Modem Etquette by Robert, Lee Q bnmeetinig 0on the street, shlouiltilte man or1,the wom-ian give thé fir-st sigu of recognition? ~'eThe womani. Q.Woti d ttbe permiissibletoc asera formaii inivitation infol-r- AI. .Tise formi-. iviýytation in the thi'rd person shoud be answered il, thése amne ay. C). If al girl is carcying a great 1Many p)acka,-ges anti meets a man aof ber acquaintance on the street, who offers te carry tbern, shoulti she give ail of thei te humn? A, If there are many packages, g;i ve himn only the larger and isea-vier ones. If only two or tisree pack!ag,ýes. Jet hlm carry al of themn. Q . if one (drops a napkin or a pi(ece oft cuver wben tining in a puic lce.wbaî sbould one do? A. uei caIl the waiter'sat ten-tion te it; he wil] pick it up and àelcei with anotber- Cesy vCookery To coo otaîces wel witbot breakýing tbenî upti!, is a vital miatter for bowakr i ritain, ratinet te brepountis weely-. t seems cosycooecyis neot, as yenj might kicelier lpleaant conditions, butjus anthe ful sverfoi ri- scrles ar maieof (oICIflt, biank- et, twed materai Ior curitain se;(rge. Dol ia crai u useillant tick lyrof nwpprinserteti be- tween, i tt-%o piece t . fciotbi. The re ou'lits a "oy wbbis cere- a ofez.ý1 H Irsbw it wors.,fter two minte boligtbie sai,upan is put under the cosy anti placeti on beat- retirngmatrilsncb as a wooti- ntalor tb]ick pai of newspapers. The footiscooks gentiy witbout sp(ln fatiwil 1,(etp bot for heurs. No mtterb w suchram cornes Or 'li e wi ay low, Tberobn sngebis Icbeery song, Thaýýt ail 1the wýor-d id rnay kow IÏý,-[estHi eaisan optimist j Despite tbie ;stte of thliingi; Aniflown 1with rassakt wings. At a, boc te jind wýiIi drop, Aniit woni't alýways ramii, Anif if tbe orns ,are bhard te pull Se wby -net try the [1Co bin's plan Aidoptim1istie bu-- Haefaitbi, lik ard, andi keep your -wor!ý T. B. Gleave. Sestise imaige ef yeni in ber petteoatwhiLores! Everyone wiii say she lokese adorable. Paiteru 4789 baý-s cbiarring mIlfles; tise petticoat peke a bit below tenem P'aiteie 4789 izes 2, 4, 6, 8, 0. size 60ree,1% syis. 35-lu. fab)ric; slip-, 174 ydc; eyeîet for bots 3'/4 yds. PI¾-i1. Senti TWENT-FIVE CENTS (25 cenIts) in ceins (stamps cati- net lie accepted) for tiI patiern. to, Roomi 421, 73 Adelaide Street West, Torointo. Priai piainiy SIZE17 NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE -tNUMBER. synopsis Cisapter XXXVII: After setîing lire te a sheti on Chris Pringîe's farm-, Barie hurries.,te the cheniff ati shows bleu a paper which he tells hlm was thrust ai bis door by El Caballero Roje,. The note readà, "Pningle is Next." CHAPTER XXXVIII Wb.t yen tblnk don't make 'a dum bit of difference te me, Bar- île. This isn't tbe fîrsi turne you've been rnaking wiii accusations euth- er. Yen busteti in here accusing catiemen of doing the ibinge tbat happeneti ai the Cbaprnan anti Rau- corne larme. Now yo're tbrowing in vith evecybody who ihinks thai Fi Caballero Roje le somebew-" "Working for beefmen, yee!" furnet Barile, "Andti tey're set te t.-ekie the Pringle farin .next, anti here yen sit anti-" "Can't yon cee yeu're net taik- ing ceuse, Barile?" Lande blasteti. "If beefamen mieant te, land on the Pringle place, why in ail tarnatîein woui ihey1,1- warn yen abotÉh, knoýwinig ou've -ot sncb a cep for takingci ith the tobacco rmen?" "I on't no,"snappei Bartie. "Btthere1-,h le,3,They dii. 'in letting the iaw handie the riles - if the.y can't bandie anyîbinig else." "Wisat woî. i yen do if yen were wearing ibis badge right now? Lande asked bleakIy. "I'd get ont te the Pringle place plumis pronto! This warning came fremn someboiy wbe knows the plans of somiebotiy else-tbat's cure. This is a gooti chance te learn just who bas been raîsing ail the ruc- tins la the valiey, becanse sooner er Later wisoever ih le will cure attack the Prîngle place." "Unles," Lande drawleti iryiy, "this warning le only te iraw me te the Pringie place whiîe the devil anti ahlla being ralseti somewberes else." B3arile staîketi te tise door. "You're- the la'ise spappeti, "Wbai yen de ant îi a bappes next le Your leeko t. L t was my dnity te give yen ibi-ýS