Whatit ma ro1fo1vebent1 of l m s tnenou eeslafIc Ithealnoilncemnt fi romNe De, '0 m designedIte oiy ad reor Sstrîgi reigot laxs, s whichi for cn Urs la e go erne th lx s of cli countless m il (f indux thIDr . R'. AmheIýdker, the Miniîs- liainent is hims l nit h yet Cas \%e ias mii cd ito at wo man iogn f, lhe siupreme Brehi Case dvisonsthelaws and lie- lief wheeb evenCl the shadow of onie liiman being was regardeýd as pol- ilion, 1, 'nte lîiilIi ave donc more-, d-ownl tîrou1gli thle ages, to keep Ind(ia lackaî , wek ad povLrty- strický- e-en fhian anyI of lier cause. If fhey\ are eventaliy bolisied, lng flic Unes . ~ indicatecd b\ Ilhe new teis hein fi fcrm "MflerIola" xxiii corneu f0 hiave Ial eimnig and Ganidhi wiii hlis sci ice ln]an United States If HaLrolti Stasen uidii, bucomei fheu nlit Prsdet h ii certaiiv be( ablIe fý Say f bait h eane Ctiehn o)r Ihe( 1bard way. aigipol.ei, f0 fhe tradIitioni tha't the office seeks fhe ma,1. Stassonl bias neiyI goe n inseci o if. 11n flie paî't sixýteen1 mont Iflis lie Ias rveld 16,0 mieand spIIkei ini un ics hian, 42 stats achoo f duntl anybody iackinig the( phyIqco afre football Uli str.Bo nsuifs ila Ilhe W cosnand Nobraska primariosso that hiis bard m'lrk blas paIid off ; alisd the( gambiiIers who fo weeks ag, w udhave giveni yoni odds of 5(j f0 ýt>1I S tgii 'Mr, Stassen,, 'foday -em lae few ad Simple. Ail fhlcy bave( f0o do is persuaide Presidenit Troii]ma fo eIiinaf et hIimselfcU ,s a caddtand convico eea Fis- enhlowe-,r thaf he lit, "pecIple chce".u- Th'le oly drawbacks f ts isi planl are iwlJ~tHr r- ialsovsn sigans of ctitherei nai- fariyrefrig or alnighsl f0o1 b bUslied off the partyý sIafo anid, Second1I,_ iIle Eieh1 rhs5 a lieialian elecionsiý passed off wîhfar 4es trouible and bloodshedI thanwas xpecod;and the uesnIlfs mnnst orcs, owif i5 11p1 tl the onl to m' of Ille -mail proiseis naidc beor te voin-opeciatly th1osec reafngf a faIire iviio of ]iandl f0fight tlle tlctins onI fllc plat1- form the UIl Staites or Ruie,ýit anld thle Itleovidently fiîîk that mlore hl'p w\ill be available fromn this ,id5e cf' Ille AýtLentic than fromi be,- blid hlt "-iron culrfain". But if we clnie sure of anyf, hing in sncbi a mn Le iulaionl, if is thati Ille Commuîits hve ot by- any ecn gis n nphopeof cnfrolin Itln affir a ye, cdthi nxf, mlove(s xvizerdn Ai cf insei - h]aveL pnbl- deserve flic atîfo o vr tV ted if ouIr dnfy ft deo r enîpeticiiy lia (II d oe cu- douenîeîods f fororim orfana uniet ùc r flic oflier werec- temnfdorenavd Soto by ctherwoul yied acorroding, biffrnes."Commn sntedictates New C'aniada-Berm-da Lînk-One of"Trans-Canada Air Lines' fou-egindpressurized 40-passenger North Stars to be used on regular Canada-Bermtida flights starting May 1, is shown raLcing >ov-er Bemd prior to landing at Kindley Field, air term~- ýmal for the Island. 