Fe F,5 MORRIS Co. CELEBRAtE THEIR GOLDENANVEAR 1898 - 1948 tCONTINUOUSLY IN ORONO0 Wh a month long SLEof Natisrn il nw FURNITURE BARGAINS THI1S WEw-EK'S SPECIAL Fully Spring-Filled STUDIO COUCHES Coro Wine, Bin1e or Striped Homespunl. Regular $69ý50). Complete with metal tube backs àrnd spacionwrdrobe b30X. 3 Piece K0HB Csind Bed sofa Sites (Toronto adlvertised value $28s900) P.F.MORRIS 00. WANVIILLEB - - ORONO NEIGHBORI-IOOD NEWS Send your friend tbe Orono Tînsesi Iairc#~i ruiiuu I r rdier your utnlg a t Th Ties PIAINT UP ishies and Enamels SPRED The Wable Water-Mix Paint C'overs in one coat, dries iii 'o ne lholr May be use oer Wailboard, Plaster, W*'allpapqer' Wood, BckorCernent $35qt., or $1.75 gal $32,5 and up FLOWER SEEDS Rubber Replacement Parts of ail mak'es oif MILKERS Natiural ube WOOD S' Electrical Farm Equip- mieiNMikers, Oat Roi- lers and Grain Grinders Poo89 r 1 OROINO0 YO OEING THE DUCTDSYO R ETITLED TOeo Thes FïAm Aucount Book end Income îueh can, you ded--uct for depreciation on yo)ur tractor? Your blAshd Watepne can you deduct? There- are '75 in comnacon farmi use plus a wýde ait of deductible expenses ch depreciaton co L chge-al lited in the newv Farm Account Theselegéal eucions frams your ncmear abig question aÀt Tax Tinve and th~e jpuers to them and to dozens Aos ter ques- e in this newFarm -IAccoýunt Book. A~~ Reodc our Tfransa, ctions nd DOES-eepd. dean record, lps pou budget-and shows you ou have triae or Ma mone" on leur operations Shows you, tyoýur bestmî ne-s are and where yu may befarmiîng at a Ioss. ho111urs of time fr book kein.First ten pýages are for your firom 1s-ales o crops, sed, ivscck. oury, dairy products :her poue Thýen ne w pgsof alilfarm ecxpeses- remidedof itms ounmighi otlherwise forgeLt. sab ha d. apply for the he-raeae plan, calcuilaite youir deprecia- îby item. These ýare mnysxr for every farmier. They're ail tlvr aneýr is ette and he is expUcted by te- takefuiladrutageof [e FamAccouunt oo t riany items in easy ques- er form-. Ffr instanpýc- dlaim ia s expenses for an-swer is "any ekpétnse -nachine or a building order can beclaimied,- .ere are answers to ovýer No? one is reqired to puy rmore than bis fir share of tax. CormensJom ettrsOn th'e NwFarmn AccontiiB-ook ini/ Incarne Tax Guide: "A lon-g awaited s;tep for the benefit and progres of our Cainadiani farmers" "Takes the kinks out of keeping farm records" . .. "Pleased -o recoin- tnend this Account Book for f,rmn peýople" . . . "Record keeping in its simplest fori-u real help" . .. "Some- thing we have been needing for -a long A POOR, JLUS TOO It Now- wLih Miss Marga"jret Binsted.T r.and - iV rs. Charle Bigto hae ov*dfropm the frmto theirK buse in Port Biltac. MiMý lIjiiel Austin spen t Tu da y n,d Vridaty Vith M'i Ss1,Laura Ms.S. 0. MlssetSna f ternoon with Mi'.aniMsSmn Bate o1ayswith Mr, anid Mrs. Errest C ïrr cf rntn C h iirch wi,%as he1d a»7.d0t The1 even-i ing sevce ave commencesi again uand wigto!the condpitoin Of the roadls Te tenacewa mal rný res,, Mri ýn Mrs. ta. Poeort ofecte. MrravC.aynd Pu5h Pane atted So iler ondf, indPot1He fnited C Ml,-r. and M )rs. PArno.,l Ter,sodne MOhao n ns ao petSna aftenon wjth Mrl ws l darry 1M1ek ig *of Port H.oie. firv0 -ir Mrs. . P.yne sd lC*ardmooed Us to lntBrron ten hefNègralth, Sudy coole was held ut1100 wof'a tenac o ote. win tnon th V abenc cfirs. PN, Missh Thee rYon PeopleàUniongedher met ig Wntesday