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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Apr 1948, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIllES TR$DAY, APRIL 15th, 1948. BefereSeig LIVE POULTRY Try me Mly Pruces Ara Highar M. FLATT Bethany R. R. 1 7r13 Reverse Charges 15-16 With Burt Lancaster and Lîzabath Scott (Aduit) Sa.Only, April 19 rUErý COWBOY AND LADýIY" With Gary Cooper and Merle Oberon ,,WREC-K 0F T1HE HJESPIERUS"* 1ontý Tues., April 19-20 "CGOQD NEWS" Wahth June Allyson ,and Peter La7wford lta Technicolor - Ved., Thur., Apr. 21-22 Writh Robent Young and Robert Mitchumff "STORK BITESMN With Jackie Cooper (8.30 0111y) He-athar Rebc1ahl Lodige ha holding9 a da-nce in the Town HaBl l 'hs Friday PARK ST. IITED CHURII Reverend B. Eustace Mlirdster SUNDAY, APRIL l8thI 2.30O m-ndy&ol GATHIER I'N EDMONTON! 'llhis we2ek we received the eront ýi page of the Edmontop fJo-Lrna.I datedi FiyApriil 21d, from ourfrad MIr. H. P. Long cf VriloAlber- ta. APiture of a group of men ap- peared on this page -1oareprmn a r, the g-roup there apae h pictura of H. C., of Trno OtroDeputy Miuister of Mine.ýýi 1Mr. Long sayfyo u just c clAn't Ilp good man own. We wud ikee Vo receive the n~e ofju visitors or any othier evrents that hrp-pewiri Oruono afnd tUe sur-! rounding osnnndY. This la halt makes fa puatpr interesting. BIRTHS WALLAQCE -- At Bomnil os-i pital, on monday, AXpril l2th,198 Vo 4r. and Mrs.ArodWiaeo Kirby, a son. H EA R PREMIER. GEORGE DREW "'ONTARIO MINING LOOKS AHEAD" Q1UEEN'S PARK REPORT No. 11 FRIDAY, APRIL lôth CFRB 86q, at 8.00 pm. Handlinlg money ~fi*~ mnoney itcos'ts you m--ore to live thlese days. A-ad it -cost's vyour bank more toi providc effiient bankýing service. Biank staffs are more than haif as large again as before the wr payrolls have nearly doubled. Taxes are up. So is the. cost of everytbing bal y. Yet ysouý pal, no more for bankdng, service than you did ten years ago.ý Today 7,000,000l Can-radians are baiicstom ers- stiking evidence Of the ever-idening usfleso e b~iildng in our national 11f.. HEALTH UNIT REPORT Fcliowiflg is the report of the Nor- thumeniad-DuhamHealth Unit forl the, weeiýk ening Aprîl lO'th, 1948: Clarke Towniship 1, faln'o on ship 1, 'Millbrook 2. Red -Measies;: AlnwickTonip5 Bo0wmauvilillc 21, Cmbiiod1, Ca- van Townsýhip 2, Cob)ourg1, obrn 2, arintnTownsbýip 6'ý, Hidfimandli Tonhp40, dflaiton Tcwuship 9, MnesTo-wnsýhip 5, Millhbrook 16, Percey Townshiip 7, Port Hope 4. Mup:Bowrnlanvilie 1, Brigh 11tonl Tovn.'ý1ip 7, Cavan Towns'hip 8, Go- !bo)urg 16, CoIbornie 14, D-arlingltoii Township 9 ,, Port Hope 5. Scarlet Fever: Bigliton Village 1, Newcastle 1. Septic Sore Throat: MNurray Towni isihip, 1. Total 182. JIM CAMERON LESKARD, ONT. Electric and Acetylene Welding Cyclinder Blocks and Heads Welded Specializing l 1 ALUMINUM AND ZINC BASE METAL Ail Work Guaranteed' Phonie Or-ono 1 ring 5 Order your COAL Early For A Sure, Suppfly 0f The Famouis Reading Anthracite ORONO COAL & LIJMBER FURýNITURE SALE l'le undersign-ad hlias receivad iin- Strui5ii6s from Mrs. J. E. Beatty to sali by ipu7blic auiction at 80 BroGwn 5-treet, Port H-tope, at 1.00 p.m, lo Saturda, Aprl 24th, ol a full hue of. hous-aboi*d affects. Anyone vatn Vo puIrchýase good furniture ùeuldh weil adisd o attend this sale.