'Two direct round fliglits wýill operate weel, oeorig>iiiat*ing at Montreal and one at Toronito. F13ig im will be onïly four hoursý and 50 miiiites. Sprs-And (Oiie TringE Bly FRANK MANN"H-ARRIS ("A Sixhit Critie") !la fic course cf e faîsniang ses- sion w'tihàagreet former efhlefe flic oflier day, flic maffer of color in sports skiai colon, thef is-liappen- cd to come up. "Wc used te draW flic liae because of personal pro- indice andtihficidea fliaf wc whites are nafureliy a superior race;'I lic seid wif b a doieful shako of flic hoad. "Noxv if begins f0 look as if wxe'l bhave fc draw if ail over agein, sim-piy becauensoflose coloreti boys arc getfing f00 good for us." Wc lied jost been reading flic nLWS fliaf, ouf la Lawrence, Kan- sas, fwo long-staadinig world ne- cords-flie 120 yard higli burdles and flic shot puf lied jnsf been shettored, bofi ycoloreti athictes. The one ntbe-lotglarîng -excep)tion is flic sport of hockey, wbere flic colored boys Jus3t don't secmn able fo clu.,b up ta flic upper branches wif b any dge of suc- cess. Of, course. this ïs probabiy because of lacli of naturai aptitude for "the world'e fastest sport". Log-standinsg fimidily of big icgu absebail megnafes f0 include ne-groes in their linenps-inciude tliemii frenkly as negroes, xvo mean -was due principaily f0 f hein feer of unfavorabie reaction in flic more soiserly cifies cf fliose loops. Braookiyn's experience lest year wif h Jeekie Robinson did a lot f0 kilI tisat feer;ad wliaf iepp eneti duinig D o dgo rs' rcfcent Spriag îreinîg janîsit slonld jnsf cabent finish flic job. Witb bofli Robinson and Roy Cempaîîells as advertised attrac- tions, Tise Buenis pleyed seven ex- hibitionla, i Ashevýille, Dallas, Fort Wortli. ,[iehomia City aad Tulsa -Il cifies liaf lied neyer before sucen nLgrocs compoîiag witli whites on a1i ll field, and ail places wliore race feeling sis snpposed 10 rua feir- ly, ii,. Ati alihongli flic recep- t-ien flic lx e cooredbys receiveti from tflic "xvitrootlu('ing sections ,,as no tig rave about, in base- ba)itlactonse.ak loulden tisa xxords; aniid lierecord-breakiag 63 tbousend c (usfomiei-s who paid te soc fliese games xiii irobebly do more te conviaice flic mognîs flian ail flic talle cant "frcedom and equalify" ever spouted silice flic days of Abraham Lincoln. This being fie finie of, year whcn ail sports writers peck into flie fea- leaves and cali the pdnnant-winnersi' why elouid WCe try and fracture Such a long-establislied custom? If has the advantage of filling a cer- tain amount of space in a fairly duil period of sport; and if we cali fhcm wrong, nobody wili remember wbo wc picked anyway. Naturaily, if by sorne miracle we happen ta pick tliem right, we can always re- mind you of fthe fact when Autumn rolîs around. There have been miany remark- able perforniers la sporf; but one of flic e msî remankabie of al fime' is e parfy. most of us bardly ever licar about. When a man Who was old enougli f0 lie-,eamachine-gurnner in World Wer Onle is still suffi- cienfly gqood f0 defend, .Witth case, bIis Cluiaipioniship titie ini on- of fhe foogbIcsf andi arioîf execfing of al ganlesý, lie moîf stbc a xoader in- deed. ïiiTb aie is a liffle Basque gntilmen inmed Pierre Etche- besbter, andtheli game is tlic ancient andi regel sport known as court tennis. Oise expert descnibes if as "flic absolufe of gamnes" - one whicli calîs for stamina, courage andi dan- ing, for flic elertness of diess, the skill -cf billiards, flic gcncreiship of Polo and flic spced of hiockey. It'& playet i idooîs on a court 10X 38 feet. The nef, in center, is5 feet higli at flic cads, sloping f0 feet et tfli iddic. The court is cluffereti up wif h "hazards" quit e foreiga to lawn tennis; andtheli bail is mateie rom stnips of ciotli wonnd so, fightly together