LoY TU -ES OPONO, ONT., THUR,"SDAYýi, MAY 6th, 1948, Subscription $15 per Year sive-sConservatives AJLieas1oiat adiae In Ganaraska Forest Projct ut-r'esud -b!hn LndIs'ay o-micae ,f ViteOntrloDepîrtmrtof 1ards ýand ýj;ests. t ,coninies a-f'u ws (1) ictria Cou-n -t Foresýt- ,The plantbin s bing de-ne on those s~esrecely qirdby t'lie Couaity -" rreforetaticin ,luîpn.ses, uorth ofl -f-te village cf 'Bumuit River. A total o )o-0,00treas -will ie piantefi this '2 ) Nort.huinhierland Counity Foi-est -To'iý,rLoip of adlud ?Mis area is loca.ted lu the sa.nd miges eof the Towns'hip and foams ara impertant inir in tirIe referesta-ti-on pr2gemedesigned Vo ceontrol ex- cese m u-wof e- waer, hencea Id cùntrol, and tire production cf Piue, Tiber. A 'tota f 147,000 rees will beplanted tisseng (1) Dunam 'Coury Forest- Tw-ii cf Gana, 'Hop)e end Gaver1. TlriS area iýs eomIpcsed of saufi rid- gemý, simiâlar lun ature te thttcf Nomr- thnrbeml nCunty Forest, ard is jaeto, or foi-msi-,e part of, £ile enetherlinlutire conservatio)n plan, tecou-rtias, te ratura u-agn ailAads laV the production ef f or s in ilod waters. A total ef 527,0 a will e plantefi this spriug te, * lt ie referestati-on of lardstý puttmng E ductive i foi-m a I mc~etrol Il - s-o chars River. 'T on tliis ne-wly reuzf total of 25-5000 trcsvil[ hs s priugl, as pr of ýa pro gramin terefereSt al -cas -ac'q irafi by thie At eeping -wd-,th the ohjectiva of b-mrgialland into pro- e ii-à fl ettIresa-ma timie kl in teplain deszigned lto Oil conditions whc re now arîsitic of theGersk Mrs.MaryPirasey ihas neturnafi laeafrom ithe RimuvlaHospital -eh-,ensire eundertiint an oparation PreSenItationI, Civen Mr. And Mis. Ceorge Mlercer Evryoe hai a iýgrand time et the sh(ow-tégien o Mr. andi 'rs.Geeg Mercer an-fl -a great ny beatiful gifts weme on dipty,îcIufina set of siiverwaeae from tira groema's, pare.Au orchestre wm s iin atte-nd- a-ncecdcuding an alectricl guter and the feIkýs eajoyefI coma fine ,mu- sic. The newlywý%efls were invitefi te bhe plaýtform iiwire chairs.- wera pre- pared for VieShm and the fobow'Iag aireswas reà(d by UMr.. Da- Dear D-rothy andi George.- We, w-ho hava gatikerefi togathar Vhsý evening !towish you il fia thesuc- casa in yeur ventura jute hcmiemak- irg, taia tnsoccasion Vo exýpress in semae measure eue deligbt tiret yen, Gasg, ar ye chrm iad beau- tiful wlfe, bave udecidefi Vo meke your hem-e la our idcst. -Sa mary -c ou yaung ýpeopfle Ihave lifVte olive aise- -b-ana tiret iti is indleefi a pleasune when two suc-h peasaut young -epa deocife te, stay '[-,oe. W\ýe trust tat yen -wiacce[)tt 'hesa few presrits as sOeasîh indIication of ti-e regard (Coatînuef ou page four) Lions Club Featuring A Fashion Show And Dance 0O11 idyMm'y l4-tbi, tirhewcs VIa lieons b ulpraseat Stauley t.J-ohnsandi iis Royal York O0rchas- tra nt a fia-w- in tie Gom-munity Hall. Assi-stin;g M-V. St. Jehns wil -ie C.F. RiBýs a'eapianist, Don Cordon. As aspeca fdefiattraction 1MI-. Merrîs atkasGanad% aPaing style spacii-ist, -wil stage adfiaca fas"hiolnsfealtai wear beaeh Wear andfi Many of Vire Styles wi-l r filst Canad?,(ieahowagA sent in al about fomýty di Reaiers cf the New ý,Liiry ced-I soeafew Menthe c