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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Apr 1948, p. 4

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ORONO -WEEKLY Ti The Orono Wlseeklly T'1ies tising Rates on rust .Subseription $1.50o Our up-to-diate job Plant. Orprices are re to ls, and ou-r wok s of the best ed every Thusdy orniniîg at the TImes offie R . A. Forrester, Publisher Established January, 1937. When Father Papers the Parlor What would we dIo if April and Spring1 did not make thieir an- i retura. Whore would we go o seek that renewed suiùnmons to ?w up the old house, apply niew wa mppepint the woodwork 1work up th waiting garden outside, These days fmad people looin,g around for g-ardon seeds, new in- tools and finally foer -a few roîls of wallpaper. Yes, w*e do ;e to divido our attentions between the domnain euOtside, and'tho nestic scene witlin-i. We -wero talk'1iiag to a champ the other day as took home the above-iieiitioned wvallpaper. Said he, "-t hato the of biaingi1 walpaper, but the, womon,.think, it bas te be doue. ae eld papar always looks good onough. to m".Well. t1here it is. & old paper 2.lways çoes ilook good to the moire mUan. P.rhaps it is ýoo'd tbing- that womon doniaand someting new and dffamj.ent;, Or erwviso we would have net only the depressingly dinýgy walîs of teryear and the year before that, but we would lhave wallpaper Is wihose dies and ols would be iie. We suppose it is just thiat anme sort of stainhtcroateus rand for almost everyt-hing.0Of couirsegod lika shoes and tor caswear lout in aniy case. The formeQr walk --and the latter ru-n 3 tboy bboth succumb o the ravages of timie. Goýod oild wallpaper 1paint sort of fade awa-,y even C as do , tbe proverbial old. soldiers. y neyer dlia until somepresie woiyen sigas the ,deatb wam- t, ai-d the cbiief mournprs arc' nsually the men of the bouse wboc Indly c'urse the change and inconivea.ýiece April brin'gs. Import the Goods A splendlid play was Iruh o town last Fr.yMUYby the Wý. A. Park St. Gburcb. Frbroe a tidly sum of nimioey -was realîzed s latter foaiture wa-s parameunt in the id of the ladies anly- y. You never heard of a -Womnan's Asciýcation,, a Wom-an Guild or old fashioaed ladies wAihicb- did niot essay te miake inoney for coffers 0f th-e laeme church. ATT we have V'o say is "T.-he ladies, The ting tliat strikes us in this instanjce toh is tbe com- ative case with wichl last Friday's returas were raîsed. We halve ýn these sainme local ladiîes work ike Trojans providfing supper, iquets an'd plnys of thir own preparation. We could achieva equal DId if we COUICd iiport" a playoceoaly just as wa did lnýsit day. AliT that is necessary is the support e f the commi-uniity. Dum,ng> the war, circumnstaaces pr.eveated the ho1lding Of oo ny~ "hua feeds". We are net ov-erlooing the social aspects Of ý,herings that inc'lde !Tnchosý or suppers. We Tcare eimply puitting- a pùlea for fthe ýTjJ b ýýý, f _weiefolk WbJo nrUstbarthehr lte ve ork ailêd by sucb fuaicions. For oýnýe atat we have c udproof tt fuiids m.ay be raised wýithOut resorting V9 o "t" We do0 noc Il for one ,iomienit bowver, that an aend 'wilT ever come V o the ;toui sa long establislied - that of ei.gpopfle on a cashb basis.