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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Apr 1948, p. 4

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010K0 WEEKL TITMES TIIURI)DAY, AMRIL e2th, 194. Âdvertising Rates on request Subsrîption $1.50 Try our up-to-date Job Plant. Our prices are sure to please, anid our wvork is of the- best;- 1 Published every Thursday mrornig at the Tîies office R. A. Forrester, Publisher Established January, 1937. Noah's Ark ~More tnanneperson bas sommented te usnupon flac apparent *to6lhardiues sdiited by fof'ik wlio take cbances by building homes in arsas currently subjeet Vo the menace of fioo.ds. Now wc ail arc aware 4Vat there are whole tow*ns where the flood wtaters are liable te fit each Spring, Neighboriag Port RHope is an, example. Ail acrose Vhs country however, are tracts cf land that do ob aice and safe in the good Sel suruert1ime. IV is quite uniderstandable that somneone with the urge to bhuild wllcomen aong anid take up this land when the 'wceather is fine. There is eiways the chance that a floo'd -will noV materialize Then again, it may. This is just -whab liappcncd in hs recent weeks, and the news has carried accomuns of Hlte honses waa'hed froin, their foundations, of moetor cars beng carried away by siriing flood waters, and one regrettable case had Vo do rth a working man who put his bard earniîngs into a war-time bouse only Vo have it"lifted" by tine strange pre,-Spring qirk of lMother Nature. Our attitude toward these happenings shonld flot tei whoiiy one of cDriticisani for those -who "build upon sannd". 'We should temper our minds with admiration and sympath-y We 'hold recali ail hs hopes and aspirations backing a desire for ea Ulte place of une's own. Al dow-,n through the ages the commion striing of hnmanity has resolved itself veiy largeËly into a striviag toward independence. 'Perhapýs 'that cexiplains Vt hb i r.sene*of lit- tie settiemients on dangerous ground. WVe reaize that berois proof of tbie niherent yeamnig for a home come heul or high water. Yours"For The Taking We note the unwvtaveriYflg popnlar-ity o akTwain's story of 'Tomi Sawyer'. Some athtloritie,ýs tell us that the- screen version of Tom iSawyer did noV dIo justice o thie athorsip an dU inltnt of liark"cTwain. ilowever, bod the anthor and the boytele bs i1mor- talized bad an itherent knomAedge of huanan nature. Probabiy the art of gettig other people Vo do one's work had been trie'd before omSawyeoe's tune. It dotesSShas been' tred since wPth good You snply hoïlilup yo'ur job) as a sort of an exclusive task. Wou stavete other fellow off, not giving hina the slightest ýoppor- tunituV get a hand hi. Yes, you and \yoni alone can do thnt picce of 'work, aW you enlist flot thle sligltest bit of aid or _o-operation even ifroi-m your best friend. Well, flrst hing yu know, somnebody isý eCl-amotb'uriflg for the chiance Vo do0 your job). At the otset Vbey inay coax a little, then they talk an'd finially hoUe. They exhhiNVe three degrees of insîlistane credited to a fain anke of alarn cdock. At VMe prime maonen you do condescend touatep bnck a it. TIns t is Chat first thing yon know, y'ou have h1eothercap doîng yoîCur wcr!k. The -Vhing that interes s la' just 'hou- long the spoiî wiE