* Terums Ca sh. No esre - Jack Raid, Auctionleer. - SALE IREGISTERS iThe unciersigned bas-eéceîved l-i- istructIonIs fromn the Eyac-u:tor of thiea IEst-ta of thie late Seward Dowso, Lot 35, Con., 4, Garýe, Vo seli by pub- lic auction on FLrliay, April l16th, ati 129 o'cock 'nooni, ail biîs boises, cattle,I Pig1-, Interna.t-ional tractor, ý3-ïurro'W tractor plow, Goodi-son tiresbher, cIo- ver m-iii, saiwing machrine, dn prese forge, anvil, viecirculai sw,'29 Chtev. ca, ay loader, aide deivery reke oreardsprayer, inew fertiliser dni, -es Cof chfains, tools of ail kinds, upigh-.t pÎiano, iradidi1s chars, ec.Terma ,cash. See us Jack Reid, Auictcine, FURNITURE SALE The unesgehas received Executors of thie Estate of the Late FERN CHAPMIAN Vo sou byapbic aucý1ti-on at bar daeresidelice FRONT STREET. ORONO at 1.00 pan. on SATURDAY, APRIL l7thi the following : -pceChesterField Suite, good as ne-w; Marcoi Electric Raio; 2 Oc- enasionulal hir;Buff et; Wntg Ds;2 Walnut Centre- Tables; 6k ]Diningroom Cliairs; 6 TKi tchen Chis;41 es Wash Stands; 2 C"-hest-f Daer;Wainnt Rocker; Kitcben Gouch; KiJtchan Table, Man- bie Gok Wal-nut End Tabla; 2 Toilet Setsz; 3-piace ParleCr SaxlVe; Kitchani Cupbrard; 44bu-ruer Goal Ou11Stove,; Goiemnan np Large Mirror with Bevel Glass; Ilanud Wa-)sher; Step Lda;Latwn Mwa; arden Tos quantity of Dishes, Bedding anid Lineni, and rmaiy otlier articles. TERMS CASH. No Reserve. .ackç Reid, Auetionbeer, AuCtionaci., HAi'YDO-NDALE GRASS CATT1LE SALE FDAAPRIL l6th 1948 150 headi of Cttie, including Spriu- ers, ý 'Gows, ai-d 1½,'-yeair-olds, up Vo 2-year-ol Steercs and eirs PURH1AMiS, HEREFORDS anid POLLED ANGUS AUI'caittie weii witered, exceýllentý con.dition for <grass, al daboined. Wa,, wil deliver aI11cattéedirect b yolir rnho r faim fi'ee -of charge. Withà -gas it aL bauid do noÉ miSs hi sal. iattle are of excellent qiualiy, -moý'tly selected firoen well bred herds of high beef standingý. Salewlb hedat PHaydou Flaim,10 mla ot -nf R ni~nvi1n i ile hi aaýt Of is cLà«if l'e Tihe Ap-lri meeting ofie Evering Auxiliary will be h'eid on Mlonda- eveniing, April t19tb,, it t)lie home cf Mrs. J. Blueeat «8e00MoI'e. DUon Lt forgt. our ontibutono the balýýe. GEORGE YORK Orono - Onro A gentz for the Empire Wlppr an th W ater P ro of W allýpa p er s (rgnJ Wlite se.Sea mriy portfô o'f iovely xa"Ipapers. Ev'er- ings. You ill ha satis~fied. WANTED AgenttVo seiliewiip reved plastic ~floor finish. Fuli or part tiime. Ii'glh- est commyission. Appiy Vo Box 300, Orono Tms f W4iNTED A bouse ur-gelftly, Mr-s. George MiuKenna, Orono.c-2p one Tranctor 2on 4bber w-ýý-ýitb start- er andc lght.Phoi eyJ7r 7, John- FOR AL One Battery v doPhonol10a, In Orlonio. a-12p FOR SALE Renfrew Scalesi, cton'icapacity. Phone O0rono 79 r 16. a -12- p FOR SLE MlryCooic Strp_ II(good Coni- dition. WiHI seil rme0aile ,1Phone Oronlo 65 r 16. - 1--p, FlOR SALUE Cblick GalBrooder, both lused also c'la 800 CickEieetric BrocderI, neW. Appiy È)AkasAppfliayci Sop FORS AL E Sit acresb, no bouse,Lo1, 1Conlcession 6, Clarke. Pienity shiadei 1u runnng1at -J Iea 3 pasture fa rm. -Twalve lhui-dred. Aiex. Hoy, R. R. No. 4, saa -3p FOR SALE Cartier Onts, good for feed orý sead ýLorne Robbins, Leskard, Phone! 