ý ,n the ladies for whom -ý.ve plead Weul1d prombly be theI first ta, ly o tbe dfonese of fo(-od and -foodapel As cubges, wo va beaui too well scbiüooTad ila a timne-hoaored art wray e niay tb on fj-e t swzoop, eat eur way toward financý'ial independenice an)d te indigestion. REGISTERS aubhorized te sýeII by! at East ½o o l s1 Twp., at Ballyd-uifr rday, April lOtlb, the r. E. Wr$gb-t, bis en-I fnrin imrplneants, tc, ,hrses, 2 ,adci t îy, eats and red do - nd aiT bis im-nplerIetsJ No. Rýesorve. R.J. machine, àd111pra Ss, ecirCular sanw,'2 leadier, sida dleive )rayer, newfrtizr chains-, teools ef il piano, radio, dishes, uni cash. Sec bills. IIAYDONDALE GRASS CATTLE SALE i150 bond of cattie, incluffing Smig ors, Grass Cewvs, and l_Ï1/syerld up Vo 2ya-l Steers and H-eifers. DURHAMS, lEREFOR--DS and POLTJED ANIGUS Alctl well itored, excellent condition for grass, al, deho)rn cd. Wc wil liver ail ctl direct Vo your! ranch or farmn free of charge. With grs rgtat band do not -m-iss thisi saa.CattTe are of ecletquiity,1 mnostlyslctdf'rom wveTT bred herdsl of hihbeef sadn.Sala wilT ho haild at iRsydon Fa,i 10 miles noirth of BowmiaaviTTe, 1 mie ast oýf Euis- billon, Dnriliagtoa TOwnsbiip, on Fi- dlay, Apr>il lth at 1.30 c'lieock.ý TERMS CASHf E. . Werry & Sons Ted Jackson, Ili ItI'ir4L >: cdbenosag0oed driver is oeawbio is ina%,>ood and nnytacincal knowledge for eperating a OWeii is go- physica condition, oeawbo bas the thing nst vehicle and the skill VA apply that Ja ck Reid, kelegaad moe important, a good driver is oaa Who bas the Érit attitude toward V-he othar flo.Oaa ? The On- who, in short, praccs courtesy, bw,,ays says cauition an(!cmmn(ne -END SPECIALS )e H-ose, reg. $1.25, for $100 'ts, reg $1.45,.,.-.-for $1-19 WV"els, reg. $1.25 pr, for 98t. lie;, large and sutall,vai spic . ANNOUNCEMENT The Wýoma'>-n's AsciinService Park St. Çhurc'b. Tha ,guest speaker wvill be the Rev. -Victor Mooijey, treas- uTer 'of the Uited Church ef Cau- adai. Special music lby the' Eveninig Aux-iliamy ;wilT be anl addled aIttraIctioni. Ail ladies of the congregation with; their famiilies are espccially invited1 te attenid' the service. Enivelopes 1bavej blfeen igiven to il miemýbers ara to take the place of thie aùnnual caiivas ef 1945 and 19461 C ?Ie DauttffuI CAPITOLI PORT HOPE Thurs., Fr., April 8-9 "THE TREASUIRE 0OF SIERRA MADRE 5 W,,ith Humnphrey Bogart and Walter Huiston Saturday Onkly, April 10 'HELDOR- "'PlE ADO" TENDIER Roy R~ogers &,VAS Gab . HYes"1Joe E rw 44GREEN DOLPHIN STREET"l With Lana Turner, Van Hiefin and Donnlîa Reed Sunnylea, N.ewcastle, bias vacancy for lady. Coinfortable roomi, nlourishing food. Rates reasonahile. Write Box 116, Nwate -lp GEORGE YORK Orono Ontario' A-gfnt for the Exmfpire Wall1papers ard tLhe Water P'roof 'Wallpapers (rgnlWhite Rose), ea m portfoli*o a oî vely aIlpapers vn inigs. Yeu wl be saîisfied, Before Selling LIVE POULTRY Try nme MIy Prices Are Higlier M. FLATT B3ethany R. R. Il Tel. 7 r 13 Reverse Charges JIM,11CAIMERON LESKARD, ONT. Electrio Riud Acetylene Weliding Cyclinder Blocks and Heads -Specializing in ALUMINUM AND ZI 1N C BASE M ETAL Phone, Orono ý1 ring 5 Ordex your COAL Early For A Sure Supply 0f The Famous Reading Anthracite OROINO COAL & LUMBER HEAR PREMIER GEORGE -BREW DISCUSS "THE ADMINISTRATION 0F JUSTICE IN ONTARIO"ý IN -1 QUEEÏNS PARK REPORT N,, 12 FRIDAY9 APRIL qth CFRB SÇ60, at 8.00l p.m.ý EMPLOYERS MUSITOMAIN NEW UNEMPIGYMENT INSURANCE BOOKS A"il1947-48 Unemiploymnent ,Insurance Books expired on March 31st, 1948. New books will be issuaed by theý National Em-ployment Office to employers, but cylly whenl old books are completed and turned in to t1he Office Employers are urged to exchange Ulnema- ployrnent Insurarice Books inimediately. Penalties are provided for failuzre t om iy UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION ~A. MUCHION, . MSON ~ J TALON FOR SAL-E* 500e Chick oiT Brooder a-nd one 500 Cliick GCoal Brooder, b'th uised; also co 800 Chicic Elect4 ic Urioder, new. tApbly ibo AienApplianýe Stoo, FOR SALE Reni-frewv Scale, Ten Clarke, 79) r 16. 