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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Apr 1948, p. 1

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1 Uav q OROWNO. ONT.,F-uUSDAY, APP. 29th, 1948 subscription $1-50 per' By Lavck of Forests Seriously Damaging Farm Laùn Pr eserv ation 0f Forests Ne eded& To Save Ontario Landý Orono To~ on Ftiday wilcn Vile C laîl car ell fle ng of lasd wcek lVrson Vile 4screen, cdof growiug or a"d V o ep presrv Due o Vile effortsof mclj( H-unt 'Cýlb IVwasi hat tilese pitures be s'kowing cf Vile pic- JCeVclesoa, of tile 'tion Club ga'"e a Valç ; f our forts 'tthVie! A tVie disastiousre-é pening Vo Vie top soi a fond waters are noV said Viat it was ,,ne- trees Vo control the Vie topsoH umrbe- tue creeks and rvers. scarried into Vile ;of Young Spawn Ar tilero ere 17,000 isted Our .coun,'try, iand 'eft approxmlatelyý $260o,- our country.Tsifu r summe2r montis alls for uction on au,ýr iands. Til irs do noV produce auy- vi1d utp Our food suippl)y. o ýornie fron ilerua e production of food since as dccreased by 6,000,00 sethra Onariïo, large inds th4iaitwero once ricil sare toftliy destroyed by dont ard over production. 1If on bew are we going o mn.rist trade. If wue ca't id Vo hb Causer tior tcproffuc pout o sui mnsfor fooc Vile forcsts areVthe iir waters. We have! in order VLo save ui.r ,ear our, forests s uffer ire, eaused hy-).cigar-. snd aOter causes. We our V'rests, and he >yne prasent do whlat elp. flicsaid tilat Vlhe cv'tion lb aresh - &ý ail over Caniains iid Vile forests 50 tIat 1 became unmûre fer'tile aVtion of agricultural pply V-ile incresseýd de- d praducts. Tile pictures were th ie- ne n being of Vile pictiuresque Gatineau .sley, s'wiglui-nnerinpg operatie.ns Vile logs laVer being caried dawn Vhi ciero Vhne milis, oai deer roarning in Vile preeed parks, andi Vie lange frssof bilat ares. Otiler pictures 'wlee:f wild lufe an our lakePs and in, the forests. In ile showing ai ducks acting frern Vie water byslowve - tincaused rncl merrim.eut for Vile specttors.Tlese wild birdswl thngVie top aofVile water before ris;- ýrng in-Èotfile ir. ""the pituares shownl were very instructive and informai Vie.'hie uvnin ;ws bngtVo as coeI-)y 1Viles in ginr.g o f Gad Save Vle Realth Unlit Report The fo'oigreport is Vile lisit cf1,111mIlànibale iseuses for Nortil u nnbenîud -- Durliamn for the weck unigApril 24fh, 1948: Ghiekenparx, iarmiiilton ,Townshlip 1L Genrman iMeassies, Cnpelod1 R.ed MeasIes, Bownianvilîe 7, Cavani y wnup 5, Clarke Townsilip 5, AtRoy W. Nichols' Garage 1 ed the grge'fRoy W.Ni Ch11is, o', courtice, tLied up the -night ani dlige, Gordlon Nicls-'Il- at the point of a revolvera and 'made aa ih, the sum 0of $1,5.00 fromult'he cash re-l g-ister. The saf e conitained onlty un-ý neagotiable pâpersý.1' After the thiieves had tLied up t'he n4giltwatch a ad' rifled the cash register, tiey whieelecd t1he. safe in1to the wvorkshop -where it -was opened wït'h cutter and pineh bar. It te" ýoi see tîme for Nichocls iol wvork, free fromi his bonds, After be-1 couiing ýeeased he fiinmeaitely notil- ied tile polifce ahd the pro)prietor Royý W. Nichols;. Thle garag-e has 'been tile target for ld1fUPS several tmsi the pa'st nno greait ?amounts onFi mone v are left Pt iight in thle prem- ie.The garage ?is. aiw--ays ke-(,ptz open at ndit for anyco ihn gas or o11wilhle travelilg thro101n. Pro(-vincial Co;nsa,ýbles Rusel l- lard and Ray XýowvaLBowmanville di'e- The case is being fllwe Up asone! perpetuated by professional t1iives. Keen er Itrs hw In field Competitions Tindicative of tile desire of mie-mber's ocf agricultuiýal' SoCi et ie s ttroughout the Province o -co-operate J n the 194,Se for the production of 200,000,000 Imashels of grainý in On-I tarjo, la bile greatiterestben .