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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Apr 1948, p. 6

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ng on Abiity Dy PETER RONALD Aithougliheh's aictually twecnty- eigb lt vyears old-has beeni twice mar- îiîicd, once divorced, and i, the fatli- er of two chidr-cnl-most folksstl mlentally picture lbiim asa boy of seïentceen or igbltccn. FUi irst stage apaac-oeof the very f ew for wbhich hle reccived no finan,îciail treard-was at the age .f fifteei nmotis. Sbor-tiy after' achiieving bhis seconid irtbdcay lic turried po ssoaand àir one way or other bas been aiplpcariiig before the pulic as aq paid actor- ever sinice. Hce's only five fee, one and a half1 i- Ches tal, and se youthfiill ookinig That in 19J42-agcd 22-be was refused admlittanice to th-e H*iaicai Race Track on tlle ground that fie was a minor. His miother. was a, chorus girl. He was iined for bis fatber-a stage property mai, later omediai-anid for yenrs iknown as e YVule, fr. 11e lmd tbis nanluegaycbangcd, howevcr, to Mickey McGuiirc Rooney -and lbe's knlown 10 millions the w'orld over aRs plain Mikey Roonecy, one of tPie str-angest and most ini- credie figures in altPre fabulonis realmn of stage and scrceen. Ini The Spotlîgbt Nobody wPc knowýs hlm, or bias ever even melit Ibu icasni'ly,\wold ever accuise MckyRooney ofIbing lu ailysensýe a srnikvoe.Even bis best frienid, wili admit thiat he's rd. Bpt ith allI'tbeir' aility and rienlce, 001on re of them eve\-r cose te stcatiîng ,ia scenle oni tlIdeed, it wvas gulcerallY tPec way- varound.( ~atada con)1stanýt sceker after rîgbitest section of)[ tPe spotlï,ib. It 1unlîke meist peop)Ie of that lic baýs tPe goods te back up al lainlis. Ne hPappe(ared 0on tic n1 willb sncb]top-ranliking 2actors ýpncer Traicy-rememhe1,ýr "Cap- s Courageouts" and "Boys' iian Franik Morgan; it ssslike Lania Tulrne(r, Judy md Etbr illiam]s, Anin RtP- A Surprise Performance lat Pce did at President Roo)se- 3Inaugugration Gala at Washing- li 1941 is tyýpical of Rooney. Ap- ýng on the saine Lbih wîth, stars as Ciarlie Chaplin, Nelson Ethiel Barrymor-e, Raymrond ;cy and ther fainons figure-s, folks Cexpcctcd Mickey te do of tPe imitations for which bc long Pee"n roted. Whcn ie saýt 1at thc piano tfic audience start- Slaigi, thiniking he was aboutd imiie Ituirbi or seme' otier kcy- 1ccicýbrity, and prebably end iip anding On Iis lbad onnidl lat, or sonething of the -sort. t they sooii qieted down and strict attenition, onice tbley rea-- that fer a chanige R ooniey aî ing. For nincete nminutes Pt Pe laycd a tblrc-mlovem-enit 110o1v whicIh le himns2if 1had cern- 1. WPcen the solo ended thiere a ttmtult of appiause; be was ýd te tic Presidential Box te e congrittltions; and tileCcori- )r of tic Naýtional Sympheny tra setiously inyme i with ssucb talent,ýit was areal le wýas au acter, tbadl-csp)ccially wben ryeon- tint his oniy formrai miusical tt'or consisted of a f ewfft piano lessous wben he was five As "Mickey MacGuire" sinitiai appearanceconi tii c iwas a cigar-smel<ýîing zmldget lowif orgotten epic entitled* lids and Eninine" aund tarring tu Moore., Ticin, in spite - of comipetitien f rem ornle 300 ambilitions yountgýstersi,, and titir ctrs,-aise ini spite of bavinig locIs instead of tic dark hair art calicd frb secures the g rele of Mickey(H sef Àlir, a mo1vie acial based on 1;m F 's --oii strip ciaracter *Hew's, Your Water Supply?