Ml'~52-- ~ ~ r =J Gincibcadistheoldsîof il swet ake ad he rakeCs and coismd yorbkr Rhode youustirs i n th edvs irr so th Geesnaedthi Aor îthese toetsore fitecakes and it as'tlong !before Itle barbors cf RhdsweI.,e croldd %ith bi frlumw <listan'Thens ternrhn new del , 4 ir Th Byian u ;fÀ of ectonte'till other ports- Durîg th. TirtenthCentury gingr favcredsweets were ctb nlied as Part <cf the aveagefamuiily Stag sit nly sceei, thflin lgu!r pgoodies yofl b!nymfrcm y onr ba'ike1y ,-)r bkr' ase oday is more than any c Uic"gingr" ckes lon ao. (Old Irccipeý eshow that maniiy a cool kippe1theginger entiely sustiut~îg uchinigredi- ent"s ýS lbon'ey, safro,i , 11pepper cm- namon, cleveýs and redcouoii g mi'ang tese ith grated breaýd Bu igrconifections contiuned tehousewivesc gigrls dy" Well inito thec Eightenlth Cetury, ginigerbread wais o pfrdo etv orccasionisas 'ai "gift cf bno'fromn ciildren to grcwups.1) 1in the dlays cf Peter the Get Ru,1'ssia had perfected jthe art cuf hlonoçr' gingerbreaýd to a lvishad some1whýat breathtakîg egree. On the occasion cf tl"t famous Rusesa Imsmr si bi sfomme ws 1esente wîlt 120 gigantie incrred aves. Onle rpeetdthe ceas c am4 ot the city cf Msow n ther th Krembln su r roinded by hor-Seenri yet another dupjicated the limperial Find 'q'U.S. lDollars Ilhe spirit vwilihbas lascr ied the British peeple ailg ij thle fa1ce of sotgsanid avriyis by ne0 mleans dead. Wanting to help in the battie for United States dol1- lars, so badly nededtefinaniceý uccssairy British xpurchases inii tat ceuntry, Queen Mary decidd tedo ber bit. Net lonig agoitle Queen MoUi persoaiilly orkled a set "f six tap)- esýtry chair xcovers, thien presented hetýiIo tie Britisilî We"mens Home Industries. Teywereoffrefor Sale te Amrianb11yers, aind broughit the surIIpriinîg siimcOf teni Wheua wmau f QecuMarys age and iexcalteel pojsition takes ed- leý in hand lte helIp the general caulse, il is just further ýývidenice that while Briinmy betlewn temprnilrjy, alomg wystili f rom lbeing fiahy ontd 0nt 1. Trift 5.Odds and endsý 13. Csnpltn r, Epus"ties 54. ~ 7 onod Na vi a tion j1'. Easebail glove 31. ttenpt 1 T5. Thic 27. Dfc V5. Dogs - 9 20 - So0. eeSCovringi 32.:a Seta afairas 33.Con tinuel l - É 34. Itaz<,r da-m 39. Ricoe pas1e 40. Fdged weiio 42. Ceitic Nepýltun 43. Aneitenit Iindu ! oipure ~ 3 45. >iSheep - Î7. Bi ,ýffant 4 '. 1 t.su10 c 43F) V. Scatioped T - - 52. lu vconte 52F ntgatu4i- 4 6.sieut 5P 53 - 67.Pbbe-- - 3.Wlthdnawv ..Higher The an ler tet uhis Opcra Star, rsrance Executive, Câbinet Minister Support Crippied Chiidren Be:nefit - MarjrieLaxreneopera star, who made a tuiraculous recovery from polio and stili performns spredby a, special stand, sang her first Câ.ladian performance in aid of the Easter Seal F'und for1 Crippled Children at Maple Leaf Gardens recently, and is shewn congratulating Mr. Earl Puttniai, (left), President of Canada Health and'Accident Assurance Corporation, Waterloo, -ntrio, for his $1000.00 cheque presentatien to the fuind dri the rdoso.1lnual Paul. Martin, Minister of National Healîli and Welfare (ri'ght) also appeared on the prograim. 8v Genoiîue PClrke Licar Town People, living snlug- ly iii yeur cornfortable dwelliuigs, protcted frein he four winds of beaveni by other bouses,_and by shoa ad buildings -ÀI wo.kder if. yen kn11ow "Sat a bîgh wind feels like. yen don't and weuld like te 11wty stay.\ing lu the courntry soe inelu eue, of those old farrni holnses, ,a cf which seern se ba'qbeen bii on the very spot wlxhere the wiod( can 9P' a dlean sil)e at tberni. Oh, i7's a grand anio.D irions feeling, 1 can tell yen, te have the wind beating at your &iors and windows aud te see the edd ab qingles go swirling by until yenl wonder if therec will be any lef t en the barn oof ait ail by the tiMc<bh.. wind bas, dropped. Aýnd perbaps yenu wanîte hurry -Ihe pe-,tate)es for diinner, andl yen pui ani extra stick of wood on the fire. But it cake and blazes sa înriy yen get alil jttery ii as tb îs sbold ICatch fine. Se yen shutt off thle drafts again suid let tbe ýcpotateecs go bang. A late din- uer j:, 'lietter thý,lan a