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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Apr 1948, p. 2

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mEÀ OF REVENUE Dy ACK SON COL 1E Synopsis CHAPTER XXXV: Weber liriiugs J.u1aita to hlis barn and ties lier to a b,4eamn. He thien eniters the hiome lie shares witl ilis fiauicce and lier brothier, 'Ellen and Chiet Maxoni. CHAPTER XXXVI "In othier words, it's noue oai--ur affair," said Ellen, ivith a shirtig.R "l thouglit wve were partuecrs-but it sueems to Ibe lu just (oie businessz. Thisfa. Weber whirled f rom the vindow. "Uim wond(einig if even that Part- nership wasui't a mistake," lie flared anigrily.ý "Maybe we'Qd bettr-oh, let it wait tuntil to-maorrow. 've gat sômcthing else an îmy rmmd just "It's evidently lu tlie yardï-som-- thing thiat needs close wtcling," E,'llen said sharply. Shie started toward the kitdheni door, bt \Weber reaiched it first and beld it fîrmily cosed. "Don't go out tee1 lie barked. 0Yumiglit rulu ee%rthilgl if youi've got tao wr expectiug a visit f rom the outlaw who calîs im- self El Caballero Rj. Elen's face paled. "You tried again to-" "'vc set a trap 'for hlm 1cWber said surlily. "It cani't fail! l'Il get lm th fis timie 'aIl nglit. Now go ta, bed. Bth of you.", Cliet 'Maxon bristbed. "ou' d s5hot anun llSuspect-ýiin an? Youl iouild't giv e hlm a?.chiance ito de- fend hinseli ?" "Au autnlaw wlio tortures men ta death adburuis buildings is't a niiani," ebegrowýled. "He doesn't deserve a chance." "You'qlbf ail, and lie'l1 mrake us pay f o'r it," suapped iMaxoni . "You've gone beyonid the imiit now, Clark. .Tinthe imoriug-i,-" "Y_ýou eau l lIont inow if yon want to, or if you're -tfraid," Webber sneered. "l'il buy your share lu this pl 1a ce. Buit iglit iiow 1 inteud ta stand at this wviindow, and do asi'Vve plauuied. Get out! Bathi of you 1!" Ellen uudged lier brother, and .lie cauglit lier significant look wliich Weber did not see. - "Clark's rïIlt, Chiet," Elleu said,i and slghedl resigniedly. "El Cabal- era Rja ls au outla'w. It's fair ta take hlm anmy way it eau bc doue." She glauiced at \Weler. "Buit i dont sec y on expee itom acamne bere, Clark.", "Re-'bl be lifre," Welber pramised gIoatingby. "For somethiug lie needs Pretty badly." "WViIat ?" Weber Iooked at Ellecontm vouisly. Why shjare biis secret with he2. or anyôue ese ?, Especially with Ellen, wlio had always preaclied againist biis ambitions, and td ta tie hlm downta theficdnillest, imast povety-trikensort of eitne Lookiing at lier uow, lie wondered wylie hpad ever let bier get a grip on lim. eI that wýas al over now, Hîs eyes were open ',)t ast. With tilt reward mlonley lie would get jfor the outlaw lie conld refuînd what Elleri and ier brother liad put uip ta lip mrake tlice first paymie"t an 'lie farm. Au biotr lias passed in quiet xlieil, ian u.ppei.rbedroomn, ElnMaxan tiptoed ta thie door and slid into ber brother's room ta whnsper ta lm n tenisely. Clie, Maxan frowuied and s1hoolk is 1iead, Cliet whispered that b# mneant to investigate the liant, but Ellen f atîy vetoed that. ',Clar7k lias gone tea sleep," Elen sid wth finality. "i~nha l snoring. But if lhe awoke and gaw" you before the barsadoar, hé would tire lef are ie. was wide estaugl ISSUE16 -1948 akwake ta scýe th-at YOU~ were xnot the outlaw lie's waiting for.' He cau'>t miîstake mie, thou1gh, if lie seesme liaJir ail(!krt. Notiii this wonr- liglit.» Ell1en bad fier way and crept down. stars wltli less noise thai a. floatinig f eathier. OpIeinig the front door by inehes, she closed it cautiously behnind-ber, and iu anly minutes sore was in- side the bafu, gropiug ber way up the drauglity stairs to the loft. At f irst, the sound of lieavy breatli- ingup tliere frightened ber. But she bravely struck a match, cupped her hauds about 'it, and tried ta guide its ligltinl a sweeping arc about the loft. It burned out in hierfingers in ber sheer surprise wlien 'she saw a ragged Mexican peon f astened to the rafters, milth bload trickling f rom bruised wrists. "Help mei, senorita" juanita plead- ed. Swifly Ellen Maxon lighted a lant- tern and started to look for same- thing withl which- to cut the stout rop,ý that bound tIseyouth. An axe, as b1unt as it was nicked and rusty, finially served lier Purpose, anid with every saw.,ing motion lier angýer again- st Clark Weber grew botter. "Wýho are youI" she whý1isperedt teusely. 