ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TRUR&>AT. y, PRIL i5th, 1941 RdCedTo1Clear 500a hcksz TRANSCANADAý 17 . . . . . 95 TUIBESý,TfE 600 x , 616il $2,49 ac RURBCER TIRES 600 x 16 Rims $2,54-hî u s - Otac 60016 Weel corpat gwthaks NEW TON ilV1LLE M -nd'is. lfed Rdknap and D LgisLwtV îs arets The li e' ofîali t h etw on Mo1: ecnn tulyiiia ln Trv ganizten Mis.Wesod Srinai aconp-ned- Me. and Mi..ndi Na.y t[1 si dXrýiends b Beileviovr h weak- Thiewet wathro tepatfw days as stpped ork onneaply ail tisufamin iln l tIis di strict. ifi teethndentsnpick Lip h elIte eniovgbi. lis loepessteir peitlion gîfts and wois ,ofsyptydin E~ ~ l f orer ccn braent. e\valu IecLIc taig eat ber odge fo Wear-e Son o hai Ms1 fo v itîichr Aile. t kCwé Mwis. kloýhary-ndso cg ciTn pomeda. ningown g te e nde t o ks patece te grow C seul;ad 1c~ieaChstiesfrt WESLEY1VLL E dtoF Laeotrlron esd ay n. Misr.ailim Mason Evien ading a Geore Matyn f WloMi-. homeaftr alengtb ilinos f Mc. îno Tope ndyke plrcated a tic NEII-IORHODNEW WE ARE PYN THE HlIGHE5!r PREVAIING PRICES FOR DEAD OR PPLEFARZMANMS HORSES - - a CATTLE - - - HOGS TelephioneCoet for immledliate Service GORDON 'YOUNG LIMITED Toron.to, Adelaide 3636 - Cobourg 4sJ S'AT WOR.[ý'.. LEARINGAERO ýEINGINE AND AIRFRAMIE MECHANICS re de-sired and purchased by people al over the ce suci ,oosargely 4deermiines teeconioie - chilit itii erbodes Bec-ause thie sale of ) brins valuabledall a to thiS Prvice, we ty., . , aind we and our chiîdreni can hlave more od(uce sincb goodls lu sufficienlt quantîtlies, skillad sOune ip nf s hmdd 1he ad1%tht wr vreers W.Cad , 2an of Oshawa, Ontario, a Canadianstrent vateran, is shown m-akinig: 111adust-nnito Ileticenle ofa Cii Trio.Studïeut's wor"onvarionis types : of aircraft rangiing from the Cid) Traimer to .multiple angineiitary aircraft. Many v1erans,' trained as grouind crew specialists during hewa, ave ichoen to take ps.wrtraining la W th1 0is occuipation for hh ý,Y theyý are particuilarly suited. i For thiem thle transition to pec-time employmnent ha3 M SPRING TONICSI PHOSPHO0-LEGI T HINI qf 31w.Rock iib Port Britaiana! tokpossession iast week.i M.Charllie Tpcotef port iHolp, Velyacate,(d by Mr. Bd. Ee in 313% and Mis. Arstold Au;mtin and faiyspent hu Sy I'hM. and imrs. JohnWlactwh eeir'e their 40th ivedn -nvnay On JMondAy a1i t 1no cmtr and burnd. it was decided to coui- we'e, k. T hu eîeer oadmetngwS held aUthJe bhome OfAir. 