rtieragarfilrg Mr. Wefi liag witirHoiy soistars J. RrlUm Barra nîw pici Tire L eyie pet acap, or Vis l-glt. The net pi hae for tIre minoreea Cl..arke'iAnd Darington Football League Orgar CIa îlekeand Darlirgtn-Foot- ba) eague hles -uow heen cmitl fonned and tire saliedule dran uP for the 1948 ia-ying season. TMi ya-thaeare ce iglit -,ea sce-arprîs- -uig ie leatgua, EBnaiskillen, Cour-tice, Sanpton, Maple Groea, Sline, ZienI - Tyrrone an-fl Oono-. Tefoli-oing efficars wrre -lct: Sec.Trea. -Jaclk Reycao-ds. ï0is eeraejunior leaguewll - e fejrm ed--osisig of ternis fatîn Ceurce, Tyrore, Enisiena-ant O-ur The femmiag çof tMnsjuno j eague wlI f11 a long feit n-ced W suppy nmetarin a lVeryeas foie Unh sen:er tea-. IV ivnt defNi-e yat as Ao just hlnea-Oreno wiMlplay tira-rhnome ---e s. If thre park laýnet -ir condi- n oat likely V-ie gem-es willirbe V d t -efkr.Orono's first egaý,eine!w'11 ha piayed or Wcf-' da,f-Vay 191t1,- ith Saine as tira steeug V(lm, afaspt.a 22 1-E ni1 H arn siroulf ' i have agof hy of. al tfire cit- ne out amfiattenld beî1p survivefot cu et Courtiýe. e t Miaple Grýove. ton. nniskillen. 9-eine at FEnnisI Me-pi-e Grove a 12-GCour tice t Sel: Enmi-skili-ea -atC -16ý-Mala Grovea -t' Zion at Ilamptel a9Oo- t Geurti- Tyrone eat Bri 23-4Sohiu et lHam Zioa e-tMpe( Oro'no -atZioni. 20-4ele GrevaetA 3-.Courie t EBan eopscGrmeaet 7 Zien et solia. Orono at Tyrer Tyona et0Zioni. 1-Hamri")ptcon- et C-e 7-somiae et Trono 24~.~Gouricaut Ziou' Hfamipton eit Ty, 28. -iEr«Îsiillen et' 0-1o0110et Mali 'oi ntEn 7 Coetiaet Omer MpeGre'vaet Znn t Orore. No Large' Catches 0f Fish CarpetlShields D Mlbol' Repoted n -OpendingDayv oiotd ierlC3ddate The fihing sea o hwi<ch aopee ofcalon StraM-ay lst, v-as cimrds who jc-urayed fromfr and ncar in cxpectainon- nf havingÏ trouV for their Sunday dinner.' Af ter tlie day was orer, mmýl l-n wir and mothers had te rush ýtoc the but- cher shoýs Vo scue meat for- Sun- The wecathr tu-med outbright an clear. Frost qa n the gr underly in týe mrinbuit t1is soon diES- aperd'fter O1(l -risýed his pleasatface over the horizn.Aftcr the bing closed ses sen at would secmu that the fish wv- be in raIre foinm VO derour the Vuepàg -wstAt ware this day placed 'la thie streams ,of the surrounding dîstrict, but Voý no uaeu. It le trua that a few were rewarded with some nice ilh. The lergcest num- bar we heerd of were caug1ht by W. J.! Riddall, -iglit nice trot t tire Las- kerd fluma, lis ohl favorite pQae on rargcd fron eAt thrae or four Th(, streamis in t-is disticet waee lirlll-ed wthfishierm-en from fercal near. At semané streams hey; would be flfteen or twntleet apart. Cars wera lined along-tire roedwey. There were Fo many flsb- ermeLn that thre filh w ere -driven.un- der the baa-ks from fright.t will te he about two weekýs to get ieer t1ire invasion.i l oweve-r, it was e grand daýy to go meandei in the streýms in the fresli air earithe Iaice brigit Sua-' sýhinie. In a quonth"s tfime tisiýýnfluix of fisermen shoud dwlnde to a ayensal n mber. We hope so. Ifoner !Mr. And mmrs, C. Gikon ' On Wedding Anniversaryý e pae-de-ofAbout ninety friands, relaitives midi &-ai Styles.1 naiglibers gethered et t1irehomne of aciva tihir Mm. and 's. 