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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Apr 1948, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMIES THJURSPAY, AI>RIL 29fth, 1948, WESLEY VILLE 'Ais. L.R aa petSna MA oar iyn tene he Youn Peole'sSprng Cnvenionat Mr. anid Ms rn Austi, Boni- file an Paýul speat unday with Mr. Mis DrehyMaso)n, of Port Hope, ~pent he ixek-endih'her parents, Mis.Reg.Beaof Prt cpe, ispent i tnï1 1yiS.ftern1 n ithMu. dM s Wid Be. Mi ad tMis.oPerc . oskn drs reicy -Snell onit 'ondiay moîning. Mý. ïandMi.C Payne, Murray -nd Rut sentSuda witb Mr. and -Ars. A1nno0ldionye MuILeh rdti uIt h iao lie n-ghorodwoSOenrsy gaetertime to theý buildinig cf the ;ew cenent steps. Tha Y 'ounig Peop'Ie'sý Union held ~5.U warh ofRecoerds FREE With each Record Player purchased INSULATED OVENS both single and Doubla $4.50 and $7.95 CISTERN PUMPS $4.50 and $6.95 VIKING ELECTRIC HAIMMER MILLS complote whit atr $190.00 WOVEN WIRE POULTRY FENCE 4 and 5 feet heig-hts AMGA RANGETTES $59.50) LOCOMOTIVE ELECTRIC .WASIIER Ail Biamel Tubs EIASY WASIIERS Aluminum Tub $129.50 EA SY VACUTUM CLEANERS- $64.95 Lawn Chairs, Sports Equipmnent and Fishing Tackle Coleman & Philp Electric Phone 89 r j - ORONO their meeting Wedaiesday eveaing Vwit h an attendance of eightean, an'd Mi.GeogeTufford tak-ing th.e topic. Miss 'eee Baîriowclough,, of Laeot penmtlteweek-end with ber par nts r. and Mis. Edgar aE'ýirowelo(,ugb.11 Mn. tand Mils. Shields, of Mount Plasn, and Mrs. W. Nicholls~ of PontHp,spent Sunday wlthMr. adMis. Carrohl Nicholîs. M.adMirs. Lealand Paynie, .Loyce and MN ureenI,of Nvovil spent ~unîyevein wi'hMr. and Ms C. Pnyn. Concratulations are extended to ins. G. Diîrner and littie Honnie who cLerne heir ir, bdys on Monday wbena pîtywas heLd lin their honor at M. aa Mis Ken.Dinner's. Sudyscboo was held et 10.30 rith îanu tensc of foty-six, tihe largst rtendnce"f tise year, with altahr peet Chancisfolow- ed7 witb Dc,. Oepreaching a v'ery gocd sero on"The Task of Self NE WTON VILLE Mi.- Tone 'Lngtafcontinues in veliypoor health. cýltIhougis some land is stili too soft s'eedinig is la, fuIl swing. Mvi. end Mis. Walter, Whittakei l I Kenny with hier parents, Mr. and Mr.J. T. Pearce.. The moniy imeeting of Clarke scisool aiea met in'NewtOmnville School UNITEDOSTATES ,à Existing re gulations make it iltegal for any Canadian resident ta retain in his possession more thc*n $10 in United States cash. * You are required to turn ini ta your bank, for ex- ch.ange into Canadian money, any amnount you have 4n excess cf $10. in UJnited States funds, without delay. ~ THEREHAEASOR *The reason is that Canada must have the U.S. dollars spent here by tour- ée ists, in order ta make them available for the payment cf imported goods and ser- vices needed ta keep pro- duction and empicyment ut a high ievel. FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONTROL BOARD OTTAWA,,- DURHIAM Progressive-Conservative Association GeneraI 'eeting & Convention TOWN HALL, ORONOl on the evening of Fri'day,9 April 3Oth For the pur1pose of transacting General Business anid electing a Candidlate for thie Provincial Election. SPEAKERS: Co.l T. L. KENNEDY Minister of Ag4ricýulture 4ISS RII5DA UIESSON, Nation-al Chairmnan of Women's Progresssiv- ý1m>ýervt ive Association; CUMtRS . TEH NSO , .P., and Iist Thursda(iy eveniog. Svrlof thle public scuýboIch dien wembtot Oronio to see th1-e Con- Mng. Tise public sehiýool w 1ty ibus to Port H4opT)e let eektovisit tiseu Egg Gnading Planýt, Daiiýy iaid Creineiy. Tisey a- njoyed the eper;ince and îou tglist home with theani a kîtivlkg àt w-culd take nmach lorger i to -glean froin books, Mis SpnceGodon spent efewvi 1ay _iU Ms. Wm. Curtis 1hast v ek. Mi.A. Ja-ckýon visited' i, end Mis D.Vanttoon Sundeiy. M!i.and Ms.SinGeecW-11ndfatI- ily spent Sunday ibts'fre' fetiser, Mr. W. J. Gea, L(ýinda Mrs,. R-s, of T,oont, is visitLingw xitàhber daughster, Mis. Win. Jack- son.1 Mr. and Mis. Chcs. Kenny have 'been sick wit'h this'fia for e few days, but resuîned their duties on Mondey. 