-TPcIi importanice pnrl \1'te and tie tervribledaer of polînion i ;i iinl illustrated iii nc\v Film Boaird picture "Onit B eyond Towni". "Out Beyond Town" The Benson faiýnm is typical (;ï rmany 1o be found1( in rura-ýl Otarjo. TJle lbousie, ithe farm nbildingýs, the fed-and evethe l old pumaplby tile kîitchen Ildoor . Al theuse !go to make Just utake 111(purnp l)for e(mjpiý. Mrs. Benon draws ber hi- louseboidj1( atrfrom it severlal timles a day.lý Mr. Belionwabeiupthrefo sp- pe.Yon al ofntn goea ;cfor a rnk. The ump lij)is 'a f ied a f ricindly 1l\nd hcere itPe irI'S c(ani,Ithe foo(d niIng dexr cise uniituj(. The years qpass, an,(: jýjhougb 'ie 'ený"lis do flot suspct it, the pump tlwyturns in!to anlnemluil oun Pau bcomeis il.l, ad is-taken aia to hs il is .aet r or -adpuizzed. I-Iow cao lad bel,- corne so)jm on so health a place asl afarn? . T'le doctor findstflanscr, nd tent'rlisecorbck i p. The well and pump are to, lae Ový- er Pcyers fthe wel)libas a(ccumu11- lated poi,)1S ;s andinfectionls g.r2, II and nohin s i one tocoiiter By Cordon L. Smoih Onle sbiould rememilber that the, buýsinecss (-f imrrovcýinig flowers and vegetales does flot stanid stîli. Treare straÂins and types today thiat 'vele moti e e xistence 1,be_ for tile war, and each ye a r thiere are somle brand new varieties. it i sudrulie fte1t-3 '. sometbiing new ecdiseasoni. thswayviety and interest will be addedi to thec garden. Even t he old stanidbys like Golden Dantain corn ad Rosy Mien petunis, to mention onîy two, have been vastly iiiproývcd.1 Plantbe~dr are con- staintly strivini.. for new colouirs, more disease resistance and hiardier anýd carlier plants. Much intLercst and valurecar be aid(ddAto ith garden by trying two cor thiree ncwr vaicties or types of vgtbe n flowers each year. ]Big Show For« Little Work A rcally wonderful shoýwng Cani be made with a big bcd of Pannulals and -,t suýrprisingï-ly little cost. Wherc space is available one should not crowd these tbings. Inded P Very lng bordlers along roadwvaysJ or paths it is possib)le to do mutchi of the preli iinary cuIltivatioa with a hand-drawyn or tractor -operatId cultivator. First the bed shoulfd be duig or eultivated thorouighly at leasct twice before the saitlls are sw or set onýt. Tis gets rid of the Weeds end gets the solli n good shape. For a long bed, thrce feet wide ip, abhouLt a inimnureq emn.Into this orle 1cn plant dozensý of differ- ent type RànnudlS, w th fe mae tllg$ eral~ fJ he firont, ýe bigg'er 'iigis att hre LittDm. For tiny th,ýingS like 'teîleh marigoldr. aflow att fý iche 'et2 n and for %,'s ihirip ice cosmos, f ;ïs i ihuias, cf;,,two and Rahiif *0 ýarqq et la net o mud rom.WIler, .t'n lie inýy . ssall piec el jve4,Leqb wbat !bas 1Pappeoed, tCy mak,1lýe arneds as fast as t-bey caom. Mr, Bénsn Ps a cernent coetpweil intld ut lPc doesni't Stop lbere. Wbed egt to tbiniking abouit Ir, he secswaer caoIlPc conaminated lateod 1 aryard ure, f r1om a Ine- gletedprvyf om tPe ',refuse of CtPe anial eislAd, againI, SUmme11r inetpsscao lcarryv IPe pollution ~~~~~i Ilndclasupte Paro- yar d aod prîy.H( makes suretbat bis wull wtris-aaýlysed regularlyv af ter Paul's il ln( , 1luie\even ptin: a covered ea ingpt ft'r water dis- posai, s ie",c Pasnon draýins. cosc tes prtcuarBes-usin a iew National1 . ilm1 Board ffilm, "OntI l3eyon Tow",1w icb inw pangon ItPe rural filmprgrn1 i0 may Ontrie otieis. 