pape 1antitell yen wiat T saw. Ica'tdeo nyhigmore abouït it. Gotiuight." He stanîpeti e ut anigrily, but i- ar1ý acl ca lateti. Lande wouli gel men togethe1ýr aIl rigbt. They woufli r',ide Utt'he valiey. "Lantiel pos men wben be gels te the fâire a the Pningle place," be mnusetj. "Ati 'since El Caballero R-oewiipcobabiy cerne there tee. Anti heul fini hirneelf untier tise guns of the law." As well as bis plane seernedtt be werking, bewever, uew ibat he bai successfuiiy set ibem in motion, Bac- île was uneasy wben be gel back te tise bank, preparedti t speni the nigisi there. Fer be knew tisai unîili ie iookei upon El Caballero Rýoje's deati botiy be would net feel safe again, Wben he ï-did knjow the eutlaw s deati,thenie coui continue opera2tion;s. 11e vrwenId bring set- tiers ln ai top rcs drive tisem out ai botionice;bide beh-iind a cur1tain eof wrafis, and kee-p sus- picion pîiigai cattlimen. "t cai'ti l," hle thougisi. "Tlia outlaw now l is;ýe 0enly stumnbliing bloc. Bu nowe-veybedy 1s hel- ing me e 1ôget rud of hl.Clark Webe-)r is isun.ting fhm. Lande wil bave mnriwatciing';for ihlmi. Has- k lbssworts hc will d1rili hlm, on sight. And l'Il see to it mnyseif that every tobacco farmeir in the valleIy is pce t ac for hlmii. He can't escape for lonig" He sat downi at bis desk anti be- gan to thumib thie pageýs of bis ledger. "Let's cee," lhe mumbleti. "Fringle owes me a thousand dollars, due next Tuesday. Hie can't seli tobac- ce ashes. H'lbe lhere tomerrow t plead for timre. l'Il, cry on bis shoulder anid tell hâm how sorry I arn, but that I1 must have the money. l'Il give hum sixty days. Handied i rglit, 1 ought to convince him it's best for hlm te seli out instea di of going dee per inte lebt Ycur Handwriting <~~I~.8IJIn Alex S Arnott Timidity Uppermost At Time of W9,riing Dear Mr. Arniott: -/ALthouigh very buisy aL tthe store wbich i1 ope: te I always look for your colurnn aýs soon as thepae arrives. 1 an oloin-g forward ta a complete anialysis of miy hanti- writing. Sinicerity is, the basis of yeur bandwriting anti this ls the promise- ent factor throughout your script. It le evident, therefore, thiat you are an idealist, with deep feeling for ail things reverent. N oiit f tbought and action is indicated by aIl the high reaching stemn letters Vti, 'h', 'I' and 't' and this is another indication of sincerity of purpose. Generosity is sbown in several features of your writing, neaning recognition for the neeis )of others, and broad-rnindedness to overlook their faults. Basically, there is the spirit of co-operation for the bene- fit of ahl clearly marked. The crampeti letter 'ni' reveals modesty andt imidity. This is not to be initerpreteti as fear, but as an absýence of aggressiveness. 1. say 'fa'because the open1inigs of ail tI e letters 'V show that you wýisb te 1he franik withi others anid othiers te be frank with yen even tbïougb- it may be to youir personal disati- vantage at fi the ime. Tb-Iouights abottphysicai evl opment arecbw in the smnall let- ters Vp. Independence 'is part of your makeup and you are capable of making decisions andi of sl-ei ance. There is evidence toe of -en sitiveness partly controlling inde- pendence. Although there is ambition e do manythings, tbere is also a supres- sion of desire shown, anti this ivas upï,irmost in your mimd at tihe tune of writing. Apparently there is one itbingwhicjx you wish above ail others and th-is vîiis l being hed' in check eitber tibrouigli des- pondency or perconiai prude, Thse suppression of desire andi the slighï despondency are netL a p_-ermlanlent part ef your. persenal-ity altheiugh tbeyý wer e art expres.sion Of feeling At thle timie f wiig Aszyonje weihinjg ao more comjplele angalysis pfleSe end eI-drsd stamnpidensvelope la Box B, roomi 421, Y3 Ade laide Si, Wceï ,Toronio. Tiserc is "o charge for Ihis service 1= The. Quality Tea N leemiais: He recacheti for a smali file box. co tindtbelinmes aniiad- dessOF ppIe P-,ail over tbe coun- try who were Ii-;,-interestet i nbig farme ; in the Wst.L arle vwroe leýtiers te several of themi. IHis writ- ingcepeee get tup andi stooti by thewinow. T inlu:theiim1Ylyiied street, hie saw something tisai narrowed bis eye-s aid tightened bi mth. Cbris Prin-gle-! The aid tobacco farmer was toppinig mnspea,-k- ing teo tbem bifi.Then tCe far- sn,cir eut i1gunamlly acreestise street, heaidingctraghî forthse bank. Bateopeniedtihe deer ta lis knock. %But wber, Lihe old mmon en- tereti be looketi more angry tlen "Yen baen't ceen Sheriiffi Lande arount i anywbere, bave yeni, %Mr. Ba.