thaf meny players bave been stuncti by e fas't rebouad coming off flic Walls and connecfing xxif b the noggin. Because of flic cost of thec courts, if's a wcatliy man's gamne; anid be- cause of lack of room for mnanyj spectator2, comparatively few ever sec if played. Buat it's no game for a weaklîng, as anybody w-lio lias ever fied if will affcst. And for a man like Etchebaster-at the age of 54-stqli f0 be wifhouf a rival in a game 'he's ruled for more than 20 years, sfamps him as c of the; marvels of sport. Just the other day lic furneti back flic challenger and amateur tifle-liolder, Ogd-en- Phipps, seven sets fa fwo; andj lie dtdit fwitli sucli case that now fliey're saying the only persani wifh a chance of cafching up with Pierre is an olti parfy carrying a scythe, sometimes known as "The Grimn Reaper". ClassifiledAdvertisi.ng AGENTS WANTEMD OILS, GREASES, TIRES, Insecticides, Electrie Fence Contr6llers. House and Barnl Paint, Roof Co)atingq. etc. Deal- ers wanted. Write WarcýO Grease & 011 Limi- ted. Toronto. BABI? CHICKS MEAT iind ther sai hotgsmay he a reaIity1. That's he gg ntipultry fdli in. Touill find gond merkets. immedliate delivery chlcks. aiii o;tarted. A,,k for ber- gain list. Bray 1-latcery. 130 àJohn North, Hfamilton. 11 1 -- 4'/2-Heavy Breed Cockerels-5c- Sussex. Sussex x New I-amP, New Hamps. prompt delivery: 5c, After April 20th: 5Yc. May let to May lth: 6c. Rhode Islandi Retis 41/2 c. Rockx Leghorn and Sussex x Leghorn 2c, Leghorns le. Fast Feathering Rocks andi Rock x New Hamp1E to May 6tit 6c. May 1-10th: 7c. To receive t1-ese cials enclose this ad îith order-. AIl onces' subject to change witbnut notice'. HURONDALE CH-ICK IHATCSIERYý. ]London, Ont. MARE bigger meat and ega profits witb ftnllywooti leghorns. Thcy are as large as most heavy breeds. These Rteal big,.top- cotobet beauties are baeketi by 80 ycars breeding for every quallty yoo neeti for top, Poultry Profits - Cbamplooship iivebility t0 cut chick anti layer, losses. Guaranteeti ega breedina for big, white, premlum eggas. Roally a big legborn 'for,.more meat, SFest Uniform growtb for quiekest of ail broilers. Raise these big Profit makers once anti Yeu wtll raies tbem always. WVrite for Pricellet andi fres caiendar. TRie Rock Farto, Mille Roches. Ontario. STARTED chick bargainis whie they lest. 2-week-Old Barred Rck.New Hampshire x Barred Rock, Light Su17sex x Barred R-ck, New SHampshire x Lil1jt cSujsse-njon,-eexe 20.95, pullets 52L.9, coees1.5 bt Leehorne Brrei-Rckx hie eeors Austra Wit-ules 95A , Dl-ik 2Hinorca aWhte Lghrn piUIllets 6.5 N HamP-ý chireenon eaed 3045. pLes 3.9.cockecr- es9.45. Aseorte(iBrets1.00,) per fundred less. Tbree-wceek nid ad 5.0 pr unre. 7- week-oid pllet-New empeires 50 95. 8- week old-Blac,ýk AsrEr ulee5.5 - week-old BarreI Rocks47 95. Day olI cck erels Barred Rokh e H x hregBarrleti Rock,Lgh Sex Light Suseex x ýNew Hampeihires, BIa.k AueiraIorpjc4i . New Hiarnpehirce 345. Assrtet beaice 2.95. Prompt delivcry. Frescaaoge Tweddie Chlck Hetcherîe Limiteti. Fergus!, 13Ontario. DONT mise these starteti chlck bamrgaine. Immnediate delivery. Pullete:'; weke noi- White Leghorn, WhiteLgte art Rock, Light Suesex aWieLeoo5.5 Black Minorca x White Lgtr 89,New Hampehires, White Rocks, Lighlt F Seex33.95, Barreti Rocks, New xapbr Barred Rock, Light Suseex xý Barreti Rocks, 21.95. Aeeorted Brecis 1,.0 per 1undred lese. Aiso non-sexeti end enekeruls at bargain prices. 