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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Apr 1948, p. 3

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cipcHoloWEIS 0 GIN G ER FA RM By Gwaudolinie P. Clarke Weaeal-ready for the Eie aad.Panner bas bad a ongde la ýcad baircuit;obis home f irom the cast Ia is bs.igand ifoot and ihae 'a luew-old coat Alld wceesa we;tadse Wel, wc doui't w à, makte compettintoc, keen 50 I rathar i-fancy ne shai fot habcr kar fwrm hme. Buitt I aut i teau ltemr about Ithat ca.I r 0tsr o t age but Iknow il jn'tlsaha fiftýeeo ycars 01d. My mte-n lawsenit éta ome trm EnMoan. I worc it for- seVetal years bu)lt it showd asoh1el 0no igu ofi vwear- ing euI - nlot aven lîthie liniulg. It ha camne frightfullly ont of date soI StaIrted usIýing it for rough \%aar. P.uetysexral butos ere is fing; thic iuling ùM ana lcevawas rip- Pad ioase; thie insida of ouac pockel was stif f ,cuv fa ccdn ith anY egg,bult the ýcith was as goodl as ev(!, aïnr ot 01in use ýcit Ihung in a ~ cuphor red for cithes fit only for haro- chores heooy thing tbat svdi f rom (destruiction wasth ,le caud(ition aof the coithand 1th1Ufact tIsa it was too ouI of date, and 100 bahy, fo r ay of tdaelahing drives. This spring, dunîng mana of Moy bouselig spals, Ihe aid coat came A hht agAn. Itrid ià on.. -. it was juýst the rigit lngth). t cas doulbaesed and tao tigbt, buIt cbangnit tlfoaa ingl-býrütsted style s5000 remedd ta.The sae ling, I SooO ,faund1 e, was really n1 damagd excet for OIha Iig sart at Ibe saitchn;be mrsof tha in- ing sud the clotb lîsaif was ailmost sgoad as uasdfibare ab a- soluîteiy 1no igu of nmath. 'Now swr e",Isi msaif, P"Auldone get s pieca of clotb Delixethtta- day? This is ohviously a job for the cieanei-s." Sa 'Ihat is whsî bfap- Vepned. The othücr day 1 wore flie coat for thle fir-st lime. ata raisad his ayebrows - "I like that coat or'yau"ihasaid, "wer nsd '2deu ldid you b 1tiy it?" Sa yon sac -'kepa sthing long ane- ougli and aid fashionis becomie new fashionls. Not that I rcornmandlii keeping stuiff around like that as a yïule thera ié too much need af it abroad. Bad Ilean dtufne ta larsk thiisscont nor- aeèýf' I y dting thea -.itwould probaly ba walkîng around u Engiand by ilaw - or qIaaeRursia.Thn Sgnoodoasa it is fot in sa nwy 11y, buit its a du-i1, dli day. Ramn bas cvidently beau f sling staadily ail night - usd i is aill raiuing. Butf Partaler is feing qite lase ît him-self. Yestarday maru-iing ai- j though it was warm nsud auny ParI- ner said - "Thaere's somaithiing eom-; ing, Finmsuire -Tippylhas beau undser suy feet l ail ornrng. 1 I ibink 1 had butter gar uip oufihe roof and sec wbý,Iaî I cao do abot Wt Tippy, i shoid apaiis aur wý,eatber prophat. She is mare sctedaoi wind! and lthundertrma, than auy dog iaver noua, 50we always know, by bier actions when s sorm isà brew. Patiner didn' waiî f'or the 'weathier tabra - ha gaI s cati of tar anld want .after the haies inii he kitchan r oof. 2afre h ,wasa lrough thare- was a slighit sprinkling -pralude ta a, rea-l dawin por - buit flot sadrop of ram did WC get in tIba kitchenI. It is surpris- ing wbiat a tl patching at the migt tuerne a do. One day lait ,week I imagine mioal, farmï-ers were feling Somawha-l,_t jit- tary. The weathaurman biad promnised thtu afictampalirature wuddi-rpta -r" tan dagrees :aboya zero, That 'was lke ounding tbe daath-kneili 'foar winîer whaat and claver, And the 'wbet loked so prorsig. AnS then ur m fars were ground,s 'There wass ardly auiough Frost ta hardan the top of dibtground. W didu't imimd thc eï aabflarma, en wrong at ail. __________________________ n1>' 0I'eiW it* il fAc I u >rmy fî - ,n"/AJDi4-v u u HORIZONTAL U, S:- Arr-y IO2nd - B G.rden <aboyai 12 Begistered nýurse (ah> 13 Loud 14 Iluwaian bird 15Bi-rn 16 lndonesjan of