-Pa les tine Petiestili remlainsadj likely to do so for somlime- delhziite danger spot. Th'le its arec adamlanit in thecir resýol ve L1o -Wi thd ra %v entirely from ltha<tun happy connitry, iand vho cani re.ally blamne tbem? The Jewis have c x- - pressed dete2iination 'Df prociaiim- ing a savereigu jewish) stt-p-fi bably la be, caIied Jdao a ieidet Tumian has as'kedc for a~ ~~~~~i potoeer-ab xpIaiuîS, anl 4nomn-fthe partitionj plan; but tbis doesni't seemi to offer nmuch hope, seein.g thiat teeare- p1lnty of\ fanatics amng boütlite .Arabs andti hý e Jeivswho WOid prefer $0 - sec-Éibe whole Wold inj flames tather than yield an inch fronej: the stanld they lhave tkn T'he President also cildon jIe Arabs and Ïç.ws to arrange anl îmi- inediale ruce in - rder t10 "avert tragedvy": but Ai-ab renreseunaives States send toaps tua enforce ltme terns of partition, there would bc tloting ',0 stop the Rusisianls daimi- in the rigbit to taire similar action -and Red for-ces i Palestine woujid be a grave tbeat ta 4rabia and ail the ricb aoil ferrilory idi that region. Mecanle, the guerrlla warfiurc bctweeni Arabs and Jwscoinu)es wtotsign of aaeet Scandinavia If the Rusians itend la expanti 55til) fuIther ;ito Western Europe, tibeir action wiill probab)ly takce place Aurng dhe comîng Summner anti Faîl. A year froin nov the nations Af "bhe Atlatic cOmmun&ýiWsbold lie, blecauise of t[be Mrh plan, much stonger and better able ta offe fer itnc asncbl a move, anid Wih e 1United states ikl tia'be chliefly occulpied -witb1election affairs, il looks like now or îleyer ifor the Reds. Ailbouigb coinmulni is by no neanis stranlg in eitbher COunitry', peo- ple in- Norwa;y anda Sweden are if- tery. W'ithbübthi counltries bordered by Finland--alead3l in efect a part Of the Soviet militarysyembe wcend apearfobe inre -(ajljangr Of Russia aggrsion for in diplo may ho lie ling briso oven wa n1.n or-der17ta,0gin aquckadvantage; thescn, htwiie the ,Kremnlin ma',y st cua1(dn -a, Soviets arehbl fmlte somle - terrble mitake rbicb11111ca one in sPýite afther Candid Cocrnn T1he mIic teacher mas pîanly preseinlg lber puiplis in a recital, Affe-r te xene msiaLpo grami, ice cream, cake anji(tfinit were sernved. O-ne- of Ille ynn mus iiciantis l- bail- i'>gb bieir ifl 1,rotber lon)Ig as :1, gest. As ithe yugîrwa a iis depaîtnr(iehe tacher asked(: -"Weýll, immiiie, did yn enj0Y the recital?" "Isure did," -Jimmie replied, iiîbat isý,al buItIlle ,muisie." No One Meaner I bink c 's the menianeusfcrea- bur Ivc c eer met!", refuse him, and I simlplyca'tge hilm apops. A Spring nSpring Spring's here and they ko it. So to keep from ngQttiiig tDo large a dose of that lazy spring fever, Diane Vaw Dusen and limiber tUp ithl a galie of ieap frog en the sands of a Sarasota, nia., beach. ,ports And One Thing or Anothler By