6-week-olti puilet, Black Autralorps 49.95. White Rocks, Barred Rocks, 38.95. 4-week- nid. New Hampebires, White Rocks, 46.95. Baried Rocks 44.95ý Day-nid cookerele: Barreti Rocks, New Ha.mpshire x 1Barred Rock, Lieht Suesex x Bari-ed Roik Lgh SesxLi Suesex x New Hampi4ires 4.45., New Hemp- shires 3.45. Aseorted heavies 2.95. Send for complets list of bargainsl. TOP Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario, WIIEN otiter people are cuttjing tiown or, etaying out of the ciekenl bulsiness that la a gond time to -buy nur usuai number. We look for the best egg and pOULtry prices this Fait and Winter that we have hadc for some lime. Prospects look hright for a gond cr00. which will mean lower feeti prices.Jut the combination that wîll make you thnse extra dollars. We cen give yoeu prompt dlveyon ail the popular breede, dynd trs hcs and older puIhets eight ekst aynIf Yeu havent rceior 98ctlg e11(nd for Afto-ai eIrs wdisChick Ilatcheries Limiteti, Fru.Otr BREEDER HATCHEYCIK OVER -10,000 EBREEDERS liN LAKEVIEW FARMIS Ail double blooti test et, bneianirisecei Mi4uy customners have hati y or f cniun succees, with Lakevisachiee. TU cao too. Prom John Coles, Glraveniitunet, Onfanlio- "Many theuke for fine shiioent. Ibav 100% livabillfg," "Wondorful succesEi. 71 te 80 % production with your Sussex," rep,,orts Arthtur Anyere, Oscoode. Ontario. EGG SHORTAGE Total chick itatchings tiown 50% froto ear ego. PFasti ces wil ha iowcn anti eg prices bigiten. POULTRY MEAT SHORTAGE Reports show enekerels stertedtiet date down, 70 te 80% froto een ego. 8-1 lb, broilers are seiline for 855tef0e lb live wciabl. The margin of profit Je gese r titan ever. PROMPT DELIVERY 50,000 Lakcview ciike weely. We cao aive Prompt tielivery in most breeie. Give 2nd' choies of breeti. If possihla. Breetis evalleble Sussex, Sussexax' N. Hampe,., B. Rock x Hampe., Barreti Rncks, N. Hampe. * Rhodie Islandt Rede, Lange type WY. Leghorns, Rock x Legitorn, Sussex x Legitori, N. Hamp. x Leghorn.,<t STAIRTED PULLETS 4 wks.-24 wksi Gel e heatiaet -aitit starleti pallets or bonk entier for future tieivery 3 sefeka te reatiy fc lag. It looks like il wlll be impossible te itus wsl-stated puilets laten on. Alnitier pullel, nalseet on free canas untier Ideal conditions. HEAVY BREED COCKERELS Thisaants availabl e ssely. Sent for specil lew onicesonu largen-tes CAPONS 4 WEEKS RE;ADY MADE Tite qrgond ny n iinaCapons, Seli foc as,3 much pr1b.a1 rky. 55 te40e sac lb.eive nw. Senti focrlngelîluetateti catalogue anti man-, agemnen't book at ekyseli1st f fday olti lrei uit nt aos LAKEVIEW PO'ULTRY PARM AND HATCHERY THERE are ftouentis of eus ein ehipet f0 lte 'niteti States ec"it wek tere h'as beau 40 f0 50 percent lees cieke h. Iatect t date. The Prospecte foc a Splendid r)oo 0k gond, Do'f Yeu tbink titis Le ltse en te fdli youn brooier bouse, Don'f lie wlsbine anti nt cashing in next feli uil winfUtwer g anti poulf.y tisices will be the 5sf- Ors batVe itet for some time. Seilfor ,our Ïnew 1948 catalogue 10sf off the oncs e cMn give Prompt delivery on day nlid !d-1 arfc cike. also nitier pullets sigit t eks1layine. Tnp Nntch Chick Sales, Guelph,. Ontario. 