-1wit bhî these societies in the fhold- oa~f fteld crop copttosthis 1yep'ar. At 'ile aný,,nl convention, of agri- cutrlsoieties, they were urged Vo sonsor bilese cfe Vtons't s a an extent as possiblMe, anld J. A. Car- rdll, Superrintendenit of thle Arc tur-al Societies Brancil of ýtheDpr- ment of Agr-iculture, report a- pile- ncienail resýponïse Vo thilat appeal. :bile com'lete figurCes wii l noV be alvaaîble for som-e turnïe, Theenire haVe(,reached a record level tusi Onle (7ffillebe t ffVlese fieldý Crop Ccompetitionsis î to10d isrute g1(ood grain seed to thie mmer n teigh ilm, witlile 5societiesz purchiasing top quality tseed an.dsecil- imgýî it eost Vo Vlecopeitrs This will enura ver y larg-e distri- butioni of g-ood quaIt'y seed thus yea1r, a'nd thatV wiliLhave a very benefic'ial effect on crop yieîd's VirougiloutthVie Province. Cr-anta c ownhip2. Da rlingtonl Township 10, Hsldîmand Townsipiý T nsip1, Percy Townsiip1. Port Hlore 1, Selsma-iur Townsilp 1. MumI,-fpsBrigisen 'Townshlip1,B- mavle1, C pelor 1, Cobaurg Colborne 7, 'rmh TownshI-ip 1, Hsildi-mnad owsl 9, Percy Town- slp4, Port HFope L, Snymour Town- Septic Sore Thraat, otl2.1'a g-a 1 .i Tubercuilosis, M"a oahp2 for a Vo-ýtai oi 87 cases reported in Vile wee1, Premier Geo. Dtew Unable To Attend P.-C. Nomninationi Thie officers oaitVile -Du g'rssive-ConlservaVion Ass< aeve edisaippeintment wcrE informod Iy telciý p arnethat Preýmier GP woldbe unaieta attend inatin metingthat wýill til-,s Fr-iday evenîIng aV Vhc pr-o- V ýile word cae iat the nomination a re- in Premier Drew's ridling wvas ileing they lheld on Vthe se ceing as Vtai from n the p tirbilmAscai .This codlîs For Vl sr Va, be prce'nt a lametig Blackstock C. S, Presented PIay In Orono Towo Hall 'lite agoodcrod in atendanicie 1 ons Thu ýrsday.evei, Arl 2dV Boilackstock . S. Dramatic ocey lanhed, prescte Vil la, "Mr.Beane from Lima".h ý - lirn- itr ileosceane was laid l ile home e pub- lisil. 13ane is really a penniiless ad- venlturer wilo woid clike to snarry Amy as lie think. the ýSt. Clairs are ricli. Amy,' for liler part, mrtsl d1 sooi - nemar-ry -er 'bod sweet- heatJoilny Rand, wilo is, wcrkirgý his way tilrou'gfl ile. The suddeni appearance of Mrs. 'St. Cl In li billy parents does noV, add Vo) her se cial prestige. Finally Vile St, C1i'ir',s financial Uimculties corne to lighlt and, Mr. Benne ic s exposesi as an impostor. C.ran'ny 'Skragg's wvinniing a radio contest savc Vile &dy for Amiy anid Alcehrit was a long play. that wasý wVel presePntied. Tile actorsý seemed o require littie proan1ptin'g suad aredVieir parts wýe!L. Followin'g Vthe flaytlile Blackstoe'k 'group ýwere entertained eat tne scilool witil 'lnch. and a shbort dance. Menths 0f Work In Prépar- ation For Lions Carnivali This year it is tile intention of tile, Newaicst1LionsClub Výo bring to thle pecop1e of bile