PRANK MJANN HARRIS ("A Sixbît Critîc") E Elmier Lach o0f th Ile Monmtreal ICanladienis won tfhîs year's hîlighi- Iscorîing itie, but bIis record seemls j jnst a--- linly bit tainited becanuse of bishvigbueen credited Witb three assists in IhËilC final gamle, these givîinghi just thie imargin nleeded to niose ont is closest rival. This brîings uip, onlce again ', the old jprobleca as to Whiether or niot i Wýouil't be better to dIoaay îh assists altogether, and hav-e goa,-ls onlycout i thi materOf SCor7- iugaWards. Thiose in fao of the resent system say fihat with assists donei,, away ifb players wouild show a ten)dency 1,0o"hog the puck,"rathier th-alipass if f0 LI feami-mate in a ,alrOTd favorable scoriîjg posijtion. The other side dlaimis that friendly scarers-anii aIl the scorers't are "hlomie-î.oWn" men, flot travelling aroundic as do tbc referees - cani iliake a joke of the WbvIOIe tinig, giving assisîs to players uhIo Idint do more ,,than %wave atftise pnjck ýon its journeyýý goalward. Our own idea would be ta allow no more than one assist per goal, that going fa thse last man wha touchedth Ie puck before thse actuai scorer; anld perhaps there would be something in bbce notion of crediting two points for a goal, anc for thse assîst, Or possibY it would be better still ta do away with- these individual awards altogether - or ta maire them, purely honorary, with no money attaCh1ed. Hockey is gettinig so cluttered up with bhemn that wNe more thanl hall expecî ta sec a trophy for the player getting tIse mosf requesfs for autograplis ovraseason's play. There hlave ben mlanly ,"lng cotints" hin bo-,inig, the mosî amn of ail be(inig the ,one il, thleips- Ttinnjey affair a"t Chjica-go. For years DeInpsey claimed tbat be got ail1 the Wocrst of that onle, and that Tnnnley sboid hav,ýe be one onit Wbil outi(dite opesý. Actuj- allyv, jack had 1Do coseefaoblamle but himnseif, Ille refercee on thlat occa- sion ve -,ry properly rfui f0staît , thle counft tili Depsy adreired' f0 a colýrner, s tead ofrtadigat thec edge of thle îing egeof take, a crack t ee sona s]leap peared. Wehror inot Tunney ouid haebeen lab"'e fa scranmbe back inlm -ýi Diepsey ha ],dn' t biwn bis top)-îs still a matter of bot de- bate in fistic circles, and jsome11thinýg wbiich can neyr be defjiniteiy set- ISSUE 15 - 1948 tled, 'lot thant it mnatters mluch. Our own gu1ess, for Wha1t it b w1ýorth, lis th1at Genec oid have matie it, and WOUild have wofl SfyWay, Any ýw a y, Tunney is the man they f inally paid off on, which 'is thle most imp1fortant But now the boys are talking about what seems to have been the long count ta end ail long counts. It camne during the Madison Square Garden fight between Marcel Cer- dan, the French mniddleweight, and Lavern Roa£h of Texas. In the secosý round, according ta ring- siders, Mr. Roach was <lown on the- canvas long enough for two or three cocnts to be tolled off, one estimnate~ of the time being as high as thirty-tmo seconds, and even the smrallest estirrate running as high as sixteen. Cerdan finally manageti Le stop Roach for keeps in the eighth-but in the intervening six rounds the Frenchrnan must have been thlinkýing tb himself, "In America Tîme marche2s on -.