123/c - Hurondale Chicks - 1232c Al Breetiece toubIe-bloodtcsted antihentied, beeked byhy bgi Pedigeeti foundetion stock, Many customers report "Best chicks I aven tati, anti prices ,se reasonable". -*Thte chlcks 1 hati frorn ynu 1have donO slieniiiy" reports James VWria;itf. Owen ofý ifn Sussex mixeti: 14eý; Suisex x N',ew 1Hamo. Rock X New lHamp, Berei ock an1f1ti NeaV Hemp mixeti: 12,lc: pu11iets: 24,. Rock a Leehoro. Sussex x LeitoravNew amo a, 'Leghorn f0eIMay SOft: m 1,i:1-,. puleèts: 27c» eockerels; 2c. Aller May itMit12f. Puliets 24. Large type hr enn Pullets 24c, mixeilli e s t Fatrn Rock anti Rock gXNa Hao cokerv s 6 te May 1sft; Sssx aNes aoaniBo Breasteti 'New Hamp ocerlste May jlai: SÇe Auy I - lott: 68e, Assorrfet chike ic.aseorfti pulefs-Si. A4i beavm eockenels, e aiten avaahe Ai 100 % -,iv,, Dellverm fo nyouc S'tafo. 10 pr100 depsil. it blance C.O .D ,Oren fmoni 1anti enclo.se tiis ati. HUINI,îNDALE ;ýýCHIClI HATCHE, LI)7IDON1W ntanîn COCKERELS altvryortien 0f1r 0pulltsLarge yp WîsLeahýorupu es 9215. 0Nea Hmpe $28,00. To receive tIs sp8ieclal enclo'se Iii adi aith ynun etier.- HURONDALE CHIC.K HATCHIERY, LONDON, ONT. FREE: 100 Heavy Breed Cockerels elvth every orier of 100Cules Large type White Leghtorn pullets $38,50. New Hape:l $80.To receive tL111!3 cal eclose thisýý ad Wlth your odr IRNAECHICHI DYEINO9 AND CLEANING HAVE YOD anything rneetis dysing or ean ïng? Write f0 as for Information. Weea re gla&d f0 answer your questions. Departmient I-1, Parksr's Dys Worlcs Limitei 791 Tonge StreetU Toronto, Onitario. FOR SALE HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Parts anti Service. tien E Ktennedy & Son. 419 College St., Toronto, eBROAD-BREASTED BRON4ZE - TURKEY POULTS Aise SMALL WHITES ami BRUAI)- BREASTED BRONZE X $MALL, WHITE£ and SMALL 8.B.B.'S 8THfIS looks the year to mae.k real ,aoney In turkes. Senti for our Turkey Guide anti let- f er f0 gel aili te teteils. Thers is a. gooti American nmarkel andi temanti. The doty la down 2 cents Per IL. Feeti onces are going gtinan. Quotations for May delivsry for grain yare tiown $13.00 fo $17.080crr ton. Amnen- acao l3rceder fiocks are tiowni 40-50 per cent eFouit productionl will be àway down. il le ýexpecteti thaf Canadien poulfs wili be shippeti à u U.S.A. by Miay or befors at eood prices. Plan to raie pouilel Tihis la the Yearl Booki your ortier nowl Big discounts for April ticlivery. Senti for Turkey Management Guide anti circuler which tells ail abot iProfits. Prevention of disease. anti cearigmeatitotis.1 LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH EXETER ONTARIO' BARGAINI STOCK REDUCING SALE NEW po-type ueo01 Burnlng ýBreotier svenew 3000o 82l'.0 deliveret f0 your Acftqlcky busthey lest, subject tc change witlînuî notice. To rcelve t hie hargain prie enclose titis ati aitit )rrder. Aise-,001M HEATERS a n as $5,04nt Ne5w Pot-Type QUERE RA',NGE OIL BUR7N- ERiS., 845.0 wbile tliey lest! LAKEVIEW HIATCHER>Y AND SUPPLY COMPANY EXETER TRO TEAR,]-OLD sber plns Lahm nt Taýylor Veties Gc sacit mroeiSeao Dunino strewberry plante 3,0 udei Ri v edes ticee , t ad. 1BEAGLE Pupe from Pleti Trinai Championa stock, reatiy to train, elso- trainei doge. 0J. J. Fermer. Suite 100, 25Que si ., Ottawa, Ont, ENSILAGE Harvester. McCorn-ick Deeriss No.2. Hartily useti, perfect condition. Itiv, lers Chauds Farm. Reg'i. *Pont Roue,Que. ONE