TIare are Vîmes -when wý,e al would g" pass over Our jobr Yo te iaterasted onlooken W'e s'Wd hanmo i SAour good -vill, our Iearty thanka, and Vtfhee Vne alarn dock Vo start VIhe ýay right. Everytlhîrg wui'odle love1ylntil pay âday rolled aroui.d. Ws thon imiglt wisnaMr Twain and Tom lad stayed upor the aoi That'sSo f4aek of prnac ould be descri'bed as one of the bugligena iow tih Ve flesh la 'beir. Take 'éfor istnc hVe changes wr-ought býy tbe xoigseasc0n5. You just 'geV ot of ï1he routine of coal and asia slovellixg and you rua lead-on into -Vhs dema-nda, of tb-e gai-den, the law, an d the leaky roof on fl ic alony thant you intended fix,-iag atyoaax Evcrybody sings hs praises of Spring as if VIey meanaif. &mofetianes nýe nonder wbether n'ey actuaily do 'mean it. You kaow bh Vs.The balmy days creep la so uno1btmn,7s'ively. The birdsý coins hack and start building nests, wiaiter clotihes are relegated Vo the i natb ballsai-a n alli ghH&ern roll along upon rouer skates. Bicy- cles, resume ther appeni for people of ail classes, and we r, ie, wakor mn hel ie' nt nO tVie pnp!ofarother suaimer, 'Now every- body lsawaars wbat summnerimeanas. 1,Vmeans' bot days, duat, flics, hndrstornis and Saday visitors, iV means hat Vhe food you prepare to-day vim .grow whiskers omnorrowý,, simply Vo, remind you of h inndeqnacy of placingai-lyour initha nx n wel gronoed look. N%, we f crVia it thec fellow wllio gave summer hlsun'vided ti'eiaxee realy overlool<ed a !lo f tiiaga'. Smeone omght Vo aing ,the mnore lustiiy of flicpraies af wintr..- Olm n1ax that be is, he does refrain froir, putting wdiskers on food, w1hile -wintertinie whis'kers on a, înan's face are at least a sour-ce of co)nifont, if noV of ornamneatation. As 1V is impossible Voe'bave winter nithont summuei, and vice versa,, iiets calli it a day. Tic seasons take cars of teievs Durham Liberal Association General Meeting & Convention TOWN HALL, QRONO Wedsaesiay, May s5th For the purpose -of taa-igGnrlBusiness and seltcting ë, Cain4idate foer thr, Provincial EfLtion Promineat Speaker Publidc, ordialy lnVi-ed L LSTAPLFS, Peiin The Oreno Weekly TiMes MlATHS WÀILStH - At lisla 'ae residC]te, 'CrrhSt., 1Orno, onWeasay April 28th, 19418, Johin' Ho'walrd Walsh, eloed usb.adof 'Letitîi f{ýaniil, iri his 33rd year. Restirgl at the _Morris Funeral, Chapei, Bo- ma.nvile, un iFiday mrig Serice in Orono .-Un'itedi hurchi o« Fiiday, April 30th, atL 2.30 p.m.,, Intermnent Olionio Cemetery. Undetr 1. . 'O. F. auspices VOUR STOREý UPSTREA For thoise w hare inoV yet senl't in thelvir inne ax re tu na Vo1Vi tînt Friday, Aprl 3th, ila tthe dle'adf- iine. Attend Vie danice in Betihany V!ils Friday eveui-in h ie own hall. Roy Fomtrand bis 7-piece Dane Band Potato Scab Being Studied LIVE POULTRY Try me My Prices -Arc Hïihr M. FLATT Býethan.y R.RL Tel. 7 r 13 Reverse Charges JIuM CAME-RON Elect'ric and Acetycue Wel1ding Cylide Boks and Hleads Welded AUIMINUMAI-,ND ZINC BASE METAL Ail Work Guaraxteed Phone Orono 1rn PORT HOPE Fr1, & Sat. This Week With iRandolph Secott Barbara Britton uand "Gab-by Hayes IN CINECOLOR 1o n,.