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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Apr 1948, p. 2

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r r A A t. t- t- r e A e, -t t- A- A t t- t- t, -t t. A r r r e, t- 't. -t 't- A t, et t- A t. t- -t- A e '-t t A A t, t t- t- e WMhat Do You Know About The Wea'ýher? Nobody does anlything about the weather - ece,ýcpt talk - but most afilus tbink we are "*weatber-wise". ,(.re is a Quiz ta test yonr knowl- cdeaotwealher conditions, and tb1ings related to the weatber. Cross Oult the 'aniswer whieih yau tbink is FALE efore chjeckinrg yonrsell w th te correct ases printad I. A red suniset usually means stormy weather the follawini day. Ves: No. 2. Open- windows attract ligbt- ning. 'les; No. 3- FaYrma or gardens lying lu bol- lows usually suffer frasi frost ca-riîer than',those on higber gro(l. 'les; No. 4. Coldest weaîher general!y cornes -!leiudays are shortest. Yes; No. 5. A ring around the moon is a sign that rain or snaw is Coin- inig. Yes; No. 6. A baavy daw is a1 igu i clear 7. Theýre isl havier "stalle" trouble, ou vour radia lu surumer than at auy othier seasoni. Yes, No. 8. A change iu the phase of the nonUsually bri nga a change lu the wcather. Ys:No) 9. t ;s dangerous ta seek shelter frain lightning under a salit- amy trac. Ves: No. 10- Vhe gel wammer weather in sum-mer because we are nearar the smuu than ilu-inter. Ves; No. ANSWJERS: [lflS ~tS1 ql tIaa- ON '01 'sdno.iS ut u'~q~ uq a.oe Sîloa Pu3tSteq~s~.i - A -6 uoil '0 uosI' tPqtýýnoqll - ON 'S à!LS aiwpultu un u lunba.q £se llno llq 'p £AaSj -5a-e sis a t 1 Li' S isaî auP p! o u acp puno4a 0p44 aq S; - u ' Pl Fair!Auto a tr- British Madie Goods Opening a3t Birmrin!giarin on May ,3, the Bri1shIdustr-ies Fair will bave no"lIcs than 126 miles ofstands$ and, c-ibits, Cocveinig over a mnillion sqaefeat of flovsaca. Desîgnd to isplay British-rnade goods to trada buýyers f rom ail over. th- ordthre axibits will range from bobby p)v ins ta dih haviast sort of rmchinery. Amonig lbem wil bc a doîl whicblaI fes to tire toucb juil likýea abma aby; a, portable type- î writurm only two ;lulc hbigfian weghngonyeigbit POunda; a mach- iecapable of wvaSinîg a th-ouisa-nd glasssau boum; and a locl< wijth over a million var-iitïins. The Largest nucti amiond lu thle world wil ha on wl u inth e elr section. Tliis is a 770-carat stone found ilu, Sierra Leone tbircee ears ago. Diamouds pjresanjted as wedding glits to Pics Elizabeth will also bc on display. Acceptance o, initationrs te attend the Fairla- vebe-n rceived f rom about 50 diffaenît world centres, atltblough no10eply to an invitation, Sent ta Russia bas yaî coma îironghi. A corps of interpreters, ýollectively "After Six O'Clock" "After Six O'Clock" is the -story of a venture started by a y oung couple ln Scotland. They lived lun an apartment, and, although 'they were happy, they had their troubles too. Their chief trouble was noise- .noise emanating fromthe next-door apartment of a young trumpet- playing enthusiast, wxho prac-tised bis art both night and day. They attempted to reason with the trumpet-fiend, but to no avail. "You- have your right to silence," hie said, in affect, "but I also have my righf to mnake noise witb my trumpet." There setimed to be no solution to the problemn. The young couple pondered the matter, and begau to sece that Lotb parties liad thir rights. But whèe could they practise these riglits' without bothering their neighbours? Then the idea came te, them-an idea which is as applicable lu Can- TED M. RIDER Urcle Jan twisted in bis wicker chair on the front porcli when he heard Carol's heels clicking swift- ly on the sid"walk. Bax Ham- moud towered one step behind her and was pretty miad because the thin scar on his cheek looked twist- 1under the bla. ing light of the- street lamp. Then the storm broke. "What's gotten into your niece, Jan? Yes- terd-ay, shie inisisted on buYinghe own ticket to the barn dance. To- ight, sie. paid bier own way into thie movies, Now, 1 ask you-" Baý, pliased o, settle his bIne eyes îindigniantly on Carol's bowýed red head, but gaid ïn