burnt bou)ise. And Ithien SJMLcene c-~IIcS t' tbe doo,(r - itier ose ue t's an agenIt be- caiuse it is ilva(2agens and sncbi ike wlîe ý)ch(oose te ougbest daysà ti cr11. But yn epe tbe deor sud thle isiter couxeus in. Anîd se dee,,s tue wind.vhwips the daily pproff the table, scatter s t al eveitb fleer, opena upl a few dogs ti hi aeiCi beeîî shut preperly, gets hIe dog se excited be barks like ,fury. Thiýs iin turc friglitens the kitense he Jmps on tep of thie 'sewinig mahinie, wbere sbie isýtand(s i- 't backý arched, ready for B~the tine yen bave everything collected and kqujietened down yen ;are eitlj(er se mad yen tell the aget ouqdon't want anytbing, and neyr ilI -waut anything, or cisc yen feel se sorny te sec bu eout un sncb wndyen ask hbu te stay te dlinmier Of course with tr7ie wind we aIse get the dust. Go wbelire vyen will, leinion-nil the place as yen lîke, in a heur it is always posýsible te goS ~ 3.urialS debt 10. Mouth '- Village 11, Regniar 7Amba 12. Scifs ieletem 1-, Vases ' Witd plante 2.oId tale-, 4. The mapOs 22. 5nedy . . orbid 25. ~ ~ ~ 4 olee 4.Steep officers 50. Make lacé 26. Relleved 53. Continent (ah 29. Pipe fitting 55. Arnong once agin write yenr narne in, the dnst. Oh yes; ifs a great life in the country with a streng wind blew- ing, and then Spring at last arrives -yen go dewn te the celar-you look first at the ceai-bm and yen, try te figure eut bow long tbe ceai will las at se iniany shovel-fuls aý day. The potato bin is, the nexýt t! ing te catch your eye it tee, is dwindling tee fast. But the fruit and- tomatees are baîgling ont pretty well -it max net bene- sary te live on prunes fer very long after ail. Pnnnes-tbey are wbat P'ýirtuer cails-"C.P.R. straw- By ihe way, if yen pnt fruit away last year witbeut sngar and haive mo11re fruit than jarn, now isý the time te r,' ýke use of it. Take onle pint jar cfj fruit, Add te it twe cnips of suabeil unltil it sceems rneady te sf5 a"nd yen hIace twenity- felr flnidenee of good.wbleem jamn. jnst lately 1I bavetae t naking marmalade anld the fanulyý [eos e ike 'it. Ifelewe ,tV grape-fruiit knif e, then cnit the fruit cipe tlîait cerneis withb betiesc, f cornercial pectini. But 1i have my own rnethod for preparinýg fruit. 1 peel it very thiniy with a cnrve-d grape-fruit, orange and lemoen re- in section-s and slip eut Ii plp). lt is înnucb qnicker thian the ondin' a - say. 0f course 1J1use rny pr)Iýes'- sure cocker for mnaking the unarma- lade se that 'once-the fruit is pre-, pared the rest cf the business takes no longer than haif an-heur., Patience Pays When Feeding Your Baby Starting solid fods is an entlirely uew eprinefor yumbaby. B e patient eugin with a srnail aunmt -say, v two or three t astes the f irst day, and se oni. Gauly h ~ will get used !te tbie new food, and make it part of ibis regular diet. As a ule, yen can take it for granted that the baby wili like a new food. Ln mest cases, he wiil accept it, but if be firrnly refuses te taste the new food, take it away. Chances are, when yen cf fer it again in a wek . -er se, the baby will have cern' pletely fongotten bis objection. Make an issue cf bis refusaI te cat, how- ever, and he niay retain b is dislike for the food-perhaps permnanently. Wbetber youi're expecting yeur first, or bringinîg Up your fourth, there's belp for yoeu in our Reader Service 'booklet -No. 2031 Contains the lts data on feeingii, batbung, ciothing, toileýt trainingP,, recognizinrg ihinÀesses,. Based on the findings of Many doctors and nurses, ýi iS aPalu able gide for mothers. Send THYRTY CENTFS (ir, ceins', for "Baby Carec" te Reader Service, Rooni 421, 73 Adclaide St,Î West, Tbronte. Priat NAME, AD.. DRESS, BOOKLIET TITLE an-d NO. 203. Abolit 4,000 cy4ears D'go ançtýflr Britons vlanted ro,,sF vp3 bFIg By William, R. Wats-on And AIl Your Beauty presents al new and fascinlatin.g aprc 0t the 5tory- of Canada balsed oý'n a trailer tri'p made by the auithor, his charrning wife and the(ir dog, Keltie!. Whercver the -trailer goes on its romantic eighteeinmonýth journecy across the Dpmrinion iithe breath- taking, sEmictimes austere, often