. cannof blaeeOur sins on eitber b-e dify or envirolimenit, for weý have wîlls of ur own. We are not bielpless vidtim- cf w-bat bas gosse before. We are ,is-ec al agents. If wo enontiue mnsui we are iin dI g1 of ctcrnai dealet. "Thé soul t1 f sinneuthi,it , aldie" wýias Ezeý- S..Ezkiel Scrght to10turn tbe exiles from the belief that: they suffereJ 0only from1 the sinis of their fathers, urging thicm to sclf-examn- ination. But e also brought a graicionis messaýge of comifort--"Tbec Lor1d is a sheidherd whlo wilI gather' lis sbeep tbat have been scattered," foehrwith theicpromnise "I ,wil seek tAt wbicb vas Iost and bring back again that abicbi was driven awayqa, at.WilIbind up thatwhich wras boe and strenigthen ta whîch was sick." Thiere is also a promiîse ci spiri- tual cleansing-"Ye ýshal bce dean1 f rom all ,your i ti ess .Ye shaîl be my people and 1 wmou be Yomr GotI. Ezekieî' message, tbough direc- ted to the people of Israel, is One for us today as wel-amesg of wýarninig, buit also one of hope. FURNISHD $1.50 WJ 4682 f Sed ntIfiPatfern 4682, thse won- der-dres -,\f h only THIREE maini palferfi pats! Say.e pvecious ev ing lime, make thiis new beauty with tise lpoputýlr swvir skirt, tiny waisf! Pattern 4"82.corns in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18ý, 2 0. Sie 6 akes Y yaIrds 39-)iincis. Sent TWENTY-FLVE CENTS 125c in coins 4(ustapacnnot be acpe)for this pafftern tri Roomi 4t73Adelaýide, St. West, Toronto. Pnint pliniiy SIE, AME, îïeSF EEVENE J A C KMON -COL E NaIAA F&ZLL Ope. - <).N.1.TA'flOL

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