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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Apr 1948, p. 3

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And Otherwvie '%We (of theNrh Amerjicanti cot ileti ke t' Cdaim lthe pie our1 ow\1 spal i linryachievemeuit. Apple pie aid ice cream suirely are iirotdin Our menu ,,traditionis, apl ot îîs .hdits birth in) somle anicieuit baklers, <aven cenltu- îes before Co(lumbuL)ts discovCetil tis ewContinent. Those ener f lakely pies we chocose îoday a're bIieved o la have baaid thir oiin ii the fabu11,ls (Ori- en of lng ago. Cem- fle arts anld ricb pastries wecre fLat'e rsomi e attractions alt f tzaars of('ha N ~ whiithie roi f the anlIcienlt \orfld stilil trg iing on bread and fiat cakes. I Hoeeas thie ofd(! ie of Per- sia and Aria )1ý!were principaiiy 'market and Ilradinig centr es, it didn'f take àlong for thecir go aîg ideas to spread to Ioe wbose progres- Sive bakeurs son ipicked iup thle sec' rets of f iakey pastr-y . . . -jnst ike ~<Mother Persiýa used i10 anake." Ramle vwas cone up flich rest of the wetern o l] in Iis respect as it was one 0;fithe few areas plnodutcingý wheatel flotir -uitable for %vite bread and pastry. Romnr galies car- ried thlis finle flouir acroîs ic seas iii the path of Caesýar's canqcaiets ai pastry recipes ltua wcre itroduiecd ta Gauil, Britain and bia Romani baniquets featured i those days a -ide variety oýf paistry, iii cluding liit, fluiffy patty sheils itnd somnewhat hiearier dishes oCf huge, "ésinginig ird" pies. This laitter disda proved thier's more tuth than poe()try in aur old nurscn7ry rhyme abouit "four and tweuty blackbirds hkdil a RomecouqeredBitaIin, beset as Shie was by fog, aite and poliical S unrest, lundoubtedily peerdthis rib-stickýiing ish ta feathiery pastry, shieils and for maniy years leitft a 's'-. .ighiter side of fihe bakers' art ta coninei-ntal Erp.To Ibhis da, whven an Engiilihmen says "pie" e's usualyv referring ta a pasîry-covered mneat dish. lilhis ciinrary dictionary, fruit and custard-filleed paîtry comles undler thle heading- of "tairts." Pie -was the dish of thet day in Endieval EnganIn-accordatice' with public deniand, bakers ini Ibose dirys prepared thir pies oau a ig #cale. A fa orit.e pie recipe conisisted! Q..eion.stewed in] giniger aueld c,N d withi a thick Pie cruast, stuid- dd I'with dateýs. Abott he saine lýiane, the Crusaqders, ietrning fromn tise East, bnsnigt laom ise r ecipe for E-gLind's liraI aince pie. This now laosdeseît laad Jouig cen )a fav- lorite ini the Orient Mwleere il ok tise formi of a -patty shcil fîlîed with- fruit and Inlls. As eating habits becomiie morere finedtri(- hie smler, more esl'i gested pie appeared onl feaisz day taýbles. 'flic piresenît-day tarIc - .a openi-faccd pastry shieil fiied withf 3au, frut or custard . . . des cended frointe"hitasPe aes famous by "Litlle Jack Hme. This pastry meiasurcd about thrce luches across a tiusaliy helti a temrplîng f iling of )reservýedfri or mince mnat. The alid saying about "cating hu 'I lie pie" derives f rom n 1 eatiig cius- fomn of Medieval England. JnIh lat far-af f lime, fthe hule fc olk who sal "beiow the sua" aItheliir Lord's s~,.table were served thec poorer cults lof vetisan called "obe. The -neal 'was, disguîselsd in a sort of îe wiîh apastry caver. And so il came abouit that tless favored (inner guiesl