fast, aiways variable and( forever magnificent scenery cornes to hife with autbentic intensity. As the trailer meoves fromi region to region the people sp)eak, free-ly and openlY, with first namiie famil- iarity, to the two y'ounig voyagers, discussing goevrnment ins-titutions, industries. natural resour-ces, cern- munities and every'ý-day activities, until Canada, in spite,( of the neacýr- ness and influeýnct of the U nited States, stands out as some(ting dis- tinctly different. And PAil Your Beaut,rfusel;,y ilutaeis iiinrctive, initeresting, stimlatngchaleningand inispir- ing, and( at thie samei3 tirne is full of quit Lcharm and pliqutl .humnour. t, is pcdat'a fas't, sulstainied tempo andl is wýritten iii a fresh, free, es-o-edstyle tha.t is a delight. And Ahl Your Beau._ty-By William- R. Watson-The Macmnillan 'Com- pany of Caniada-Pr-ice 1l3.50. TABLE TALKS What goces better for supper than a homey sort of savoury stew, or an id shoe deep ,dish meat pie - especially when,. it's miade front lamb], curried, anid attractively served wïihlcM-m1--m - it ;'s somethiig fthat mnakes a. hit with the whiole faily). Here's a redipe that's really worth while. CUrried Lamb Stew 1l'A pounds stewing, lamib sait, pepper, paprika 3 tablespoons fat 3 clips water 3/ cup sliced onons 1y2 cups celery, cut in small pieces 1z teaspoons curry powder 3 tablespoons flour %cup cold water 1/3 cup piekie reili 3ý cups hot cooked rice Cut lanb into 1 inch pieces, Sea- sont with sait, pepper and paprika. Brown in hot fat in he(avy s1kilIet. Add water, onion and celery ( if youl cari get it!) Cover and simmer 1 hoeur. Mix curry powder and flour with cold, water. Add te lamb, stir- ring untii siightly thickened. Cook siowiy 10 minutes. Stir in piciçie re- iish. Serve on fiuffy rîce. Serves 6. Supper Casserole 1 pôund sausages 14 cul) diced( green pepprer 3 cups cooked nloodlies '-/steaspoon 1nItitng. 2 teaspeonis leInon juice 1 cupi grateýd ch]eue 1 upapp)Ie sauce Lighitly brown suae over slow heat.. Rýernov ýe fromr pan.ý Cook diced greenl pepper in sausage fat until tenider. Mix gre-en pepper and 4 tabiespoons sauitsage drippings with hot, cooked neodies and place haif in a 1-quart casserole. Place appie sauce, mnixed with nntmeg and lernon juice, on top ;of noodies. Sprinkle with haîf the cheese. Cover with rernaining noodies., Place cooked sausages on top and sprinkie withi remnaining cheese. Bake in mnoderatc (350 degree) ovenl 10 minutes. Serves 6. PàamperedPoh According to a dispatch from the West Coast, Myrna Loy's new French poodie is to occupy the fanciest doghouse in ail the film c-apital. It bas two ronr-ff awn- inig-anid anl electric fanin l the roof for air condlitîinlg. Just what color thle draper-ies ill be hsnt as yet, been announiced. Our pers- onal rec-tieni is thiat Hollywood nust really be in thec doidruniis when the press agen1ts hiave to send out stulLff likleth. There are about 350,000,0100 acres of landsuitable for farrning purposes in C'-anada. WHE HJOUSEWORK GETE, TOO MUCH FOR YOU. .; Ansbwer To This Weeks Puzzle RF M BAp',LL FURNISHED, $ 5U~ 'HOTEL METROPOLE NIAGARA IFALLS CSP. - t.N.R. STATION~ AddingMachinees New and Rebuilt Immiediate Delivery Hand and Electric CALCULATORS 60 Cycles FRIDENS - MUNROES, MARCHANT - FACIT ALLEN THOMAS & CORNEY TYPEWRITERS LIMITED 88 Adelaide St. W.- Toronto - ADelaide 8291 ONLY l»PTDN5 BRISK-TASTING TEA GIVES YOU TI4AT 0 Yes,. it's really exhilarating-that de-j lightful FI<AvoR-LiFT you g et with Lipton'a Tea. It's a grand combination of rich, full-bodieýd tea flavor ... plus a lift that just makes yeu feel good all over. Anîd tjnly Lipton's Teez gives you this FLAVOIt- 1,7FT ... because it's the blend that inakes Lipton'sarad the blead is Lipton's own Pecret! Trcy Lipton's! See what a de- flelous, brisk-tasting te?, it is ... what a stuimulating lift it gives you!1 Ask for Lipton', the te» with the FLÂâVOP-IFT, at your grocer's today! N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N 's Ni "N N N N s S 7< s 'b N 45 N N N N Ni N N N "s N N N N N N N N N N 's 75, h1 h N 's 'N N N N N N "N N 'N s'- N