-îie?" be bluirtet. "I've heen hu'nting hrnalil ver tewn, but nobedy knows anyîbîing about iilm-." B artfie-,wa sunpieasalnîly surpris- ced. "He - tint flot etat yciur fa rm'" Ai' se lim or dany of 1hi men'"b upt." Anti a2Llire ont te tbe farm, teen." "Diô i be lre de much dmae? 1-, tiîn'.We cauigbit ;il-, 1ie.1ç dii net see tibebakq' bakeess i,,ý, lioas he tu1rne1 U "WellguessLil gel on anti try again te,)locate that galiivanalting sherif f." "Lande -,surely mutsi be ai yocur place bynw, Bartie said buiirrieti- iy. 'T1i4 ride home ivitlisyen ai1 taik tuckey te hlmii. Piingeinig ta take action more than ever fcomn now on te proteci yeý n men brougbt eut bere." (Te Be Conitinueti>ý Modern Mary At the suippertal one ig,,ht on the facmr, the i,,reti man was teilj- ing about a brceeder wbo was tievel- oýping az strain of sheep for speeti. "He ýteILîs me," tb e cd n nsai, 'thatbesget imsnwthtat cas "But wvby dees lbe waw tlimble that can mn 4i -0 iles an hu? sedthie rigbi yunggirl. "Teo keep np witty, h tc- plieti DR'KGEpEU y ~ » t Onîe of a series of avrismnsinrib ft hoseCadanintesr efflepbc * Golden Text Se bult w th wua 11i for the people badf a mmid to wvrk - Nehemia! 4.. Just as the rebuiders oetth Temple e&jernulem hat been har as;,cti and!tniwartet jir their effot5ti ta cemilplete the wrkon theHos of Gioti,tht labo, f( eema4at hýýs work-ers te ebuit teclv rnet WaousWeC" oposed and their task riielt. Hûustiitycrystalizeti Omiecnspir- acy andi the enemn of the jecs bantied Lghrte fight agaillsit Jerus.çalei-n and -te hinde(r tebnlild ilg gof the ortîfcatfrs.Neb iah. lerigof thir l- ansý, continiueti in prayer ta God for rngbani set a a ,tch against Ihic Llenmis day 'and night great danger, anithe(fr e wa a pis- siiittat hie wouýiti fail in hýs mission tboughb ba,,kýetd by te anithority of the king and thec powe r af Pernia With conspirng f es rounid about antiwiha rvnmber et weacend, iccuraetiwor-kers im ic r 1ankýs, Nehemïaibwas caleti'ie tA shîwrealiekadersbîp andti cr stut~esttesmansbîip. Neemah ecou!rageti hi& tl- loer i e planneti for ten he inflameti their patrietsin; he piîo videci oribeir safeg; hA ismîrd tbem encward te the hest they cod de. He himself stooti at the f,,re- fron capable, tirelesit, trusteti, fc- tive. Thle able-bodie i men stood at their tasks, every Iuilier ready tnj iay dlown the tiowei aid take uçs Te St. egi oe *LtvOsra SOom WI ub Bath, bthowep and Teleishone *Single, $3.50 ased nO- DonNîe, e4.50 ou * Gond Fond.Diiise &oa:aea Tel. .41315 1Threalterrm!SG te wha Illu, tu iit <. appearet(", Th1 e 011he ay So t!la'ewsrkadvanced, lieoe rs c'ntilcnpatr teprcce -uof su2cli se;lam"!ekri At lst he ork wasf iiis I. aithei fear wjtihin tue wals heathen enemie s il , aerv- roghlt iofGodl, aIl ti i pposi- tien faahied. CHOICE FRýUITTEE AND SVALFUT Ornam2ntai Tre, Sheub Evergreens Rse ernil Lare &CeiplteS[wi MofAll Ses outr7Lorsal Agent oýr WiefrF rd0 EES LE net WALLOP Y Hoip Yîmr Forgou,'en "U8v For Th~ie il 0f Relief That Relps M Alnt, n ,jRar«s' Toi g Mom athlan half scf yoesr digestion i, dune bekow ,the e i-i3le v r2zSfeet of loowela. Sewherndigestion trikaq. îry aosnething thaýt helpjis1gGStijon in ile omh&N 2Abeo4,thibo,0t. Take (,ne Certer'e Lilaio Lisses Pii! lifore. aa nti siafter meale. Taks tfisem ,,),in t des'otsone. They helpwle up a leýrger 5w efthtIe 3 main digestive jeelees i'! your st,,,),aoh AND bats eb lp sceadigest what >,ham eaten n faîetre'e assu way. Thea most folks gotts idet relie t.hate marsyoïs feel boetter faons yo eisel t ys tes.sat bo item yosstl hgeuie Grte's Littié Laver Pille, frein yoLr drssggist- -1G, YEE w I e e ta g e a' s- K 'J a' -J s- -s a' J- J- <J c K a' <J a' a, 'K -J <a r e- a' 'J J, r- r-