wysaIe "4nomble Jpie" ý- .a dýibwhiich f in- aiiy acquired its mare appropiate tille of "hlumlble pie" andl cenlu,ïtally evoi- ved intoan everyclay cipresion of oujr 2th Cenituiryvoch iy t How to Change Oak ~-Finish to Mahogany C iONILES0FGINCED FAR MS ByGwavpndoahne P Clarke ay2th basawas been S th e traditional daýte on which ail]goo farmecrs "*'turn onmt, thecir ateo gra -tSs-. If the cattiec are iinrneid ont sonrit 1imas one of two thin1g- etbe,,r the fatrmer is, ont of haýy and conisïîCýderdi ritabefo buy it, or lie is ineprendad doesýn't kniow aybte.Ctl r sa- IV kept in unlltil 11tha aeto gv stnirdl y groVwth before beuing chewed untiiliMayiv 'I, there is-, ualy alot of ra, and if catîle.are1a\lod to- 'u nwt pasture1a1reat Cýýdeal of foderiswated 1by vbeinig trampedj down juliota the11m1(. So, 1this Nlay 2411h custom i, beieve, xquite us!I in 1mauypats of (Ontario,athul Ilhe tnenyIliese days, is t0 keezp thecati in even longer. Ye, odyan this is narly 'in April1,1te CBC glibly announced, -it isexpectd the 'buttr shortage wili be gp1reatly eieedwhen cattle are turned Ott0 rass xhich is' Sometimes one won(,iders where iii the \vorld the CB digs up its in- formaion rirthcr its m is-inform- True, ithe ibtteri- rtgemay bu soehtrelieved-by that imne- 'oly %for-ajvery diffrenclt realson. At eat,tatis how a "dirt famer way f arr-iv iug Lfast and fure ous eni early sring, ad %vith the cle thee uis nlatut'rally an increase in the ille stipply-often far exceeding the ilk shîý1ipper's daily quota. The exta ilk, must of course, be 801(1 some1iow, sorrc *.ere. On somne frmil isepa:ratd and sold to L--- r a adwe2h's P: -rTE 0O EN Onions, More O nions Fried Onion Suices If yoni are iniclinied to weep eil 'npe'e. lTe dry, enter skia wïll slip Ëff thesues Siie large oniions (Bermuda are he)inii]rds, or about, 1/ inch thick. Arrainge oions in tryîng pan. AUd a fewv tablespoans of water. Cav-er. Sýimmenr until juiltender. Test withi a fork. Sprinkle with sal i and pepper. Now Ihe suices aire readly for browning. Add butter, or baconi fat - takes 5 or more. tablesproonsý fat for 6 ta, 8 onions. ronta a, turu. Don't stir. Leave iid off pan and brown onn suices gen1tIy. Use spatuila'and pan- cake tiiurer t tu the slices witb' ouI breakinig. Perfectly bjrow,,ned onion suices smliotberinig ajuc steak-thecre's a man's ie of a mileal. Serve Ibese tender, sIiitlyý browned onionrig as the botvegeabiewitb sizzling stea-k or 'tender -slces of liver, a green saaad a fruit dessert. Bakcd Onieons (J large conionJs 4 suices buittered toast 2 cUpgatdchieese icup miiký Vteaspoon paprika 1 tablespoon miid-fiavouired fat Peel, sc crosswise and bail onions unitil niiýry tender. Drain wAeli. Place thle buttered toast in the bottom ofr a bakiug dish. Ar- raniige the oltions an the toast and spikewith the grated cheese. Beat egg and miik and add sait and paprika. Pour Ibis mixture aven the onions and dot with fat. BakIe in a mioderateoaven, ii5O0F, for ab>ouit w. minutes. Qion Shortcalte 10 medium isized onions 1 loaspoon s tait 3 tablospoons fat Biscuit edougli t cup medium iicream sauice ,4CUP Chopped pars'Ley 1,' teaspoon paprika Dahof nuitmieg 7c eip grated chieese Peel anld suïce Onionis anld. Sprinkilze with sa1it. Me2It fat in f«ryîng pan.Vr and add nions. Caver aud iniymerý until tender. Drain welli. Prepaire a biscuit douighig i cup flour as a baie anld adding 2 tablespoonu, tomlato catsuip with thbe mik.his sbouiJlie ,a drap batler ratlier theun a "roli-autt" dauigh. Prepare ',ip mledium iiCreaim sauce. add paptIL the creamry. More butter! 