'Capacity. FOR SALE Smll "]quantity Of I{ay; also i Ilorses 1V sutthe r-m a andis pockeçtbook01. A'pply Vo 'W. C. Evanis, R. R. i,. Orono. FOR SALE cit cres, ba, 1-n o ouse, LOt 10,ý Concession 6. , Glrke. Plenty sha,-de -and runininig water. .delpasture Tarmn elhude. Alex,. Hoy, PL _R. No. 4. Oshrawaý. c-3p FOR SALE One Bed Couci and oone Maple1 Des]" both in g-ood condition. ýApply,«. oMrs. O. W. 'Rolph, Or*o'no, a-Il -c. FOR SALE Castier OatLs, g-ood for feed or seed. 'borne _Robbins, Les1kard, Phone 54 r 13, Ooo -2p FOR SALE Seed Grain - Beaver Oatsand Ajax iOatLs, aad Barb.-ýoff Bari.ey irixed'b, Erban O isiad Barb-off -a. ley Çmxd.Apply EZ J.Brow, hone 6r 1), Orono,,.c-l. * FOR SALE Eit Leister and one Dor-set Fiorr chodce breeing'P ewes, due Vo lab April S1th. 1 l2-tooth Deeriaig Culti- vator in good, cond"ition. Otto Coa- thamy, Phone orono 15 r 11. c-10-P FOR SALE QuntýItyof Mbieed Hay (lalf iad Timiothy). Rond o 0peni to barni for trucks. Archie Ho, ýPonitypool; Phoeflthany 20Ur 41. ORONO Furiture Hsia Reupholstering Repairîing Artiques Boughti and Soeid Kitchen Uits made teoo,(rder IC. F. Duncan Phono 749-16 - ORONO Radio Service! Ti.cembinatien ofepreno com-j plt, data on al! makes, and m rodemr test equipmlent wll nure PR-OMp'PT EASONABLE ANýD Cail R« L. MYLES Phono 7Q r 4 -ORN Given 3,Chee,2rfuýlly on Blowor Sym inches thlck, o. 57 Bleer St. te itive for ANITE Lawronoe C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicior BOWMANVILLE, ONT. W. F. WARD BARRSTER SOILICITOR NOTARY Office 825 Res;gdeàte 41 BOWMýýAN VILLE. ONT. VETERINARY DR. W. W. SHERWIN VETERINARY SURGEON Office Main St. Orome Phone 63 ;r 7, Oronto J.C C. MEY INSURANCE Fire, Casuaflty, Atmbl and Liabjility ORONO OTAI ManuactueraLife XInsurance cMe Dominion of Canada Gîener-al Hartlford FireInunc Waterloo Muftual Fire Inurance WaýDwan1esa Mutual 111suranco îs represented n ttis diatriet by DANE4ýOUND OROGNO Phono r9 If W it'ansurance, give Dan. s8L triLtî LEROY HAMILTON INSIRANCE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Fire, Autombile, Liabiity, Lif e, Hlospitalization, Pleate Glass, Burglary, Casualty Reprseningthe Loadlng A$EICA CO 1ANES Office, Main St. - QRONQ', Phon110es: Office .32 r 10, Res. i r la iPhone me--and 1 will cailito uit ye>Q. Estimates freely -given, noolie 1gation INFOriRMATION Wo)uldYeu 1ke.te knew moF*re aheu thi, folflowing? (a) iHew itewilI te yoUr family eu thouisand dollars that you haven't 79 (b) Hlow te guarantee a 4alarp cheque te youzr famlly *very moa'tb fer 10- 15 or 20 year% should yen b. taken out of the pcture ? (c) Hoewt have a salarxy choqlut ,Very month for yourself as long am yen livv, cemncing zat ago 55-6, or 65. (d) H0. ow eguarantee that your mon or daughter wll have the moneY for aneaon beyond high school? Lot us have a chat about -Ut soir- time. Phocno FRED LYCETT ORO-NO 18 r 1 AUCTIONEERS TED jJACKSON Auxctioneer and Valuator CondUcta Auction Sales of Ailaimes and at reaseoiabie rate. Cemmunkiat, ithhlm at ?e Porry! ûOntarie, or se, ie gClerk. ,A. !. Morteýn, at OïýRfonfr dato. JACKXRE ID Orono9s Lcne Auiction)Beer and Valuator. Specialize în Farm -und Funtr Sae

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