a ver-y bored, tone, "Girls are becomning pretty, independent nowadaws, are- n'. th y Uncle Jan?" "We&, for the lùvva Pete !" B, gasped explosively. "We're egg ed aren't, we, Carol? And you'll be dependenit on m~e for the rest 0f yonLr 1f e, won't yon?" Wby, that's taken for granted, anthe lat's the way I wanit It!" "Oh), you do0? Weil, it-hanlçi, for lttin- Ime knocw that, mt. Boss Hiammçond. Now l'il telI you one tbing. Here's yourr inig back." Shie jerked the sparkling diamond from b liner aiid sbov-ed it into thie stwinned young min'sPpalm, theni s4ammined. thronugh the sCnemn door witbi a speeçl that made Unie Ican u1ax whvy didn'lt y-u and CarKl g ~hitched righit after yGurarm dî-ýe1arge?" "Hoiý could 1 marry bier, th en, jan? 1I was stone broke and hid to start ny automfobie agency ou aý fIyer. And you Icnw w' ,rthilngs we nt.Firast, I coiildt tget any lstock. Tben, niy garage down 3Ad1I bd îta Mart 'om scýratch agaiu. W 're throijgh 1» Uncle Ija ttppùd hMe à.partujre byqIcky askhig for ta match, I ada as it is lu Scotilnd. Wiy inot miake a commiuniîty centre hr veydycouild mnake the hbeat ueof thecir talents in their spare time?ý A bit dubions as to the recep- tion their idea would get, the'y be- gan to approacb their fellow citi- zens cautiously. But their fears hiad no basis in fact. It soon appeared that many other citizens of the coin- munity held the same ideas. The milister of the local churchi, the town school authorities, and many other community groups' expraýssed their interest lu the project. Soon a citizen's comm-iittee was formed, and a financial target dcci- ded upon, and attained tbrougih van.r- ous promotional stunits. 1'n Short order*the comInitt(ea located a 'suit- aWj"e brilding, Th e meul)ers ,an ed It Iup, pailnted it, anid were so'ots plunged luito suich activities als sew- ing, amnateur draima, folk danicing,, sketching, childreni's gam ?ies-and ( trumpet p laying. WhCaro] had always wanted ta miarry Bax. Even t'wo-)years ago hadcom-e righit ont and asked if marriage wasa.'t a partnership wh ere cacb person , s1ared rai or.,s'hine as it camle, Bax t'ad,)t wantcd ber whaui things were going bad for hlm, É;o Phe VIwawonýdering .,wby lbe wa baer inow- when bFe was a sncces. Afler frve Iic-ng years of wiig fear bad rap)laced cojnlidacc, anid ber sudden desîre to b(, iriepeu- dent was niothling but a cover-iup ta bid Iat fear, Maybe shIe was- ferflUht P- -jnst consid.erad ber 21,Other step nîp thae laddIer for hl- self, -sOïîetfiinlg t(lbcbo3sad arouid becauise ha was paying the bjuIs. Site wanitad proor'ff o islove. Sudny he ïbad an idea for a cure. Lt would ieb a pratty dras- tic onle bt il à olJd sh-ow theni how mu1ch tbhey me-afllycarcd for each other. HIe ttu. ned to thie door and bel- lo-wed. "Uid yout say Carol wau'j)t marry y7ou b)ecatnýse of tbat bullet star on y-our cbIeeký, Bax? Wll that-'s somi-eth-iug tw tik about." in a second, the screeni door flew,, open sund Carol Gtooul there, 1ber bauid on bis sole and ber heart iu be-r eyes staring dwpat Bax's, whita straincdl face. He'd taken the remnark serousl , d Unce(an felt suddenlly frigbited-. If Carol didn'î bandle tig nrgt ow,. "Bax," sesad sm ly yur scar stands for everytbling finle; for duty, loyalîy, sacrifice--for every- tbing fine I love iunyu. Rer hands rose ta tremble on the musclesi, idg,',g blîs jawi grimely. Thea,ý as he rtiffenied,,lite Stod aýn tip-toe and kIdsed the a3ca. When hle still.5tood lilce a gran- iteý statue and Carol started ta crýy, U-ile Jan, roared mu high dudgeon, "You 0iln ta ,vait five marc ycýars to kiss bher back-, yoju édumb galoot?? That's wbY Ale buisted theena- mn.Whnva guy rï-akecg a girl walt ibat long she wanIts soynietbintg beeldes PLYds bc prove Jie laves hem. Gel it?" ,. w 1 ___ __ î ie os on a -Ql 1e las a n t If your garden is smnall, it is best no', Ia bave to0 many colors. A long brder is prettiest if thje mýaSsssOf color ebjade into one an- other in drifts. Avold a spotty effect. Don1't fOrget the valuie of Occa sion 1al wbhite- - espe-ciallyV if you elijoy evenlings lu llhe garden. If you wanit to attract 1hummlting- biý ds