24-D Wnderfu Anwchemjil, 4D is provinig (albeon of tPemet ffci, tPeý conitrol of a variety, of wcs TPe exp-qansýin o fI timarke,,t for- 2 4- inCanda as beenl pleno- meni.b 147aboult 0,00 cre were teaedwith tIic new cheiïci. Jo 148, ccorit anl estiiate of cals, froinifive te 1n illion acres will Pctree. Meanwb'ilc weedsý are causing an annnal ljo"sste fitnellra in CýanIada ,)f more ,thian 000,00 Those wo jhave jmade _a studýy wced contrel agent, feel confident in re-omm111eodin, it for tPecentral of weeds, sncb as mustard sink- wýecýd and ragweedI in cceal crops. At rlecoînmileolIdd rates, an increase fi0 yicid in proportion te tui numberci of weeds îremeved w111 imore tha-n paIy for tic cost of applicationi. On the otlher Ianmd, ticre arc wccds, which may Pc resistant te) 2-I-D, New chimicais for'wcd control shoid n :et Pcregardcd as a "ue ail", Put îeycan Pc powerfui wcapos in tPe hmer's figt against wecds M1ýore than 40 countrieýs bave> adopîd ed icida of sellig stamips at Christmllas t mise moncy te figit tul ~rcuiosis. The old caretaker was not sur- priseriwhnconifrote b, te i wvitb tice gun. H le !had bce expect- îng othinig oftP sort ever silice tPie puiblicity in the paper. 11e w\as swiftly but thior-oisglly searchied. "Wceis it " cmiancd ftPe guni lanr. "in tPre table daer"said tPefl old cardat2ker, "i 'neyer ca rry îit wvith mei. *11- afraid of it." 1 TPe uold mana re 1ýji,2c (o relax. lTans, eP said, 1 wa[s gettînig kiiida tired hlolding 'eim up. Do youl mmitd if 1 Sit dw? "Yes," lPe said, witbl a sigb. "I ý told Mister John it was fDooliSI1neVSS, Pultting ail<11 tin-t stif f i0itlic paper. on0 good wolid colirnofi" "How rigbit youiregrinncid tire mail witb tPle gn Acrigt tus pred, e'scloscd thie joint uip whlile Pc .and1 Pis wif-e spend Jtie siny- mer i-on tPe coast. Mit bc nicc to b1ave og. TPie old man brgg Mi"Tat's tPe stor-y tPe paper got," "Wbamt d(- ol en mea," askcd tPe "Sure l'ml alonec," said the care- taker lbasutiiy. "Imeantthr wa miore to 'cm losiln tire bouse up than tPie pper \waiS toid. Mister boo iedidnl't 1like it Pr. "Most dines co isand livifig 01ey 11onY beeni married tire n:ýon1tbs. SPeu lik itl Pere at first, tieun sbe ,lid it g(et on be(r nerves. Clim11ed tPe place was sok.It's a pretty old, place, yenonir "Enouw1gh of ti okt aik;" tPe gnnil-manid rougbily,. "Ilerc's vwrât F'min iterested ii0." Hle sccrcd a few ueson tIle psper with fbis tuh.ithen tossed tPe pap1e r to tPle old mlani. Slowly tPe caretakeýr read alo'îd from the souctyv page bltirb. "Aogtic mainyraue 'ah crcd nder tPec roof of tPie his toril- oidldcbouse is anr early Vanii Gogfi "Iws goinig to tic ye-n 11p fst, aid tic guomn1, with L 1an- other quick giancei thle d-ark pas- sage, "built on second 1tironglit l'il let you sliow me whiere iît is. Lcet's go." TPey ýwere baf a y , tbrouigh tile Pa ssage, tPe caretaker- icadinig, when tPe cgu!lman iiistopped a nd grippeýd Ihum by tPea. Watwasta? "Ididn't Piear anyitinig."e Thley crosscd a couple of roonis tliat 1must PaluiveCbeenenmmus juidginig by the tulle it, toDok te1n- trav-1' er-se theln, beonre tlieccaretaker lialtcd againi, ibis tutie of bs1w accord. "This is the mniisic roiePcsaid. "TPe painltinig's on tLic far wall." Tic man w;iltirte gnni gave a grunit of sa1tisfa-ctionl. WitPý ticepia- no as a hearing, ilvas easy' to locate tPe Van -ogi. Be lcItich lighit play on-,il makir.ýg audible nloises of stisfactiont. "Yen caoi hcip me- P egani, but the sent tence ,vas neyer finishced. 