4"Wliy did Clar-» 1"IdO -lot kilow, Se-norita, why thse mai, you call Clark kidiiap mre. Uni- less it be that lie liopes ta get gold f rom mny famiily." Juaiiita wvas imi- provising iastily. "Even uow lie ex, pects my poor f atlier to come'witli that ransomr, And I bhave warned that maybe my father also.briugs a gun! As she spoke, juanîta unbound lier ankies. She stretched and rub- lied lier numbed flesh, eyeing Ellen, lioping this youug womau would believe the story. "'Clark told us-my brother Chet and 1-that lie had somethiug here that would ure El Caballero. Roi o," she said slowly. "It caunot lie me," Juanita said eagerly. "You, are Easterner, no? You doûflot know that this outlaw is always the lotie Wolf? _You askc mens if thiat ils flot true. I Cau go 1ow, "Gyes, but care-fily !" Ellen ad- moniishe(d. "Clark is at thiý kitchien widow--wvith a gun !2' Jualita ýýfo1owe,-Ellen down th e stairs and walitedfo word that ail looked saf e, Prepare& ta h ler dashi, juLanita whiîspcred: "Onie does iflot forget sucd! a f av- or- as thiis, Senorita. AI;o.r, Madre de Dio.s vwatcli avNer yu"And she was goneLke à gbiost. (TO Be Coutinued) Fair And Warmner You are the sunshine of my lufe, Mabel! Your smile drives away every_ cloud. With you at my side I'would djef y the stormis of 11- lsI this a, we atLli er report, I F-rnuR5S 04 TI FOR Dog Gets Driver's License-Rover, a cocker spjani1el owned by Alex Janusicitis, Montreal niewspapermani, sits- proudly at the wheel of an automobile. If a policeman stops hlmii, lie can pro- duce a licen se authorizing- Rover janusitis to drive a moitor vehicle anywhere in Quiebec-which mneanis ini Canada, too- in 1948. Nobody at the license bureau bothiered to ask w.liethier it was for a dog or a man wheni it wasissuied. Sunduy ShooJ Lesson The Return Fromi Exile Haggai 1; 3-8, 13-14. Ooi s-,iText. Au([ lesus said iunto. hlmi - No man, h2ving puit his hiaud ta the plow Ad looking back, is fit for the Q-Igýor' of God. LukeC: 9:62. Sirce the dawn -frecorded bis- tory I'- land we know as Palestine lias been a trouble spot. It prob- ably alwayq will be, at least until Ilations learn, ho-w to live together without aggression or warfare.. For instance, it was aln.ost 2500, years ago - 536 B.C. - that the first 50 thousand Jews returned ioa Jerusalen after thei. long exile in Babylon. Yet what happened sounids - with due allowa:ice for thie dif- erceetweeu biblical and modern phraseo' ,gy - likc something we inigit s'ec in day'ný newspaper. Cyprus, ing of Persia, had de- cided to build a tem-ple jir Jerusaleni and ld for v-oluinteers among the jewish exiles ta go there sudj carry Out the project. WbIen th1 fonda tion of 'le teniple vwas lifr' was an occasion for great reir aud rïo douilit tu pece Ide about thie brave uew wo tat was ta folilo:. But nirnl<ind was ma!lcind'"I, then as it is u iow. Some of the saeie vw io ha 1 . -raied in Palestine, af ter the t tribes had been taken juta exile, Lad intermarried with the heathen". The resulting race. the Samaritans, had a religion which was 4646 Everyb)ody's ilu loveti YOUn l this! Patterui 4646 i3 the aswer to a madnsprayer for thalýt ne,-W smrooth, swlsli silhouctette! And sew- easy hy thse skirt's lu ONýE piecl ýPatteru. 4646 cames ii) Jr. Mis siza I, 13, 15, 17. Size 13 takces 3,ýyds. 9-u.fabrie; ,4 yd. eantrast. Seuýd TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25c) iu coins (stamtps canuat be aeeepted!' for this pattern. ta Raaa 421,. 