- but siowly.'" For a while, after jack Kramier and Bobby Riggs started ontt on thleir poeoTnltenn1is 1m1arathon, it aIppeared aimost as if the boys were jplay1i1g vith onle eye on1 the! bail and the( othier on thlebo-fce Onle nîghit Riggs wouild Win; the next, lanky Krimer WonJ1ld kuot it 11p; and So it went unitil thecre Wa1s con1sid1erable g1ossip that they -had beenl takinig a leaf ont of the Wet linig book, aîîd nyrforgetýtinig the necessityý of making a return bout seege Ccldfor. But now if: ScIseesas 1tho11-1 aploie wrecesar.Tennis is onle sportWee class is bound1ý io 'teil, and if it we2re posýsible lu 4andicapThrougbrdsas sciet11i- fically as ou can the racquet swiingefrs, life for nis borse-players ~ouldbe a ar mre peaan ffair. EilntyKramer has- sometlhn WhiChRiggsgoodas lhe dut and at te end of theiïr first fifty matches, Krme Ws lead(injg 1byV score of (jt 1, ththe 2gale reepsrap)îdiy shiininilg 10 th ansigpoinit. Matybe the pro- mos sould adopIt "t1e hockey plaof yseonmad after the regular season is over staîrt ail over freshi for te itie CHKOI 1C E FRULiT TR2EE S AND SMALL FRUITS -Ornamiental Trees, Srb Large &Cipse~t~ s I Leadipg 'Vcetee 500 Acres eunder Ou1ivaýtioms 'eco sr LclAgent -or Wilte for Fr..e caah4 ? é Ps1tînsGaCide là. ?O~~&SOS le Classified Advertising AGENTS 1%AN'TED QILS, GREASE S, TIRES, Insecticides, EeeVience Cntroll ., Houe suýd Bars Paint, RofCot.ge tc. DsaI- ,.rs Wace.Irite ac Grosse & Ou Llimi-. BUSINESS O'iORTIUNiTILS A'N OFE aees'lvua-,ta svn tona sudinIlinomainseint Ires The Ramsy Ca ltetsteed PIentAttoruscys.27 Ca 0tre, Otta w. BUSINESSES WAfNTED-ALL We bae lints, s'ome ithailcsh tvant ta jpurc1as- varios kîde i bu'iîor,~ iin emaile r cmuiis truhu na ilakeriýe., Butees oai. aisIr EBeaoity Salns, 'arwar. Gog ud cn Stores, Ibis, 1Dines. Grgs evc St,,atosunie otae. oumr Rs-rll, Simplyîýiteusgivnafuli1e1i;sin src You are under nO. obiai.Woilinpc your bsies. Cai r rteMers aty B--rokers, 117 og St , Trno afi 8q000.Mebes rpu)laoAssoiatjion of FOUJR-WFE K.OLD P-ULLETS TÉWo, Ihîseifour Wee1k su1oler ulets. 