Mvindanano 18 Baiinman's kuots 20 Coin 21 Shout 23 Seinas 24 Coffin td 25 Scofl 27 Propel acrocss a body of water 28Low sudhili 29 Beains 30 Indian arny (ab ) 31 Part of "be" 32 Abovýe 34 Variable star 37 Bridges ,38 M,1ake inoIa 40Or fear that 41 Royal Italian faisily ý nine 45 Che-w ;upon 46 I1ndividu ai 47 Sleeping visions 49 Fish 50 Meaýsura 51 Theracfore( 52 Operatr solos E NATO A0 54 Id est a) c ~CLYDEKE E -5 Public notice ST ý OE1E-P4 56 Abuse YERTICAL 01 U5 POT * a 1 carts PA-A IN ~ 4 Maie oasrinig20rey 41ymofo 5 Prea Cs 22 Assuasive erbium 16 Indîian 24 Shining 42 !Lina 0of 7 Bir's ome 26 Erects Junction a Cali for heop 27 Skeletn 4 A fen rish at sea 32 Unclosed capHia 9itainriver 33 Uro 44 Manis name 10 Restraý-ins 35 indu(i queen 47 Per-iad 11 nrss 36 Original naine 48 Wa*s seaed 17 On tihe of Nova Scotia il South sbeltered side 37 Sianl Curoiîna (ah 19 Elecitrici unit 3-9 Brdcal 53 Seniol (ab T -4 iii ~ j 3 33 - 1<11 35 1364 ___ [5 550* ?' The Popul.xar Potato No maltr 1how',imsiP t is pre- parad yoýu Cali neyer gel tirAd of a goadpta-ht is, af cou1rse, if il is csrafuilly cookad sund sarve2d. Baked Polajoas ara versatile. Baka than wih ther skiuson sud pick tbem as 00 as tlh'ey are ramiiovad frari the hast; if you jat the seain ascapa, you pravuit tie from hac- caiog soggy. Sereini plain, or with butter, or-.-tuff thern iwitb laIt- a,.er mepats o)r egetablasý, season t, yc base wih brs sud Spicas ga e. Steamed Or sotaa mai; Ioerule is "iu Iheir jacketis." Serve uupeelad if po- Isatos are yauulg and fthe akins brigbt, or pecel an-I dallinb itad butr(baconi drippioga yu1l do thec sane Iic),pikie ocwith choppa parley or dilI , r ebives, or brigbt- an thecolonand tase withpaprikia or any baerb, su-h as marjorani, for inistalice. Yu çan daap-fry rsw potatoas, ither eut ;mb piaccesor siicad tin -- or you eau pan-fry thanli bplanly a acndopfns Boled in jackets Boiiig pataos ià deir skins il0 111oY prevents asage inpel ioig butf coniscevs tha gaodnass tao. Seu)vieilprickaven viitba fork. so saiteau pantrate, bareiy caver wilh bot watar inwhicb you put ana rounded tea-ponon aIEatta aacb 2 lIba vglala.Bail steadi- ly, nol vigorou ', Wti juat tender. (Test vvifibthin malltaI akievir.) Drain dry. Serve as s;oou as pos- sibleaflarcookig. When potatuasar e peaed hbee cookiig iuse s potato peiear so thlat as Iule as posible is wa'sDo ual' let thei iSoak ini water aý long lima hafore cookug. How ta'Wbiten Potatos At +hjs tuei of ya2ar ceýrtain varie- ties aIf potatoas MI5rni dark iný color dutring cooking. Th'Is dankan- ilig mlay ha emadIC(iad Iif s littIe lama, juicec is squiceazad averte drined ,-egaLable iin aproportion ofa s taspoonfuta 0each pound of potatou ansudhIba -al u gatly shakan aven- the heuat. A litile vinacgar miay serv-e icli Iha sainle purp-josa thcuji il is not qite as, fetv as laron juic. 13ofled To m Mash Eveal witli canafu ,caokiuig, ta- wasdtif eand of the seaqan potsa- toas are in)clinad lta gel miashy. Ti' a trial, but thare is a rmd -t, band, tbough you may nIeeýd s Mmoe ta hdp youi. Lay P cdean taa-cloth Over a basin and £ip the potata0es with al thair liquid iota1 it. -HoIlg the twa ends of the clothi, drswv the long aidastogether sud SMoaven and aven6tihIe pottos are enclosed. T'len twist the clotb ini opposite directions dliiah water us out. The patatoas wil ha in a light flaury bail and clear Iiquid xwlYh lut hin de bowl. Ii the days of Kiuig Alfred, mutch of Enln wia bog or shallow And Sa On.- "Searary wark," sad IcolM- la-ge poasr "tend(s ta lessan the endurance." 