0On other- farmis thle etra imilk, goes as ",surpluiis"I' lothe city datiries-andý what they do ithi t is anybody's gues s. rThe faire o often like ta know. But why, oh hsol a short- age of at-,thing be aderisdW fnd ont soon cenoiugh whenwecant get whait we wanit. To roacas tlhing ý is Olle Sure a çd erta in way t0 creýate panieb1,1uying. I,%was wVlhoý,i eVea reisigwatIia d1oing. ýBob ws oin10 -,tow n alud 1 I isdire w aad ýiI 1sai 4 to Bo -Mayh yvoi u had1 hetti r)br111 woni't l"ay, etwek"Se a In the country? Ahi, yes! l)o you know the miracle of spring lis beginning aIl over, agaînl Snow- drops are bloomiî'g; greni shoots of daffodils and nrîsiaeseseral inches hiluomieen av bîd jos-t appeainglt. Tîere isloa ilt er shade to te l il1 vbanheand Btaa il is precions ittl timle 1 hiave for sein ilail iust aI pres- eut,asImcopeiyogd y extra work in, thebos.W ar in the rocss o haInga:,\aic ations, done aroundhee First thýe carpenters arrive; they- pull dow,%n one partition and insert a new onie; rip out the door an-d put in a win- dow; and, although the sxork is in oue corner of the bouse yet old pla- ster, shavings and sawdusî pet tramped imb every room. \fter the carpenters, a couple ofL brick- layers aînd plasters anixcd ow îlîeir svork is azsa fiislid whici. means there is plenty of painting for me ta do hefore the plumbers appear on the scene. And liaving a boy arouud on crutclies doesn't help ',ery-\,.mutch. By the way, I hav e suddenly vdiscovcred a an sw i \T one fo-ot tracks in more dint ha 'oue w ith tWO. beat an egg intu il. 1Place -cooltet casser-ole. PoursaUeoeroiiouis and drap (dough fram àa spoon on)I top. Bkein a bot oen 4',ý for about 2-0 inultes or unitil donýgb is cooked. Scalloped Onions In Tamabto 6 large aniaus, sliced 3 tabiespoonis flour 7teaspoon ppe 2 labiespoons mild fiavonred fat 1/2 teaspoon sait to~cuslmata juice Arrange hait of the onions in a casse(role, sprinkie witb hait of the flour, the sait and pepper. Dot with fat. Repeat ingredients in a second 'layer. Pour- over the tomata juice. Bake at 10O'F, for 35 ta 40 minutes. Six servinigs. Creamed Fried Onions 2 labiespoons milaordfiat -1 cup-zýslsiced anions (4- 6 medium) 4 tablespoans flour 2 cups bal iik Sait and pepper "t taste Meit in frying pn Add oniore1os, caveýr and eook slowiy uil teiuider, about 15 ninultes. Stir in flour and cool,1 iinutje longer. Pour in the hot miik and cook unitil tiknd Seaqson ta laite. Serve -w.ith 'siiced hard-cooked eggs, liver ormet A Paj-s1ey prittby -Alfandri simply styled Nith a high, round neckline, short, straight sIe.-ves. The suggested dust riifle breaks just ab-ove the kneeline. Leave It To Her Ift's awfully late!" he rmre to P-s friend, after a long bout ut the club. "What wil you1 say, w your wife?' Oh, I sha'n't say mch, you kniow," wLs the reply,. -'Good morn- iug dea' or somnethîng cf ý ithat sort. S"II say the r, t." Playng Saf e A rural pasorcale on one o>f h', p oorer prainrto find imi m,;,,n a percfectly, fine day _. Thje mi sat smok;ing an 0kcornicob pp ithIe doorway. "Got yurbes n etSa? "Npe, Too many exianbeeties ZI iast sume." c- yellow ?" "Neither! Too dami mainy cor-f borers lk ýt year." Next