'S tan1 with ery-,thed hike sud estt 0Pe) h ilh erices for eges usiniommer sud saris Fe. Large ye htaLa nrssd svnnte p0' uLaýr bred, fnfor nc lit, aae men)t Guide su catlogu sudbok çyour oder LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARIM EX ET-1ER ONTARIO B-AB3Y Chýichis Iro'n asun .O.. Beeding ekFim.u Il paysta Pus'tPe bea. WbiteLeaho1 Folle1 ýts 2e Ras'lred i.el 1î5e. Puilts 5c.C , e.Stifctpguaîanteed. ie TRïsIS j tie ýtr tu ajase Vo1ïY- Egg sud meaH1n oswiI ePshigi tia s'ean. Be au , nesd boyy j-ar elsieke roni an etbihf marm. AiM1 s4kefrum qui fai are imoin tlovernmeiit aepiovefi end puillorm fested brEeder. Witeforoncs sd ctlge MouonPohis'Faims. auto.Ont. MARE ],,, h4g uv teel sud egprfls wlt ni t has rei.Tlhss Ros igPie. p- combef Psie re baltd P' 0 s'ears- breedIine for ever'qualîils'you oses! Ion top poultrrs' puofits - CsaMponbI ibîhits' ta eut chick sudlayrlasses. Gumanantýef0 g breedina fcie, white, puemium egas. Roaiy a big iclo ' on more meat, FlastUion guawth for qulcetoat fal roilers. Ih1aise tises big profit maersone ad sonWii raise thoni ajlas's.Write frrni 1i1t ïsud Ires cuda. ie HachFan.Mille Roches, Ont a ri,. DiD F-OU îclea -co>y nI tPeTefic14 cataLgue,? Ifwo msei 'nw Ite"s i- dY sud1,ys wii senfi 1-u ans immnediateis'. Feefi onces ae Iawsn now sd alilrset point ta o l'oce or Falitanfi usai wijnti.r Neý a s be e ocsciPta their oc wili 'as s cshî Iorj mt lehii? Thes' will wil s'on Ps csh ore nn mt wslu Thes' vill clmb ou kuow vsupols' sud delmanfiwill ake - cîsaIthat. BEcter elant your sa ;um.eroaI-ehieka rlght away sund s'oîî wii giadl that su'on itiWe eau giveprompt d- livers' an ai l opular breede sud iAhybride !lu ds-is twO-wek. hree-wveek. asen old7er pliets cýiahIt weh to isyle. 12 pursee1de anfi 12 hbiicossta ch"oqoias.Tvd fis .ChieS, atbkresLimitefi, Ferg. .jOnt. HEA ÀVY B-R:ED-C0-C KE R EL91-c Sussea. sussex rN Hme rmpljtdevrs 4e. AJtcr Anl2Otnh, 45,-, Mas' jet ta mas' Par, sd Bsse rLeson 2, eoînsx le. Fas feibrlie Rchs sd ock r ,wHainer. ta Mas' lai 6'. Ta r-ecotises speclals en- clsih!e ad i wth order, HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, LONDON, ONT. 3-4 WEEK OLD CAPONS TIIERE 1kq goodi manies'lu raisýing Cap os>, Caponls ssii for as innîdh orc Ort prpoud thas Tnkss.Ail raisef oner deat onl tIens. Sei for' prices l"!udloi vxluas LAKEVIEW POULTRY F1ARWL WEIN BROS. EXETER, ONT. OUR NEyEvl"R C HANIN Licy 0f praduc1-ine torult hiekesud ofeIti hem sit amasiugly low iprie3 s stiIIin efetin 1948. Rieht now ilu epite of mireal nîas Casta You eau rdeTop DNotch hieata ue nearIy s' S510was tby wre 1 s'are ago. Tour suceesdeene pon tPe way you start. Gnod stock Ile h ihefrt iimportantthie.Witl- out it th.Whlssomeaworlc eau be],,wasted. A goofi docklealas poitbl lole is ire some or.ur estina isS iinr u WMhite .ghrsfor ie bt er udmr of 11sm.Also I thr hybride sud apan li ,rpure bredetahoos e from, daýy oldor etar te, Also ader IpoIletS egtwesta î aisyle. Fis catlogueý, Top NýIotchChe Sales,GuphOtai FREE! IN00 HEAVY-BREED wit » COCKERELS wibevers' oire(;f100 ultLisTp Whie eaorwpllets 928I.0), 'Ne W Hme 020.0. T reclve bis pecii eclose tie, ad with your adr