AND TWO ROW JOHN DEERE POTA- TlO PLA14TERS IN1 STOCK 140W. W. F. McKLENZIE CO., DISTRIBUTORS SINCB 1866 PHONE 26. LEAII NGTON, ONT. HARDY 2-year Lathain Stespbeýrry caneti. $500 OUpen hiuodret, Premier Strawberrles 92.00 per huireti. A. Crowle, R.iU , 1. ing- PEASGoernsnftfeistceet No 1 hancel- Ion anti OAC 181. Liitti suply. Sealeti in, Mwo busheQl bacs. $4.150 ho. W A. Prie,22 St. TtomaýsSt-. Tornto. Reniolpit 5141. BEMIS lONE A-ND TWO-RWbUSEAND ATO), ETC.. TRANSPLA1NTERS AVAILABLEI NOW. SKEE OURf OCA RDALER OR W. F. MeKENZIE CO., ]DI3TJRIBUTORS 5331E ~86. HONE 3$,LEAMiNGTOS8, 1 B.D. CdLETRAGOvrbetiShove anti Allai- doze, useti 5 manth. New mv Condition. Haruidea &King. Con'tractons, Greffton, Ont. Pumibîna fixtures anti lelrcal appliancels. Senti stemp for cruaEcooomy Distribu-ý tors, 1,lingston. Onfarlo. 6 weeks Olti. C.OD. $13. Cainary elogen. cereîulljy ebosen for colon ani song. $15. C.0.D. Groom Pet Suppliés, 999 Biooc W., iHM-POWERED Rfe-Wiefoc descriptive foltiers anti onces. SCOPE1 SALES CO_, 326 Queen St., Ottawa, Ont. WISCONSIN AUR COOLED GASOLINE ENGI-NES ....Dçiivcry frot elck, 3 2-08 .p. REPAIRS AND PARTS Distribution reQuiret Inl certain territorles. CONSOLIDATED ENGINES & MACIIINERYCMPN New Toronto Ontario LATHAM raspberry canes, 8-.00 pi-r hundreti. Gordon Brigman.,RU',.Pusloct, 0nt. SENAT011 Dunlop stramlhsrry plants. wVeli rooteti, heavis producer. huntireti $1.50. titousanti $8. Ortier sangy. Percy Yarrow, Route 6, Trenton, Ont. ËIIIzO] innrs BacLcckr paiel Stlnd Proven bitches. Pupples. ReesenabsDurn- ford Kenuels, P_'ti onsnk.Ot EAT HNT euee oa wc.we wîll SUPply e 4case If 12 orponicens of d- licinus 1fineflavoreti clover iey for only $10.00. Ontice tudsy shi tte this arceanpri'e lests. Nie Rock Frri, M ille Rohes. Ont, :'ý 1 31 ACHSNUT : UW,31STOCK. Beantty d'cop enoti ehalin a wil presoire systeme, deso v-11il H'nIdPme cantiPorno Jacks. Air Cmreoeil ises boLIt etatiouery anti portable. Cmleslins of aoodwnrkina acier.Elcti Seors, a Il sîzes in 25 antiCO6cceý. Portalble Electnie Weltiers. 100 anmp. cpct.Wiefor: onces, anti descriptive lleatre1: Bengain - fMil i Ents-FaoySeod r210 lb Aspha-It Shingles 47 q Co1cis-~menReti. Bine, Bee.Grs Blond., Rei bleiiid. l"thick BIckSidine.Uedcti:orRe-iBet Smooth outiRoofing 45 1lb. $,5,5 b. $23.10. Rock fcei90()lb Roofina 265B. Redi, Green &Bik.FOB Haîon TheFse ene real vaues tithe above pnIIe Order 310w. Stocklimtei ROBERT JONES LUMBER CO. HAMILTON OT AR Il ART HALLIWELL AUTO WRECKERS ALP-ARTS Titorouahiy caaneti recýket at cflo eti, Sitipi wilh ne m i ste'kes ahre Mi ondars easeciaýlty. A1cmraedem n sacreti tialy. No, part f00 bar10. est m WritePhonc Wiri t,).Wa!, SoterBC b; Olver ow Cop "0': eneri En HIGH 1PRICES -USED RAGS $1Fs Frn telZs eef.Ont.I FOI, SALE CO 1ECAL goe I labrrefie DriEs. Par E NwcDKmplil LEOt Elec trie Motors, f:60-25 (ycl. ,Gnereqor Tracteforincre. Storege Tue op.Sit- ches. Compresore. ,ewo edgeatc R. SPRATTeAND COMP4T, 1862 Eglinl Ave. W.. Toronto. WERD enotrol with chemicale le ,eas' y. nuick effective and economical with ulse, 0f PHan- son eprayers andi chemicale. Wrile l'or in- formation te George White & SonsCopn Liited. London, Ontario. 'n IIAIRIIEýSSINO LEARN Hairdres.ing îf.e Robertson meioed. infurmation on reouet r9gerding erices. Robertson's Hîairdressing- Araremy. 