73 Adeaide St. West, Toraonto. Peint plaily SIZE, NAME, AD- DRESS, STYL- NUMBER. a m)ixtu-re ai worsbhip ai idols and that ai the true God. and when thse Samr- a ans wauted tuý assist ini building1 thse îemi)be, thieir aller vas refuised, Sc li~ wenit ta the king ai Persia aud _su1cceeded iii b ving al );vr> stopped. Fil teen years3 later the propliet Haggaý"i stirred the people ta action sayin-g, "Is itt ilime sr you ta 4weUl lu yaur ceýied hautse, and this Hanse ta lie -, 'ste?" - aui, telIinig the 1aple that al heir troubles were due ta their ueglect ai God's House. Perliaps, if lie hiad sah 'ýtheir negleet ar God lie waubtid bav, camne coser ta the truth. HOW Can 1? by Ar-" Ashley Q. How can I blanchie alm-ionds? A. By pîaciug in boiling water for a iew minutes. Rem-zove skias, dry and brown ln heated butter on top'- ai stove, stirring coustasitly. Remnove froni fire wlien they are very iglit brown, then drain ou brawn paper and sprinkbe witli salt. Q. Haw eau 1Iremiove varuish from -metal? A. 0h- varnish can be removed1 from metal by dippinig the article t juta equal parts of amnmonisi and alcoliol.- Q.H. au I reijew. dull patent A. The dull patent leather bag, or other articles of this leather, eaui be made ta oak like new by rub- bing it thoroughby with a ittle mnilk and then pobshing with a dry clath. Your Hanldwriinig and You sAni Accurate Aayi Dear Mr. Aruxott: Y our anialysis aif mly ziter's lhanýdwitiug Iliasbeenl received i Y us-15h'a great deal Cai intierest -as it i15 correct iluevery ý,de- tail-almiost uu11cauiiy so. He art ali being able ta read froni a few words written across a page th-e per-sonality traits ai the writer, must iudeted be au ýinterestiuig talenit. 1 wou-ld appreciate a frauik and as ciandid mau apraisail af my fbaud- writinig as possible. Your writinîg shows a well bal- anced emotuional nature and tis is a stroulg indication that ,oul do nQ(t give way ta emlotianial teuden- cies but are inicliued ta use ijudg- ment auid consider tie advautages ta lie gainled and the qutie Ck eSit mltbiod aif soiviIIg a probbeml. TIs feattire af 'your wrîting iiidcicates selfî-possession aud complete cois- trol avez- the emiotions-. t absc shlows you reserved lu ail matters perîaininiîg ta appeals , t te lbeart and thiat sentimenýt is n s-condary cousideration. With you, it is flot a quIestiClonfaivnPatlIY, buit rallier whvlat is best for ail. , whethier it wýill pay, and if it is practical. Depth aif emlotian is the nlext coul- sideration, aud thitls will tell Lus whether you carry emnotianal cx- perienices for a lonig period ai tume or qts-ickçly forg-et tli-eml. Ilu your writing, a tenidency is tsbotald on ta experien)ces aif the past with Vivid rI ecoîbectionls. Abso is sliown a sense oi colours wvithl ability ta blend thlenita advautage. Tl'le script reveais too that you have an ear for mie (-and appreciate its valne, There are timnes whi- you are very Sensitive ta citicism iand are iuclined ta take the remiarks and sarcasm aif othiers toc seriotsliy and are ikely ta becomie cool and re- served. Yoss are incinied ta lie clannisli and nat take toa readily ta new iriendships, preferrig a smnall circle of frieuds toa acod This characteristicmke it difficuît for you ta -mingle witb ~others wt~ae Th-isý does flot mean thatyu are not iriendly. Yon eaulie very frîiudlýi but prefer ta keep other-s at a distan-ce wvlien itàcamles ta choigpem-afleut frieudships and Ai'Yffle WisJing a more complete anlssPlease tendmi Jadrse stmpdnvelope to Boxe B, roomn 421, 73 Adelaide S i Wst, Toroýnto. ý Tisese iù nocharge for Ihis rervice. ýR ELIE:F, fm mscudar Sîoani's Liniment is a reliable' first aid remedy for ai/ mus. cular pain.. For the penetratipg heat of SIGan's ummolis heallng blood te pain spots ..resulting in quick relief and con-dort. p j '1' 4 i ) 't 4 4 BELOThe Kjnd Y? ReifTbat Helps Make You R>rïi' To Go Morte thagn 1hait of your digestion is donie So whenindgetio otzety0soeh tisat h'elpa igsi i the stonaeh ANI) below the et Whtyou niay Lie'd is Carters Litte Liver Plls to give needed elp 't- that "forgotteu 28 ïeeS",of boýwe1s. T,,ke one, Carte's Littie' LivCr Pill hefOrc and one afiver ma Take th,nm aceording to directions. They h1elp ak u alarger l1,g of the 3 main digstejiesi n your txmsch AND bcswels -help yofl digest what yen have eaten in Nature's Own w1.ay. Then renet f olks get the kiwi o! if that makes yo"uif eet better lrom your lhead toe ur te.. .111tlie sure you get the genuine Carter a Jittie Liver l'dis from your druggist -33e.

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