HURONDALE CITICK HATCHERY. LONDON, ONT. ROCK COOKERELS 4c iug asud 1Pidfor ilvabllity sujld fasbtgrth- 8-8 - 12 W%7EE17XTO0 READY-TO-LýAY PULLETS S00M)PULLET111S aalbefor Apr'Uil sud Asy! Boa)Sylor aider,,uowl h btoIte as if pulles wiII ho s scarce as hns te]>.yssoer oul fies ans nd ideicndtins IBl LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM Aly brdr, oul Ploofi stedsudbaefi sum ncsonrasulie -TPe chiCks If hafi 1 'omi yoIl have dn pedd"repIorts rames, Wvriaht, Oveniloonfi. uese ixe i14e, S ussex xNs amRock a NewHm, mixefi1d ,Pult 4e okaLeehoîn. Afte tsily 20 mixef 2A c ules20 ag Typte MWite Lee>horu puli11,se 1c, mixei 2 /sc FastIfeathsing Rock sudl(!Rock a N. -amop. cacIcies 6e ta May let, SoseSusxrN. !Hamo,ý. sud Broafdi bosetef swHm oce - ciels to Ms'tI>u4c, afielr May ltsu .ýAýssoit-ý cd ixefi chieký e lc asrsdpls lc Assoîtel hevy e.ckuereli, 13ewhen ava IlabI A"Il piues s ,ee 0 chanige witut nates. 100% iivu, d.eIiviY ta yýuuî station. $1.,)0 >erj 100 deenejt. balance CO.,Order fmislu ç-TlIoyüthisad.IuîmoidaIle Clck ~scey SA, W&dud sth n vltb ani atou For SALE HARLEY DAV-IDSON4 MOTORCYCLS Partýs nd.)ecice. Brt E. Kenucdy & SOI), 414 colee tTorotÎ. MASSY-HARISForag"e Cilpper & Oi n HarveSterI. Atthmnsued vr îte l"',chenor Ont. a b. acedin 1bch]Pae aa HybriiCrnt606 andi01dt rrud.oe pollinatef1 la e ColenGlssCoin iquire for one.Term ae by mne 1od 0 .0.B. [iATTUIIY-OP0,ERATED Radio Sel £or sale. Deforest Cr'oesiey Corona mGd el. 8 tubes, speciiy eqntiypped with Etomaco -ilmleor for Us wjIt.i ether etarage battery orel,, ee. sýNew cnet o $U5100 Malts n£rerc W. Toronlto sinu;s tro uble(. fPu. swolli lads bronobitia, weak eyes. siyoIien tît. Afidrees 21,1 Qucen St. W\V'roronto1. Pries9100 PUMPS, ETC. Mc Dugal elailw"sd dep lweli syý;cme, eletrie or asliepawered, onlly$160com- bp. q , 057 . Contractors pompe. 5'srm libiesysteme. 110 !l volt, onfly05.0Su for, fiee catalo4ue. ,Boy direct f rm aco- distributors sud sa-:ve. TEER V MACHINERY ýComprany Limitefi, Dept. ~7 .7liuri Stre'et, c j-ld, Toant.. JOIN oui long list of satiefieficsomr o Fruit Trees. Shrubs. Evergreens andRs, etc. Order sarly. 1Free ctlou.A. G. Euh li& Son, Centl ,Nuiseries. St. Catherines. Onitaria. BROAD-BREASTED BRONZE TURKEY POULTS Alsu -SMAfLL WHITES and BR9IAD?- I$EAT m0 XRNZ]IO N SMAkLL WNITE> itnd SMALL B .8t9S THSloks tPe ye-ar ta alereal moues' l turksyýs. SeiJ for our Tfurkey Guide sud let- ter togest ,aIl the deta.ilas ,Thre ta, a gooýd Amelen uaket suidmapîl. Tbe ots' l 2ow Scents per 1lb. 