'Chaies Gsibsoon Sac- nu-mierof urday lest, Mey lsV, Aeonor trem mis wl-il pre- on the occasion of tirade tweuty-hlfth! iffieean- wedflng anu-ivemsamy. Ea-rier ià Vie! k a-wi-î e veniug their dauglitar Mary par- kirs sWIF- uadafi hem paranWt tcigofor a driva m leder-C,, duri-g their absec'fiends tooek -. gowvas for, posesai-on Of thaeir hereeandi sethtie tume. tablewitih a beauiful tliree-tiered aiycrowdl wedding cake wdt silvar candiasticirs ,roceeds wHilland tAU pinir canies, bouquets d6 a. stocks and snapdragora and a ibeau- tiful tee service. When ial wer-e assemtbled and the brýide nd groom -1 eated, Mm. Russaîl Osborne, etiagnunasclrairman, caled on bis bretirar Orvile, wlio sang two se les "Becm,~e" -And iGire Me e i A~~~<Smimî" in bhs usîual pleasinig mm Helen Turnier thien favored -with a piýano solo. The cheirmnan then e-al- rilln, Pd on Ms ewr Boweu xvho raad! -Orno th fii-iig address: ne Mm. anid e.Ga.Gbson. Dr-cao. Dear Fueeafs We hava assýem'i-ed Tymone. lera toniht for thepupwse of Ielp- on. si ig y=eIeate 'o silver Wedfli ton.be sparedtVo en-joyann moaa yeers -ena.o ýove baiyour haeof sick- ness aud adrersuty, but yenhava 1Soline. proavead that you car w'eatlier thea rlampten. stermu wbch bcspaa,ýks a fine -cirarac- isIrlen. Vr.Wa-mreyu )()th inyurde-_ Hnmto. oti-on Vo cuur fin-a fnmmy ard te yeur Ce. Cciuiuty. tapie Grove. The, family tiret yen hiave arae credit te you 'and fuiiy exeaupIfy, thap urtie. creful nard paiirstek ilg labour of ln- 0. ýstujctira parents. Th-e Vask of risi- e. cng a large famiy du-rng tnue pest o r1. twarlty odId yers is neocm oleaa md t CourVice.0ya nue t-obe commien-dffor your ln. splendid accemlplishnients ila Vhs -un- ronle d't a k iug S o, ira- . Yenï botir, Chiarlie arid NeIllie, arc Gýreva'. go egrosir your coi-1m-mutyý cp and an-yoaae necdîin-g a heling 2hend .ýiiVCr car alwaiys -raly uponyou for' helpi le Grea, la Vmes of ncad It is tiresa unsaîf- la. ah acts cf kinfinass oward others, Litm, an a-e asit ncelad-ily living iraýth nsw t'y-oue im-st amrÎa orribbries -Zion Ting \t-eeue andl ah il uit2i GrvaISisr-rgy-eu a long axterded periodi ef ullited Iapieeard t'Liret yenmayli i ce. ha spnared Vo en.joy tire pririlege of 7nsil. mrymreanicray a s. - ~or 7.0 p.m - Wewish yen otita-'cCept ths ree ar iag t ttcas, b't Vo f orur -ý - a-- ---c-- p scet 1a(isteem f-or yen both. A large nuinie fLbeasfroým a"Il over DurhamCoutygathered la, i Or'ono Town Hal l on ednesdaY evnnMay 5th1,fothpuce of nIncal eectiù o Junie 7tli. Two caýndidetes weenmntd ý'Ïn. Mr.iRoy W McosoI orie tMr.Nichis xithdew is ndme s he 11-4d ctsuee ,his way clear(Votake btie off fronm bis business'. 1rCecil Mercer intodce the- gLI'est seak rM. P. 'Y. Dewan, for- mer mnilister in the Hepburn gev-. ernsenlt. lie Criticized thie D.rew gov- ernvent for Ce'ling -a' pelection. Vernon Singer, rcenltly elected Pres- ident of the Young Liberal As-socia-1 tion of Ont- iîo, aIse> spoke. 'New Sunday SchooI beur TWsh, u11o ! thble heur!1 Âs t'olled faon the tower; Beliold ! 