district, botil younig amsi old, a type of ente-ainient tte ile eqa2alled hby notie. Junie 9Vil bas been' set aside whlent most people will diseibark- 'tFN e-v castie te ake part in the Iliida y arud Carnivai. Tile children ef al Clarke will compete in sports frorn 9.00 am until late aTtern'ýooii This yee-r Vthe Clarke Scilool 'Field Day1 Meet has béen eombined with tile Lioins 'Club 'Field Day. An amialga- miation of twoc such field dlaysý'will prove Vo nmake June 9thi an outstand- mng 'anniual avent for tile youni.ger set. The Carnival, wh'cil will commeiiince at eigit o'elock in ile eveniing,liais been greatiy added Vo and improved. Tile 'Lions Band oif provinicial ren.,o'wn, ilas 'been engage-d Vo hra a mos't pleasant program 'of ms'c o thie aten'ng he gam e resaid' Vo'bel different froini ny rmn inil e neiglil- borileod. Tile Newcas'tle LesClub has been workiaig on arrangemients for thIleir Annual Plaild Day for sema motilhs niow s 'Md all arebosng of He suc- ,cessful anid enitertaining day, Junef 9. The Trend 0f Thougt«Il ln Oron And District' Evcryone 'lu to ask Vile sane! quesiontilee d y-- "xvilre"Ilre you goin fihin on'Saurdy, May 1't? it, scems ýtilat ever.ystreaminVileý istric-t isVo be crowde'd witlh fisher- mien, af il ages and siues'. No douIt manry thusiastic parti- ipant of t91s spart wiHlbecomuie downeine ad u faicourse Vileeare Viose wbo wCH enligbiten Vil burdens aif Vile ulu-cky -xitliltal talesiVli experiences. As in evcy d»y le we have difer- enca( mn uonl an this is also foand in Vlose Villat handie Vle rod and' reel. ,To s Gle isiermen.a isil is but a fisi Mn o"Y i vingthe game an oeven chance -- no imit on his cath or size. W'haV e 0nioym-lClt sucila fissner- main ruceives from tus sport is very hard Vo lad if Vilee is any ut ail, TlO balanlce le seles, Vle truc sportsmen is found'f. lis view is an- irely dffaet, liue aofle outd'omrs and every gamiie 15 treated ais hUMan.! Thle fOrouna'Hydrereommissodet 0 g , ApriZ, 26il, ----i ..l.Vilmember 1Tile5 foflowoi'ts .vere preaeedo fpayent: noinofR .Lg MEler.o 'Go10 Runrougi lsaddng chins epo1.32 o'lp$Y ardwr........00 Thesecens wer passed orm bilat ;E. Dent ha perrnitted, Vo order! twêý,lve newo meters of 220V 25 Amnp. watt-hour mneters frarn Vhe Saigomi-a Oornpany. The meeting Viln adjou'ned. Ourno Ifigures In 14000000 Tree Distribution More Pian l4,000,000 trocps will Alortly be distriuted fr provincial nurseries At Sb* Williamns, Midhurst, 1Orono and Fort Willin, aecorin.g Vo ile Division of -Reforestation of Vile 1Departmient of ilan,'-ds and ForesVs. 1A greater munbe.r of requcats for trees iles aigain 'been received tis yer than the departmient is able Vo ý ffl, and niD ea uoiL atorl .4W-11 e va-ait ahie Unmm next yeerr. N1ainý tue plantinng projPcts u' beig carrïedl'utare nmostly on sM mnavginal land wilih bas been aban- doned for agriuurwe.Becausé mu'eh of the seil is of a sandy nature tile chef coniferous, trees being sent out fromil e provincial nurseries areý red, wiliëte and 'scoteiline andi spruce. Misceclaneous trees nelude asil, elin and maple. Betwecn eonu and two ï1illion acres in organizpd counties ef Southern Oni- tario are sLÀta'bl'e o,,ly for tie roc r- inrgp' according Vo estiniates of Vile Division' of Reforesation vhicil is distrilbu'ting the trees. Includcd in til reforestation is the Ganaraska Project, DurhiamCounity,l first of itis kind Vo 'be set up in Can-* I bhs ares ihe workcae undur Vile practical supervision ofi Ed. Youngrnian, of Pontypool. 