'eed i e sre gains,, dw.Quotations for SMay delivcery foi r salp ar lu,i 02.0 to01500Derto.A r- eýau Bredr Iloks are down 4-50 pr cent. Fouilt production wilîLbe awss' dawn. Il le eXpected that Canadian pui will be ehlpe to U.S.A. by ýMay0or befors ai good prices. delvr. d for Turglte Managemn Wd sud ircuillai wibtelleal abo01t pois LAKEVIEW TUTRKEY RANCH EXETER ONTARIO MAREI{SMAN Thousa-Sh,ýot Air Rifles. Ex- pert construction, Shliped anywhcre $,5 Marathon Agny,140Grrard E.pst. Tor- CRAFT 11Supplieýs: VFres 'aVaoue. go"s a fu l lu tPe folowngcrafis: Sheil. crf, LetcifFraftaft, eaderaet. Fiaindycraît Suppis' Uon1may Pet erbol ougis, FOR1' SALE. nsw D7. John Dýe.e Trac, starter, lighîs, pawer talcs-off on 14" rois, Laie model 2M-500whites sisel mlii bbc eeeclaver attachnment, liSe uszvw. 25 Goailsan MiiiClaver attacisment, suas!r ine a;rder. omloe et steeI whehe IntemnatIonual Tîsaro. Steel ceai whPeei 60 and 90 or 99 alImer Tractor. Abert 1H( ton1, 60 Fimma si. Cleaihsm. Ont. Fli 111 POWISRED Rides. Nev"ls'curetd spa.itine mad0( eis. Wiipfor desenlpntin ardl ncs. S cape1) Sales Ca. 226 Qusen Bt., Otts.m Ont. Àtisai far the Ladlies su Ilse 'nglish Pare WoiCardigans suald Fuhioývs. Ties' cme in de lightfnî bd ornIgros'. s'olicw, white aýnfi Plce de eoual atibe houe pries I 9,5 posifi ALDAN COM PA N Y, LI.l.IITED, Deot. 19. 0 OTAI STREET WIP STOCK REDUCING SALE ï5W ot-type QuPIenu 011 Bmbe ýBrooder Act quiekis'. w 1iIe thes' iïset. Subjeet 10 change', ithout1notice. T reivhie bangalu pe nlosýe ibis a", with s'aur adr A-iso PROOM 1HEATERS as 10ow as 08.0nsd New Po-t-Type QUEEN RANGE ,OlIL BIJRN- LAKEVIEW UýATCHERY AND SUPPLY COMPANY EXETER ONTARIO SHORT-WINDED HORSES Stsation guantscd. Ft paii0Q0.,I1 af the Prs rt ta T. L.Glsfpei- lai in 'al alimen1te af tbe ssplrator1y Organem, Tayion Vriticese chTmnproae(l senato)r Duulop stnswbîs' p lante 92,00 isundrsd. RiveviewGardneKitchenler. ontarlo. FOR SL ALDAN COMPANY SPECIAL LADIS' HUSE DR>lESSES! Luckily wc hav ben aie o otauseveral iew IpveIy 1rîntefi cottn, desss ,l'iih are l'Ovely to 1look St ',nf to wsar Styles fea ture buttonsail1 dow te'ot n d other O011- ew dsgn. zis ranlge fr)m 14 toe21 su"l8 to ()46.Large stock1 os, handfi now bot thi y wtll s(ýIOurtoil atL 92.ý7: each. pos'ipai'l PRINTED DRESSE-S S to 14 Bosutifuil Fis- pecial ly syeifor the g;rossins mise in1ne brj<,igh iveypiÏtsi5sto 14. Neatlyý trimm,1,efi with lace sudl( pique collis and at- rtrsctil , rcei at 01.8 eachpspad GROW,(\ýING Gý IRLS' RSE!Tbretrc tivestylo,,s, iss 8o 14 io four lovely new neaty timmei wth iua collars suldpocýkels. Just what the gown mls ds;res. Order Iol whieteasotenIscmls.St- ped ptadah 2.9each1. Or eea now 'f rom thl,,: AL1DAN COM PAN Y, LIM I1TED,De. 0 41 ONTARIO ST -ET V.,MNROA?2 OINE AND FT O ROWJOTHN U REIRPOTA- TO PL, ANTERnS IN ST1ioCK O W F Mc KENZIE C. ITREJO S 51 NCE 0500co hndef.Premier 1,Strweîe 2.0prhuindred A Crowle> , R l 1. fslicsg- ton, Onti. 10ARE,1-t i i ou. ail, ,Illal8mu b'ouse,baul040 eetityseeroed 0mliorhad g vî w.ner esefactory sud eho.Staeiat NIarve1vilIe, Otro Cocsin10, seod.For partý"iculars