'the 'hour i hne in response VLo tihe pleaddng11 Of adults andchidn T'lie mmrning chutrch echool is arrang- The ýExeecutive of th e U ntited Clwirch Suady Schio ios et an- ÎOns tIcý,co-operate with the wishies cif ,he manjority of aclits and chuidcren W'ho are interested ln the progrIesSý ard wel ae of the school. Mdany re- quesits' foi a Change in t1he hour of the Sunday Sch-oo-l session have been con- 'ing fraom ci1lren, teen-agers -m asas aduilts for Colidablti. Affier lon d careful considera- tion at two mnthly executivemet ings, the staff bas eci-dced te honeur thaý.e reqpuests by (or eoyi»ig a quarter to0 ton- a.m. sharp, eId isi dimis at a quarter- to 'eleven for the balance of thiis terin. If thlis change is in the interest ef a Q:reaet najority of thre pepe, rgular: attendiance should în- We astk for thre earnest co-operation of Allparents and rpupils in loyal sup- port of this venttu-ne. Sonie rmake so mucli sacrifîce la energy nnd time fer mdhat thiey beliave to be for ctiremoa and spiritual uplift of thecomn ity, bdite churcli and Sundley Sehll)i eesyou. SumIda;y S~i at 9,45 a.nr. shiarp, beinigMay 1GthI. Mother's Day, May 9th, please jmeet ait 10.30 am;. to prep-ere folr anniver- sarylIV Then at il o'clock the sho will pro-ceed il, a brody 'Vo the audfi- toaium f or special MtersDa'y s-ýe vice with the mrigcon-gregiation. Suaiday Sciooil Anuiversary, May 23rd. Dr. Walter Brownl, President 0f V'ictoria university wil boneur usý thiat dJay at nmorning and eveninag se"-- vices. Cemdtte -Mrs. W. T. Brun-t, Mars. F. W. Bowenl, Mr. R. OS'one and à Mrs;.Ha-,oldGisn MIrs. Brnt an(] Mrs.F.. Bowen theni lir-osiit forwýard -wobeautifui gwra-p- ped puircels whlich wýhen opee e vaaled a cas'e of 1851Rogr law Cmdc a pyrex casserole set la a silver hase . Both Charie and Nellie expressad( their çsurprise and pleaýsure la a few words and il sang "Thiey are jolly _good feiloGws." Appropriate cngatltey pech es were made by Mr'. Miîlton WVelchli' Mr. Howard iBowen and iMr'Stile Rickard, and the cliairmnu Mr. Os- borlne. Mr. Oshorne paid g-wdgtribu"te te tMrs-. Gibson, -whe lied lef t the laknd of ber birth and lCoirne te this couaItry,. had madie a finie lhome and rie splendIid fam1ily \, Biil, Maryý, Leslie, Johin and Goi-d'nmdaillirve r'ead Li igns t el(l ie of adeityhd woa the afecton -of ail iler negios ounig and old. Ma.W,. H.Gison ten tookII -le - place bebdndlth te-a u1rn ndpouredl si wbile seevra of the yoange faierds served a aJinty eceptiov lunc, ad aterMr. a'n-d MrS. Gibson lie ct the, cake, 'Mas..F. Bow en carI- ridil, to e epnr hr Vwascut ar asdon surve-r ta PC's No min,a t e M ajor J ohni Foote For Durha-,m Riding Or-ono Town Hall 1wu-spacedte ce- pacüity on Friîdaqy eeiAril3Ob it beu h oinartîinmetigof tire nmnto oselct acadat te represent the ridir1g of D)urbain inh thfe ceming Poica lcir o Jure 7t0. Mr,.lIrwin tolwlPresidant of the Durlilain Associationl, called the me-iet-1 ing to order sair]g that lie was ple- rd te 55 se m f)nary of th~edegts present, wihseeioed te augurwel for tha paurty. As thiere xa.sine gen- anal busme-se Vo be »-dscussýed, the preskdeat called for the nominmation of canididates teo contest the ridiný-g. Fiv-. ca -dtswere nomfnated Vo filthei vacancy hi the riing caus-ed by tha retire-ment of Dr. Vivian, of Port Hlope, -whbo won the riding for the Consrvatives