'Un ather words", the stdent but- ted in, "thie mnrcore na atliea es ana cao sand." "Eatyretorted lhIb rofessor., "sund ifan lias a gre2at deal onec's s,tnding is bast cmlll I -~ - -- -~ TEEU*TUWN TOPICS __________13y BARRY MIJRKAR evrlwe uzs ago, wve told you that we *oufld be wri-nLastory oa the case of JocSiiy This is a truie story and Joe Smliley7 is the niarnie \we'ltuse son for wvrîting t~ V' the story at ail, is ta mrake you hiaerdit. After heai-ring the stary bhînild joe S m 's lifa, I1 na 1I a s ot.' tu ha, tbanikfui for - and 1I tinki youi will feel the saJine way1. Ifirsýt met Joe on a picnlic at Niagaral Fails a few y -ears ago. We met on- e train. Ta me, he was ini aluothar guy wVit' an office job and uno particular %worries. Brother, i was wrn-g abouit im. That boy COUI4d cartasnily caver up a 'Lot of mneýr feig ithtat sinile a bis. il s(earna that Joe livas with bis Moili d0,dsd. That's flot unuisuial,j but Joe's dad happanis ta be a chiranic drinkar. By triade he is an initariar deýora1tor. Be milakes good na11y, but it doa2sn't miean, atgta o ,orliis morn.Wen evaer bis pop finiishes -a particular jab), Iha disappears for fouir or fiveq days-. EventulIly ha comats home unlsha-veni, kmta'nd usully sick. Be islys arounid the hlouse for days et, end uandthen beliegoas on an- ai' r job and the story is repeata2d agaiu. As lrI mentionad earliir, Joje is an odnr guy vith an ordinary job. Hie"] probabiy aiways be an oriuaryii- guy, with anurdn ary job and ike ima-niof is feliow men, hau faîl in love. Be wanted Io get rnar-ried ý ýd thiat was quite a strnggla ontthe onyha, was makinig, First off, tha -girý leha was to team uip vitil decided( she want- ed a baby-grand iano.Weilio eau see wbat a belp thiat waa ta Joe. The worst of it was, slie could't play thie piano. WelSir, Jaoc L4ked bIis miotheri in] u letting hm hav two roomls in the uît of lber bouise. -Naw, Joe bias 1hean ,workinig for about I10 y 'rs. Wben hefirst started wý,or - ilng, hat bougbt a bouse for bis mom011. Be knecw she woufdid neer bave a borna of ber- own utnles habudid. Be took a -. irtgage on the place anid Still psyinig for it. Bis s mothier said hae could b1ave the two roonis upstafirs at the back of the blouse for a niifty littile piece of rent. Y7u cani sea whecre Joa is takinig a basýt- ing t a ellike Ithat --payinig a big renit for two rooma si0 a boirnalha is buying. Weli that is the way àt goas-. Oua day before hae was married, Toe wa1S lookinig aroundic in thie cllaie founld a smsil table. E..- ii ninsg ii closeiy, hai could sea that if it was scraped dwnand refinished itwul makce a nice andc- taible.c- Bisimothier saidlhacouid bave it, Enolha went ta work wýith, the s;audp v r and -boý gr-easa. Ouac day the father came homei with a few unlder bis baît - juist enauigh ta0put him iiin that lhelpfui mood, Bie tok Joa(ý's lhaitfinishedu table and startedi latheringit up1 withi dark varïish stain. It didn't ml-atter ftaTJoe wanitadl a ligbt color, or that it wsntsandald downi Brusbing WiII MAake Vour Dog Handsoma enlough for Stainling. Haîf way thro-gh the virnish job, thie f ather got fed up with it -- anigry is thse word. Be sent the table flying against . the wall, kniockýinig off two legs and cracking it 1-a.f way hIrauLgh, Joe feit badj about it, but got over the deai n time. Eventually he was married, Bappy WVeIl IJe sy hje is, but thien thiat is what he ould say anyway. B' been mUt- ridf,,r manthiils and bis wife has been in the hospiti thiree titiles with this, and thiat and thie other. Bis dune father keeps trying to mress ulp his life by initerfer.'ing ini ail biis affaira. At Christmnas the faý hler and a iew o f bis cýIrnies borrowed Joe's car witbolit akn for it. Two. houirs later, it was smnashIed balyn d rcgiin There iïs more to, the story thaun thajt. His Wife tao,hle arnied toi late, jis !seokachiranic diner tH wnt with bler for thiree ye-ars arid neyer knecw ber t, touch a dirap. She nrags 1dmn: from the timie lie gets home untîIl he gaes ta) work: about havinig to live in two roamrs. She nlags -bhout bis