1Mrs. Owen Fagan Entertained Prior To Leavinlg Orono Tile, "Two-TsbleIl Bridge Club en- t ertsined !on Sstiirdsy, evening last at Vile homenc of Mirs. fI'. B. Tyrreil in ilonur of one of their members.Nrs. O.M. L. Fagan, wl leavessorl for lier new 'home in Tilbury, Ontaria. On arrivin at EVill' home Marion was greatly surpirscd Vo flnd' moire tblan tilir'ty oilier f iendsZfr ut rn and district gat'Lilered ta present ier Mit a psrtnzg git. Mrs. Mar,,y Miller informnal'ly c- prossed ile gond wisýh af, Vile girls., MeVvs. Tyrreilltilen brou-ghtin a scaf- fece tablIe sdMr-s. Blîl Glanville a îwolite waal blanket. Mr.D isyMKens sil d mov- ing pcture ai lcect,sud filmis of tileir iecent trip ta Florida. Thlese, were greatly enjoyed by Ailas they w-aere lu tura ýhIurnoroUIs, enerVaLinhIng, bheautiful and informative. A. diy'buffet lunich was served by Vie lu emburs ifrornan attra- tive table in tile cundlle-lig-iltei dini- iuranwîil M-Àarioni's aunt, -Mrs. J. J. Cornisil pouring tea. mer lielbas anly luck Vn cut, hne is always osrc witsý -witil amy nice~Vr~r Police Trustees Propose Bulding New Si.dewalks ChampionMjiî'IkProducer' A new orld record for ikpo ducton n Vie.35 day (tenlol is class on -tilree-Vtim-es--day miikingr bais been comipleted by a Ca nadian Hesi.Shie is Main vic ili emike ,Abbckerk, owned by J. J. E. - 1Cague, Alliston, Ontario, and ber 30-- day record muade as a six-year-old is 2,8.2-43 'bs. inilkcontainimg 980 Ilbs. fat. 'Par Vlicu,r i-attention is focused on Vbill record sinice in mnost weilior- daered dabiry fanms every effort is made V o have Vthe cows freshen ap- proximately once a yeer iand produc- ianl eceCrds VirhUs ;camIie inVle en inontils class. Actually Montvic HIiemke AbbceIrk zalved just 355 days sitar Vile start ýof her record- breakingm lactation and adidiag st,li fuirtiler 'lustre Vo lier achiiev-emÎent iS 1Vile fact that sile wass aryntwin calves, a bull snd a huifer, wilile oni Contiiiued on test for, 33*,$r days, FIi e n-ie Ah'belerk produced 28S.819 Ils. ii[k containing. 1008 ls. faV. 1lier 305 day ý fat Production of 980 lsg. is s new Northl Amnerican, record for, Vile H~Vi breed ini-ile 1mature clas's sud -replaces as Canad'.in clan-- pion over ail breeds tlhe Ayrsilire Nel- lie Osborne of Eli Shade' 16Gtil wibil filer record of )909 IrIs, fat from 21241 Ils--. rnilik. Thue displIaced world cliampion i ilk producer for30 days la thle T.S.A.lolstelin, Homsaaf a B3esaý Pontise Ollie w~iVil 27613 Ibs.-ofý The Orono Pol!ice Trustees maet In thle ydoOffice on Mondaly eig prasent. The mnutes (,J Vile pei mieeting weie read andfa-proved.ý Thie following accoun'ts -were pro- sentcd for payment : Towrîship af Claie, snow plougiing...............-----$-- ) 2 6.-22 Ge orge Butters, laýbor and! R. E. Log-;an, cernent for street curb......................--------5- James Middiletoni, cleaning 'cistera....................3--- Elmaer Creeni, Vo cpening tanks 200 Johin' Gibson, Voy opening tanks 2.100 Tios. Lewis, Vo opening tank~s 3,-00i Orono Hydro, street lighiVng-... 177,50 Gorno Hydro, fire hrall .......... 