la the 1943 and 1945 electi-ons. -'T-ire nam'es of tlie candi- dates are as feliws: Dr. Stewart Wright, Garden 1111 n'ominate'd by -Mr. Alex. Carruthiers, àsecondled by iMr. Hiarry jose. Dr . Johin W. Wright,Mibrok nominated bIy M-r. L. H. Wl-nslow, secondeld by Mr. T. A. Reid. iMajor Rer. John Foote,,V..,of PortHoe noninated by Mr i, en. El- iott, secon(îd by 'Mrs. Ire Lowas, Mr. Irwir Olwill, R.R.,NewPs VIe nomiatedby IM1r. Hlaroid Gibisou, secon-dad by 'Mr, A. E. Morton. Mr. M11ilton J. Elliott, Bo-wnmanville, nom11inated by -M'jor 'W. G. James, seonde y Mr. Walter F. Park. AiH remirees were pres-ant witl the exception -of Dr. John W\. Wrighit of MilbrokA spealker Gi behiaîf ef Dr. Wrighit, s:alid tIret the d Octe-'r wol ik-ed te, have beauprsetbt was unable te attend an(d bis iinme ws ithanast:'a romîinea. -Ar. Ir- m-r1 ColwiIl l ase wit-drew bhis n-e '-a ssi ht at VIre preseat time hae-bad ne- intention ef rvanting te enter tire con-Ves-t. M. M. J. Eliett ail- se withdew bis nominon. BOtb oaf the-se canididates thanked the Lr non- ator anid secondi(er for nominating Dr. Stewart Wrig'ht and 'Mlajoýr Rev. John -Foo'e, -who let tbeir nmmes ra- maiin, wene call-ed to the platform- and asked te sfay a feW Wàrs -Vo the dele- gaVes. Dr. Stewart WVrigbt was the firet candidate called. 1e s ldhice idr ud it a eat hono-r te -Ire on the pat- for-m at th-if.s meigas a prospecetive adae te fo'l C;ol. -Daew ih-,the 1Pro- girassive-'onservative Party. Ia bis talk lia teek for b1isý subject: "Your Hlealth". fHe talked on the caseý of arthnitis. arly people sufered me- tisç isense, ad(11maniiy o f the cases were caused froam iscased teCtir toasile. Soe cases are curad by remoiug the above men- tioned dis'eas-ad teth and torsils, and] niiy more cou'ld i lecumed by the usuin g of Certain vitamlins. WVe can't have hemthy people if we have not healthy soil. We knomw that our soil is gradu'elly deterioratig. Lands cana-et habroghtback by minerais alonýe, we have te use ma,,nura Vta'help buiid the !an-d up. Dm. Wright said t-bat du Eniglanid aïl garbagie and sewenaze w>s mide into feeitilizer, while in Canauda this Ws turned i-aVe the èvers d e and is' lest to the sou. If hs wa t1rned backLç t the sou,ý it would supply the land m- iii machnecded fnu.Se;- craýge is n-owbig saved at Leasidaý aiCn-mad e i nto fert ilizarbut tVhs g ar - bagae in1TeronoiisstJ1bîing u jned. 'Ibi sh-uld lso'be m-deilnt o fri- ize ad pac-dbacýk on thesoit pepeyen bave te -have ealbysou, Tîiere ebculd be somîethig of thi nature started in Durhiam Coun",Ll-ty te bul-ld up -t!e sou se tat othacr cu tics wouid take iV qp, MjrRer. John Feote, V.C., cf Port Hopie, -li'anked bîis nemintor and seconider for the'houeor bestowcd o n- hi-mn. la bis Vik lire said that wlien you areuonatad at aimeeting Olf this kind yeni are sure te -have a seat on tire platforml but rot se sure o f blaving a seat in Pailament. If elect- cd lie sai id hth e ould listen Vo tire peanpl from vwbnm lbe cnuli learu, a -good deal,'He wus happy Ate iel Durliamcouunty enO.d wouid iike Vo rer- piasent Durhiam county la thre cemning- provncil esection. H-asud turt he was irtýerested i-a labour, and 'wa-sý vcr-y keca