54 r '13, )Oroo.e- 12-u ~ ORONO Reupholstering Repairing Refishing Antiques Bought and Soldl Se our lia. o f Drapery Kitchen 1Unlit. made teO rder C. F. Duncan Phone 79-16 - ORO)NO NNT EX P 4 Radio Service! Tho! combination cf experion.,ce, comt- plot ata on al maîces, Lsud mnodem tt -t ipmntWihI enDure PROMPT, REASONÂBLE AND EXPPERT REPAIS Cal R. L. MYLES Phono 7 9 r 4 - ORONO Given Cheerfully on. Rock 1ol Hme Inksulaidon By Blw ; ystem.. Four inches thick, GILPiN & Ce. InuainContractero, 57 Bloor St, Weut, Toronto District TRepresentatiro for Durham Couuty GERORGE WADDELL Phono 23 r U? - BETHIANT Lent8 Prf1%nl îe~r MEDICAL A. P. M'cKENZIE, Mf. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Offi"e IHours:. 2.00 te 4.00 p.m.È; i.30 to800pm Sunýdays aileWednaesdayz; by appointiment only PHIONE 47s-1 - ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mlaqon, B.A. Barrister andI Solicitor BOWMANILLE, NT. Office 688 Home, 553 BARRISTER SOiliciTOR NOTA RY Phonies : Office 825 Residence 4J, rBOWMANVILLE, ONT. VTERIN ARY DR. W. W. SHERWIN VETERINARY SURGEOIN 1 Office main St. Oroneb Phonoý 63 r 7, Oroýno INSURANE Fýire, Casualty, Automnobilù and Liability SORONO ONTARIO ORONO'S liNSURANCE MAN Manufacturer. if e Isrne D)omninion of, Can.ada Ge-neral Hlartforid Pire Inisurance WaeloMutual Fire inisurance Wawanesa Mutual Insýuranco is represented n thLii district b3, DANEFOUND O.RONO -. Phono -e8 r1 If it's Insurance, gir. Dan. a l* INSURANCE IN ALL ITS BRANCES, Fire, Automobile, Liability, Life, Hlospitalizationi, Pltate Glass, Buirglary, Casua.lty, CANADIAN, BRITISH and Office, MaiSt. - ORONO Phoýnes: Office 2 r 10; Resv. 1 r la Pho-ieneeand 1vIliwail au t utyou. Etmtsfreely given, ino obligation INFORMATION would yen likt ûie mowmore abtâ the followi'ng ? (a) How tegyul teyouir fally eoe thoUSanjd dollars that yefhaonTeyu saved ? (b) HV ow egaatea51 cheque te your family ovory mntb for 10-15 o'r 20 years should Yeu b.ý- taken eut of the Pc-ire ? (c) How te have a salnry cheqno , every month for yourself as long as yOu live, cmecn at age5-6 or 65D. (d) HOw to guarantee that your son or daughter wiul have the neY for an education beyond high à ol Let us have a Chat abou-t itsoe timie. Phone FRED LYCETT - Oro-No 18 r 1 AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSO-"N Auictioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Suies of ail 51Mo and ut reasonabloe rates Comniniicato wvith hlm at Puni Porry, Ontaric, or se, hlm C1ork, A. E.Mrtn t Oropno, for date. JACK REID ANITE Auctioneer anad Valuatof Specialize iFarin and 623 Furniture Sale% 7!7"MMMMý

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