evening with a attnd nce of s t. Yone PC-as takenby Mr oCN rnceN chlis h ci[duc½d he games n ing s- ýong went Ev ent a tedoioide mPet-1 ings. nIyGodon ffPt nos n Aio attendd the rauy f the Youn People. a aeCm ut. ral Welcometire on Fri engMo- dng pifres ere showin Aby Rexl.u fIe. it, of - Pe toought e, andgs ee IXesntedt ' he ead ers, Re.Cake Rex.Pattrson RexZet, dMrss.Pat- te onS i Ira Sally'GoroofPt teMs. TC'lelund Lune.tMcN,ýýol isicklopiiatir.ly wib le S. Fru vonkGe rune onFn-l daýny frmbr iitni agaxa ui s. Mros. Gore stupleton at ee h Joe i Petero- r Potg ope ber al attendedth e ropolitan SinBnid coner inPor thoe o Mr. l nennore Vaey, P1ontMcNchl laIsrongn hver ut.Ay oith herf mother, ed rsWm tpoinr.wh ois stirl unerthe digof ' are.tll'oili Sc 4ý0hoolrepees o M ndaywit tw beginane fr Ke nny ibbrs aind Joany wGoisuhý. HonniEaru r a cciitW hev lerned cf the sigof LuncGeorge Jn cs in Por Hope. T. bert fMvly we xtenidor sînceve nomp'ahy. Pteked ENA An etr1 cd and pro liffers from it, 0 the same nouri pieaingflavur.It seils at the saii P LU .Per pachkage -- - 1t isheriyrvoreédb doctors everywhci,, as ,an ajlternatle baby cere-al with PA4 iixd crel fodfor le by the makýers of it is oatmneal enrich hment with another e low price as ..ý. - w1415e e and caii he used In order to reduice our stock of Waiipapers on display ILonunr wing couriters, wýe are off'ering the present stoclk ut prices shown, less 25l% icot.lu view oýf the present rise of most wailpapiers amýnouiiing to about 25, his la a grand opportuityi for you to purchase these maly patterns ut a great discounit. BE WISE! SHOP EARËY Chartes B3. Tyi're11 I TiS Phon, we G68 AGENT FORU JACK-MAN FLOWERS Orono, Ont Lunch'ieon- Cloths, PrintedI Cotton, size 36 iiuche's by 36 inches', each ... ... ........19 T1ea Towels, part linen, red or blue check, each. . 39û, Face Cloths, good qual~ity, each.......17'c. Men's Sw,ýeat Shirts, sizes small, me dium aný-d large, colors White, Yellow or Blue, each. z $1.10 Powvder Puf s, 3 inch, each. .... ... .......1. Jnýfant's Cotton Stripe Bauds, sizes 3, 4 an-d 5, each................29c. MYjiss-es' Çotton Panties, sizes 8 to 14 years, pair 45c. Boys' White Sport Shirýts, Short Sleeve,Safr ized, sizes 2, 4 and 6 years, each .........$L.O TIGE IS IN Proctor anmi-d Gam-ble's New Mir-acle TIDE for' evryhngyo ash, large 'box .... 31c. Daly' Gren iiTea (uo increase in price), 1-2 lb. pkgý(". forý. . . ......... . .........4e. Lb. pkg. for ...............95C. Minute Tlapioca Royal Mauor, 1-2 lb. p-kg....19c. Seedless Riis Sun Dr>iedi nat-ural, 15 ounice pkg., SPECLAL ...... ............1c Currants, 7 ounce pkg. ...... .....1e Lyvons' Coffee, 1I lb. ba g...... .... ....... 49c. Pure A-ple Jely, 12 ouuce jars ..........22c. Frýe>sh Hor-se Radish, jar.......... ....... 20e. Select Steak wt Onions, cuaun Beef, On1- ins and Grvy 1 oz. tiui............4e Spiced Prk ready t'o serve, SPECIAL, 1-2 lb..ý 25e Wagstaffe's Pur-eMraae containiug Orange Lemion aid Grapefruit, Ilarge -24 oz. jar .. 35c, Crispie Sweet Mustlard Pickles, 16 oz. jar .. 30c. Wyler's Chickeu, Soup Mix, SPECIAL, 3 pkgs. 29e. UR0ONO 5c. TO $1,0 TORE YOUR POPUlfARt SHOPPING CENTRE Mo1ttor Equipmnln 0000 Privat* Ambulance Northcutt and Smith Fevneral DireCtors aiid Furuiture Dealera RTEISY SERVICE e modeet fmneral ut th* màont Weil %c tii, argt and I ;f ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THUR