for tr-ade unjis. Ha fit sure that if the Coasarvativa Party is returned tQ pow"er thecreP wihl lie great Ipoperity elicad for the prov- ince cf Ont amie. If I were te eer the inoiaton I Wood de-everything in mcy powcr te do what is right foar tha p" eopa a a le. Balles wac ten 'psdarudt thle dalegates Vo vote on the candidate te rpresent th-am if elected.AftR -ý thie ballots wer c ceuated it -was found dta ajrRer. John Foote vwes eet. cýd t e hathesadr bearar forth Proresive-C orserratire riding o Mliss ilda Hesson, of Vanacouver, Natinal ChaimanOf Women'js Pro'- was ten clldupon-'. Sha wa's !pleas- 1ad to e sce so many o-f. tlieayugpp pIe pr"eet at tde meetin; whch showed tdey were taking an ébtrest il -Mhe Cousýervatir-e Party. She told1' cf thererig of thie Coiservm tira earty a few, yaairs ago. Tire satwas mucin port Hopean- finisbaed at the convention et Winnipag.. SA lara a tâAlteVde woalen of the aud- ience, telling tlem the adrart ages, thay could hea y v-otiuîg, as they hol-d orer 50l' of the rotin-g power, end wanted teu knowv if tdey xvcre tek- l-ng adrntag2e of it. Wom-an cen de- a lot, more tdan tîhey aetprsrt Tbey necd m-ie ognie in uthe counitry o-hich wold gr tham lgreat opp)ortuinities. Sha than told what wemen' co'uLld d(o te heip wvýin '-eeciouaý <1) B- a gcod poli worker, and leemu nwheit thea. work a-t tha p)olis i-ean. (2) HipVo get eut dthe t. She askýed bow rmnyvweru(nrs-ay et hm oni lection with the ecidîdre . n. laVs age awon te ecua ha service eof a baby sitter se tuat sha cn now be sure te rota. Slie then lied smtigte Say t the meýn about thea womea, 1)Tbay Ate personal abuse et mee('ftings-'. Meet ings 'Ike thdis oua tonighit is th-e -id te hava. t- bas been mua1111slothiy andf odca without dsgemn oi r agmats. (2) Th-y -don't ikae Aseae m $10 biu a-rd a botte of rum gioeli for (Contiaued on page four) Tag Day For The Blind On Saturday, May 8th This etrdyMeay 8th, the Cana- dien National Lnstiiu te for the Bird wil irold their annualVa day. Tire peocpile of tibidistrctare aaked te giva liberaily te this wortiry causa. Thre morey that le subscaib)efiis uaed in the Vaachirg-of thmeemntotieteL pople wohava es-ot thir aigur This ycaerThe CanuadjienNtoa Institute f-or the Blii cailebrates it, thirtiair birthdapy, Lt is eaisy V o for- get conditions - of tiryyeets eo bat officiaIs cf tioe CN..B mmird us i-aVhwba amnalilgroup Of public- simitad mn ied wm , botilinf aid sightedl met before tire end cf the les:t wa te etalihtieIasi tutu. tirera wý"as vcry littIe ogncf essWsance te tirelid in Canada and n-nof -ai nationa carctTira chlef ecrtosfer wiIchbirdý aiil the C!laaen-Nationl ati tute 'fer theBirlies m-adaewad ilmprering theu lot of Virose it-e zýrres is i la ia e'e(m f iea.Andhre w-iehagaeruiai publlýic-,musitin eoui, contriution cl. Tie atiud t- wards ibindn~sis a sgiiatfc tom ia tiresacsflrabltioe- 0uiP whu h Iuý (St hi< aig1lt. H'Iet bieetire-t t-boeVnswhlch seeni impsible ar1e possible, ilif(ha will ha've patie'nce te leam V1 o (do tlem lan asu1 weas tire srgarere ma, 1ýy nie- u aieatis bah-af a n (1ilut r granlt him every e-ppertilty - te o ; as~~~lý mu-, pssbefor imef Ta1-ic c ii1 ,cnwo ' fru f,,, tý ý wtc