2.00 Total $271S87 Tile accounts were ordtred Vo be- pid and Vie hydo accounts idont moýtion of R. E. ~Logan and C. T. Mii- 1cr. W.' J. Ricddcll was appointe t'o Io -ftcr Vthe recciving- of eontrcaeutsfor the builing of necccssary sidewelks, in Vilevilage of Oro"o, and also tio construction of a wster tank for lireý purposýes in Vile nortli ward of Vile vcry indefinite since Vi- bas been una'ble Vo Io dui'rnp, ieeting Vilen adjorad Just a mentil ago Lynn Pablst Susie own cd iy Hernian K. ooiu f St. Tilenuas, estabis>iled a -new Canadi'an ,record for Vihe loistein breed in tuis1 class wi thl887 11)Is, fat w Iicil, ofP cusis 110W replaced] by that oai M_ýontvic Hiemake A'bbekerk. Tile formelr Canadienncampion for milk preduction wasç Canary Korn- dyvke ,Alcartr-a ownvied b)y B. H. Thom- soMooýse Jaw, Sask., wfio made iler record' of 2,36Ils. ililcontaini-ng 1080 lbs. fat back In 19'28 vs a Senior four-year aid. Efcidntally sha and A'begwý,eit 'M\iiary owned b-y Premier J. 'WalVer Jo,,ncs of rPinee Edward slnarcVlile enly two Canadian cos o tchd ie fat record of MnvcHienihe Abkr for 305 da ysý. Milady maide ber record of 108.5 lils. fat as aý Junior four-yýear-old' The new champion cornes hy her producing a'bilityhneslbeing a < daugilter of Vine $18,000 sire, Raymo-n- dale Ideaml Successor and lilus, a pa- ernal sister of Vile live tVîmes Al Canadcian bull'¶arsra nd o f Moinvi c iiemIlIIe Rg Apple Psýtsy, Vile world Chiampion býutter'fat produ-ý cor in Vile Seno fr-year-old class of VLile 365 day division e tirce ime-a-daymikn with hner recerdL -repairs tV, of Vhiechar-. lonsuder partial Governiment gu ar a -nte agIna oss whichi is a provisýion c)f Vile ACt, Lo ln or Vile Construction aifai nlew rfsm orne or utiliity bnilding.or Vthe cari o ut aireaisai'era- Iions andc additions Vo existifig- build.- ing-s was 7.!11% greiýater- in Ontarify during 1947 Vlenin,. Vie prèviolis y e ar. Ili 1946 4151 bans ;were nmade ,Vo- an airnount of $6)77,63,0.0;& under Vile scinof F.I.L.A.wnci provides foc L'ni, pilase aifarri im-provearents. Ontaro îleads sil other provines ,fori 1947 'witil Vie wamount borrowed by itrarmers for tuis purpose, of1]C)? lI)s. fat irom 24461MI be c f milk. A Vwo-ycar-oli daugliter af M\onltvic TllckeAke erkwiasVile 'top femiale atVile 19-17 AlCnde Sale bhininln$3,550flon the hiri of rLast week Vilirty-'five girls uneirVil capab)le leasdershlip ai Mrs. H1. Hooey, R. R. No. 2, Nestieton, Mrs. J.'Rey- aols,"Iapton, ad Ms. J . Hilton,1 Millrck, 1armed iew citls. Thle w'ork wilI le directed by 1arian H. fut, Home' Ec cononîst, Womýen1's In! stitute Brancil sud rE. A. Sunnanares. Agicultui Representative. 'For- the -no-tnural sumLin fone dollar thle Dea on f Agriculture sup)-, plieseasclilgiîl wiVithwcneity- six difc-J eut kinds af seed', botil vegetable1 and lo Er. Escil illt plant sud cure for her own garden, keep garo, e cor:ds sud attend two to hree meet- held by the local leader. Proper, moeundlerway ia Duàl paVe in a goneral progral caVe(s of Achlievement wviJl The z; rden projeet h Vile sixteen differeut cli which i are sponsoved bhy t] instinte Brancil, De-a Agricuture. Club w-an( broad fields als nutrition. ilouasahold fujrnisiling and as weii as gardenig. A tween the ag'es ai 12 aind eligmbe taoil. ,'ý e.ries Girls' Home Garden C Being Formed In rer two, large

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