'Mrs. N. Little and Alec spent the wecýe-nd et home anid îetured to Toron)ito 'Suiday nigbt>.. Mliss Selina,, Therteil went to O-sh- awe Hosýpital for an X-ray oni a beck; injuîy o n Monde y. Mi. and Mis. Reyrolds. Peter and Roy Sleep visited la Toronto on Sun- day. Mi. and. Mis, C. Langdon and Catherine, of ;Canton, visited 'Mis., A. G. Derlnigton and Bill recently. Mr. Harîy Ricbýardson' visitedsne cfr his old friands un 1KendaIfl a faw deys ago. Mis. Milton Robinson, Mis. Cecil Glass and Mis. J. W. Jackson -spent Suniday 'wvitb Mr. and ýMis. George,1 Smith, Newcastle..1 Mr. and Mis. Jim FaiI, S'-outh ongnand Mi. anldMi.Kibe and failiy, of Ptvoogwel reetvisitors ýwith -Mr. and is Rlake AlIexandIer. 'Mi. F Fus asreturn'ied homel after a hre wak f i I'-Letr- ' borouh. 'iss yrtie FaIls, of Pet- rbouhvisi,td with Lai for the W e are -sûnry to learai that is. L. Thlorne is under the doctor'-s care and waý,s coieid to) bed fo)r a faw d'ays. She is siow feeling better and wve hope she continnes to îxmpiove. i-. and Mis, Leonard iBuck'ei. 'baby Peter Edward and1M1s Hall 'off Sunderland, Englaned, were visýitaYrs with Mi. and Mis John Patton over the week-end. Old neighbors and friands will be sorry ta hear that Mr. Fred Thomas is un bospjtialilaToronto. He Ibas hier n ffering froin paralysis orthe lest few yeaîs. Mis. Roy 'Mercer nndeîwent miedi- cail observation in PeterIboroug!,h nos- pital for two deys lest weeký and is now home egain. Oui best wvIshabs go witih bei for a full îecovery to hnealth and strength . T'his tiny bit -of the 'Commonwealth of 'Neations adds its voice Vo the con- gratulaticas goin.g out Vo the King Does your Croam Separator need ropair or adjustment? Cal me and SAVE MON'EY by having your machine s-erviced for increaszed butter production,. If you neod a new Cream Separ- ator, Jet me demonstrate rightin your own R dairy the oasy turniugl cdean skimmning Reuifrewý. 1Iena makýe immotidiatec delivery of a niew Rouifrew that will matke youir separating time shorter and 3your eaeým choques bigger. GIVE MNE A GALL For Sales and Service T. S. -MOUNTJOY touIe 25013 - HAMIPTC year gei ON Ot (1n. Quen on the celebration of their 25hwed1dimg annîversýary and wisbes ftem and 'happiness throug-h1 the years. M.r and lMrsý. Wmý-.Gevitd la Ptercrogh osptalon Satur- dayv. We veejo'y to bhear thiat Mi.r Pople is flotfeein!g vr ell1and hopeSýoî he)el oo 0huo 'lte oabt LL MitiitnLoe-ad ,X s Li t-Lwes, of Pie teroogaevitn wtbjý the'.aret. Î Mr. nd is.No aO n ilrgh0 reet an ha re turned home 'to e1toroth W. l a i.1 Meeting wre hre oW. i. eîdit's aumand Mtin ltlio ray on e nesa, A(1 ipi 2lst, ith he vcepresd ein, 'Mis t. iitchand -ethe chir. hemeeting1 idai o fie ïïwitb themsniertof the Oide nd Onada.or Theqesin pofe $1O.OO as vradote to k the n cous rcMrs. eg. Ellrsitt, Mis.l C. chargeii oflr n the gam nd Elliottgae a pper on a ell Tequip-- pmedhom wihprovldrery itrest-i iad gave he memere s sogoa ideas 'on th rovemeanthe*of tir oi hom ue. h'thdo-sneeded n uo is't find thilemony fhort west e Vmptoe- mens. A G -avetufarme stted that h finds hat a radleio ofs offkers the- bain ed is ine ad . *ui an Evoes keep thiem relaxed.The ar-E 1er'.s ifeba alre . *roomxic ses' aVýios launry and wolbi roM". A, h asilmcinef ectri ine 1three etoebir o trn of T e n b o e t îdn e iby an aut o ati oay fu2tacein thot wnat er sytein. Misloenw gavhed s om ae 'tes whlc viey bielpfl. D El.eion of ofiles re sul ed ask fo.'lp li's Prcednthrs . Stalofer; ic ise-resde Mrs. 