the pastor àsedifSam had bonght his seed potatoes yet. "Nope. Last year I spent too dami much on arsenate of lead for pota- to buigs'." "Whapt on earth are y on goinig to plant. Sam?" "Nothin', Reverenid. Thîs,ý year I'm going to play saLfe." antisettie .i1 that lrings sed'relief tram the, jîclingittndicmot Nulon li dues this Ie oie niseptiC 011 pr=Oote rapid and beaIthi' Iîeai-in open sores and wo und. but halls aind simpile nicers are aiea relIeved. En skin afcin u thegor Eezemja is eluickly steppi. Ftiple-slin serunptons dry e an aend oFf thia Vo' ew daiy"" Th cee s trnie tUarof re[th, Sait Rheum. t itclng Toýs end i-t tenmdlter Von can )obtin PMuanci'e Emerl in the original btille ai anY imodem idrux store. Saisfaction or mnraL*. il. Make (Seat.) 17. Tops 19. uurdon 22. Ro)man urban officiai 24. fioningb-'al ACROSS 4. Poaanlaora foýrmation 1. Sonatonial robe 5. esrtwogy. Oceans 5. Wise enen 6. 1Baw 26:. Yaung dags 9. SUnken place ý 7. You.g woman 27. 0f a hiatorical 12. Wngllkýe 8. Perfect peniod .13. Iris plant P. Ra tho er 28. Convalescence j. Cottonfabric j le. 'So, 4rn_19a '10. TriememulDng 29. 'irst prin- ciplea 23. Wickedness 36. Crystal gazer 38. Rettiodruni 40. Spirit of cvii 43. Croscent 45. Hors eback gamo 46. Homi-n y 47. Scotchi-linish 4.Paddl 49.13y way of 50.-Sîea ANSWER TO THIS WEEK'S PUZZLEC SLOLS fi Ï VLLELAP97 ' A L'UR POAs Baghidad, faried MýohammredaRn of culture, learnîngp and ro- mance, 'vas buil, betwý,eeu 7(,2 and 766S AD., by Abu jaffar. CHOICE FRUIT T REES AND SM11ALL FRUITS Ornamnental Treesý, Sliruhs Large & Comipleta Stoeck ol Ail Leading Varietiee 500 Acrea tedier Culivation Se@ our Local Agent cir Write for Frec Catalogue 't Plainig Guide 0. H. PRUTDHOMMYE & SONS, L-TD., EEAMS VILLE, Ontario. "An important part of my diet ever- since my first boutle lias been Crown-r Brand Corn Syrup. Now, that mnay be ail right for a ittle character like myseif, but Jet me tell you, these grown-ups sure are lucky what with Mont scrving them Crown Brand Corn Syrup with so mnany of their dishes. And she uses ik in lier bakîng, too, as a swcetener. I can hardly wait until I'm old enougli to have some hot waffles or pancakes smothered witli delicious Crown Brand. If it's as good as it is in my cereal- For years doctors have recoin- mjended theý use of Crownt Brand Cora Syrup as a satisfactory carbo- hydrate acting as a mailk modifier0 for bottle-fed infants. CORN àSýYRUP THE CANADA STARCH COMPANY LTD. MONTREAL. - TORIONTO Aiea Manufacturers of Canada Corn Starch ""l'Il raise with a Package o ue-eiiu Post-'s Gralp-NIUIsFlks "0K, pal. That's a blue chip if 1 grawlth iand rich bleUod." tever saw 0one -speaking dlc- "Uîig wf grin istado oe Ôusly, o! course." inmaking P0s Gape-ul "And these mlyrchny lksis a pair that remlly pays 0off golden Posl's 'Grape-Nuts Fla-kes - in ltebeafseny-cî ar2e a whole slack of gaad nour-ish- ani os-hckiocfpaen. "A spadeful of carbahydrates for l l ~ctaagLrtar~ u energ.y." u unl --tsC-u. "And minerais for msce nd F1kcý c 2 I acaa N 'I. N -'s N N1 N1 -s N 's N N N N N N N N N N N ~1' N NI NI NI -s' ,,~s N .5',, N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N 's' N N N 's N N 'i N N 's' N N s N N s -s" 's' s' N NI 'se 's NI y' NI N NI 's, 's "s v NI 1 11-0 z ýe-ï ï 7e-1- - ý - 1 TA ERLE TALk-ý7ý,S mlhOro S ýhis p-ge.

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