smlali salary anid about nat having a lot of neýw clothles. Bis m-othe-r tiniks he Sliould start, paying more rent and fur the Paýst f ew ý mnfits is fathler haýsni't warked at ail, Everime bis pop can corner him in týie bail, lie tries ta mnake a tucbi. The roof alrnost goas af f whnie doesn1't get Thie othr ay Iwallked iotao Jae Smîiley's office. Bie was buý,sy going thraughi a pile of papers. Whe11n - called ont 1a greeting, het came aver i a smile on, bis face and the warm hadsakeI ad flot f ait for svriyears. , taok hIim ita, lunrch anid Webad a chiat about a lot of th-,ings. Be told mielha was gttiïlg along well. Ble was happily mnarried, he said, and lhad big plans for the futuire. Ble hantany idea thlat1 knlow his real soy Big plans for tbe fIue eX ue b flot? There's aiay ite chanice a feliow miay get a breakal. Thaere is a, guy whao really daserves one. You Lknlow wbaticman now? if liappy (or try ta be) and miake plans for thie futuire, whiat kick hiave 1 coming? Hlow abouit you, filend? Feai flhc Saile as I do? An Alibi? A Negro was pleadïing b'is owýn case ta savthte price of a lawyaer. BTe calied the chief -witnaess ta tbe stand sud saîd: "Joshuta, wbiere was I henWe stole tbosecbslck- eýns" .Are you going tbirough the functionaI m ýdde age' per od peculiar to women '388to 5" yrs >9 3Joea this maka you auffer from hot flashes, feal s e nevos, lgh- strung, tired'? 1hen Do try Lydia Eý Pinkham's vegetable Compquud to ralieve suchïSymptomas. Pinkham'a Compound also bas wliat octors call a tomadil tOD ie affect'. LyDIA E. pINKIIAMS CMON wtkCalumetsVuleAto1Ô ~AMILIES can't get eNougb of batter puddings - even the thrifty kind -in ou use Calumet Baking Powder. For Calumet as- sures feather-light, tender, melting goodness in batter puddings . as ini ail your baking. The secret or grand Calumet results~ is the double action., In the mixin.g bowl, about 1yA of the Ieavening îs released The second action - you:jr special baking protection - cones in the 0 ven. It will flot be lout -or tirred out - lu flot affected 1-y interruptions. Follow directions on the titi for any recipe. " CALUMET ÀQ. eO 'rt SMUKNG' POWNER CpSA UCEMXy0 *2tPac4cd 5)G9or, Flra3 y TABLE TALKS gm 1 You woud'twar a coait that is mamtd with grime and dust.* why shnoudd ur dog? A Sleek - looking, well groomed pooch, is one you wl be proud ta o\ Cpiidd bis appearan-ce is actuaiýlly an advertisement of yu good Three factors that contribute tel a dog's healthy appearance are: bala-,nced d(iet, cdean sleepinig quar- ters AND abave alil,da groomn- ing wihbriish and, orcoma.ý Cippinig ïs another question ta cornes uip as bot w\eatheCr ap- proahefis. Experts 9agree thait clip- ping is a, big miistake sinrce the g's coalt prutects -ïn from the sun and in1sectS in uum ie.i nd if clpeit lighit not pgrow bac:k in timie for the CLOld weati et ini the Fo iei advice on you;jr dog'S diet, g oig exercise, bousesS breaingaudtreatmvent of iliness, sece auir RacService Dag -,Care boaki' Jincludes 20 jllustrate'dI esoa ir teaching tricks adae lence. Senîd TH' T- '.CE NT S ( con)for "H1ow To Raise and Traili Yotir Dag" tý Reader Ser- ve, Roon 4-21, 73 Adelaide St., WetToono.Pr' naine, ad- dress, bc klttitie and No. /8. *SydnIjey anidMebun bold abot onieihird af thie population af As tralia. miserable, draggy- Iow in Tî in spirita, perbaps yen éon't tinîîk of jour idneys as Ling t. me. Yet faultykid- neýya nay ften cause backache. heýadaChe, rfheurnatlc pains, slisturbed rest or fth* treot"feeling Tbhat's- the time te get and use Dodd's ,K i>iey Pilla-. Dodd's 1help your kidneys to clear th-- trouble-rnaking poisons3 and excess acids fron thes ystern. -and give yon a chance ' feel better, work better. Cet Dld's.Kiney Pilla today. 141 Dodd' kidnyPill

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