'reG. Elliuro nd îce-,priden6t, irMrs E Luxron;.sec-'ts, iMîs. E Coroux sicvsu itors Mr iC. eendMrs. A.n Loe. Eetin iof brter ofier 1 sxs .Left oerto ithe n'aetliereting. wheàn it islhed t nhve the DistrAIt ; red, icnhar,. Wery Faics au-it 1 inging of the atio al te Ath. r. Marus andpertn'ed th ien- . inerl o hiss .ister, Ms. Lfred Gof 'brook.a, Mrs. Giour whod id 'vr >wOIeota liei Mborotok af11ter er 1 Atsbryand ioiine daugliterMaeThe broth, oMarcus ansandAthr f enl- da, ron ofasl ottothen, and tw O is'haw.a, and FlMr. 0e Glmu was ation Ln eeey h rMpatsy oee oldfre, ds and ,, ndh bars in Kendal o on o e iereve Miss Aurey row, Newcr.Abse Robinsoo i ipro in aPort Hope Hospital. Mrs. Wm. Mat ' s spending aP aibile )xvith ber daugbtýer,Mr.O e Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lowery anýd family, Toronto, with Mr. aad AMrs. A. Dobsoni. Mrs. LIew 'Hallowell and Mry The S,ýhiloh W1. A. were ait the home of MYis, -ec Newcastle, lesýt Wad-nesu Af terashrpigii Lt 'ertai nc le Sinit. REMEMBERJ "M0OTHIER" ONMOTIIER'S DAY _Sund4,ay, May 9t'h adedfor. th!e ben1efiýt ofour rnewoun uis to te1egrapAi fur yop, ta any ata the WoVrld, your flowers and y our get ing. And Ithe 1 oast lof ithis sri ~ wilI supire yu t i te cost 4of the fwrsat th1e plce of delivery plus thie cost f thetelegens. here night tale- grins r used thie s of the message- is very mainî, and tis s ervice isý ORDWIDE is aur service an [Flawers f a i y occasion, BouquetS ior "Weddings, AnniversariJes and Brhdy.Floral Trihutes are s-ent through us at shortest niotice foýr Funeral Tributles ilu Floiral Sprays and W'reaths. Thlis Service is Warld Wide ! And your Ufltimata Satisfaction is Oursucs REMEMBER "-MOTHER" ON -MOTHER'S DAY WithCou tts' Better f-GreetingCards ,See our complete assortment of these finer cards, priced from.......... 5c to 25c each Charles B. Tyrreul DRU~S - GENTFOIR .ACKMAN FLOWERS Phone 68 Oronio, Ont. - il REMEMIBER MOTHIER'S DAY, MAY !)th Mlother's Day Cards and Gifts Dyetint for dyýeing or- tiniting, ail colors in stock',. per pkg............ .. Ladies' Large Straw Rats............ Men's Mache Helmets-......... Chîldren's Chip Straw Rats. ...... GTob Hats,'printed "Oi-rno", sizes small, medium and large...... ..... ..... Gar-den Gloves, canvas, wde wrist band.... Knitted wrist band.. _....... .......... Garden Forks and Trowels, each .........._ Vegetable and Garden Seeds, 'i pkgs forL ..... Dutch Set Onions, 1 lb for. ....... Red and Blue Handkerchiefs, fast colors, each.. Cocoa Door- Mats, each. ........ 20e 19C 29e 25e 10e 25e 17e 75e GROCERY FEATURES Criushedl Pineapple, .16 oz. jars........... .. -40e Royal Pudding Powders, flavors Chocolate, Van- illà and Butterscotch. SPECIAL, 3 for.,..25e Franco Americà{n Beefl Gravy, 10ý oz tins....7 Sugar Butter, 1 lb tins....33c Campbell's Mushroo0m So-up, 2 tins for . ... ... ... Aylmer Asparagus Soup, 2 tIins-, for........... ...... 9 H1edflund's Sandwich Spread5, llam and Turkey, Pork, -veal and Ham, etc, 2 tins .....5 Shieffield Floor Wax-, Remover-,PLIHN large bottie.......25c LT Butter Bix or, Crax, pkg..9c Old Englishi Wax, 1i1lb tins for»........59c- Kellogg's Pep Bran Flakes Cereal w-ith comic buttons an-d transfers, 2 pkgs f or......31c IORONO 5c. TO $1.O0 CENTRE Northt'cutt and Smith, Funeral Directore and FriuDeauer. KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE Equiipped t. e care of tii. mndeet funeral ut the most reascnahle charge aa WelI au ýthe largeet and mcat ,xactlng Offie GS Ruidïc*.an-Z2 I S s ..-' k -j i 'j IV ReMd -and 728

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