-W7ed, MVay 3-4-5 "CGENTLEMAN1's AGREEMENT" Dorothy McGuxire anil John GarfieldM ACA %DEMY AWARD WIfNNE'R Thurs, Only, May & "TIIERE'S AL1,WA Y S A WO-MAN"ý With Mevy ouglas aadé 'onB Mnei (.0 As arsutocopetieatn Ubtw en ti Otario aald D no Departinents of Agricultu-re tnhVe 'potatu ,growers of Onztan1iu, a large scale reserci projecV into potalo seab iabeeninnrae.Rcny a group of leadig potato growers calenn Hon. Tiomias L. Kennedy, Ontabrio Minister of Agriculture, re- qupeing tint sncb n researci'pro- jee-t bs, estbliszied, aýnd offering Vo. j ive co(-op)eration. Tic Miaister promied haedat ci. and umn-1 ed Vie proliemover Votc ,ic Ont0arlo ~AgriCUltural, Coilege, Guelph. Today .ie arnnonnced Vfint planasorcamiryingi on- Vie ïprojiec-tarc enl runder vway. AVtameiniclig clled by W. R. Reek, PresýidýeaC t ? VhsO,.C., unad nttendced by VIe laada of V1ie Departaie-nta of BoayEacteriology, Soilsý, Chemiis- ry nniciFieMd lEluslandry nand ys'prC- sentativea of VIe Domiýnion Plant Patiology ]StationY at St. Ctîhia, Dr. C. H. Berkeieyirctrof'Vnth Pl anjt patiCobogyStationý , naS cexer as pemrant carm for 'he pro-1 ie icading potato groWing s;ectonsl o-f Ontario wverc nvtc.Dr. Berk- ey ontýined the problean, an Vihe- rAVps uanctcd for 4naugnrating Vie researci project, audinKdicated that n suM -of $10000 oili e reqnired Voc carry V 'on. Tiis suai is Vo bc. di- v(idd mog ecvarions braneles Vkig parit l Ve investigation.ý Ticerwea nd ivstgtors vwcîre deuigîted vnihthaVe apidity w whcîle plans of i co ite have beenapoed The grovrers are c-pmaigby coptribixg s, ý sum oDf nvrey o 'e acd i fnrb- miýg Vie initýilstepa lu Vhs researci, literatur-e pertaNxig Vo potato scalz ha Vo liemade, ahsbanâci of Via mork being assigned Votie University of Wsten Otaro uderProf. A. RR 111ker-, Vhe Plant Patiobog,*ýi,1Thti Tcpotao grones preset, repref Isenitïing the maiin sectionrs of prodnc- ion ofthat rop in-, Ontario, Cex'preSss cd eaîsasi ppreciatin of the supporËth Ve OtreDepartmient of Agric'ulture in hs Îimportant un- GEORGE YORK Agent ,for hs Emnpire Wlppr nnd ie Water., Proof WaillýpePe (Oiginal WbiVe Rose--). Ss in iloYu Vi'be aisid ATTENTION FARMERS WeE ARE PAYING 1-THE IHIGIlESTI PREVAILING PRICES.l FOR DEAD 01- -"ftPlPïErD FARM W.ANIMALS8 HORSES - - - CATTLE - -- HOGS GORDON YOUNG UIMITED TO0 GIVE AWAY One 7-ioith cld puppyý, 'lc n ihte, tu. anyone 4esirimg s amie'. Plione 1-4 11-8, Orono. a--p The CGold I'Medal Contest plairned for Frdy eeir n Çpark St.1 C'hurehhbas been postiponed in4defin- itely. Please letVTourrfriends know. WOOD -- In iovinhg meMory ýof (our! 4'ear mteLau-ra vWood, -Who left us April 25h, 1946. Loving- and kind in ail lher ways, Ufprig-ht and just Vo the end of heri days; Sincere and true in her heart and mim nd, ~Beautiful -memories she «Jkit bld -Ever remfemberedI and sadl i aiss- edt)y Jini, Ross, Lois and Leniore. BIRTUIS BALL - in Bwa'vlHospital, on %Yedne-sday, April 2sta, 1948, Loreen and Ken. Balare appy to announce the birth of their daugh- ter (Bonie Elizabeth), 'Sund(ay, April '25thi, 1948, Vo -Mr.! and Mrs. 