a n.d those bea2utifu-l great nigit mts planlt forfag anc a wvell. Nicotiana will draw themci. Cosmols is 'a favorite witb th'le little go ldfi CbIle s, Try Experiments Lt s aIways e-xciting, also, to raise somietiuig enltirely dcifferent or" new each Year, or to experi-. ment in somIle new fied. A, blu garden" ,or ai-,garden border planit- cd for ,,wenin-g '-joymnenjt -,s fn 1, v-rçout. A inew variety of an aI od favorite inighit be inclul(ddeacb year. Getting acqujaijted witb anî annulal n-1t previouisly lu your gar- dean -- for instance, do you knowjüý, thec spicy, fragrant annual dianthus? - add a new flower-frlend ýacI3 Sumlmer ta youir social list. HjstricFloating Bridge Must Go Oua o f the few floatI'ing bridges sill lu iexistence lu Canada is5;about to give way, to a mrore modern struc- tuire. Ev er sinýce 1870 lt bas been savjinjg travellers a nine miile detour around Lake Chemilong-, just northwest of Pcterborough. The mr detr ous type Oftrvle will be sorry to See it go, as neotatngth mile- long bridgec-cons-idered the longest of its type luî the wold-a fe tbrilling exp)erienic. Quite often a miotorist, driving across witb wýinldows openl, woulid get a drenching whnawavc smaiýsbed againist the car; and passengers could often be sceen walking behlind during thie crossinig, just ilu]ae With an overaîl widtb f et the bridge had a douible'floored SORE FEET THIS ýWAY 'Rub ln Minard's Liniment generonisly. ahd feel the relief steal over the aching Mules and joints. For ail muscle and b," :dos f uesaoir o ver 60 yeajs. Oood aândruiftand skia disotderx3 too. hotte toay;keep Là d a » a jet Makes First Carrier Laniding-Navy's newest and, fastest Plane, th-le jet-p)rop)elled FJ-1 Fury, cones in fora, landing in thiejlrst trials of jet-p-roDpelled craft on ani airerait carrier, the Boxer, off the California coast. centre strip only about 14 feet wide. This waisn't sufficient for 2-way traffic so this strip h1ad haif a dozen "pu)lloult" places for cars ï-) pass one another. TYotal loadl luit wvas five tons, and even wben an ord- inary passenger car traveliee. the bridge w-ater would squtir thtrougb the floor boards as the bridge 3ank Inuder the weighit. In Faîl and Sprinig the bridige be- camne a twisted tngle of timber and ice. Windis buffeted the structure and either sank poilons of it under the beavy ice or tore whole sections baose. W'len this bappened, bridge- tenders fiad to chase the mayward Sections up an-d down tbie laike. Rteally Big Business Over four and a baîf imiillions of Canadiair own soýmething like twelve billions of life insuirance and annuities. This figures, on a total population basis, around $950 per caita or $3800 for a family of jROOMS BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED i.5 u LIFE'S LIKE THAT Proof Wanted «Lend me five dollars old man. - promise you, on the word of a gentleman, topay it back tomnorrow." "Bring the gentleman round and let me see hilm."; The St. logis Ilotel * EveriBom %itb Sub Botb. Shoiwer anud TOeotbone * jing1s. $8511 ana ni,- Dozàb1e. 84.50 u *oa od.oinins aM.90Uanemig gberbourne ai carucýo alinding pain, con- stant throbbing can nakie lufe a misery. Many beadaches May be caused by the. fail- lie of the lddneys to perfonm their normnal duty of filtering poi- sonous witstes and ercess ac*lds fromn the hl"o< If kidusys fail and poisons reniainîn dm. systeni. lisadaches, bad<ache, rheu- matic pains, disturbed rest anay often tl- Iow. Dodd's lidney Pilla help your Iddneys clear out troube-making poisons and exces acids se that you feel better-rest better- work better. Get Dodd'e today. 142 Dodâ rnMdne.YP!iis By Fred Neher "Do you want ta take it as is ... Or w,,ould yau ratcher wait for the rnotor?" One Way of Relaxing After'a, Hard Day's Work-SomethIing,- new in the National Film Board's rural program is a picture. of , Scottish origin, shoivng how a young couple-witb theC assi stance of neighbors-overcarne the problem o)f crowý(Idd living quarters and the necessity of, healthful relaxation. MOTEL METROPOLE NIAGARA FALLS OPP. - <I.N.R, STATION lar

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