137 Ave- nos Rnad. Toronto. WANTED - Every suIP.eïr nf Riteumallo* Pains or Neuritie to try Dixons t ey Munros Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Otasea. Posfpeid $1.00. FRUIT juices: The principal ingretiients i Dixon's Remedy for Rheu7matic Pains. Neuritis Munros Drue Siore..335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaiq~ $1,00. OPPORTUNITIEb FOR5 WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADAS LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunlty Les mi Hlairdressing PIsasant dilgnlfied profession, eond mages, thousuntis successful Marvel graduates. Americ's grestee s steri. liustratedceste.- logos frec, Write or Cal] P58 Bloor St. W.., Toronto Brnhs:44 King St-. Hami1tois. OPPORTUNITIES EFOR MEN AND WOXEN SPARE r ful-tme ooepy-maeking. Leern La maire candy af home anti 6,i.rseas ston isarel, cocrespontience course., atonl nefituite 0£ Confsctionany rsg ti, Delimiier P. . ox 162, Monfreal. Que, Solliiors. Estabilisheti 1899. 14 RngWest, Toronto. Bpokiet 0f information on requpEit, PHOTOGRAPHRY hSEND youc films te our oea plant for ubr passeti cuaflfy. Our sparkling gloser prinfa» ai please Yeu. (6 or '9 exposureroUeSc postpii. reprints 03o st. 5 5for $1. Gampie.r Photo Centre. Box 71, ilg, Ontario, FREff enflargement wlth roll 30c, 'or 14th 10 reprinte 35c. Include titis ad. Art FUR COATS REMODELLED Olti coats nmade like new by masteUr furiler. Free Insureti storege on repaire antirnotiele. Write for Inf0rmnatIoýnUpfovn Fore. 559 Yonge St., Toronto. anti Marlin 189M (enly) rifles with wern-out barrels. Tt Gun Site».7G Wad. Port Ho0pe, WANED!Musrtare l:R gon)ddeisanti. 1For top Prnces anti promipf returne slp ur raw f uns t o: AflnJms tsyOnt. - BARLEY GROWIERS WANTED te produce registeei oncam eedihre on Confraît. SeetcI aupplieti anti2a pretaýfl over Winnîpe m arkst for th, co at harveet, GH. Syte, ion 6W. Lynden. Ont, HOUJSEKEEPEAR WANTED Hlousekesper 10 live in, praetposjitio 3 adultse oSy. .Apply MLre. Bert Weir. 761 Richmond St.. Lontion, Ont. WANTrED Four (4) General dufy nurses. Also n ighf superviser (11-7). Attractive salary Witti 10- crease affer ns ear's serviceü. FUllmain- tenance provideti. Appiy the Diroctor o, Nursin, Wellandi Coonfy General HIospýifaL. Welland,. Ontario. TWO PROTESTANT teachere wantcdI forto - shlp sehool area No. 2, Black River. enrol- ment in No. 2 sehool 1, gradesý 1 te 8, enrolment in No, 3 scitool 12. grades 1 te 8. Salary ineaci sebool $1.880. Duties te com-à mence in September. Mc. George E. GIraywe. Tee.*Twst schoni area No. 2Bac RirMfen. Outarlo. WANTED: RgeeeiNre o eea Duty, 6 b d>Hosintel8 r, ui.AS Superintenideuf St. Jospis osiliItnoa Ont ado. PROTESTANT ( tersagctif-1onsî Scitoel Area 0f Kenebe.Sate neîia tint amle 0f etisftrat aa DUTIES omeceSpt , 18 pplyV J. 'M. tnueSe.Tra.A-du Ot bel ket Apyb eîi- o-stV<d To tp. Tu ' -IC aiHer's S pain Reieffo Tie rig o e Teu r tfeet apl se inIl ani a tan oetitassu i nk you cent ci, iii otheor te. Tour susse mas f sel as if hey, arot tins Ergit inOt fest it tcinyfhing te c sf reief go T or tlre aplictiosof7> in' fasf-tirying, ri9 8trong - 1948 N 's -s N -s N -s s, -s -s N 's -s N N -s .5, N5 N n N n N xi, s, v .3, 'y s. 3e R 'y N 's. N. Su, N 55. 3,, R n 3, 'y Su, 55 'Su .5 'y N .5 's 3e N .5 :5 'y 's 55 * .5~56 ý 1. ý 1 Si