'andMi's, d- Arraogementswnre maçle fr the" Sanday Scoonwashed at lo.yo xvith anl attendine of tit-sx w mg lu theabene fMir. Wýilfledi Bee.Mi.Caroil ichlla acred kai sUpijil 'eilideii ad Ms uiiAus- tin,1( pvvddte ui.Ca col- loxed i'th Dr. Oke ,p Leuahn g-a verLy m eie semn adMs OnWdesrtveighie Younlgi Peole's Uion hi leld an eI ntevtai- m,,ent the csurli.The programmne Mre Lloyd Kellogg iNano solos >vee lay.ed by Misses Mhuiel Austi and Ruth Payine ýand Msr. osSy-1 mosand Russe1l Oke ofMWelcome Mis. Campisebi , eschoolsi uia instructor, led the sehlool in severi'a scg.A loyw~ îeeie y ie school pupils "Wildeat 'Wilie lhae brain fever", which wus very good. During initemisin andy sas soud mia quiz wvaS held witi MeSssis OlrneNichais and IlTnward Payýne as quiz mecsters. Mr. Calîrohl Nichoeti Plume 68 AGEN Fo, J OroMNo, Ont.S IRubber iBails, ail sizes, prliied ........Seto 39c Ruibber Skippini g Ropes ..............9c Dunlop Tennis Balis...........29c Soft Bails .....................79e 25e. and -10c. mar-bilas, assortedl colors, 18 foi-.-.-5e Mot0r'Li js .,D1)ayýý Cards ... 5c and M misses' Balbriggaý'- Panjjtie, sizes 6 to) 12 ears, pair . .45ez Moth Ba'ils, Crys- tais, Deoderan-ts, etc. .....eto 39e Infant's Silk Stripe Vests, lonig sleeves, sizes l t6 3,each ....................5 Glovr'sSeeds, highest quLality,ý3 p-kgs.....0 Grass Seedi, Government Grade No. 1, '4 oz pkg 2kc GROCERY FEATURES 3for...... Jiffy, Pie Crust. SPECI. Graves' Choice Quality tins, 2 f or.... 4 f le Jello Lemon Pie Filir 4 fo 41e Sponge Taffy, large 1-4 lb bag, for.......... 15'e Dssert Pears, choice, 20 oz ti,25(' Mowbrapy's Vegetable Squash,,ige.I 28 oz tin ............16C Special: BQ-ai,-Dee Spaghetti Dmn- ner, conitaining meat sauce, cheese, spaghetti, reg. 55c, for.......39 -1 pkgs. for..........................------- . SPECIAL - Apple and Raspberry (or Apjple and Strmwberry Jami, large 24 oz jar .-- ý.36ic.1 ORONO 5c. TO $100 YOUR POPULIAR- SHOPPING Norti oKINDNESS Eqitipped te takcecar. of the -mooi reaàsouýable charge ar, well ai AL, ... box 29c Pas, 2oz. .37e 2 pkgs ... 9cr USE WTH SOAP BLUES IM THE SUDS 14S 0RE ulancq hcutt and Smith ra Dirertors and Furniture Dealer COURTESY SERV the, mont NreFood a& 1uyc alaabeapIssant. Restoes ami uid vp ne-ve tissuIe. xteue valuable ilu n e rvoýus xhuti from ~vewot, orr aI anxety f anY ikindl, Itgie ready relief alid C hasll-e s Ncrvýe T'ood ............69c., $1.79 Burdoek Bý-o lon Btters.. .......$10 Re,,xali Blood Puirifier, 16 oz bottie ....... . $1.00O Fellow's Syrup, ilargebtt.......$19 RaiSyruip of HjU phspits,16 ôz..... L.0 Hemalie Ilypohosphites, 16 oz -bottie '.'1,0 Beinal Tabets .............1.50 an $3-7-5 Dee Tee Moili Funec Crystals, pack them awari with winter wols. t is certain death tW soths, eggs audc larvae -, pound in..............49c Moth BailS, Moth ÇCrystals, I lb ............-29C Mloth Proof Garnient Bags....39c, 50c, and $1.00 Wood's Mloth Blockiettes............ 10c and 25e Larvex Liquid........... ... ... 8.3c, $1,29 Âer-osol D.D.T. Bombs, each . . . .$1.35 Wallpapér Speci al Buy now andJ save money. 25 per cent diseounton ail papers for a limited t1ime onliy, Charle'ts B. Tyrreil blqm M.fnv Faniument ni