'SidneyHghe , Oono), a daughbter (Hleather Crsia.Stii FOR SALE One Tractor onl Rublir, with start-j cm and lgtPione 17 r 7, ïohni FOR SALE MýecClary C ool Stove, in gno(d n dbiiin. Wiil ssi easnl Pon Orono 615 r 16.c-4p FOR SALE 50 hc Ou Broder andone 500 Chik CaIBrooder, botb nLsed; niso one 800l Chick EIjecteic Brooder, ncw. Apply Vo .AikernYa Appliine Sop, FOR SALE One 2Oii'Bmner Cookl, oei goond Condition. Pl>honrie Lorne Rol- bins, 5-41,Orono.c1-. enzinPRiSao prae nsye godcnition. Phoniie2rt s6,l Orono.c16p FOR SALE Rcnfrcw Creani Sepra', ý7oo working order'. Carb-os 'Tamilyý,ila , phone 65-10, Oronoý.c-6. FOR SALUE Cook Stove-, in g-ood coniition. Ap- py' Vo M. A. Jlakemnii, 'rn.a-14-p. Fornitere Hospital Reuipholstering Repairing Refinishing Antiques Bought and Soldi See ourli ne of Drapery Kitchen Units made Vo order C. F. Duncan Phone .,7q-16 - OR0 NO 4ýRadio ServÎce! Tihe Cobnto f experienc, om plots data On al iaksandmoe test equipinent yul enaure PROMPT, REA'SON-ABLE AND WEPT REPAIRS Cail P, L. MYLES Phone '7'r1- ON Fr-,ee Estimiates wM L e Given Cerflyon Rock Wool. Homne insulation! By BwerS Y Steý,àni, PFouar ir luches thlck GILPIN a Co. Wnfft, Toroutft Distict opreentaivefor Durham CoEIMAty Tho RUITER GRA N N% P Mos -1- F.o..x 22 PooRt- N.e, Onrtori 1?rof~sionaI Dlrectory MIEDICAL A. Fi. McKENZIE, MD. PHlYS'ICIAýN %ad SURGEON Office Hocura:- 2.0 t.4.0 p.~; .30t.8.00 P.. Sundays and Wednesdays 1hy appointaient oniy PHIONE 47r1 - ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Miason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, 0NT. Phones: Office 688 Home 553 W. FEWR BARRISTE-R SOCIO NOTARY Pholeg : Office 8Sn Residene 4 f BOWMAINVILLE, ONqT'. VETERINARY DR. W. W, SIIERWIN Offie Main Si,. OïRse Phoue 63 r 7, Orono J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE, Fire, Casualty, Automnobil6 and Liahility ORONO'S INSURANCE MAN ManufatureraLifo Isuran . 0 Doiinof canada Gneral Hartford Firo isuac Watei,,roo iMutual FireInuas Wa'wanlesa Mutual Insura-nce is represented niithis dstic Y DANE ROUND ONO Phono 8Prei If ïMsIsur'ance, give ïDans a trIai LEROY HAMILTON INSIRANCE 1I.N ALL.,ITs BRACHEIS FrAutomobile, ].iaýbility, ILif e, Ilospitalization, Plate, Glass, Buarglary, Casualty Represenkting the Ladlnig CýAiNADIAN, BRITISHU mal Ofic, ai S,- ORONO Phones: Office 32 r 10, Re,%, r iM Phono nie anld I will sali te, suit you Estiate frelygiren, no obligation INFORMATION Wouid you L1k. t"5 know more abt the folwn? (à) How to your faml7m thoýusanid dollars tint you have't yut saved?- <b); 1-1W to guarounte. a egsaa cheque ti% your famuily every moath for 10-15 or 20 r; shouléd 70u b taken ùont of the pciture? (c) How t) havo a salary cheqv-0 erery mnonti for your1e;f s long az you lire, commenceing at age 55.60 or65. (d')Ho to guiarantee that your son ~ daughter will -haveçthe nKmoney for aneducýaion beyond high machool? Y-ells ave a chat aout it solme- tue.Phoine FREDP LYCETT AUCTl0NEERý,S TED JAÀCK SOClN Auctionteer and Valuator Conducts Auctien Sale a -11i slm JACK REID Anetioneer and Voduater speclalize hI pTamad Fur-niture sale4 C.uuiol e f te18> HOUSEHOLD HELP WANTED For 2 or 3 half days weekly, is-i miodem home with alcivnec~ Appiy to Box 301, Oroýno Tinas WANTED Agent Vo ssiil new improved plastic floor finish.FUIl or part tue. ig est commission. Apply Vo Bo,,3 0, Orono T*imes. tf. A hoiuse u'rgen'tly. Mrs. George PASTURE FOR RENT 100 acres, sell sceplenty rof shade and vwater. A. 1-. Clemens,> 88 Q~. r God ave the King OLGA GIBSOY, Sec., -M RIMEMRM sane5ý»- Am ýnm"mffl mmnmmwâ f ff 2--IMM" mmvm ONTARIO -ORONO

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