111gbi and clcar, camie tic tinkl- ling notes of a piano. I wmaba tho,-Ugi a .. invisible ianid lad brushied over tic kcys, or-ligitly1 in unp , sL-alc. TPe souord vwas re- p-cted, but tuls timp ,th-e notes were 1slow and uncertain, as, if ric u-n- of ibtOn the paiinting waveîed violenitly, tilen jcrked willy dosw'n to thie pianio. L'y its lighit tPe twQ men sath lat thle stool -'as tlie'en- antedl,'bult as cach ote souned a kcy was deprcsscd by invisible fingers. Tic old maIn was toIuchsngý5 the guln2anl, and heielct i n go rigid in terreor. The nx second ilhe room w\as i iarkncss as thie laiç, feflIor \Vats ibnrlcd 1tP le floor. Thie kitchen -,deor biad slansmived beb3iind the initrudecr Pefore tic care takerricoývercd thre lam iip, Ap- P"oachling thle piano(-, he fumbîaýd undeýr thie openî top, and wcnlie withidrcw biis arni the m-usic ceas- cd abrutiy',.ý, Yulitie rascaiye,"cbuicki tthe oid man foIIdl-, tothe frry bundle ini bis hiand. 'It'sa gond, thing for 1Misteýr John he Qtofi Ilme 1 couild uise his pianner. But t s no place fi<1ria kitten to 'ph i n." The End .How imes Change Pre- %ar Thle CustoDiner l i- waysrgt Wairtirne: TPe Customer wýas of- te'-, left. Post-warii: LUnless you treat Cus- tomrers rightý, you wone ave any Cutnesleft. Voice from thile crowd: "D-oni't beý pleas;ed. We aini't a,,ï ilese.." B TI4ERESA ARSENEAU 0F MISCOU ISLAUNDI NAB MI Ieselftends exýpect«antmother anti l ne wlth doctor arrives5 On bharren, storsp-swept Mis- cou Island, 20 miles off New, Brunswick's uorticast tip, Theresa Arsenaesu waitcd St tic bedsidc of Mrs. Orner Ward, aui expectant motier, Ail was not golng wcIi wiheti patient. Dangerous symnptems iad de- veloped . ,. and tic 21-year-old Red Cross nuirse feared for Mrs. Ward's life. But sic stayed aI her post ail day ,. . ail tiat night . .. doing wiat sic could vo help 'tic suffering woman. PHONES MAIANLAND By moruing Tieresa realIized that a doctor must bc summcsned if Mirs. Ward aud lier baby were to1e, ve. icpioued tic bespital lu Bathurst foir iep ... and tien returned te wait St tic bcdside. Tic gailaut nurse was seriously il berself by this lime . .. runr- ning a temperature of 103. An bour later a, plane lauded a doctor on tic bieak littie isiand. Rusiing t.o thi Ward homne be fouund tic feverisi and almost comtpletely exisusted nurse stcili beside her patient. He delivered tic baby safely and dieu atteuded to the nurse. Tieresa Arsenean, wio wth one other nurse staffs thc Red Cross Outpost Station ou Miscou Island, bas earncd the praise of cvery Canadian for her cours. ,,eous devotion to duty.',N Wc are proud te psy ber tribute tirougi tie presentatien of Tic Dow Award. Tic gahlant nurse, runining a bigi temperature aud scriously HI1 herseif, realized tiat ber patient's life was iu rcal danger. Frantically sic pboned tic bospital iu Btiurst sud plcaded for iclp. Tien sic returned to Mrs. Ward's bediside sud waited. A planie, carrying a doctor sud mnedical supplies, was rusied te tic desolate littie island. Tic doctor delivered tic baby safely sud tien treated tic exhaustcd nurse. MIJûrR MA C LAKE ATHABASKA MINES LIMITED A PITCHBLENDE (Uranium) PROSPECT Currently Selling At Arounid 9 Cents Per Share AN OUTSTANDING SPECULATION NATIONAL SE4CURIE'l@S W. A. Simith, Sole Owncer, 24 KINQ LST. W, TORONTO W. act es Principals hi *lio ale of tflie. heres. Eeae so gon melnlfoimifi*Jon oMUAÇ e sbuy , - . ..... shve f MU)RMýAC. ~* ~........................... TEE DOW AWARD <i Ca citaition fur oul-tamaing hierro, ismand inclldes, as a tangible exprtssion of apprEciatior, a $,100 CariadaSaviigs Bon,. Winrstre selced by the 1 Doit;Awarcl GCommittee, group of editors of leading D Cariadian newspapers. LTN TO T H E COW A W AR DRADIO SHW çZA T uRD A y a8. 30 p m. fla tonF,ýly lHlgdnd

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