on- neRoad. Toronlo,. or Nuitseoxl ry DxnsRmf Posjipafi1.0 MONAAD or Er,eua., teuwmtb lees sud elpeacions an ln.'y mail Soc. LaTrapýipe, North Rogersvile NB HAVE Fou Hardabot Dlo's Nurti sd Eheumati, Pain R Imdy i givesgoofi me- OPP4OiRTUNITiEES F6>i.IW4 DM 1 N BE ÀAÏ HAIRDRESSEýR- lOIN IiCANADA' S LEADING SVB,,'OOL thousen ' suceseul ,Maîvei graduates. Amierica's gresteet ssîm.llustrste4 cýqaa lou1 re.W iteorCali 258Blor S t. .,Toronloc Branches,: 44 King St., Hamýiilton. & 74 R[F]fI[.idea retOlas OP ARTNITIM ORE. ATNHAND SPAPRE rfum1iltm ae-sig e ut oru'sipoudcence couuco. Naiociintitutofn C ,nfc tionars ef, eoy ir 10, Box 5-42j . PATENTM Xor Solicitors. Establlslzed- 158. 1.4 Ring Wesýt, frToronito.. Moklt OSInoratonburnet Reprinitg .02e. Jimbas .05c. Wi- for epe<'- lieon Film, nareous blonsFgms B1ox Wllï6.St. hms.ot One Rail Film Free Tpcll ffr urneAprlwihevr';w fim etotaUs to bs deveIop3ed su pîtn etl FILMS DEVEPLOPED and pîlnted, :5 iý'RL cf 8 oxposures2. Ail punIe madeLa. DOUBLE TIHE SIZEP Only 3SOc if pOuste aIof dnr' isdesireïl. Write u:s for camecras suid splis w amp a comp1ýlets stockz. J.ut rrivediFlah itsq for Bro1.n"lieReflex. 0ý5.25. for, AnspcoPioncer $46.for, Uodake 7,5.Caad hoto Bnp- pis', PF0. Box 50 Toronto, Ont. BEPAIRS PUR CA-ÏTS REM-ODE LLED Oldcateý madeo like ncew by master furyrier. Fiee in1surec, storage oitrepaire sud imodele, Write, for Infor1mation1. tpowruis, 559 VusSt., Torfonho. cavvr ostage. Statr Sap,1147 St. Andîrow, R.Coruwsi1i, Onti. near towni or vlae good sou,. hydro. T58. BEAGLE ýPupe froni ielfi Trial Champion WANTEDI 01.0 pid forWiceti-89 stcread o tarain, aieairalsd dge, sund Marli 191 (nis') rifles with worn-auat J, J7. Faneu, Suite 100, 20? Quen o t., ibariels, The Ou shop, 76 Wrd, Port 1Hope. o.2.1-0Hardi1s neei. p)eufeci ucondition, Riv- lors Chaude. 'am egd.Ponit ug Qus HECLSCou-DogL ad Gai eshsfor aIhaw ring i stieci 'wih Sjus-iabie necl baud, ca Iaihabi'firesus' ysiz. ,UsoC. Ibs Humus ,acetia* anaauns! U.S.A.sdam-, pIe - 25-loc 81Df.00. se foi gf P . F AdIame Compalsiy5G58I. Wel igtanst, foronto sud psceaon; 150 acres leývel clfni da"y l'an,ilu, onusqare mefrom cho Fîsime Paus, Ban lxl, te sal ilo, h0ir, ip 1 l eet !buIlild in g, heuliau--,o acresplowc. Onconty roafi, 4me ru Highas' mik rute. Tisl aade Ae BaaeAgent Pon 0.Duttan. OnÀt. cosiain 010,000ilu01d, Usefi or Unuses! Postageý Stamos, Letteus. Albums. etc. Sella thiemi odas' for PuesE stimafte. cash L'y re- tors mail. Stsacinguaranteefi,'No obl- lgtojadeKothni, 0 amis! Was', CHERRY LOGS Boeifrcash. WritceBox 504, Fergi, IFLP WNE HOUSEEEPER WANTED- Hueeprta live lu. permaIIIýnenit Doitiozi, 5qi adahta-anis. .Appls'y i. BotWerP'9 SThDET NURES WNTED Forth Filelsacommenne ep.2lO, Fise ppUIDtathe Sprnedu, Rs MelplIeptaLnissOt - "EXPORT" l».scei', 5i5 .oii j 1 -, - 1 ý Z'